Mini-Course in Multi-Agent Contract Theory (微課程:多方契約理論專題)

Home                    Discussion Group                    Research                    Teaching                    Econ543                    6:24                    TASSEL

NTU (Spring 2024)

Course Syllabus


Class Topics:

 1. [3/26] Bargaining (OCW) (BGT, Ch.4; Camerer-2022) at Social Science 608


 o. [3/26] Peer Effects in Social Media at Social Science 102


 2. [4/ 2 ] Incentives in Organizations: An Introduction at Social Science 608
       Incentives and Discrimination
                 Optimal Incentives for Sequential Production

 3. [4/ 4 ] Incentives and Peer Information at Social Science 814
                 Incentive Reversals

 4. [4/ 5 ] Heterogeneous Externalities at Social Science 814
                 Application 1:
Heterogeneous Investors


 5. [4/ 9 ] Application 2: Exploitative Priority Services at Social Science 608


 o. [4/11] Feeling Smart (信賴賽局) at Social Science 102


Home                    Discussion Group                    Research                    Teaching                    Econ543                    6:24                    TASSEL

Last modified on 2024-04-09