

Story List
1.The Cock and the Pearl (公鸡和珍珠)
2.The Wolf and the Lamb (狼和小羊)
3.The Dog and the Shadow (狗和影子儿)
4.The Lion's Share (狮子的分配)
5.The Wolf and the Crane (狼和鹤)
6.The Man and the Serpent (人和蛇)
7.The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse (城里老鼠和乡下老鼠)
8.The Fox and the Crow (狐狸和乌鸦)
9.The Sick Lion (生病的狮子)
10.The Ass and the Lapdog (驴和宠物狗)
11.The Lion and the Mouse (狮子和老鼠)
12.The Swallow and the Other Birds (燕子和群鸟儿)
13.The Frogs Desiring a King (青蛙求王记)
14.The Mountains in Labour (震动的山)
15.The Hares and the Frogs (野兔儿和青蛙 )
16.The Wolf and the Kid (狼与小孩儿)
17.The Woodman and the Serpent (木匠和蛇)
18.The Bald Man and the Fly (秃头汉和苍蝇)
19.The Fox and the Stork (狐狸和鹳)
20.The Fox and the Mask (狐狸与面具)
21.The Jay and the Peacock (蓝鸟儿与孔雀)
22.The Frog and the Ox (青蛙和牛)
23.Androcles (亚当斯)
24.The Bat, the Birds, and the Beasts (蝙蝠、鸟儿和野兽)
25.The Hart and the Hunter (雄鹿和猎人)
26.The Serpent and the File (蛇与枪械店)
27.The Man and the Wood (人和森林)
28.The Dog and the Wolf (狗和狼)
29.The Belly and the Members (肚子和肢体)
30.The Hart in the Ox-Stall (牛棚里的雄鹿)
31.The Fox and the Grapes (狐狸和葡萄)
32.The Horse, Hunter, and Stag (马、雄鹿和猎人)
33.The Peacock and Juno (孔雀和女神)
34.The Fox and the Lion (狐狸和狮子)
35.The Lion and the Statue (狮子和雕像)
36.The Ant and the Grasshopper (蚂蚁和蚱蜢)
37.The Tree and the Reed (树和芦苇)
38.The Fox and the Cat (狐狸和猫)
39.The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing (披着羊皮的狼)
40.The Dog in the Manger (狗占牛槽)
41.The Man and the Wooden God (一个人和木头神)
42.The Fisher (渔夫)
43.The Shepherd's Boy (牧童)
44.The Young Thief and His Mother (一个年青的贼和他的妈妈)
45.The Man and His Two Wives (一个人和他的两个太太)
46.The Nurse and the Wolf (护士和狼)
47.The Tortoise and the Birds (乌龟和鸟儿)
48.The Two Crabs (两只螃蟹)
49.The Ass in the Lion's Skin (披着狮子皮的驴)
50.The Two Fellows and the Bear (两个伙伴儿和熊)
51.The Two Pots (两个罐子)
52.The Four Oxen and the Lion (四只公牛和狮子)
53.The Fisher and the Little Fish (渔夫和小鱼)
54.Avaricious and Envious (贪婪和嫉妒)
55.The Crow and the Pitcher (乌鸦喝水)
56.The Man and the Satyr (人和森林之神)
57.The Goose With the Golden Eggs (下金蛋的鹅)
58.The Labourer and the Nightingale (工人和夜莺)
59.The Fox, the Cock, and the Dog (狐狸、公鸡和狗)
60.The Wind and the Sun (风和太阳)
61.Hercules and the Waggoner (大力士和马车夫)
62.The Man, the Boy, and the Donkey (父子与驴的故事)
63.The Miser and His Gold (守财奴和他的黄金)
64.The Fox and the Mosquitoes (狐狸和蚊子)
65.The Fox Without a Tail (没有尾巴的狐狸)
66.The One-Eyed Doe (一只独眼儿的母鹿)
67.Belling the Cat (给猫装铃铛)
68.The Hare and the Tortoise (龟兔赛跑)
69.The Old Man and Death (老人和死神)
70.The Hare With Many Friends (拥有许多朋友的兔子)
71.The Lion in Love (恋爱中的狮子)
72.The Bundle of Sticks (团结力量大)
73.The Lion, the Fox, and the Beasts (狮子、狐狸和野兽)
74.The Ass's Brains (驴的大脑)
75.The Eagle and the Arrow (老鹰和箭)
76.The Milkmaid and Her Pail (女工和她的奶桶)
77.The Cat-Maiden (猫女士)
78.The Horse and the Ass (马和驴)
79.The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner (被掳的号角手)
80.The Buffoon and the Countryman (小丑和乡下人)
81.The Old Woman and the Wine-Jar (老妇人和酒瓶)
82.The Fox and the Goat (狐狸和山羊)