Experimental Economics I: Behavioral Game Theory (實驗經濟學一:行為賽局論)

Home                    Discussion Group                    Research                    Teaching                    Econ543                    6:24                    TASSEL

NTU (Spring 2024)

Time: Tuesday, 9:10am-12:10pm, at Social Sciences 608 (社科608)

Office Hour: 12:10-1:00pm after class or by Email appointment

Course Syllabus


Other Recommended Readings:

    1. Holt (2019), Markets, Games, and Strategic Behavior: An Introduction to Experimental Economics, 2nd Ed., Princeton University Press. (Holt)
Moffatt (2016), Experimetrics: Econometrics for Experimental Economics, Palgrave. (online resources)
Riley (2012), Essential Microeconomics, Cambridge
University Press. (EM)
    4. Mas-Colell, Whinston and Green (1995), Microeconomic Theory, Oxford University Press.  (MWG)
    5. Kagel and Roth (1995, 2016), Handbook of Experimental Economics, Vol.1, and Vol.2, Princeton University Press. (HEE1, 2)
Capra, Croson, Rigdon and Rosenblat ed. (2020), Handbook of Experimental Game Theory, Edward Elgar Publishing.

    About Oral Presentation and Feedback:
               Chinese Recipe to
Prepare a 20-minute Presentation: 關於presentation 的一些想法
               Guidelines to Give Feedback: Oral Presentation Evaluation Criteria and Checklist
(original link)

               Tips and Videos:
                    Data Visualization: 1812 (originally by Minard); 10 most common presentation mistakes
                    Life After Death by PowerPoint (Chinese caption; 2010 update)
Principles of economics, translated  (Transcription)  

Class Topics:

 1. [2/20] Experimental Economics and Behavioral Game Theory (OCW1,OCW2) (BGT, Ch.1)
                 Experimetrics and Power Analysis
(EMT 1.1-1.4) in Experimetrics Module
                 Holt, Ch.1: Introduction

                 Wang Lecture Notes in Chinese: Introduction
                 BGT, Ch.1: Introduction

 2. [2/27] Power Analysis with Monte Carlo (EMT 2.1-2.3) in Experimetrics Module
                 Risk and Time Preferences (OCW) under Confucianism (Holt, Ch.3; Liu-2014)

 3. [3/ 5 ] Estimating Binary Lottery Choice (EMT 3.1,3.3-10) in Experimetrics Module
Basic Principles of Experimental Design (OCW)
(BGT, A1.2)
                  Social Preferences (OCW1) (BGT, Ch.2; HEE2, Ch.4; Lin-2020)                

 4. [3/12] Social Preferences (OCW2) (BGT, Ch.2; HEE2, Ch.4; Lin-2020)
Analyzing Ultimatum Game Data (EMT 3.2,3.11) in Experimetrics Module
                  Estimating Social Preferences (EMT 4.1-4.3) in Experimetrics Module
                  Reviews for Ultimatum, Dictator and Trust Games

 5. [3/19] Mixed-Strategy Equilibrium (OCW) (BGT, Ch.3; QRE chapter)
Estimating QRE (Experimetrics 16.1-3) in Experimetrics Module
                  Presentation: Ostling et al. (AEJ-micro 2011) (Joseph) (Joseph-slides; OCW)

                  Presentation: Mohlin, Ostling and Wang (GEB 2020) (TBA)

 6. [3/26] Bargaining (OCW) (BGT, Ch.4; Camerer-2022)

 7. [4/ 2 ] Multi-Agent Contracting (by Eyal Winter)
                  Incentives in Organizations: An Introduction
                 Incentives and Discrimination
                 Optimal Incentives for Sequential Production
                 (4/2-11: Mini-Course in Multi-Agent Contracting taught by Eyal Winter)

 8. [4/ 9 ] Application 2: Exploitative Priority Services (by Eyal Winter)
                 (4/2-11: Mini-Course in Multi-Agent Contracting taught by Eyal Winter)

 9. [4/16] Dominant Solvable Games (OCW) (BGT, Ch.5)
Level-k Thinking (OCW) (Crawford-2013; Wang-2010)

10.[4/23] Learning (OCW) (BGT, Ch.6; HEE2, Ch.10; Knoepfle-2009; Chen-2020)
Finite Mixture Models and Cognitive Hierarchy (EMT 5.1-5.5 and Experimetrics 17.3) in Experimetrics Module
 Student Presentation: Wang, Spezio and Camerer (AER 2011) (梁玉簪、陳舒涵)
 Student Presentation: He, Analytis and Bhatia (MS 2022) (陳妍姍、黃允謙)

11.[4/30] Coordination (OCW) (BGT, Ch.7)
 Estimating Learning (Experimetrics 18.1-18.8) in Experimetrics Module
Student Presentation: Chen, Huang and Wang (GEB 2018) (林映辰、黃詩涵)
                 Student Presentation: Battaglini et al. (APSR 2019) (吳品儀、王乙軒)

12.[5/ 7 ] Estimating Learning (Experimetrics 18.1-18.8) in Experimetrics Module
 Student Presentation: Cai and Wang (GEB 2006) (林雨昇、Samael Morillo)
                Student Presentation: Liu, Meng and Wang (JEBO 2014) (蔡可亮、孫浩恩) (Joseph-slides)

13.[5/14] Signaling and Reputation (OCW) (BGT, Ch.8)
                 Student Presentation: Lin et al. (NHB 2020) (賴雲容、謝秉儒)
                 Student Presentation: Chen et al. (2022) (何宣諭、鄭以希)

                 Student Presentation: Knoepfle et al. (JEEA 2009) (黃裕盛)
                 Student Presentation: Lai, Lim and Wang (GEB 2015) (吳東昱)

14.[5/21] Replication Report Presentation and Final Proposal (楊育棠、林學澄)
 Market Design (old) (OCW)

15.[5/28] Final Quiz (Replication Report Due 6/4, 5pm)


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Last modified on 2024-05-15