Story List |
1.The Cock and the Pearl (公鸡和珍珠) |
2.The Wolf and the Lamb (狼和小羊) |
3.The Dog and the Shadow (狗和影子儿) |
4.The Lion's Share (狮子的分配) |
5.The Wolf and the Crane (狼和鹤) |
6.The Man and the Serpent (人和蛇) |
7.The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (城里老鼠和乡下老鼠) |
8.The Fox and the Crow (狐狸和乌鸦) |
9.The Sick Lion (生病的狮子) |
10.The Ass and the Lapdog (驴和宠物狗) |
11.The Lion and the Mouse (狮子和老鼠) |
12.The Swallow and the Other Birds (燕子和群鸟儿) |
13.The Frogs Desiring a King (青蛙求王记) |
14.The Mountains in Labour (震动的山) |
15.The Hares and the Frogs (野兔儿和青蛙 ) |
16.The Wolf and the Kid (狼与小孩儿) |
17.The Woodman and the Serpent (木匠和蛇) |
18.The Bald Man and the Fly (秃头汉和苍蝇) |
19.The Fox and the Stork (狐狸和鹳) |
20.The Fox and the Mask (狐狸与面具) |
21.The Jay and the Peacock (蓝鸟儿与孔雀) |
22.The Frog and the Ox (青蛙和牛) |
23.Androcles (亚当斯) |
24.The Bat, the Birds, and the Beasts (蝙蝠、鸟儿和野兽) |
25.The Hart and the Hunter (雄鹿和猎人) |
26.The Serpent and the File (蛇与枪械店) |
27.The Man and the Wood (人和森林) |
28.The Dog and the Wolf (狗和狼) |
29.The Belly and the Members (肚子和肢体) |
30.The Hart in the Ox-Stall (牛棚里的雄鹿) |
31.The Fox and the Grapes (狐狸和葡萄) |
32.The Horse, Hunter, and Stag (马、雄鹿和猎人) |
33.The Peacock and Juno (孔雀和女神) |
34.The Fox and the Lion (狐狸和狮子) |
35.The Lion and the Statue (狮子和雕像) |
36.The Ant and the Grasshopper (蚂蚁和蚱蜢) |
37.The Tree and the Reed (树和芦苇) |
38.The Fox and the Cat (狐狸和猫) |
39.The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (披着羊皮的狼) |
40.The Dog in the Manger (狗占牛槽) |
41.The Man and the Wooden God (一个人和木头神) |
42.The Fisher (渔夫) |
43.The Shepherd's Boy (牧童) |
44.The Young Thief and His Mother (一个年青的贼和他的妈妈) |
45.The Man and His Two Wives (一个人和他的两个太太) |
46.The Nurse and the Wolf (护士和狼) |
47.The Tortoise and the Birds (乌龟和鸟儿) |
48.The Two Crabs (两只螃蟹) |
49.The Ass in the Lion's Skin (披着狮子皮的驴) |
50.The Two Fellows and the Bear (两个伙伴儿和熊) |
51.The Two Pots (两个罐子) |
52.The Four Oxen and the Lion (四只公牛和狮子) |
53.The Fisher and the Little Fish (渔夫和小鱼) |
54.Avaricious and Envious (贪婪和嫉妒) |
55.The Crow and the Pitcher (乌鸦喝水) |
56.The Man and the Satyr (人和森林之神) |
57.The Goose With the Golden Eggs (下金蛋的鹅) |
58.The Labourer and the Nightingale (工人和夜莺) |
59.The Fox, the Cock, and the Dog (狐狸、公鸡和狗) |
60.The Wind and the Sun (风和太阳) |
61.Hercules and the Waggoner (大力士和马车夫) |
62.The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey (父子与驴的故事) |
63.The Miser and His Gold (守财奴和他的黄金) |
64.The Fox and the Mosquitoes (狐狸和蚊子) |
65.The Fox Without a Tail (没有尾巴的狐狸) |
66.The One-Eyed Doe (一只独眼儿的母鹿) |
67.Belling the Cat (给猫装铃铛) |
68.The Hare and the Tortoise (龟兔赛跑) |
69.The Old Man and Death (老人和死神) |
70.The Hare With Many Friends (拥有许多朋友的兔子) |
71.The Lion in Love (恋爱中的狮子) |
72.The Bundle of Sticks (团结力量大) |
73.The Lion, the Fox, and the Beasts (狮子、狐狸和野兽) |
74.The Ass's Brains (驴的大脑) |
75.The Eagle and the Arrow (老鹰和箭) |
76.The Milkmaid and Her Pail (女工和她的奶桶) |
77.The Cat-Maiden (猫女士) |
78.The Horse and the Ass (马和驴) |
79.The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner (被掳的号角手) |
80.The Buffoon and the Countryman (小丑和乡下人) |
81.The Old Woman and the Wine-Jar (老妇人和酒瓶) |
82.The Fox and the Goat (狐狸和山羊) |