Microeconomic Theory I-2: Price-Taking and Strategic Equilibrium (個體經濟理論一:全面均衡與策略均衡部分)

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NTU (Fall 2012)

Time: Wednesday, 2:20-4:20pm, and Thursday, 9:00-12:10pm, at 經大講堂

TA: Yi-Fan Cheng (陳奕帆) (f97323011 "at" ntu.edu.tw)

Office Hour: Wednesday 4:20-5:20pm (after class) or by Email appointment

Course Syllabus

Textbooks and References:

[Part 1 taught by Professor Hui-Wen Koo]

Class Topics:

[ 9 /12] Supporting Prices (old) (EM, 1.1) [Note special time]

[11/21] The 2x2 Exchange Economy (old) (EM, 3.1)

[11/22] The Fundamental Welfare Theorems (old) (EM, 3.2)

[11/28] Edgeworth Box Experiment (Sunder) [optional]
               Edgeworth: result of 08F, equilibrium and results from other classes

[11/29] Strategic Equilibrium (old) (EM, 9.1, BGT, A1.1)

[12/ 5 ] Experiments on Mixed-Strategy Equilibrium (old) (BGT, Ch.3)

[12/ 6 ] Games with History (old) (EM, 9.2)

[12/12] Dominance-Solvable Games (old) (BGT, Ch.5)

[12/13] Games of Incomplete Information (old) (EM, 10.1)

[12/19] Guest Lecture: Psychological Games I, by Kim Sau Chung (1:30-4:30pm at 經大講堂) (Note special time and place)
Battigalli and Dufwenberg (2007), "Guilt in Game", American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 97(3), 170-76.
                Battigalli and Dufwenberg (2009), "Dynamic Psychological Games", Journal of Economic Theory, 144, 1-35.

[12/20] Guest Lecture: Psychological Games II, by Kim Sau Chung (9am-12pm at 經大講堂) (Note special time and place)

[12/26] Refinements of Bayesian Nash Equilibrium (old) (EM, 10.2)
               [HW5] [HW6]

[12/27] Social Preference Experiments (old) (BGT, Ch.2)

[ 1 / 2 ] Signaling, Reputation, and Cheap Talk (old) (BGT, Ch.8)

[ 1 / 3 ] Auction Experiments (old) (Cassar and Friedman, 2004, Ch.9)
               Auction chapter of the new Handbook of Experimental Economics Vol.2)

[ 1 /10] Final Exam (on Price-Taking and Strategic Equilibrium)
Past Exams: Fall 2010, Fall 2009, Fall 2008

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Last modified on December 31, 2012