Journal Papers ( H-index = 28、Average Citations per Article = 79 )
M. F. Lumentut, C. Y. Bai and Y. C. Shu*. Deep Adversarial Learning Models for Distribution Patterns of Piezoelectric Plate Energy Harvesting. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2024.
C. H. Chen, K. Y. Chen and Y. C. Shu*. Data-Driven Bio-mimetic Composite Design: Direct Prediction of Stress-Strain Curves from Structures Using cGANs. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 193, 105857, 2024
Y. C. Lo, M. F. Lumentut and Y. C. Shu*. Powering Piezoelectric Frequency Up-Converter with Rotary Magnetic Forces for Torque-Sensing Application. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 220, 111626, 2024.
Y. Liao, F. Qian, Y. C. Lo and Y. C. Shu*. A Study on the Electrically Induced Damping in Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting for Broadband, High-Performance Power Generation. Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 307, Art. No. 118374, 2024
W. T. Wu, C. Y. Lin, Y. C. Shu, P. C. Shen, T. Y. Lin, K. V. Chang,* and L. Ö zçakar. The Potential of Ultrasound Radiomics in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Diagnosis: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Diagnostics, Vol. 13, 3280, 2023.
M. F. Lumentut, Y. C. Lo and Y. C. Shu*. Piezoelectric Plate Generator from Consecutive Periodic Rotary Magnetic Excitations. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 200, Art. No. 110558, 2023.
Y. C. Shu, Y. C. Lo, H. C. Chiu, L. R. Chen, C. Y. Lin, W. T. Wu, L. Ö zçakar and K. V. Chang. Deep Learning Algorithm for Predicting Subacromial Motion Trajectory: Dynamic Shoulder Ultrasound Analysis. Ultrasonics, Vol. 134, Art. No. 107057, 2023.
J. C. Wang, Y. C. Shu, C. Y. Lin, W. T. Wu, L. R. Chen, Y. C. Lo, H. C. Chiu, L. Ö zçakar and K. V. Chang. Application of Deep Learning Algorithms in Automatic Sonographic Localization and Segmentation of the Median Nerve: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Vol. 137, Art. No. 102496, 2023.
W. T. Wu, C. Y. Lin, Y. C. Shu, L. R. Chen, L. Ö zçakar and K. V. Chang. Subacromial Motion Metrics in Painful Shoulder Impingement: A Dynamic Quantitative Ultrasonography Analysis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Vol. 104, pp. 260-269, 2023.
I. C. Lien, Y. C. Lo, S. H. Chiu and Y. C. Shu*. Comparison between Overall and Respective Electrical Rectifications in Array of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting. Journal of Mechanics, Vol. 38, pp. 518-530, 2022.
Y. C. Lo and Y. C. Shu*. Self-Powered SECE Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Induced by Shock Excitations for Sensor Supply. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 177, Art. No. 109123, 2022.
Y. C. Lo, C. C. Chen, Y. C. Shu* and M. F. Lumentut. Broadband Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Induced by Mixed Resonant Modes under Magnetic Plucking. Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 30, Art. No. 105026, 2021.
P. H. Wu, J. T. Lin, Y. C. Lo and Y. C. Shu*. An SECE Array of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting. Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 30, Art. No. 045008, 2021.
M. F. Lumentut and Y. C. Shu. Network Segmentations of Smart Plate Structure with Attached Mass and Dynamic Motions. European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, Vol. 85, Art. No. 104061, 2021.
M. F. Lumentut and Y. C. Shu. Shunted Optimal Vibration Energy Harvesting Control of Discontinuous Smart Beams. Composite Structures, Vol. 242, Art. No. 112126, 2020.
C. K. Thein*, F. M. Foong and Y. C. Shu. Spring Amplification and Dynamic Friction Modelling of a 2DOF/2SDOF System in an Electromagnetic Vibration Energy Harvester – Experiment,Simulation, and Analytical Analysis. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 132, pp. 232-252, 2019.
C. K. Thein*, F. M. Foong and Y. C. Shu*. Damping Ratio and Power Output Prediction of an Electromagnetic Energy Harvester Designed through Finite Element Analysis. Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, Vol. 286, pp. 220-231, 2019.
Y. C. Shu*, W. C. Wang and Y. P. Chang. Electrically Rectified Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Induced by Rotary Magnetic Plucking. Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 27, Art. No. 125006, 2018.
M. F. Lumentut and Y. C. Shu. A Unified Electromechanical Finite Element Dynamic Analysis of Multiple Segmented Smart Plate Energy Harvesters: Circuit Connection Patterns. Acta Mechanica, Vol. 299, pp. 4575-4604, 2018.
P. H. Wu and Y. C. Shu*. Wideband Energy Harvesting Based on Mixed Connection of Piezoelectric Oscillators. Smart Materials & Structures, Vol. 26, 094005, 2017.
P. H. Wu and Y. C. Shu*. Finite Element Modeling of Electrically Rectified Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters. Smart Materials & Structures, Vol. 24, 094008, 2015.
H. C. Lin, P. H. Wu, I. C. Lien and Y. C. Shu*. Analysis of an Array of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters Connected in Series. Smart Materials & Structures, Vol. 22, 094026, 2013.
J. Shieh, Y. N. Lin, N. T. Tsou and Y. C. Shu. Strain Actuation of Barium Titanate Single Crystals under Electromechanical Loading in the Non-polar [110] Direction. Smart Materials & Structures, Vol. 22, 094011, 2013.
H. Z. Chen and Y. C. Shu*. Phase-Field Modeling of Martensitic Microstructure with Inhomogeneous Elasticity. Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 113, 123506, 2013.
N.T. Tsou, J. E. Huber and Y. C. Shu. A Sharp Interface Model of Compatible Twin Patterns in Shape Memory alloys. Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 21, 094010, 2012.
J. Y. Li, C. H. Lei, L. J. Li, Y. C. Shu and Y. Y. Liu. Unconventional Phase Field Simulations of Transforming Materials with Evolving Microstructures. Acta Mechanica Sinica, Vol. 28, pp. 915-927, 2012.
C. Lien and Y. C. Shu*. Array of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting by Equivalent Impedance Approach, Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 21, 082001, 2012.
H. Y. Kuo, Y. C. Shu*, H. Z. Chen, C. J. Hsueh, C. H. Wang and Y. H. Chu. Investigation Nanodomain Pattern and Piezoelectric Behavior of Mixed Phases in Epitaxial BiFeO3 Films. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Vol. 31, pp. 3063-3071, 2011.
L. J. Li, C. H. Lei, Y. C. Shu and J.Y. Li. Phase-Field Simulation of Magnetoelastic Couplings in Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys. Acta Materialia, Vol. 59, pp. 2648-2655, 2011.
H. Y. Kuo, Y. C. Shu* , H. Z. Chen, C. J. Hsueh, C. H. Wang and Y. H. Chu. Domain Pattern and Piezoelectric Response across Polymorphic Phase Transition in Strained Bismuth Ferrite Films. Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 97, Art. No. 242906, 2010.
L. J. Li, Y. Yang, Y. C. Shu and J. Y. Li. Continuum Theory and Phase-Field Simulation of Magnetoelectric Effects in Multiferroic Bismuth Ferrite. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 58, pp. 1613-1627, 2010.
H. Lei, L. J. Li, Y. C. Shu and J. Y. Li. Austenite-Martensite Interface in Shape Memory Alloys. Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 96, Art. No. 141910, 2010.
J. Shieh, J. A. Lin and Y. C. Shu. A Temperature-Dependent Study on the Polarization-Free Straining of Barium Titanate Single Crystals. Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 18, Art. No. 104018, 2009.
J. Shieh, J. H. Yeh, Y. C. Shu and J. H. Yen. Hysteresis Behaviors of Barium Titanate Single Crystals Based on the Operation of Multiple 90o Switching Systems. Materials Science and Engineering B, Vol. 161, pp. 50-54, 2009.
L. J. Li, J. Y. Li, Y. C. Shu and J. H. Yen. The Magnetoelectric Domains and Cross-Field Switching in Multiferroic BiFeO3 Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 93, Art. No. 192506, 2008.
Y. C. Shu* and J. H. Yen. Multivariant Model of Martensitic Microstructure in Thin Films. Acta Materialia, Vol. 56, pp. 3969-3981, 2008.
J. H. Yen, Y. C. Shu*, J. Shieh and J. H. Yeh. A Study of Electromechanical Switching in Ferroelectric Single Crystals. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 56, pp. 2117-2135, 2008.
L. J. Li, J. Y. Li, Y. C. Shu, H. Z. Chen and J. H. Yen. Magnetoelastic Domains and Magnetic Field-Induced Strains in Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Alloys by Phase-Field Simulation. Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 92, Art. No. 172504, 2008.
Y. C. Shu*, J. H. Yen, H. Z. Chen, J. Y. Li and L. J. Li. Constrained Modeling of Domain Patterns in Rhombohedral Ferroelectrics. Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 92, Art. No. 052909, 2008.
Y. C. Shu*, I. C. Lien and W. J. Wu. An Improved Analysis of SSHI Interface in Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting. Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 16, pp. 2253-2264, 2007
J. Shieh, J. H. Yeh, Y. C. Shu and J. H. Yen. Operation of Multiple 90° Switching Systems in Barium Titanate Single Crystals under Electromechanical Loading. Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 91, Art No. 062901, 2007.
Y. C. Shu* and J. H. Yen. Pattern Formation in Martensitic Thin Films. Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 91, Art No. 021908, 2007.
Y. C. Shu*, J. H. Yen, J. Hsieh and J. H. Yeh. Effect of Depolarization and Coercivity on Actuation Strains due to Domain Switching in Barium Titanate. Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 90, Art No. 172902, 2007.
Y. C. Shu* and I. C. Lien. Analysis of Power Output for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Systems. Smart Materials and Structures, Vol. 15, pp. 1499-1512, 2006.
Y. C. Shu* and I. C. Lien. Efficiency of Energy Conversion for a Piezoelectric Power Harvesting System. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 16, pp. 2429-2438, 2006.
Y. C. Shu*, M. P. Lin and K. C. Wu. Micromagnetic Modeling of Magnetostrictive Materials under Intrinsic Stress. Mechanics of Materials, Vol. 36, pp. 975-997, 2004.
Y. C. Shu*. Strain Relaxation in an Alloy Film with a Rough Free Surface. Journal of Elasticity, Vol. 66, pp. 63-92, 2002.
Y. C. Shu*. Shape-Memory Micropumps. Materials Transactions, Vol. 43, pp. 1037-1044, 2002.
Y. C. Shu, and K. Bhattacharya. Domain Patterns and Macroscopic Behavior of Ferroelectric Materials. Philosophical Magazine B, Vol. 81, pp. 2021-2054, 2001.
Y. C. Shu*. Heterogeneous Thin Films of Martensitic Materials. Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, Vol. 153, pp. 39-90, 2000.
Y. C. Shu, and K. Bhattacharya. The Influence of Texture on the Shape-Memory Effect in Polycrystals. Acta Materialia, Vol. 46, pp. 5457-5473, 1998.
S. Yeh, Y. C. Shu and K. C. Wu. Conservation Laws in Anisotropic Elasticity I. Basic Framework. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London Ser A, Vol. 443, pp. 139-151, 1993.
S. Yeh, Y. C. Shu, and K. C. Wu. Conservation Laws in Anisotropic Elasticity II. Extension and Application to Thermoelasticity. Proceedings of the Royal Society, London Ser A, Vol. 443, pp. 153-161, 1993.
Conference Papers
Y. C. Lo and Y. C. Shu*. “SSHI-Based Zero Quiescent Power Control for the Electromagnetic Energy Harvester,” SPIE 28th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Material Systems, Long Beach, California, USA, March 22-26, 2021 (Proc. SPIE 11588, 115881E, 22 March 2021) (supported by MOST)
H. C. Tsai, C. H. Chen and Y. C. Shu, “Crack Behavior in Nacre-like Composites: a Phase-Field Method,” SPIE 28th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Material Systems, Long Beach, California, USA, March 22-26, 2021 (Proc. SPIE 11586, 1158608, 22 March 2021) (supported by MOST) (Third Place Winner of the SPIE「BEST STUDENT PAPER AWARD IN MEMORY OF H. DON WOLPERT」)
Y. C. Lo, P. H. Huang, Y. C. Shu*, “Self-Powered SECE-Based Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting for Sensor Supply under Shock Excitations,” SPIE 27 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Material Systems, Anaheim, California, USA, April 26-30, 2020 (supported by MOST)
P. H. Huang, H. C. Chang, Y. C. Shu* and T. T. Hsieh, “An SECE-Based Piezoelectric Power Harvesting Induced by Rotary Magnetic Plucking,” SPIE 26th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Material Systems, Denver, Colorado, March 3-7, 2019 (supported by MOST)
T. T. Hsieh, S. A. Chen and Y. C. Shu*, “Investigation of Various Cantilever Configurations for Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Under Rotational Motion,” SPIE 26 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Material Systems, Denver, Colorado, March 3-7, 2019 (supported by MOST)
Y. C. Shu*, Y. P. Chang and W. C. Wang, “Electrically Rectified Piezoelectric Energy Harvester Excited by Rotary Magnetic Plucking,” SPIE 25 th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Material Systems, Denver, Colorado, March 4-8, 2018 (supported by MOST)
Y. C. Shu*, “Development of Broadband Energy Harvesting by Mixed Parallel-Series Connection of Piezoelectric Oscillators,” Joint conferences: International Workshop for Piezoelectric Materials and Applications/12th Annual Energy Harvesting Workshop/1st Annual Energy Harvesting Society Meeting, Falls Church, Virginia, September 11-14, 2017 (Invited Speaker, supported by NTU and MOST, presentation only)
Y. C. Wang, S. A. Chen, Y. C. Shu*, S. C. Lin, C. T. Chen and W. J. Wu, “Nonlinear Analysis of Micro Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters,” SPIE 24th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Material Systems, Portland, Oregon, March 25-29, 2017 (supported by MOST )
J. Liang, C. Ge and Y. C. Shu, “Impedance Modeling of Electromagnetic Energy Harvesting System Using Full-Wave Bridge Rectifier,” SPIE 24th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Material Systems, Portland, Oregon, March 25-29, 2017
P. H. Wu, Y. J. Chen, B. Y. Li and Y. C. Shu*, “Mixed Parallel-Series Connection of Piezoelectric Oscillators for Wideband Energy Harvesting,” ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS), Stowe, Vermont, September 28-30, 2016 (supported by MOST )
PY. C. Wang, T. W. Huang, Y. C. Shu*, S. C. Lin and W. J. Wu, “Nonlinear Modeling of MEMS Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters,” SPIE 23 th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Material Systems, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 20-24, 2016 (supported by MOST )
P. H. Wu and Y. C. Shu*, “Wideband Energy Harvesting by Multiple Piezoelectric Oscillators with an SECE Interface,” ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS), Colorado Springs, Colorado, September 21-23, 2015 (supported by MOST and NTU)
P. H. Wu and Y. C. Shu*, “Array of Piezoelectric Oscillators with an SECE Circuit,” SPIE 22th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Material Systems, San Diego, California, March 8-12, 2015 (supported by MOST and NTU, presentation only)
Y. C. Shu*, “Energy Harvesting by Arrays of Piezoelectric Oscillators,” Symposium on Piezoelectricity, Acoustic Waves, and Device Applications, Beijing, China, October 30 - November 2, 2014 (Invited Plenary Speaker, 大會特邀演講,supported by MOST, presentation only)
P. H. Wu and Y. C. Shu*, “Design of Rectified Piezoelectric Power Generators by Finite Element Methods,” ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS), Newport, Rhode Island, September 8-10, 2014 (supported by MOST)
P. H. Wu and Y. C. Shu*, “Finite Element Modeling of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters,” SPIE 21th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Material Systems, San Diego, California, March 9-13, 2014 (supported by NSC and NTU)
H. Z. Chen, Y. C. Shu and J. Y. Li, “Ferroelectric Domain Simulation with Material Inhomogeneity,” ASME-SMASIS (Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems), Snowbird, UTAH, USA, 2013 (supported by NTU and NSC, presentation only)
I. C. Lien, and Y. C. Shu, “Piezoelectric Array of Oscillators with Respective Electrical Rectification,” SPIE's 20th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, 2013 (supported by NSC and NTU)
H. C. Lin, P. H. Wu, I. C. Lien, and Y. C. Shu, “A Study of an Array of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters Connected in Series,” the 36nd National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Jhongli City, Taoyuan County, Taiwan, 2012 (supported by NSC) (學生論文競賽獎佳作)
C. Lien and Y. C. Shu, “Multiple Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters Connected to Different Interface Circuits,” SPIE's 19th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, 2012 (supported by NTU).
C. Lien and Y. C. Shu, “Analysis of Multi-Tier Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters,” ASME-SMASIS (Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems), Scottsdale (ARIZONA), USA, 2011 (Supported by NTU, presentation only).
C. Lien and Y. C. Shu, “Array of Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters,” SPIE's 18th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, 2011 (supported by NTU).
H. Y. Kuo, Y. C. Shu, H. Z. Chen, C. J. Hsueh, C. H. Wang and Y. H. Chu. “Domain Pattern and Piezoelectric Response of Mixed Phases in BiFeO3 Films,” International Conference of Bi2O3-Based Materials for Energy Application, Taipei, Taiwan, 2010 (invited lecture, supported by NSC).
H. Y. Kuo, Y. C. Shu and Y. H. Chu, “Effect of Epitaxial Strain on the Formation of Stripe-Like Domains of Mixed Phases in BiFeO3 Films,” ASME-SMASIS (Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems), Philadelphia, USA, 2010 (Supported by NSC, presentation only).
Y. C. Shu, “Application of Energy-Minimizing Laminates to the Modeling of Ferroelectric Domain and Switching,” Proceedings of PLASTICITY’10: The Sixteenth International Symposium on Plasticityand its Current Applications, St. Kitts, 2010 (invited keynote lecture, supported by NTU).
Y. C. Shu, H. Z. Chen and J. H. Yen, “Nonconventional Phase-Field Simulation of Ferroelectric Domains,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Lake Buena, Florida, 2009 (supported by NSC and NTU, presentation only).
Y. C. Shu, I. C. Lien W. J. Wu and S. M. Shiu, “Comparisons between Parallel- and Series-SSHI Interfaces Adopted by Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Systems,” SPIE's 16th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, 2009 (supported by NTU).
J. H. Yen and Y. C. Shu, “Phase-Field Simulation of Ferroelectric Domains - a Nonconventional Approach,” the 32nd National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Chia-Yi, Taiwan, 2008 (supported by NSC).
Y. C. Shu and J. H. Yen, “Novel Phase-Field Simulation of Microstructure in Martensitic Materials,” ASME-SMASIS (Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems), Ellicott City, MD, 2008 (supported by NSC).
Y. C. Shu and I. C. Lien, “Improving Bandwidth of Piezoelectric Energy Harvester,” MRS (Materials Research Society) Spring Meeting, San Francisco, 2008 (supported by Ministry of Economic Affairs, presentation only).
J. H. Yen, Y. C. Shu, J. Shieh and J. H. Yeh. “Construction of Minimum Energy Ferroelectric Domains with Applications to Large Strain Actuation,” 2007 MRS-T Annual Meeting, Hsinchu, Taiwan (Supported by NSC). (received student's award, 榮獲2007中國材料科學學會學生論文獎佳作獎)
Y. C. Shu and J. H. Yen, “Simulation of Microstructure in Martensitic Thin Films,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Seattle, Washington, 2007 (supported by NSC, presentation only).
Y. C. Shu and I. C. Lien, “A Comparison between the Standard and SSHI Interfaces used in Piezoelectric Power Harvesting,” SPIE's 14th International Symposium on Smart Structures and Materials, San Diego, California, 2007 (supported by Ministry of Economic Affairs).
Y. C. Shu and I. C. Lien, “Steady State Response of a Piezoelectric Power Harvesting System,” ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Chicago, Illinois, 2006 (supported by NSC)
Y. C. Shu and I. C. Lien, “Efficiency of a Piezoelectric Power Harvesting System,” The 17th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies (ICAST), Taipei, Taiwan, 2006. (supported by NSC)
J. Shieh, J.H. Yeh, J.H. Yen and Y.C. Shu. “Hysteresis Behaviors of Barium Titanate Single Crystals under Stress and Electric Field,” The 17th International Conference on Adaptive Structures and Technologies, ICAST 2006, Taipei, Taiwan, 2006 (supported by NSC).
C. Shu and J. H. Yen, “Micromagnetic Modeling of Released/Non-released Magnetostrictive Films,” MRS (Materials Research Society) Fall Meeting, Boston, 2005. (Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 888, V04-12.1, 2006) (supported by NSC)
C. Shu and I. C. Lien, “Modeling of Piezoelectric Power Generator with Adaptive Energy Harvesting Circuit,” SPIE’s 12th Annual International Symposium on Smart Structures and Material: Smart Structures and Integrated Systems, San Diego, California, 2005. (supported by NSC, presentation only)
C. Shu, “Recoverable Deflection of Pressurized Shape-Memory Films and Foils,” 2004 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, Anaheim, 2004. (supported by Ministry of Economic Affairs, presentation only)