Mini-Course Module for Experimetrics (微課程模組:實驗計量經濟學)

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NTU (Online Module)


Moffatt (2019), Experimetrics Lecture Notes for NTU Mini-Course. (EMT)

Moffatt (2016), Experimetrics: Econometrics for Experimental Economics, Palgrave. (Experimetrics)


Online Course Material:

1. code and data for Moffatt (2019)

2. online resources for Moffatt (2016)


Course Topics:

1. Experimetrics and Power Analysis (EMT 1.1-1.4)

2. Power Analysis with Monte Carlo (EMT 2.1-2.3)

3a. Estimating Binary Lottery Choice (EMT 3.1,3.3-3.10)

3b. Analyzing Ultimatum Game Data (EMT 3.2,3.11)

4. Estimating Social Preferences (EMT 4.1-4.3)

5. Estimating QRE (Experimetrics 16.1-16.3)

6. Finite Mixture Models and Cognitive Hierarchy (EMT 5.1-5.5; Experimetrics 17.3)

7. Estimating Learning (Experimetrics 18.1-18.8)


Replication Exercises:

  a. Andersen et al. (AER 2011) in STATA (Jupyter Notebook in Python)
  b. Saccardo and Serra-Garcia (AER 2023) in STATA (Replication Template in LaTeX and MS Word)
  c. He, Analytis and Bhatia (MS 2022) in R and MATLAB
  d. Lin et al. (NHB 2020) in R

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Last modified on 2024-04-23