- 週四6,7節
- 習題1: 第2章,
習題12與13 (due:
2020/11/12, 13:20)
- 習題2: 第3章,
第4章, 習題17 (due:
2020/11/19, 13:20)
- 習題3: 第5章,
習題14與17 (due:
2020/11/26, 13:20)
- 習題4: 第7章,
習題9與10 (due:
2020/12/3, 13:20)
- 請寫系級,
- 行距選1.15倍,
- 英文與數字請使用
Cambria 字型,
| 課程進度
- 第1章, 經濟學是什麼?
- 為何學經濟學?
- * Cloth of
gold—Why the economic value of
a face mask is $56.14, Economist,
August 22nd, 2020;
- * Idle hands—The growing ranks
of unemployed graduates worry
China’s government, Economist,
August 3, 2019; beamer
- * 學歷與薪資
- * Correlation is not causation, The
Guardian, Jan, 2012
- Gray Watson, Correlation Versus
Causality, 2004
- A massive blackout prompts questions
about Taiwan’s energy policy,
Economist, Aug 19th 2017
- 山林大解禁; 整建35座山屋, 山友叫好,
《自由時報》, 2019.9.22
- 南湖山屋 (2018)
- 第2章, 誘因與選擇
- * Higher
education—Why textbooks cost
so much, Economist, Aug 16,
2014; beamer
- * Reselling
media content—Seconds to go,
Economist, Mar 23rd 2013
- * Gary Becker, On the Economics
of Capital Punishment; beamer
- Dreams of fields—The quest for
secure property rights in Africa,
Economist, 2020/9/12
- Growth and Institutions, IMF,
- Does Death Penalty Save Lives?
A New Debate, New York Times,
Nov 18, 2007; beamer
- 第3章, 消費者需求
- * Virtual Products, Real Profits,
WSJ, September 9, 2011; beamer
- * The Economist explains—Why
doing a cost-benefit analysis is
harder than it looks, Economist,
Apr 23, 2014; beamer
- Free exchange—Net benefits,
Economist, Mar 9, 2013; beamer
- Tusks, skins and
waste recycling—For the natural
world, China’s rise may not be
so worrisome, Economist, Jan 14,
- 台灣淪世界垃圾場, 《蘋果日報》,
- 第4章, 市場與價格機能
- 第5章, 專業與分工
- * Fatal flaws—Covid-19’s death
toll appears higher than official
figures suggest, Economist, Apr
4th, 2020;
- * Comparative advantage—The
boomerang effect, Economist,
Apr 21, 2012; beamer
- How the U.S. Lost Out on iPhone
Work, NYT, Jan 21, 2012
- David Barboza, Before
Wisconsin, Foxconn Vowed Big
Spending in Brazil. Few Jobs
Have Come, NYT, Sept. 20, 2017
- Free exchange—A trade
economist wins the John Bates
Clark medal, Economist, Apr 22,
- Kraemer, Linden, and Dedrick,
Capturing Value
in Global Networks: Apple’s iPad
and iPhone, 2011
- 第6章, 市場效率與政府管制
- * 口罩哪裡來?, 2020/3/12; beamer
- 口罩哪裡去了?, 2003/3/6
- * Open Markets—A healthy
re-examination of free trade’s
benefits and shocks, Economist,
May 4th 2018; beamer
- * Trade blockage—The world
trading system is under attack,
Economist, Jul 19, 2018; beamer
- Free trade—Coming and going,
Economist, Oct 1, 2016; beamer
- Taiwan, America and meat
wars—Gored, Economist, Mar 8,
2012; beamer
- 美牛與美豬, 2020/11
- The great
chain of China—China’s grip on
electronics manufacturing will be
hard to break, Economist, Oct
11th 2018
- Who shot
the sheriff?—It’s the end of the
World Trade Organisation as we
know it, Economist, Nov 30 2019
- * 服貿協議
- 吳聰敏,
- 吳聰敏,
- “Inviting an Asian Crimea”,
WSJ, 2014.4.6
- Politics in Taiwan—Students
in the house, Economist, Mar
20, 2014
- Cross-strait
as substance, Economist, Feb
15, 2014
- Anger Grows
in Taiwan Against Deal With
China, NYTimes, Mar 23,
- Students Occupy Taiwan’s
Legislature, CNN, Mar 20,
- 產業政策與公營企業
- 稻米保價收購
- 林慧貞 試辦直接給付, 上下游,
- 焦鈞 農業改革第一槍,
自由評論網, 2016.5.19
- 越南混台米, 山水米暴利4千萬,
《自由時報》, 2013.8.29
- 林倖妃,
《天下》, 2013.10.1
- 第7章, 外部成本與外部利益
- 第10章 (第16章), 國民所得
- 第11章 (第17章), 物價指數
- 第12章 (第18章), 經濟成長
- *
台灣戰後的高成長: 電子業, beamer
- * Economic convergence,
Economist, Sep 13, 2014; beamer
- * Winds of change, Economist,
Nov 2, 2006; beamer
- Propective on Industrial
Investment in Taiwan, Authur D.
Little International, 1973
- 從經濟管制到出口擴張:
台灣1946–1960, beamer (2017.10)
- Malthus, the false prophet,
Economist, May 15, 2008
| 課本
