Research Projects
1. Integration of Piezoelectric Sensing and Energy Harvesting for Machine Learning-Based Condition Monitoring ( 結合壓電感測暨能量擷取功能並搭配機器學習進行即時狀態監測,2022-2025,NSTC)
2. Development of Various Types of Rotational Piezoelectric Energy Harvesters ( 不同型態下轉動式壓電能量擷取器的開發研究,2019-2022,MOST)
3. Development of an SECE-Based Array of Piezoelectric Oscillators for Vibration Energy Harvesting ( 開發同步電荷提取電路架構下之陣列式壓電振動能量擷取,2016-2019,MOST)
4. Broadband Energy Scavenging Technologies for Micro Electromechanical Systems ( 應用於微機電發電裝置之寬頻環境振動能源擷取技術,2016-2018,MOST)
5. Development of Highly Adaptive Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Systems (多適性壓電能量擷取系統之研究與設計,2013-2016,NSC)
6. Development of Two-Scale Phase Field Models for Microstructure Simulations in Smart Materials ( 發展雙尺度相場法模擬智能材料微結構之研究,2011-2014,NSC)
7. Array of Piezoelectric Linear and Nonlinear Oscillators for Vibration Energy Harvesting (陣列式線性與非線性壓電振動子之振動能量擷取研究,2010-2013,NSC)
8. Wireless Health A Novel Phase-Field Simulation of Strain-Dominated Microstructure (發展新式相場法模擬應變主微結構演化之研究,2008-2011,NSC)