Freshman English: Readings and Lab
Fall 2020

College of Science

The Big Bang
Mondays 新生大樓 301, class periods 3/4, 10:20am-12:10pm,
Wednesdays 外教中心 101, class periods 1/2, 8:10-10:00am
Professor Karen Steffen Chung 史嘉琳
(the first Google hit for "Karen Chung")
SLANT video
TA: Sammi Lee 李岳珊

Join: Class Facebook Group

師德文教 CET Hello! E.T. 大師開講 and 英語島 English Island articles on English learning
24 CET articles in one single pdf file 

    Fall 2020:
There will be 33 class meetings this semester:

     September 2020: 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30;
     October:               5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28;
     November:           2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 30;
     December:           7,
9, 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30;
     January 2021:      4, 6.

    The final exam is currently scheduled for Wednesday January 13, 2020 at 8:10-10:00am in 外教中心 101; subject to change.

    Notes: 1. You will have an assigned seat to facilitate easier and fairer turn-taking.
                2. The polite way to address your professor is "Professor Chung".
                    (This article explains current practices in the US.)
                    If other teachers invite you to use their first name, then it's OK; otherwise use "Professor" + family name.
                3. ALWAYS use your NTU email account for class-related correspondence unless otherwise instructed.
                    You will also need a gmail account to use Google Drive, and to submit certain assignments, as instructed.
                4. Always TURN OFF OR MUTE YOUR CELL PHONE while in class.
You may eat and drink in the hallways.
                    There will in any case be NO EATING during class in both classrooms.
                6. Use correct format in all your written work:

      Include your name in English and Chinese,
      your student number, and the date, flush left (left justified 左邊對齊),
      in the upper right-hand corner of all your work.
      Use Times New Roman 12 pt for text, 新細明體 12 pt. for Chinese,
      and Lucida Sans Unicode 10.5 pt for IPA symbols. Sample:

      Iris Lin 林玉梅
      Freshman English
      September 10 & 12, 2018  Week One

     Make SURE you include the CORRECT WEEK NUMBER for the classes
     the notes are from, based on this syllabus.

     Grade calculation

     Grades will be calculated on the basis of:

     Written class work (20%)
     oral class work and class participation (20%)
     scores on your dictations and quizzes (15%)
     score on final exam (written and listening) (30%)
     attendance, punctuality, attitude, and progress made; DON'T BE LATE! (15%)

     Note that the percentage breakdown is only APPROXIMATE, and is SUBJECT TO ADJUSTMENT in each individual case.
     Extra credit will be given to students who do independent research on a class-related topic and share their findings with the class.

     Also note that more than 3 absences or 5 tardinesses may result in your NOT PASSING THE COURSE.
     If you must miss class or be late let Ms. Chung and the TA know by e-mail or otherwise beforehand;
     or as soon as possible afterwards if you really can't get in touch beforehand.
     Don't just fail to show up for class and not offer an explanation – even if it's "I overslept", please explain.

WEEK ONE: 9/14, 9/16 

1.  Welcome!
     Introductions: Prof. Chung and TA Sammi Lee 李岳珊
     Enrollment and class list: please fill in your English or Romanized name.
     You will choose a learning partner for help and accountability.
     Sammi will photograph you during break for the class list on Wednesday.

2.  Warm-up song: Nat King Cole: Kemo Kimo

3.  Professor Chung's October 2018 TEDx talk:
     如何用「回音法」學好英文口說  史嘉琳

4.  SLANT:
     Sit up straight.
     Listen. (or: Lean in.)
     Ask and answer questions.
     Nod your head. (or: shake your head; or: wrinkle your brow)
     Track the teacher.

     Note that you will get extra points for class participation;
     this can help raise your final grade.

5.  a. Print out this English Skills Checklist compiled by former TA Phoebe Lee,
     and bring it to every class. Check off each skill after you master it.
     b. Also print out and bring to every class: IPA symbols handout.
     c. Also print out: 

      Article for reading and translation into Chinese:
     Lived Through This: What I Overheard as an Escape Room Actor   pdf
     by Paul A. DeStefano   in Medium: Human Parts  January 19, 2020

     Print out the article and prepare to read and translate the first 6 parts.
     MP3 file 

6.   a. Join: Class Facebook Group
      b. Create a folder using your English name as the folder name
          in the FE Fall 2020 folder on Google Drive;
          you will receive an invitation mailed to your gmail account.
Make a COPY of the file entitled "Learning Checklist" WITH A NEW FILE NAME
          (you can add your initials at the end) that you will find in this folder
          and keep it in your Google Drive folder. You will update this file WEEKLY.
          Sheet One is required; the other sheets are optional for now, but you may find them useful and fun!

7.  You will hand in a paper version of your weekly notes
      every Monday in class, and will also upload a pdf file of your notes to
      the class folder on Google Drive. Add each new week's notes to
      the TOP of the Word file, then save as pdf and upload to Google Drive.
      Articles to read and take notes on for next Monday: CET 1 & 2:
     大師開講 — 提升聽力祕訣:每天請聽「回音」十分鐘(上、下)
      in No. 69 & 70, January/February p. 8-10 & March/April 2012, p.12-14.
      Also include notes on Melissa Hsiung's article, 英文 E-mail 潛規則:老師怎麼不早點教我?!

8.  Format for name on homework – in upper right hand corner, left justified
     (you can make a "box" and insert it in your Word file each week):

        Iris Lin 林玉梅
        Freshman English  Week One
        September 14 & 16, 2020

Use: Times New Roman 12 pt for text,
         Lucida Sans Unicode 10.5pt for IPA symbols,
         新細明體 12pt for 中文
         i2Speak IPA input tool:

         Convert to pdf format before printing out to avoid encoding errors.
         If your format and fonts are incorrect, your homework will be counted as 缺交.

9.  Each student is required to send an e-mail message to the professor
     and TA Sammi

     See this sample, and read Melissa Hsiung's article, 英文 E-mail 潛規則:老師怎麼不早點教我?!
     for correct email format. FORMAT is IMPORTANT!

     It needs to include:

     1. this subject line:
     fe: quote, reason, NYT, gmail, fb name

     2. an English quote you like, together with its source.
     Example: "We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled.
     The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out."
     Ray Bradbury (1932- ), American author
     It must be a verifiable quote, not a proverb, CORRECTLY FORMATTED,
     containing no errors. Here is a sample so you know what format to use.

     3. Your reason for wanting to take this class: I want to take this class because...
     4. Confirm that: I have subscribed to the New York Time news digest.
     5. Give your gmail address, so you can be added to Google Drive: My gmail address is:
     6. Give your Facebook name: My Facebook name is:

     Read and refer to this article by former TA Melissa Hsiung on how to write an email, entitled:
     英 文 Email 潛規則老師怎麼不早點教我?! 文/ 熊偌均

     Make sure to send it in plain text, not html (look under ... and click on: 切換為純文字).

     Make sure to produce careful work that is not filled with sloppy mistakes:
     Make sure you sign your full name (e.g. Iris Lin) to every e-mail you write!
     Pay attention to correct format;
     for example, leave a space before and after (parentheses) like this.
     Without a space it looks like(this)and this is not acceptable in English written format.

     Every student must also register with the New York Times
     and subscribe to their daily news digest (these are free,
     as is access to up to five news stories a month). You will be asked
     to choose the kinds of news you'd like to receive. The aim of this requirement
     is to give you at least a passing familiarity with current international events,
     and for you to get used to using English-language news media sources.
     Include this sentence in your email:
     "I have subscribed to the New York Times news digest."
     Do NOT subscribe to the NEWSPAPER, and do NOT submit any financial information!

     Tell us why you want to take this class;
     also include your gmail address, so we can add you to Google Drive,
     and your Facebook name so we can recognize you in the class Facebook group.

     The New York Times (US):
     Today's Headlines:
     Other email newsletters:
     The New York Times homepage:

     This assignment is due Monday, September 16.

1.  One Small Step Can Change Your Life: with Kaizen

2.  Echo Method and mini-conversations 1. and 2.
     Introduce yourself to and get to know your classmates.
     Find a learning partner so you can help each other e.g. to compare notes,
     to pass a message to the instructor about special circumstances,
     and for overall mutual support in this class.

3.  The Pomodoro Technique of time management,
     and improving focus and productivity.

4.  Article for reading and translation into Chinese:
   Lived Through This: What I Overheard as an Escape Room Actor   pdf
     by Paul A. DeStefano   in Medium: Human Parts  January 19, 2020

     Print out the article and prepare to read and translate the first 6 parts.
     MP3 file 

5.  Breaktime music: Nat King Cole: Kemo Kimo

WEEK TWO: 9/21, 9/23
1.  Hunter Chang
許哲瑋 and Belle Chang 張尹穎 will give a 5-10 minute presentation on CET 1 & 2:
     大師開講 — 提升聽力祕訣:每天請聽「回音」十分鐘(上、下) 
     in No. 69 & 70, January/February p. 8-10 & March/April 2012, p.12-14; and
on Melissa Hsiung's article, 英文 E-mail 潛規則:老師怎麼不早點教我?!

     For next Monday 9/28, read and take notes on: CET 3 (issue 71): /i/ 和 /ɪ/ 的辨別   
     in No. 71, May/June 2012, p. 12-14; and
     「格式」就是禮貌:英文標點符號的10大規則 in English Island 英語島 48, January 2020;
     Be ready to mention some of the main points of the articles in class!
     黃君颺 Harold Huang and 李彥緯 William Li will present.

     You may need to register on the English Island 英語島 site, but it's free and there's no obligation.
     Upload your notes to Google Drive by Sunday evening, hand in paper copy on 9/28.
     Remember to check your LEARNING PARTNER'S WORK, too, and write or type
     LP: OK
     at the bottom of your homework if it has been submitted over Google Drive.

     And remember to update your LEARNING CHECKLIST.

     Also, make sure you've joined the class Facebook group!

     Sammi: Email assignment

2.  Learn and practice the second mini-conversation: self introductions, firm handshakes.
     Make sure the name of your learning partner has been added to the class list on Google Drive.

3.  Make sure to bring the IPA handout to class on Wednesday, and every day!

Article for reading and translation into Chinese:
   Lived Through This: What I Overheard as an Escape Room Actor   pdf
     by Paul A. DeStefano   in Medium: Human Parts  January 19, 2020   
     MP3 file 

Print out the article and prepare the part assigned to you.
     Make sure you've also read the parts before it as well, for context.
     On Google Drive, paste in the "before" translation of the part assigned to you,
     into the document on Google Drive,hen paste in the "after" version
     after you have shared your translation in class and gotten feedback.
     Due for everybody by Wednesday, September 23, earlier if you're one of the first six,
     which we should be able to get through
in class today.

     And make sure to do ECHO PRACTICE with the MP3 file, so you read aloud with correct
     pronunciation and intonation in class when it's your turn.
     Come to class well prepared – do NOT try to "wing it"! –
     so as not to waste class time and test your classmates' patience and good will!

5.  Breaktime song: Dust in the Wind     by Kansas     lyrics     video with lyrics  

1.  Go over IPA handout.
     Dictation #1: /i/ vs. /ɪ/, final /-p/.

2.  Article for reading and translation into Chinese:
   Lived Through This: What I Overheard as an Escape Room Actor   pdf
     by Paul A. DeStefano   in Medium: Human Parts  January 19, 2020

     Print out the article and prepare to read and translate the first 6 parts.        MP3 file 

     Make sure to do ECHO PRACTICE with the MP3 file, so you read aloud with correct
     pronunciation and intonation in class when it's your turn. Make sure you read
     what comes before your passage so you know the context.

     Come to class well prepared – do NOT try to "wing it"! –
     so as not to waste class time and test your classmates' patience and good will!

     On Google Drive, paste in the "before" translation of the part assigned to you,
     then paste in the "after" version after you have shared your translation in class and gotten feedback.

3. Useful links:
      a. Merriam-Webster Dictionary with audio files

      b. The Free Dictionary: Dictionary and Word of the Day
      c. A Word A Day 
      d. 萌典 MOE 教育部中文字典: 
      e. More practice with /i/ vs. /ɪ/ here:  efl net: Sound contrasts / 

      f.  Dictation Practice  
      g. Goodreads: 
      h. The power of focus: How to jump from a plane without a parachute:
          NPR The Hidden Brain: You 2.0: The Mind's Eye August 10, 2020   

4.  Breaktime song: Dust in the Wind     by Kansas     lyrics     video with lyrics  

WEEK THREE: 9/28, 9/30 
黃君 颺 Harold Huang and 李彥緯 William Li will present on:
CET 3 (issue 71): /i/ 和 /ɪ/ 的辨別 in No. 71, May/June 2012, p. 12-14; and
     「格式」就是禮貌:英文標點符號的10大規則 in English Island 英語島 48, January 2020;
     For next Monday 10/05, read and take notes on:
     CET 4 (issue 72):「重音」真 的很重要! in No. 72, July/August 2012, p. 12-14; and

     Echo Method: 用「回音記憶」打造nativelike的語感 in English Island 英語島16, April 2017.
     Be ready to mention some of the main points of the articles in class!
     Jim Chang 張竣程 and Howeii Chuang 莊晧昱 will present.

2.  Sammi will talk about email and notes format.

3.  There will be another dictation on Wednesday.
     Make sure to bring the IPA handout to class on Wednesday, and every day!

4.  Article for reading and translation into Chinese:
   Lived Through This: What I Overheard as an Escape Room Actor   pdf
     by Paul A. DeStefano   in Medium: Human Parts  January 19, 2020   
     MP3 file 

Print out the article and prepare the part assigned to you.
     Make sure you've also read the parts before it as well, for context.
     On Google Drive, paste in the "before" translation of the part assigned to you,
     into the document on Google Drive,hen paste in the "after" version
     after you have shared your translation in class and gotten feedback.
     Due for everybody by Wednesday, September 23, earlier if you're one of the first six,
     which we should be able to get through
in class today.

     And make sure to do ECHO PRACTICE with the MP3 file, so you read aloud with correct
     pronunciation and intonation in class when it's your turn.
     Come to class well prepared – do NOT try to "wing it"! –
     so as not to waste class time. and test your classmates' patience and good will!

5. Song of the week:  Before it's too late     Goo Goo Dolls     lyrics    video with lyrics  
    Note that you will be asked what your three favorite songs of the semester are on the final exam,
    so you may want to start choosing now.

Dictation #2: /i/ vs. /ɪ/, final /-d/.

Transcription exercise 
    Transcribe each daily segment with oTranscribe  
    Then paste first the "Before" version, then later the "After" version
    for each daily segment into a Google doc in your Google Drive folder. 
    We'll check the transcriptions next Monday.  

    Latin proverb: Principium dimidium totius. 
    ("Getting started is half the battle." or "Well begun is half done.")

    Before Breakfast with Laura Vanderkam:
July 30, 2020
    Find a starting point (source page)

    Entire exercise  

    1. (1) 9/28           5. (5) 10/02  
    2. (2) 9/29           6. (6) 10/03  
    3. (3) 9/30           7. (7) 10/04  
    4. (4) 10/01         8. (8) 10/05        reference transcription  

3. Useful resources:
    a. OneLook Dictionary and OneLook Thesaurus and Reverse Dictionary.
        Pay close attention to the search tools and filters and use them!  

    b. Use Google Images for words like kitchen island.

    c. Diffchecker:
        Useful tool for comparing two different versions of a text
        and highlighting the differences.

4. Song of the week:  Before it's too late     Goo Goo Dolls     lyrics    video with lyrics  

WEEK FOUR: 10/5, 10/7  
Jim Chang 張竣程 and Howeii Chuang 莊晧昱 will present on:
     CET 4 (issue 72):「重音」真 的很重要! in No. 72, July/August 2012, p. 12-14; and
     Echo Method: 用「回音記憶」打造nativelike的語感 in English Island 英語島16, April 2017.
     Be ready to mention some of the main points of the articles in class!

     For next Monday 10/012, read and take notes on:
     CET 5 (issue 73): 英語教學死角:複合名詞重音 in No. 73, September/October 2012, p. 12-14; and
     Podcasts: 可以隨身攜帶的耳福 in
English Island 41 June 2019.
     Amanda Liao 廖敏媛 and Tzu Yin Wan
萬 姿吟 will present.

2.  Check Before Breakfast transcription.

     New transcription exercise:
     Choiceology: Season 6 Episode 2    2020-08-17
     Spoiled for Choice: With Guests Barry Schwartz & Jen Glantz (source page)   

     Entire exercise  

     1. (9)   10/06          
     2. (10) 10/07         
     3. (11) 10/08         
     4. (12) 10/09       
      5. (13) 10/10         reference transcription    

3.  Article for reading and translation into Chinese:
   Lived Through This: What I Overheard as an Escape Room Actor   pdf
     by Paul A. DeStefano   in Medium: Human Parts  January 19, 2020   
     MP3 file 

4. Song of the week: Billy Joel     Honesty        lyrics      video with lyrics       recent video with lyrics   

  Dictation #3: /æ/ vs. /ɛ/.

2.  Check transcription assignment.

3.  Article for reading and translation into Chinese:
   Lived Through This: What I Overheard as an Escape Room Actor   pdf
     by Paul A. DeStefano   in Medium: Human Parts  January 19, 2020   
     MP3 file 

4.  VIR: Very Important Resource! YouGlish 

5.  New transcription exercise: 
Flash Learning: Big Think on the Go  from Himalaya 
     3 ways to express your thoughts so that everyone will understand you
     With Alan Alda (Source page)

     Entire exercise   

     1. (14) 10/11         
     2. (15) 10/12        
     3. (16) 10/13        
     4. (17) 10/14      
     5. (18) 10/15       reference transcription   

6. Song of the week: Billy Joel     Honesty        lyrics      video with lyrics       recent video with lyrics   

WEEK FIVE: 10/12, 10/14  
Amanda Liao 廖敏媛 and Tzu Yin Wan 萬姿吟 will present on:
     CET 5 (issue 73): 英語教學死角:複合名詞重音   
     in No. 73, September/October 2012, p. 12-14; and
     Podcasts: 可以隨身攜帶的耳福 in English Island 41 June 2019.

     Prepare for a compound noun stress quiz!

     For next week: CET 6 (issue 74): 抑揚頓挫: 英語的語調和斷句
     in No. 74, November/December 2012, p. 12-14; and
     語調下降?我還以為你講完了 in English Island 36, January 2019.
     Eden Cheng 程偉軒 and James Yao 姚瑞宇 will present.

2.  Check transcriptions; questions. 

    New transcription exercise:

    The Jordan Harbinger Show
    413: Mark Edward | True Confessions of a Fake Psychic (Source page)
    Related book by Mark Edward: Psychic Blues: Confessions of a Conflicted Medium 

    Entire exercise 

    1. (19) 10/16           5. (23) 10/20   
    2. (20) 10/17           6. (24) 10/21  
    3. (21) 10/18           7. (25) 10/22   
    4. (22) 10/19           8. (26) 10/23    

3.  Article for reading and translation into Chinese:
   Lived Through This: What I Overheard as an Escape Room Actor   pdf
     by Paul A. DeStefano   in Medium: Human Parts  January 19, 2020   
     MP3 file

4. VIR: Very Important Resources!
            a. YouGlish   
            b. Linggle 
            c. OneLook Reverse Dictionary  
            d. Google Images   

5. Song of the week: St. Vincent (Annie Clark)    All My Stars Aligned         lyrics       interview with St. Vincent 
    (note how articulate she is!)     

1. Dictation #4: /ɑ/ vs. /ʌ/, final /-p/; and first compound noun stress quiz.

2. Check transcriptions; questions.

3.  Article for reading and translation into Chinese:
   Lived Through This: What I Overheard as an Escape Room Actor   pdf
     by Paul A. DeStefano   in Medium: Human Parts  January 19, 2020   
     MP3 file 

4. Song of the week: St. Vincent (Annie Clark)    All My Stars Aligned         lyrics       interview with St. Vincent 

WEEK SIX: 10/19, 10/21  
  Eden Cheng 程偉軒 and James Yao 姚瑞宇 will present on:
     CET 6 (issue 74): 抑揚頓挫: 英語的語調和斷句    
     in No. 74, November/December 2012, p. 12-14; and
     語調下降?我還以為你講完了 in English Island 36, January 2019.

     For next week: CET 7 (issue 75): Stop at stops! —— 遇到塞音請停!   
     in No. 75, January/February 2013, p. 12-14; and    
     突破聽力瓶頸的五大秘訣 in English Island 45, October 2019.
     Ben Tsai 蔡誠貴 and Woody Lin 林承威 will present.

     Check your Learning Partner's notes. Are they ALL IN ONE FILE?
     Also check your Learning Partner's TRANSCRIPTIONS, BEFORE and AFTER. 

2.  Some reminders from Sammi about your notes:
     1. FONTS! FONT SIZE! Be consistent!
     2. Don't just copy and paste!
     3. Print on BOTH SIDES, and print both sides RIGHT SIDE UP!
     4. Center the header 標題. The notes come UNDER this.
     5. Avoid WIDOW LINES.
     6. Leave a space after punctuation, e.g.: LP: OK  (not: LP:OK).
     7. Use Chinese punctuation for Chinese, English punctuation for English!
     8. Feedback in your notes is always welcome!
     9. Suggestions, e.g. for podcasts (like 百靈果),
         can be posted over the class FACEBOOK GROUP.
3.  Check transcriptions; questions.

     New transcription exercise:

     The Jordan Harbinger Show
     413: Mark Edward | True Confessions of a Fake Psychic (Source page)
     Related book by Mark Edward: Psychic Blues: Confessions of a Conflicted Medium

     Entire exercise   

     9.  (27) 10/24           13. (31) 10/28  
    10. (28) 10/25           14. (32) 10/29 
    11. (29) 10/26           15. (33) 10/30  
    12. (30) 10/27           16. (34) 10/31    

4.  Article for reading and translation into Chinese:
     Lived Through This: What I Overheard as an Escape Room Actor   pdf
     by Paul A. DeStefano   in Medium: Human Parts  January 19, 2020         MP3 file 

5. Optional resource: Leo Listening site with Cara Leopold: Learn how to understand
    rapidly spoken English through movies.

6.  Song of the Week: Jason Mraz   Look for the the Good in Everything (2020)   lyrics   

1.  a. Dictation #5: /u/ vs. /ʊ/, final /-t/; and
     b. second compound noun stress quiz.

Check transcriptions; questions.

3.  Article for reading and translation into Chinese:
     Lived Through This: What I Overheard as an Escape Room Actor   pdf
     by Paul A. DeStefano   in Medium: Human Parts  January 19, 2020         MP3 file 

4.  Song of the Week: Jason Mraz   Look for the the Good in Everything (2020)   lyrics   

WEEK SEVEN: 10/26, 10/28  
Ben Tsai 蔡誠貴 and Woody Lin 林承威 will present on:
CET 7 (issue 75): Stop at stops! —— 遇到塞音請停!   
     in No. 75, January/February 2013, p. 12-14; and    
     突破聽力瓶頸的五大秘訣 in English Island 45, October 2019.

     For next week:
CET 8 (issue 76): "-s" 和 "-ed" 詞尾 怎麼唸?  
     in No. 76, March/April 2013, p. 12-14.; and    
     英中「發呆」翻譯法大公開 in English Island 43, August 2019.
Richard Lai 賴柏穎 and Tina Hsu 許 芸亭 will present.     

     Check your Learning Partner's notes. Are they ALL IN ONE FILE?
     Also check your Learning Partner's TRANSCRIPTIONS, BEFORE and AFTER. 

2.  Check transcriptions; questions.
     Transcription exercise:
     The Jordan Harbinger Show
     413: Mark Edward | True Confessions of a Fake Psychic (Source page)

     Entire exercise   

     9.  (27) 10/24           13. (31) 10/28  
    10. (28) 10/25           14. (32) 10/29 
    11. (29) 10/26           15. (33) 10/30  
    12. (30) 10/27           16. (34) 10/31    
                    17. (35) 11/01  

3.  Article for reading and translation into Chinese:
     Lived Through This: What I Overheard as an Escape Room Actor   pdf
     by Paul A. DeStefano   in Medium: Human Parts  January 19, 2020         MP3 file 

4. Song of the Week: French-English bilingual song:    Christine and the Queens         People, I've been sad           lyrics    

1. a. Dictation #6: /ɔ/ and /oʊ/ before /-k/.
    b. Compound noun stress marking quiz #3.

2.  Check transcriptions; questions.
     Transcription exercise:
     The Jordan Harbinger Show
     413: Mark Edward | True Confessions of a Fake Psychic (Source page)
     Related book by Mark Edward: Psychic Blues: Confessions of a Conflicted Medium

3.  Article for reading and translation into Chinese:
     Lived Through This: What I Overheard as an Escape Room Actor   pdf
     by Paul A. DeStefano   in Medium: Human Parts  January 19, 2020         MP3 file 

4. Song of the Week: French-English bilingual song:    Christine and the Queens         People, I've been sad           lyrics    

WEEK EIGHT: 11/02, 11/04  
Richard Lai 賴柏穎 and Tina Hsu 許芸亭 will present on:
CET 8 (issue 76): "-s" 和 "-ed" 詞尾 怎麼唸?  
     in No. 76, March/April 2013, p. 12-14.; and    
     英中「發呆」翻譯法大公開 in English Island 43, August 2019.

     For next week: CET 9 and 10 (issues 77 and 78):
     鼻音/m /、/n/ 與 /ŋ/ —— No problen? (上、 下)in No. 77, May/June 2013, p. 12-14; and
     No. 78, July/August 2013, p. 12-14; also:
     中文變好,英文也跟著好了 in English Island 6, June 2016.
     Daniel Wu 吳英世 and Gina Wang 王芊樺 will present.    

     Check your Learning Partner's notes. Are they ALL IN ONE FILE?
     Also check your Learning Partner's TRANSCRIPTIONS, BEFORE and AFTER. 

Check transcriptions; questions.
     Transcription exercise:
     The Jordan Harbinger Show
     413: Mark Edward | True Confessions of a Fake Psychic (Source page)
     Reference transcription for JH 1 through 17 (graphic file).

     Entire exercise   

    18. (36) 11/02           22. (40) 11/06  
    19. (37) 11/03           23. (41) 11/07 
    20. (38) 11/04           24. (42) 11/08  
    21. (39) 11/05           25. (43) 11/09    
                    26. (44) 11/10  

3.  Article for reading and translation into Chinese:
     Lived Through This: What I Overheard as an Escape Room Actor   pdf
     by Paul A. DeStefano   in Medium: Human Parts  January 19, 2020         MP3 file 

4.  Book sharing: Creative and innovative approaches to Chinese composition:
     1. 起步走笨作文:基礎訓練篇          林明進 著 
     2. 起步走笨作文:進階技巧篇
         林明進 著   UFO Interview       
     3. 寫作吧!破解創作天才的心智圖   蔡淇華 著

5.  Song of the Week
:    Linda Ronstadt       Long Long Time (with Bobby Darin)        lyrics         Long Long Time (video with lyrics)

     Two quotes from Wikipedia: 1. Ronstadt has never married. Speaking of finding an acceptable mate,
     in 1974 she told Peter Knobler in Crawdaddy, "... he's real kind but isn't inspired musically and
     then you meet somebody else that's just so inspired musically that he just takes your breath away
     but he's such a moron, such a maniac that you can't get along with him. And then after that
     it's the problem of finding someone that can stand you!"

     2. Ronstadt reduced her activity after 2000 when she felt her singing voice deteriorating,
     releasing her last full-length album in 2004 and performing her last live concert in 2009.
     She announced her retirement in 2011 and revealed shortly afterwards that she is no longer able to sing
     as a result of a degenerative condition later determined to be progressive supranuclear palsy.

  a. Dictation: the diphthongs:
/aɪ/ /eɪ/ /aʊ/ /oʊ/ /ɔɪ/ and /ju/

     b. Compound noun stress marking quiz: -ing words:
         participles 分詞 function as
adjectives: "a B that is Aing" or 「正在 A 的 B」,
         e.g. "aching heart" is "a heart that is aching"). Because it is adjective + *noun,
         both words are stressed: aching *heart.

         gerunds (動名詞) function as nouns: "a B for A" or 「用來做 A 的 B」,
         e.g. "hiking boots" are "boots for hiking"). Because it is *noun + noun,
         the modified word is not stressed: *hiking boots.

Check transcriptions; questions.
     Transcription exercise:
     The Jordan Harbinger Show
     413: Mark Edward | True Confessions of a Fake Psychic (Source page)

     Entire exercise   

    18. (36) 11/02                   22. (40) 11/06  
    19. (37) 11/03  18 & 19     23. (41) 11/07 
    20. (38) 11/04                   24. (42) 11/08     1-23  
    21. (39) 11/05                   25. (43) 11/09    
                      26. (44) 11/10  

3.  Article for reading and translation into Chinese:
     Lived Through This: What I Overheard as an Escape Room Actor   pdf
     by Paul A. DeStefano   in Medium: Human Parts  January 19, 2020         MP3 file 

4.  Song of the Week:    Linda Ronstadt       Long Long Time (with Bobby Darin)        lyrics         Long Long Time (video with lyrics)

Week nine: 11/09; 11/11  
  Daniel Wu 吳英世 and Gina Wang 王芊樺 will present on: 
      CET 9 and 10 (issues 77 and 78): 鼻音/m /、/n/ 與 /ŋ/ —— No problen? (上、 下)
     in No. 77, May/June 2013, p. 12-14; and No. 78, July/August 2013, p. 12-14; also:
     中文變好,英文也跟著好了 in English Island 6, June 2016.

     For next week: CET 11 (issue 79): 台式英語罪魁禍首:/æ /、/ɛ/ 和 /eɪ/
     in No. 79, September/October 2013, p. 12-14;
     文法消失了!那些「看不見」的翻譯規則 in English Island 44, September 2019.

     Ivy Chen 陳香吟 and Eric Chiu 邱泓哲 will present.

2.  Check transcriptions; questions.

3.  New assignment: Big Bang Theory role play.
     We'll act out the first scene of an episode of Big Bang Theory in groups of three.
     Check your NTU email for a link to the episode, and watch it for enjoyment,
     a few times, if possible. Then focus on the first scene.

4.  Article for reading and translation into Chinese:
     Lived Through This: What I Overheard as an Escape Room Actor   pdf
     by Paul A. DeStefano   in Medium: Human Parts  January 19, 2020         MP3 file 

Song of the Week:  Bright Eyes     Persona Non Grata     lyrics    

1.   Dictation: Voiced vs. voiceless final stops: /-p/ vs. /-b/; vowel: /ɑ/  

2.  Final four days of the transcriptions:
     The Jordan Harbinger Show
     413: Mark Edward | True Confessions of a Fake Psychic (Source page)

     27. (45) 11/11 
     28. (46) 11/12 
     29. (47) 11/13 
     30. (48) 11/14       1-30  

3.  Article for reading and translation into Chinese:
     Lived Through This: What I Overheard as an Escape Room Actor   pdf
     by Paul A. DeStefano   in Medium: Human Parts  January 19, 2020         MP3 file 

4.  Song of the Week:  Bright Eyes     Persona Non Grata     lyrics    

Week Ten: 11/16; 11/18    
Ivy Chen 陳香吟 and Eric Chiu 邱泓哲 will present on:
     台式英語罪魁禍首:/æ /、/ɛ/ 和 /eɪ/ in No. 79, September/October 2013, p. 12-14; and
     文法消失了!那些「看不見」的翻譯規則 in English Island 44, September 2019.
     For next week: CET 12 (issue 80): 英語發音百樂篇(一): Pronunciation Potluck (1)  
     in No. 80, November/December 2013, p. 12-14.; and
     看「中文字幕」會影響英文聽力嗎? in English Island 11, November 2016;
Samuel Li 李尚邕 and Alex Li 李維哲 will present.

2.  Print out this script for scene one of:
     Big Bang Theory
Season 3, episode 7:
"The Guitarist Amplification".
    1. Look up all the words, expressions and allusions you're not familiar with.
        Ask in class about any you're still not sure of.

    2. Underline all the stressed *syllables and mark *tonic stresses.
    Due Wednesday, November 18.

3.  Finish article for reading and translation into Chinese:
     Lived Through This: What I Overheard as an Escape Room Actor   pdf
     by Paul A. DeStefano   in Medium: Human Parts  January 19, 2020         MP3 file 
     Reread entire article; class discussion.
     Prepare vocabulary for quiz and compound noun stress quiz on Monday, November 23.

4.  Song of the Week:   Leonard Cohen     Happens to the Heart       lyrics    
     From the late poet-singer’s posthumous final album Thanks for the Dance.

1.  Finish article for reading and translation into Chinese:
     Lived Through This: What I Overheard as an Escape Room Actor   pdf
     by Paul A. DeStefano   in Medium: Human Parts  January 19, 2020         MP3 file 
     Reread entire article; class discussion.
     Prepare vocabulary for quiz and compound noun stress quiz on Wednesday, November 25

     For Monday 11/23:
     We will reread the entire text of the Escape Room piece aloud in class,
     so please prepare beforehand by shadowing 跟讀 the audio file.

     We will also hold a class discussion on what your think
     the author was trying to say
in the article,
     and everybody will be called on to participate,
     so please prepare your thoughts on the article for Monday.

2.  Rescheduled for Monday, November 23:
     Go over the content of and stress marking for:

     Scene one of Big Bang Theory
Season 3, episode 7:
"The Guitarist Amplification".
     1. Ask about any words, expressions and allusions you're still not sure of.
     2. Underline all the stressed *syllables and mark *tonic stresses.

     New! MP3 audio Echo file   

3.  For reference:
     a.  Can display IPA spellings, though with some differences
         from the system we're using, e.g. /y/ instead of /j/.

     b. Pronunciation key for Merriam-Webster 

4.  Song of the Week:   Leonard Cohen     Happens to the Heart       lyrics    
     From the late poet-singer’s posthumous final album Thanks for the Dance.

Week Eleven: 11/23; 11/25    
Samuel Li 李尚邕 and Alex Li 李維哲 will present on:
CET 12 (issue 80): 英語發音百樂篇(一): Pronunciation Potluck (1)  
     in No. 80, November/December 2013, p. 12-14.; and
     看「中文字幕」會影響英文聽力嗎? in English Island 11, November 2016
     For next week: CET 13 (issue 81):
英語發音百樂篇(二): Pronunciation Potluck (2)  
     in No. 81, January/February 2014, p. 12-14.
     翻譯糾察隊: 中文有「把」的句子怎麼翻?  in English Island 40, May 2019.
Adam Chueh 闕壯丞 and Irene Yang 楊惠茹 will present.

2.  We will reread the entire text of the Escape Room piece aloud in class,
     hopefully you have prepared beforehand by shadowing 跟讀 the audio file.

     We will also hold a class discussion on what your think
     the author was trying to say
in the article,
     and everybody will be called on to participate,
     so hopefully you've prepared your thoughts on the article!
     (Moved to Wednesday, November 25.)

There will be a vocabulary and compound noun stress quiz on
the Escape Room piece first thing on Wednesday, November 25.

3.  If we have time, we'll go over the content of and stress marking for:
     Scene one of Big Bang Theory
Season 3, episode 7:
"The Guitarist Amplification".
     1. Ask about any words, expressions and allusions you're still not sure of.
     2. Underline all the stressed *syllables and mark *tonic stresses.

     New! MP3 audio Echo file   

New reading:
Excerpt from: Homeland Elegies by Ayad Akhtar 
     New York: Little, Brown, 2020, p. 298-300.      pdf   
     Word with photos    pdf with photos (larger file and possibly more difficult to print)
     MP3 audio reading 

     Students 29 through 38 will be the assigned translators for sections 1-10 of the text;
     also students 1-10; 11-20; and 21-28. Translate your assigned section
     and add your "Before" version to the posted Google Doc on Google Drive.
     Due Monday, November 30.

5.  Song of the week:   Bob Dylan      I Contain Multitudes (with lyrics)      lyrics     official video 

Vocabulary and compound noun stress quiz on the Escape Room piece,
Dictation: Marking "velar raising" [  ̝] on front vowels /ɪ/, /ɛ/ and /æ/
     when they occur before /-g/ and /-ŋ/,
     e.g. back /bæk/, bag /bæ̝g/, bang /bæ̝ŋ/.
     All items will end with /-k/ or /-g/, the vowels will always be
/æ/ or /æ̝/.

2.  We will hold a class discussion on what your think
     the author was trying to say
in the
Escape Room piece,
     and everybody will be called on to participate,
     so hopefully you've prepared your thoughts on the article!

3.  IWe'll go over the content of and stress marking for:
     Scene one of Big Bang Theory
Season 3, episode 7:
"The Guitarist Amplification".
     1. Ask about any words, expressions and allusions you're still not sure of.
     2. Underline all the stressed *syllables and mark *tonic stresses.   Prof. Chung's version  

4.  New reading: Excerpt from: Homeland Elegies by Ayad Akhtar 
     New York: Little, Brown, 2020, p. 298-300.      pdf   
     Word with photos    pdf with photos (larger file and possibly more difficult to print)
     MP3 audio reading 

5.  Song of the week:   Bob Dylan      I Contain Multitudes (with lyrics)      lyrics     official video 

Week Twelve: 11/30; 12/02 
1.  Adam Chueh 闕壯丞 and Irene Yang 楊惠茹 will present on:
CET 13 (issue 81): 英語發音百樂篇(二): Pronunciation Potluck (2)   
     in No. 81, January/February 2014, p. 12-14; and
     翻譯糾察隊: 中文有「把」的句子怎麼翻?  in English Island 40, May 2019.

     For next week: CET 14 (issue 82): 英語發音百樂篇(三): Pronunciation Potluck (3)  
     in No. 82, March/April 2014, p. 12-14, and
     CET 15 (issue 83): 英語發音百樂篇(四): Pronunciation Potluck (4)
     in No. 83, May/June 2014, p. 12-14;
     also: Phonetics I 32. Schwa Elision in English
     Jung Hsuan Tsao
曹容瑄, Janifer Tsai  蔡采蓁, and Kate Pan 潘子妤 will present.

2.  Finish class discussion on the Escape Room piece.

3.  New reading:
Excerpt from: Homeland Elegies by Ayad Akhtar 
     New York: Little, Brown, 2020, p. 298-300.      pdf   
     Word with photos    pdf with photos (larger file and possibly more difficult to print)
     MP3 audio reading 

     Students number 29-38 will do the oral readings and translations of parts 1-10 in class,
     as well as providing "Before" and "After" translations in the Google document on Google Drive.

     Students 29-38 [29: 1, 30: 2, 31: 3, 32: 4, 33: 5, 34: 6, 35: 7, 36: 8, 37: 9, 38: 10]
     will read their passage aloud and translate it into Chinese in class;
     students 1-10 [1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9, 10: 10],
     students 11-20 [11: 1, 12: 2, 13: 3, 14: 4, 15: 5, 16: 6, 17: 7, 18: 8, 19: 9, 20: 10]; and
     students 21-28 [21: 1, 22: 2, 23: 3, 24: 4, 25: 5, 26: 6, 27: 7, 28: 8]
     will also p
rovide "Before" and "After" translations in the Google document on Google Drive for parts 1-10.

4.  Practice in groups: Scene one of Big Bang Theory Season 3, episode 7: "The Guitarist Amplification".
     Prof. Chung's version           MP3 audio Echo file   
     Make sure to register the names of the people in your group and the role each is playing here.

5.  Song of the Week: Sia with
Kendrick Lamar         The Greatest       lyrics    

1.  Dictation: Nasal finals: final /-n/ vs. /-ŋ/; the vowel will always be /ʌ/.

2.  New reading: Excerpt from: Homeland Elegies  by Ayad Akhtar 
     New York: Little, Brown, 2020, p. 298-300.      pdf   
     Word with photos    pdf with photos (larger file and possibly more difficult to print)
     MP3 audio reading 

3.  Practice in groups: Scene one of Big Bang Theory Season 3, episode 7: "The Guitarist Amplification".
     Prof. Chung's version           MP3 audio Echo file   
     Make sure to register the names of the people in your group and the role each is playing here.

4.  Song of the Week: Sia with
Kendrick Lamar         The Greatest       lyrics    

Week Thirteen: 12/07; 12/09    
Jung Hsuan Tsao 曹容瑄, Janifer Tsai  蓁, and Kate Pan 潘子妤 will present on:
CET 14 (issue 82): 英語發音百樂篇(三): Pronunciation Potluck (3)  
     in No. 82, March/April 2014, p. 12-14, and
     CET 15 (issue 83): 英語發音百樂篇(四): Pronunciation Potluck (4)
     in No. 83, May/June 2014, p. 12-14;
     also: Phonetics I 32. Schwa Elision in English

     For next week:
CET 16 and 17 (issues 84 and 85):
     Do not 和 don’t意思一樣嗎?英語的縮讀字(上、下) 
     in No. 84, July/August 2014, p. 12-14 and No. 85, September/October 2014, p. 16-18; and
     Who's a False Friend? 小心外來的「假朋友」! in English Island 47, December 2019.

     Jason Lai
賴則勳, Kevin Yang 楊 竣皓, and Joy Hung 洪浥青 will present.

2.  New reading: Excerpt from: Homeland Elegies  by Ayad Akhtar 
     New York: Little, Brown, 2020, p. 298-300.      pdf   
     Word with photos    pdf with photos (larger file and possibly more difficult to print)
     MP3 audio reading 

3.  Learn the Cockney accent with Jason Statham;
     Cockney is a major source of influence on Estuary English.

4.  Book sharing: David J. Schwartz: The Magic of Thinking Big.

5.  Postponed till Wednesday, Dec. 12:
     Practice in groups: Scene one of Big Bang Theory Season 3, episode 7: "The Guitarist Amplification".
     Prof. Chung's version           MP3 audio Echo file   
     Make sure to register the names of the people in your group and the role each is playing here.

6.  Song of the Week:  The Kinks        Shangri-La (1969)        lyrics  

1.  Dictation: Nasal finals: final /-n/ vs. /-ŋ/; the vowel will always be /ɔ/.

2.  New reading: Excerpt from: Homeland Elegies  by Ayad Akhtar 
     New York: Little, Brown, 2020, p. 298-300.      pdf   
     Word with photos    pdf with photos (larger file and possibly more difficult to print)
     MP3 audio reading 

3.  Practice in groups: Scene one of Big Bang Theory Season 3, episode 7: "The Guitarist Amplification".
     Prof. Chung's version           MP3 audio Echo file   
     Add or correct the names of the people in your group and the role each is playing here.

4.  Song of the Week:  The Kinks       
Shangri-La (1969)        lyrics  

Week Fourteen: 12/14; 12/16    
Jason Lai 賴則勳, Kevin Yang 楊 竣皓, and Joy Hung 洪浥青 will present on:
CET 16 and 17 (issues 84 and 85): Do not 和 don’t意思一樣嗎?英語的縮讀字(上、下) 
     in No. 84, July/August 2014, p. 12-14 and No. 85, September/October 2014, p. 16-18; and
     Who's a False Friend? 小心外來的「假朋友」! in English Island 47, December 2019.

     For next week:
CET 18 (issues 86): 次重音:次要的重音還是很重要!  
     in No. 86, November/December 2014, p. 12-14; and
     會唱這兩首歌,就學會假設語氣 in
English Island 18, June 2017.
     Larry Yu 游士弘 and Alejandro Huang 黃培瑄 will present.

2.  New reading: Excerpt from: Homeland Elegies  by Ayad Akhtar 
     New York: Little, Brown, 2020, p. 298-300.      pdf   
     Word with photos    pdf with photos (larger file and possibly more difficult to print)
     MP3 audio reading 

3.  Practice in groups: Scene one of Big Bang Theory Season 3, episode 7: "The Guitarist Amplification".
     Prof. Chung's version           MP3 audio Echo file   
     Names of the people in your group and the role each is playing is here.

4.  Book sharing: Michael Lewis: The Fifth Risk.   CNBC interview with Michael Lewis.

5.  Songs of the Week:   Beyoncé    If I Were a Boy    lyrics      and:
                                       Paul McCartney      I Will      lyrics    

1. Dictation: Nasal finals: final /-n/ vs. /-ŋ/; the vowel will always be /ɪ/ or /ɪ̝/.
Examples: sin /sɪn/ vs. sing /sɪ̝ŋ/.

2.  New reading: Excerpt from: Homeland Elegies  by Ayad Akhtar 
     New York: Little, Brown, 2020, p. 298-300.      pdf   
     Word with photos    pdf with photos (larger file and possibly more difficult to print)
     MP3 audio reading 

3.  Practice in groups: Scene one of Big Bang Theory Season 3, episode 7: "The Guitarist Amplification".
     Prof. Chung's version           MP3 audio Echo file   
     Decide on order of performance and record here.

6.  Songs of the Week:   Beyoncé    If I Were a Boy    lyrics      and:
     Paul McCartney      I Will      lyrics    

Week Fifteen: 12/21; 12/23     
Larry Yu 游士弘 and Alejandro Huang 黃培瑄 will present on:
     CET 18 (issue 86): 次重音:次要的重音還是很重要!  
     in No. 86, November/December 2014, p. 12-14; and
     會唱這兩首歌,就學會假設語氣 in English Island 18, June 2017.

     For next week: CET 19 and CET 20 (issues 87 and 88):
     CET 19: 脫口而出的英文文法 in No. 87, January/February 2015, p. 8-10; and
     CET 20: 重方法不重死背的英文文法(上) in No. 88, March/April 2015, p. 8-10; also
你還在用俗氣的“Last but not least”嗎? in English Island 37, February 2019.
     Jerry Hsieh 謝杰儒, Ning-Ning Juan 阮寧寧 and Ally Cheng 鄭品妘 will present.

2.  Reading and translation of excerpt from: Homeland Elegies  by Ayad Akhtar 
     New York: Little, Brown, 2020, p. 298-300.      pdf   
     Word with photos    pdf with photos (larger file and possibly more difficult to print)
     MP3 audio reading 

3.  Practice in groups: Scene one of Big Bang Theory Season 3, episode 7: "The Guitarist Amplification".
     Prof. Chung's version           MP3 audio Echo file   
     Group lists here.

4.  Book sharing: Michael Pollan: How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics
     Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence.
     Interview with Michael Pollan: Psychedelics - How To Change Your Mind Part 1/2 | London Real

5.  Song of the Week: 
      Alicia Keys       Brand New Me          lyrics     

1.  Dictation: Voiced vs. voiceless fricative finals: final /-f/ vs. /-v/ and /-s/ vs. /-z/
     the vowel will always be one of the following: /ɪ/, /ɔ/, /aɪ/, /eɪ/, or /oʊ/.

2.  Reading and translation of excerpt from: Homeland Elegies  by Ayad Akhtar 
     New York: Little, Brown, 2020, p. 298-300.      pdf   
     Word with photos    pdf with photos (larger file and possibly more difficult to print)
     MP3 audio reading 

3.  Practice in groups: Scene one of Big Bang Theory Season 3, episode 7: "The Guitarist Amplification".
     Prof. Chung's version           MP3 audio Echo file   
     Group lists here.

4.  Song of the Week:        Alicia Keys       Brand New Me          lyrics     

Week Sixteen: 12/28; 12/30     

Jerry Hsieh 謝杰儒, Ning-Ning Juan 阮寧寧 and Ally Cheng 鄭品妘 will present on:
     CET 19: 脫口而出的英文文法 in No. 87, January/February 2015, p. 8-10; and
     CET 20: 重方法不重死背的英文文法(上) in No. 88, March/April 2015, p. 8-10; also
     你還在用俗氣的“Last but not least”嗎? in English Island 37, February 2019.

     For next week: CET 21 and CET 22 (issues 89 and 90):
     CET 21: 重方法不重死背的英文文法(下) in No. 89, May/June 2015, p. 3-5; and
     CET 22: 單數?複數?可數? 不可數? a, one, the?讓英文名詞再也難不倒你!(上) 
     in No. 90, July/August 2015, p. 20-22; plus:
     中文也有片語動詞嗎? in English Island 39, April 2019;
     Sandra Chen 陳姍萱, Debby Wu 吳亞璇 and Kevin Huang 黃敦豪 will present.

2.  End-of-semester highlights and evaluations.
     Due January 6. Prepare
in two separate pdf files:

     (I)  20 of the most important things you learned this semester, and:
     (II) End-of-semester evaluation:
          Part 1: evaluate the class, materials, teacher, syllabus, homework assignments,
          what was most and least useful, things that could be improved, and how
          — everything about the class this semester.
          Part 2: Evaluate yourself: Attendance and punctuality, homework submission,
          how much you learned from the class, how much effort you put into this class,
          Part 3: How do you plan to continue improving your English in general and
          your English listening and pronunciation skills in particular?

          Format and submission instructions: Convert your files to pdf format
          before emailing both pdf files to Prof. Chung
and TA Sammi Lee at:

          Also, make sure ALL your work has been uploaded to your Google Drive folder,
          and update your Learning Checklist!

3.  Book sharing: (1) The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell, by Aldous Huxley, 1954.
                            (2) The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich
                                  by Tim Ferriss, 2007.

4.  For reference:
     Cambridge Analytica's use of Facebook data to manipulate voters for the 2016 US presidential election:
     飛碟聯播網《飛碟早餐 唐湘龍時間》2020.12.28 讀書共和國社長 郭重興《Mindf*ck 心智操控【劍橋分析技術大公開】》    

5.  Reading and translation of excerpt from: Homeland Elegies  by Ayad Akhtar 
     New York: Little, Brown, 2020, p. 298-300.      pdf   
     Word with photos    pdf with photos (larger file and possibly more difficult to print)
     MP3 audio reading 

6.  Performances of Scene one of Big Bang Theory Season 3, episode 7: "The Guitarist Amplification".
     Prof. Chung's version           MP3 audio Echo file         Group lists here.

Song of the Week:  Tàladh Chriosda            Scottish Gaelic text, translation with IPA transcription 

1.  Dictation (postponed till Monday, January 3): Vowel review   母音總複習:
                    monophthongs  單母音: /i/, /ɪ/, /ɛ/, /æ/, /ɑ/, /ʌ/, /ɔ/, /ʊ/, /u/;
                    diphthongs        雙母音:
/aɪ/, /eɪ/, /aʊ/, /oʊ/, /ɔɪ/, /ju/.

2.  Read and translate excerpt from: Homeland Elegies  by Ayad Akhtar 
     New York: Little, Brown, 2020, p. 298-300.      pdf   
     Word with photos    pdf with photos (larger file and possibly more difficult to print)
     MP3 audio reading 

3.  Performances of Scene one of Big Bang Theory Season 3, episode 7: "The Guitarist Amplification".
     Prof. Chung's version           MP3 audio Echo file         Group lists here.

4.  Book sharing: Italian Folktales, by Italo Calvino; 1992.

5.  Song of the Week:  Tàladh Chriosda            Scottish Gaelic text, translation with IPA transcription 

Week Seventeen: 1/04/2021; 1/06/2021
Sandra Chen 陳姍萱, Debby Wu 吳亞璇 and Kevin Huang 黃敦豪 will present on:
      CET 21 and CET 22 (issues 89 and 90):
     CET 21: 重方法不重死背的英文文法(下) in No. 89, May/June 2015, p. 3-5; and
     CET 22: 單數?複數?可數? 不可數? a, one, the?讓英文名詞再也難不倒你!(上) 
     in No. 90, July/August 2015, p. 20-22; plus:
     中文也有片語動詞嗎? in English Island 39, April 2019.

     For next week: CET 23 and CET 24 (issues 91 and 92):
     CET 23: 單數?複數?可數? 不可數? a, one, the?讓英文名詞再也難不倒你!(下)
     in No. 91, September/October 2015, p. 12-14; and
     CET 24: 動詞時態三頁通 in No. 92, November/December 2015, p. 24-26; plus:
     Advanced! 文法過招第三式: 片語動詞怎麼唸? in English Island 38, March 2019;
     Sim Fan 范志新 and Vince Hsueh 薛竣久 will present.
     We will have class on Monday, January 11.

2.  Finish reading and translating excerpt from: Homeland Elegies  by Ayad Akhtar 
     New York: Little, Brown, 2020, p. 298-300.      pdf   
     Word with photos    pdf with photos (larger file and possibly more difficult to print)
     MP3 audio reading 


3.  Last performances of Scene one of Big Bang Theory Season 3, episode 7: "The Guitarist Amplification".
     Prof. Chung's version           MP3 audio Echo file         Group lists here.
     Discussion of assignment and performances.

4.  Song of the week:   James Taylor     You've Got a Friend      lyrics
(1971)     live with Carole King        

Reread and discuss Homeland Elegies  by Ayad Akhtar 
     New York: Little, Brown, 2020, p. 298-300.      pdf   
     Word with photos    pdf with photos (larger file and possibly more difficult to print)
     MP3 audio reading 

Listening and transcription practice: Transcribe the dialogue from 16:38 to 19:05.
     Include both the "Before" and "After" versions in your Word file, then save the file
     to the class computer desktop with this file name: BBTendpracticeEnglishname.
     (Fill in your own full English given name and family name instead of "Englishname".)
     Then upload the Word file to your folder on Google Drive.

Song of the week:   James Taylor     You've Got a Friend      lyrics (1971)      live with Carole King        

Week Eighteen: 1/11/2021; 1/13/2021       
Sim Fan 范志新 and Vince Hsueh 薛竣久 will present on: CET 23 and CET 24 (issues 91 and 92):
     CET 23: 單數?複數?可數? 不可數? a, one, the?讓英文名詞再也難不倒你!(下)
     in No. 91, September/October 2015, p. 12-14; and
     CET 24: 動詞時態三頁通 in No. 92, November/December 2015, p. 24-26; plus:
     Advanced! 文法過招第三式: 片語動詞怎麼唸? in English Island 38, March 2019;

2.  Finish reading aloud and discuss excerpt from: Homeland Elegies  by Ayad Akhtar 
     New York: Little, Brown, 2020, p. 298-300.      pdf   
     Word with photos    pdf with photos (larger file and possibly more difficult to print)
     MP3 audio reading 

3.  Song of the Week:   The House Band     Another Setting  

  Final exam.

2.  Make sure ALL work, including your transcription of the BBT ending,
     is complete and correctly uploaded to your Google Drive folder,
     and that your 20 highlights and course evaluation have been sent to Prof. Chung

3.  Song of the Week:   The House Band     Another Setting  

4.  Have a great winter break!

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