作業與報告分組繳交: 2–4人1組
習題 (個體經濟學原理)
如何排版 (期中報告)
| 課程介紹
課程進度 (上學期)
第1章, 經濟學是什麼?
第2章, 誘因與選擇
* Higher education—Why textbooks cost so much, Economist, Aug 16, 2014; beamer
* Gary Becker, On the Economics of Capital Punishment; beamer
Reselling media content—Seconds to go, Economist, Mar 23rd 2013
Dreams of fields—The quest for secure property rights in Africa, Economist, 2020/9/12
Growth and Institutions, IMF, 2003
Does Death Penalty Save Lives? A New Debate, New York Times, Nov 18, 2007; beamer
第3章, 消費者需求
2021/10/11 (一) 國慶日補假
* Virtual Products, Real Profits, WSJ, September 9, 2011; beamer
* The Economist explains—Why doing a cost-benefit analysis is harder than it looks,
Economist, Apr 23, 2014; beamer
Free exchange—Net benefits, Economist, Mar 9, 2013; beamer
Tusks, skins and waste recycling—For the natural world, China’s rise may not be so
worrisome, Economist, Jan 14, 2018
台灣淪世界垃圾場, 《蘋果日報》, 2018.8.30
第4章, 比較利益
* Comparative advantage—The boomerang effect, Economist, Apr 21, 2012; beamer
Fatal flaws—Covid-19’s death toll appears higher than official figures suggest, Economist,
Apr 4th, 2020;
How the U.S. Lost Out on iPhone Work, NYT, Jan 21, 2012
David Barboza, Before Wisconsin, Foxconn Vowed Big Spending in Brazil. Few Jobs Have
Come, NYT, Sept. 20, 2017
Free exchange—A trade economist wins the John Bates Clark medal, Economist, Apr 22,
Kraemer, Linden, and Dedrick, Capturing Value in Global Networks: Apple’s iPad and
iPhone, 2011
第5章, 價格與資源配置
第6章, 價格機能
* 口罩哪裡來?, 2020/3/12; beamer
口罩哪裡去了?, 2003/3/6
* Open Markets—A healthy re-examination of free trade’s benefits and shocks, Economist,
May 4th 2018; beamer
Trade blockage—The world trading system is under attack, Economist, Jul 19, 2018;
Free trade—Coming and going, Economist, Oct 1, 2016; beamer
Taiwan, America and meat wars—Gored, Economist, Mar 8, 2012; beamer
The great chain of China—China’s grip on electronics manufacturing will be hard to break,
Economist, Oct 11th 2018
Who shot the sheriff?—It’s the end of the World Trade Organisation as we know it,
Economist, Nov 30 2019
第7章, 價格管制
前5月虧110億, 中油盼取消緩漲機制, 《自由時報》, 2024/06/01
監院: 未能有效說明鉅額虧損主因, 台電經濟部應檢討, 中央通訊社, 2024/07/17
* 口罩哪裡來?, 2020/3/12; beamer
口罩哪裡去了?, 2003/3/6
林慧貞 試辦直接給付, 上下游, 2016.5.13
焦鈞 農業改革第一槍, 自由評論網, 2016.5.19
越南混台米, 山水米暴利4千萬, 《自由時報》, 2013.8.29
林倖妃, 揭開「混米暴利」的內幕, 《天下》, 2013.10.1
第8章, 外部成本與外部利益
第10章, 彈性
第11章, 課稅與補貼
* Gaokao gruel—The world’s most important exam is flawed, Economist, Jun 30, 2018;
Roland Fryer—From the hood to Harvard, Economist, May 2nd 2015; beamer
German universities—Mediocre, but at least there’re free, Economist, Jul 2, 2011
Lexington—Stick or carrot?, Economist, Jan 9, 2012
Economics focus—Tax from scratch, Economist, Nov 13, 2010
第12章, 生產與成本
第13章, 完全競爭市場
第14章, 獨占
* Online prices—Caveat emptor.com, Economist, Jun 30, 2012; beamer
* Economics focus—The unkindest cuts, Economist, Aug 22, 2009; beamer
* Free exchange—Pricing the surge, Economist, Mar 29th 2014; beamer
The Daily Economics of Life: Bargain wars!, Economist, 2017/1/9
A $750,000 Taxi Medallion, a Driver’s Suicide and a Brother’s Guilt, NYT, Dec 23rd 2019
From the many to the few—Companies appear to be gaining market power, Economist,
Jul 7, 2018; beamer
Free exchange—The “free” economy comes at a cost, Economist, Aug 24th 2017; beamer
超商咖啡聯合漲價, 《自由時報》, 2013.12.5
Schumpeter—Flexible figures, Economist, Jan 28th 2016
Government-controlled firms—State capitalism in the dock, Economist, Nov 22, 2014
China’s state capitalism—Not just tilting at windmills, Economist, Oct 6, 2012
Fair trade—Good thing, or bad?, Economist, Jul 5, 2014
第15章, 寡占與獨占性競爭
* OPEC—Making the best of a low price, Economist, Dec 6, 2014; beamer
* How America Broke OPEC, WSJ, 2018.12.14; beamer
* Implications of COVID-19 for the US shale industry, Deloitte, 2020
美躍我第一大供油國, 《自由時報》, 2019.12.26
The ins and outs—How to fix what has gone wrong with the internet, Economist, Jun 30,
2018; beamer
Not so Froogle—The European Commission levies a huge fine on Google, Economist, Jul
1st 2017
Trustbusting in the internet age—Should digital monopolies be broken up?, Economist,
Nov 27th 2014
石油生產商遭遇 「囚徒困境」, WSJ, Dec 24, 2014
台鋼廠遭加國課反傾銷, 《自由時報》, 2016.12.23
America’s economy—Dear petrol, back again, Economist, Feb 14, 2012; beamer
第16章, 薪資與勞動市場
Taiwan’s election, 2023/12
非薪資報酬, 主計總處
Minimum wages
* Leaving a bad taste—Higher minimum wages may make bad restaurants close,
Economist, Apr 29, 2017; beamer
* Who pays? A study suggests that higher minimum wages hit poorer bosses’ pockets,
Economist, 2020/1/2; beamer
283萬勞工, 月投保薪是基本工資, 《聯合新聞網》, 2017.8.15
Free exchange—Economists argue about minimum wages, Economist, Jul 8th 2017
Focus—Minimum wage, Economist, Apr 16, 2013; beamer
Free exchange—The argument in the floor, Economist, Nov 74, 2012
Schumpeter—Rules for fools, Economist, May 14, 2011 beamer
民俗療法未列管, 監院糾正衛署, 《自由時報》, 2010.3.5
Occupational Licensing, the White House, 2015
Barriers to entry in the legal profession—Not enough lawyers?, Economist, Sep 3, 2011
現場工人談工地安檢, 《自由時報》, 2016.12.28
Free exchange—Nice work if you can get out, Economist, Apr 22, 2014; beamer
Free exchange—Part-time palaver, Economist, Sep 19, 2015
課程進度 (總體經濟學理)
第17章, 國民所得
第18章, 物價指數
第19章, 經濟成長
* Economics focus: Winds of change, Economist, 2006/11/2; beamer
* Economic convergence: The headwinds return, Economist, 2014/9/13; beamer
Free exchange: How covid-19 could impede the catch-up of poor countries with rich ones,
Economist, 2021/5/22; beamer
Malthus, the false prophet, Economist, May 15, 2008/5/15
第20章, 儲蓄
第21章, 固定投資與儲蓄
* The saver’s dilemma Low interest rates leave savers with few good options, Economist,
Oct 17th 2020; beamer
Turning Japanese: Why the world is saving too much money for its own good, Economist,
What explains today’s falling interest rates?, Economist, Sep 28, 2016
Savers’ lament, Economist, Dec 1, 2012; beamer
房地合一課稅, 信義房屋
Taiwan’s spectacular house price rises, Global Property Guide, Sep 04, 2013
第22章, 股票市場與風險
* Asset managers: The tide turns, Economist, 2016/3/26; beamer
* Young people stand to make dismal returns on their investments, Economist, 2021/3/15;
The juicy market for lemons: Can you buy a good second-hand car?, Economist, Sep 28th
Paying for rain, Economist, Dec 13, 2018; beamer
Share prices fall hard in recessions, Economist, Mar 5, 2020
Buffett Asks Big Money: Why Pay High Fees?, NYT, 2017.2.27
第23章, 貨幣: 供給與需求
第24章, 物價膨脹
* Why the Fed targets 2% inflation, Economist, 2015/9/13; beamer
* Free exchange: When does transitory inflation become sustained?, Economist, 2021/5/29;
What is the Fed: Monetary Policy, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
貨幣政策簡介, 台灣央行
Taiwan’s modest house price rises continue, Global Property Guide, 2020/6/27
Global cities house-prices, Economist, 2021
Buttonwood: The real deal, Economist, Oct 20, 2012; beamer
Somalia’s mighty shilling, Economist, Mar 31, 2012;
Capital in the 14th century, Economist, Jan 19, 2020; beamer
The cash crisis, Economist, Mar 21, 2020;
Why negative interest rates have arrived, Economist, Feb 18, 2015
第25章, 貨幣政策
* 台灣央行的過去與未來, 2022/1
* The Big Mac index: What the Big Mac index says about the dollar and the dong,
Economist, 2021/7/24
Currency Wars, Bloomberg, Feb 28, 2016
Free exchange: Yield-curve control could prove a useful tool in the next recession,
Economist, Feb 1, 2020; beamer
外匯存底與央行國外資產, 2020/4
Monetary myopia, Economist, 2006/1/14
Taiwan’s Central Banker Leaves Legacy of Stability, Sharp Elbows, Bloomberg, 2017.12.20
彭淮南央行總裁二十載, 不容質疑的穩定路線, Bloomberg, 2017.12.20
How can sustained quantitive easing (QE) and 2% inflation co-exist?, Quora, 2015.10.13
On balance, Economist, 2017.4.15
Bernanke, “What the Fed did and why” Washington Post, Nov 4, 2010
第26章, 匯率政策
第27章, 國際金融
* Economics focus: Exports to Mars, Economist, 2011.11.12; beamer
* Too much of a good thing? Trade inflows in Asia fuel debate over currency intervention,
Economist, 2021/3/27; beamer
吳聰敏、李怡庭、陳旭昇: 央行應依國際慣例編製外匯資料, 以昭公信, 《蘋果新聞網》, 2020.1.18
Disappearing trick: China’s vanished current-account surplus will change the world
economy, Economist, May 19th 2018; beamer
Brad Setser: Shadow FX Intervention in Taiwan: Solving a 100+ billion dollar enigma,
On a mission: Taiwan central bank chief’s bid to escape U.S. currency glare, Reuters, May
16, 2017
America’s Treasury refrains from naming any currency manipulators, 2018.4.21
China and currency manipulation, Economist, 2017.3.4; beamer
對外投資不宜視為「資金外逃」, 台灣央行, May 20, 2013; beamer
Not floating, but flailing, Economist, Jul 5, 2014
The retreat of the monster surplus, Economist, 2012.5.26; beamer
The current account, Economist, Jan 10, 2015
第28章, 薪資停滯
* Workers’ share of national income: Labour pains, Economist, Nov 2nd 2013; beamer
* The battle of the markups Labour v capital in the post-lockdown economy, Economist,
2022/2/19; beamer
David Autor, the academic voice of the American worker, Economist, 2019/3/16
Winners and losers in the great Chinese rebalancing, Economist, Jul 26, 2014; beamer
The tigers’ future: Fearful symmetries, Economist, 2019/12/7; beamer
第29章, 簡單凱因斯模型
* Keynesian economics vs. regular economics, Robert Barro, WSJ, Aug 23, 2011; beamer
* How did Americans use their coronavirus stimulus cheques?, Economist, Sep 2nd 2020;
Apple, Not China, Is the Biggest Risk for Taiwan Stocks: JPMorgan, The Business Times,
May 19, 2016
Stimulus spending keeps failing, Robert Barro, WSJ, May 9, 2012; beamer
第30章, 財政赤字
* Social Security won’t be able to pay full benefits by 2035, CNN, April 22, 2019
* Special report: Falling short, Economist, 2011/4/9, beamer
* Health care in Taiwan, GlobalPost, 2010/5/30; beamer
Superannuated: Taking on Taiwan’s ruinous and partisan pension system, Economist, May
20th 2017
Health Care for All, The News Lens, 2018.11.3
公教年改7月上路, 潛藏債務減1.4 兆, 《自由時報》, 2018.5.20
潛藏負債17.85兆, 不改革有危機, 《自由時報》, 2017.5.8
潛藏負債17.75兆, 軍公教退撫最吸血, 《自由時報》, 2016.5.3
潛藏債務狂飆, 年金改革不能拖, 《自由時報》, 2016.1.24
先解年金破產危機, 再求自足平衡, 《自由時報》, 2017.4.24
潛藏債務飆破18兆, 《自由時報》, 2015.5.3
「政府潛藏債務飆破17兆」之說明, 主計總處, 2014.5.5
第31章, 凱因斯總合供需模型
第32章, 景氣循環理論之爭論
| 《經濟學原理》 與 《經濟學概論》

參考讀物: 《台灣經濟四百年》

參考讀物: 《致富的特權: 二十年來我們為央行政策付出的代價》

《經濟學: 理論與實際》 (上下冊) 與 《經濟學》
