Karen Steffen Chung
National Taiwan University
Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures
Taipei, Taiwan

Short curriculum vitae
Longer curriculum vitae with links
Personal links


CET articles on English learning problems
of Taiwan learners

PhD dissertation and book:

Mandarin Compound Verbs º~»y½Æ¦X°Êµü. Leiden University,
Department of Descriptive and Comparative Linguistics, Leiden,
The Netherlands; advisor: Prof. F.H.H. Kortlandt. September 2004.
Taiwan Journal of Linguistics : Book Series in Chinese Linguistics No. 1.
(In English) Taipei: Crane's, February 2006. (252pp+xxxvi)
National Taiwan University 2007 Excellent Scholarly Book Award

Order from:
Lexis Bookstore ¼Ö¾Ç®Ñ§½ (near ®v¤j)
ª÷¤s«n¸ô2 ¬q138¸¹10¼Ó¤§¤@
No. 138, 10th floor-1, Chin-shan South Road, Section 2
Taipei, Taiwan 106
Tel. (+886 2) 2321-9033
Fax. (+886 2) 2356-8068

LINGUIST announcement:

LINGUIST review by Prof. Wen-Chao Li:

Book chapters, papers, and conference presentations:

Chapter 9: "Teaching Pronunciation to Adult Learners of English" of
Asian English Language Classrooms: Where Theory and Practice Meet.
Handoyo Puji Widodo, Alistair Wood, Deepti Gupta, eds.
London & New York: Routledge, 2017. p. 131-149.

Chapter 42: "Wade-Giles Romanization System," of The Routledge Encyclopedia
of the Chinese Language
Chan Sin-wai, ed. London & New York: Routledge,
2016. p. 756-776.

Chapter 34: "Sino-Tibetan: Chinese," of The Oxford Handbook
of Derivational Morphology
Rochelle Lieber and Pavol Stekauer, ed.
Oxford: Oxford University Press USA, 2014. p. 609-620.

Chapter 10:
"East Asian linguistics," of The Oxford Handbook
of the History of Linguistics
Keith Allan, ed. New York:
Oxford University Press USA, 2013. p. 209-221.
Received NTU Excellent book chapter award in 2014.

"Syllable and word linking in Taiwan English
(ppt) (pdf)." Presentation
at the Satellite Workshop: Coarticulation in New Varieties of English,
of The 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVII),
at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, August 16, 2011.

"Putting Blends in their Place."
Presentation at the
Universals and Typology in Word-Formation Conference,
organised by the Department of British and American Studies, Faculty of Arts,
P. J. Šafárik University in Košice and the Slovak Association
for the Study of English
. Košice, Slovakia, August 16-18, 2009.

"Hypercorrection in Taiwan Mandarin."
Journal of Asian Pacific Communication abstract, Zhou, Minglang (ed.),
Language Planning and Varieties of (Modern Standard) Chinese:
Special issue of Journal of Asian Pacific Communication 16:2 (2006).
2006. ca. 160 pp. (pp. 197¡V214). Paper originally presented at
The Ninth International Conference on Chinese Linguistics,
held at the York Hotel, sponsored by National University of
Singapore, Singapore, June 26-28, 2000.

"Contraction and Backgrounding in Taiwan Mandarin."
Concentric: Studies in Linguistics, Vol. 32, No. 1, January 2006.
(pp. 69-88) Paper originally
presented at IACL/NACCL conference
at the University of California, Irvine, June 22-24, 2001.

"Living (happily) with contradiction." Table of contents
Evidence and Counter-Evidence : Essays in honor of
Frederik Kortlandt
: Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics
(SSGL 32), vol. 2: General Linguistics. Ed. by Alexander
Lubostskoy, Jos Schaeken & Jeroen Wiedenhof.
Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2008. pp. 93-100.

"Some Returned Loans: Japanese Loanwords in Taiwan
pp. 161-179 in Language Change in East Asia.
McAuley, T.E., ed. 2001. Richmond, Surrey: Curzon. Paper
originally presented at the Workshop on Language Change in Japan
and East Asia Sheffield University, Sheffield, UK. May 21-22, 1999 (.pdf)

"Verb + Noun Function-Describing Compounds." Bulletin of
the College of Liberal Arts
, National Taiwan University, No. 41,
June 1994, pp. 181-221. (.pdf)

National Science Council-funded research projects:

Book writing project:
"A Treasury of Taiwan English"

 August 1, 2012-July 31, 2013.

"Taiwan English: Phonetics, syntax, production"

Domestic visiting scholar research project
in collaboration with the Institute of Linguistics,
Academia Sinica
NSC 100-2420-H-002-002-2R  August 1, 2011-July 31, 2012.

"The phonetics and phonology of Taiwan English"

NSC 94-2411-H-002-045-  August 1, 2005-July 31, 2006.

Articles and papers on ESL teaching and English language learning:

Series of articles in Chinese on English learning and pronunciation
in CET Cave's English Teaching bimonthly magazine:
HellO! E.T.



The first two (No. 69 and 70) explain in Chinese how the "Echo Method" of language learning works;
the third (No. 71) is about distinguishing /i/ and /Èþ/, i.e. long and short "i";
the fourth (No. 72) is about English word stress;
the fifth (No. 73) is about compound noun stress (e.g. SMOking room vs. SMOking ROOM);
the sixth (No. 74) is about sentence intonation, phrasing, and tonic stress;
the seventh (No. 75) is about remembering to pronounce, and to pause after the final stops /-p -t -k/ and /-b -d -g/;
the eighth (No. 76) is about how to pronounce the grammatical suffixes "-s" and "-ed";
the ninth and tenth (No. 77 and 78) are about the English nasal consonants /m/, /n/ and /Èü/, including vowel changes
       before voiced velar final consonants, linking, final /-m/, epenthetic consonants, and nasalized vowel finals;
the eleventh (No. 79) is about problem vowels, including /æ/, /È÷/ and /eÈþ/;
the twelfth (No. 80) covers miscellaneous pronunciation issues not addressed in the previous articles,
       including the correct way to pronounce "says" and "said", clear and dark "l", the "tap" rule for "t", and the difference
       between "ear" and "year";
the thirteenth (No. 81) is about /ju/ vs. /u/ the deaspiration of /p/, /t/, and /k/ after /s/; the pronunciation of /ʒ/ and /dʒ/;
      also /dz/ vs. /z/, and /ts/ vs. /s/;
the fourteenth (No. 82) is about the pronunciation of ¡§th¡¨, ¡§x¡¨ and ¡§r¡¨;
the fifteenth (No. 83) is about the pronunciation of ¡§w¡¨, ¡§wh¡¨ and ¡§h¡¨; also about nasal plosion and schwa elision;
the sixteenth (No. 84) and seventeeth (No. 85) explore whether contracted forms, e.g. "don't" mean the same thing
       as their corresponding full forms, e.g. "do not";
and the eighteenth (No. 86) discusses secondary stress, and deaspiration of non-initial unstressed voiceless consonants,
       like /p/ in "happy."

1.   ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X ´£¤ÉÅ¥¤O¯¦ ³Z¡G¨C¤Ñ½ÐÅ¥¡u¦^­µ¡v¤Q¤ÀÄÁ¡]¤W¡^ in No. 69, January/February 2012, p. 8-10.
                              69: single article

2.   ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X ´£¤ÉÅ¥¤O¯¦ ³Z¡G¨C¤Ñ½ÐÅ¥¡u¦^­µ¡v¤Q¤ÀÄÁ¡]¤U¡^in No. 70, March/April 2012, p.12-14.
                              70: single article
                              articles 69 (¤W) and 70 (¤U) together

3.   ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X ´£¤ÉÅ¥¤O¯¦ ³Z¡G/i/ ©M /Èþ/ ªº¿ë§O in No. 71, May/June 2012, p. 12-14.
                              71: single article

4.   ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X ¡u­«­µ¡v¯u ªº«Ü­«­n! in No. 72, July/August 2012, p. 12-14.
                              72: single article

5.   ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X ­^»y±Ð¾Ç¦º ¨¤¡G½Æ¦X¦Wµü­«­µ in No. 73, September/October 2012, p. 12-14.
                              73: single article

6.   ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X §í´­¹y®À¡G ­^»yªº»y½Õ©MÂ_¥y in No. 74, November/December 2012, p. 12-14.
                              74: single article

7.   ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X Stop at stops! ¡X¡X ¹J¨ì¶ë­µ½Ð°±¡I in No. 75, January/February 2013, p. 12-14.
                              75: single article

8.   ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X "-s" ©M "-ed" µü§À «ç»ò°á¡H in No. 76, March/April 2013, p. 12-14.
                              76: single article

9.   ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X »ó­µ/m /¡B/n/ »P /Èü/ ¡X¡X No problen? ¡]¤W¡^ in No. 77, May/June 2013, p. 12-14.
                              77: single article

10. ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X »ó­µ/m/¡B/n/ »P /Èü/ ¡X¡X No problen? ¡]¤U¡^in No. 78, July/August 2013, p. 12-14.
                              78: single article
                              articles 77 (¤W) and 78 (¤U) together

11. ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X ¥x¦¡­^»y¸o»íº×­º¡G/æ /¡B/È÷/ ©M /eÈþ/ in No. 79, September/October 2013, p. 12-14.
                              79: single article

12. ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X
­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¤@¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (1) in No. 80, November/December 2013, p. 12-14.
                              80: single article 

13. ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X
­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¤G¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (2) in No. 81, January/February 2014, p. 12-14.
                               81: single article 

14. ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X
­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¤T¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (3) in No. 82, March/April 2014, p. 12-14.
                              82: single article 

15. ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X
­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¥|¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (4) in No. 83, May/June 2014, p. 12-14.
                              83: single article 
                              articles 80 (¤@), 81 (¤G), 82 (¤T) and 83 (¥|) together

16. ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X
Do not ©M don¡¦t·N«ä¤@¼Ë¶Ü¡H­^»yªºÁYŪ¦r¡]¤W¡^ in No. 84, July/August 2014, p. 12-14.
                              84: single article 

17. ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X
Do not ©M don¡¦t·N«ä¤@¼Ë¶Ü¡H­^»yªºÁYŪ¦r¡]¤U¡^ in No. 85, September/October 2014, p. 16-18.
                              85: single article      articles 84 (¤W) and and 85 (¤U) together

18. ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X
¦¸­«­µ¡G¦¸­nªº­«­µÁÙ¬O«Ü­«­n¡I in No. 86, November/December 2014, p. 12-14.
                              86: single article  

19 20 21 22 23 24 Email




The first article (19.) in the new series
on grammar (nineteenth in the entire series; no. 87) discusses how
     grammar needs to be learned mainly through listening and oral practice, by learning complete chunks
     of correct English; it addresses the problems of the English as a Lingua Franca approach;
     and describes how to apply the Pareto Principle (the "80/20 Rule") to language learning;
the second article (20.) introduces highly effective methods to improve your grammar beforehand
     so you don't have to scramble to remember grammar rules while speaking;
the third article (21.) shows you how to make sure the essay or letter you've just written in English
     is as error-free as possible before you hand it in or send it off;
the fourth and fifth articles (22. and 23.) are about nouns: singular, plural, countable and uncountable;
the sixth article (24.) is a roundup of the English tenses: what each one means, when you should use it,
    and what each is equivalent to in Chinese.

¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X ²æ¤f¦Ó¥Xªº­^¤å¤åªk in No. 87, January/February 2015, p. 8-10.

20. ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X ­«¤èªk¤£­«¦º­Iªº­^¤å¤åªk¡]¤W¡^in No. 88, March/April 2015, p. 8-10.

21. ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X ­«¤èªk¤£­«¦º­Iªº­^¤å¤åªk¡]¤U¡^in No. 89, May/June 2015, p. 3-5.
                               Articles 88 (¤W) and 89 (¤U) together in one file   

22. ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X ³æ¼Æ¡H½Æ¼Æ¡H¥i¼Æ¡H ¤£¥i¼Æ¡H a, one, the¡HÅý­^¤å¦Wµü¦A¤]Ãø¤£­Ë§A¡I¡]¤W¡^¡I in No. 90, July/August 2015, p. 20-22.

23. ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X ³æ¼Æ¡H½Æ¼Æ¡H¥i¼Æ¡H ¤£¥i¼Æ¡H a, one, the¡HÅý­^¤å¦Wµü¦A¤]Ãø¤£­Ë§A¡I¡]¤U¡^in No. 91, September/October 2015, p. 12-14.

                               Articles 90 (¤W) and 91 (¤U) together in one file 

24. ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X °Êµü®ÉºA¤T­¶³q in No. 92, November/December 2015, p. 24-26.

        To receive information about future articles and projects, join Karen's Email Updates list!

Also, a very important article on how to write a good email, by Melissa Hsiung ºµ°´§¡¡G
­^ ¤å E-mail ¼ç³W«h¡G¦Ñ®v«ç»ò¤£¦­ÂI±Ð§Ú?!

Also of interest: "Bedtime readings in linguistics" ¡V
a reading list of popular books on linguistics and language-related topics:

Articles in English Island:

72. ®t¤@­Ós¡A¡u¥É ¦Ì¡vÅÜ¡uÂû²´¡v! ¡V¥i¼Æ/¤£¥i¼Æ¡B³æ½Æ¼Æ«ç»ò·|¬O¤p²Ó¸`©O(¤U)  2023-7 
71. ®t ¤@­Ós¡A ¡u¥É¦Ì¡vÅÜ¡uÂû²´¡v! ¡V¥i¼Æ/¤£¥i¼Æ¡B³æ½Æ¼Æ«ç»ò·|¬O¤p²Ó¸`©O(¤¤)  2023-7
®t ¤@­Ós¡A¡u¥É ¦Ì¡vÅÜ¡uÂû²´¡v! ¡V¥i¼Æ/¤£¥i¼Æ¡B³æ½Æ¼Æ«ç»ò·|¬O¤p²Ó¸`©O(¤W)  2023-7
69. ¡u¤B°©¤û±Æ¡vÁÙ¬O¡uT°©¤û±Æ¡v¡H §Îª¬¦rªº¡u¤¤©Ô¤§ª§¡v 2022-4
68. ¡uQ¡v¤w¸g¬O¤¤¤å¦r¤F¶Ü¡H¥xÆW¿W ®aªº¡uAB¦è½Þ¡v 2022-3
67. ¦pªG¯à§ï¼g¾ú¥vªº¸Ü¡K°²³]»y®ðªº ¡u³Ì·s¤åªk¡v  2021-10
¹³½½¤û¡H±²ÄÑ¥]¡HÁÙ¬O¶H»ó¡H¥|³B¹«Â«ªº@²Å¸¹  2021-7
65. ¤õÂû¤£¨Ó¦ÛTurkey¡A¤¦³ÁÄÑ¥]¤]¤£¬O¨Ó¦Û¤¦³Á ! 2021-6 
64. ³Q ¡§out of left field¡¨ ªº¤ù»y¬ðÀ»®É¡A«ç»ò¿ì¡H  2021-5
63. ­^»y°Êµü¤]¦³¡u¥b°I´Á¡v¡H 2021-4
62. oftenªº¡§t¡¨­nµo­µ¡H¬ü¦¡­^»y¶i¤Æ¤¤  2021-3
61. ½u¤W¾Ç­^¤å¥¿¬y¦æ¡A§A¤]·Q¦¨¬°Langpreneur¶Ü¡H 2021-2
60. ­^»y¤Q¤j³´¨À2¡Gª¾¿ù¯à§ï¡X¡X¦ý¤£ª¾¹D¿ù¡A«ç»ò¿ì¡H 2021-1
59. ­^»y¤Q¤j³´¨À1¡Gª¾ÃÑ´N¬O¤O¶q 2020-12
58. §Aªº­^¤å¤å¤Æ¯À¾i¦³´X¤À¡Hª±³õ¡§Botticelli¡¨´ú¸Õ¤@¤U§a¡I 2020-11
57. ­^»y¤¤¨S¦³¤¤©Êªº¡u¥L¡v¡A«ç»ò¿ì¡H 2020-10 
56. §Aª¾¹D¡§cool¡¨ ªº­ì·N¬O¤°»ò¶Ü¡H¶Â¤H­^»y¤Jªù 2020-9
55. ¹Ø³ß¿N¡H­»¿¼²î¡H¥´¤J­^¬ü¥«³õªº¸g¨å¥~»yºq 2020-8
54. ¦í¹Lªk°ê ¤~ª¾¹D¾Ç­^¤åªºµhÂI 2020-7
53. ³Ì¡u¬ü°ê¡vªº­¹ª«¬O⋯º~³ù¶Ü¡H¦A²q§a 2020-6  
52. ½Ð¤£­n¸ò§Ú»¡­^¤å¡A¦n¶Ü¡H 2020-5  
51. ­^¤å¯uªº­n§@²Ä¤G©x¤è»y¨¥¡H¨º¡A«D³o¼Ë°µ¤£¥i  2020-4 
50. ­^»y³æ¦r¶q¤£°÷¡H¨º¡A­I¦r¨å¦³¥Î¶Ü¡H 2020-3
49. ¹êªp­^¤å¦³Å¥¨S¦³À´ Make sure you ¡§Know before you go¡¨  2020-2
48. ¡u®æ¦¡¡v´N¬O§»ª¡G­^¤å¼ÐÂI²Å¸¹ªº10¤j³W«h  2020-1
47. Who's a False Friend? ¤p¤ß¥~¨Óªº¡u°²ªB¤Í¡v¡I 2019-12
46. ¥[±j­^¤åÅ¥¤Oªº²×·¥µ¦²¤¡G¸ÑªR10­Ó±`¨£¿ù»~  2019-11
45. ¬ð¯}Å¥¤O²~ÀVªº¤­¤j¯µ³Z 2019-10
44. ¤åªk®ø¥¢¤F¡I¨º¨Ç¡u¬Ý¤£¨£¡vªºÂ½Ä¶³W«h 2019-9
43. ­^¤¤¡uµo§b¡v½Ķªk¤j¤½¶}  2019-8
42. I feel so boring¡K¤£¥Î¨º»òÁ¾µê§a¡I 2019-7
41. Podcasts: ¥i¥HÀH¨­Äâ±aªº¦ÕºÖ  2019-6
40. ½ĶªÈ¹î¶¤¡G ¤¤¤å¦³¡u§â¡vªº¥y¤l«ç»ò½¡H  2019-5
39. ¤¤¤å¤]¦³¤ù»y°Êµü¶Ü¡H 2019-4
38. Advanced!¤åªk¹L©Û²Ä¤T¦¡¡G ¤ù»y°Êµü«ç»ò°á¡H 2019-3
37. §AÁÙ¦b¥Î«U®ðªº¡§Last but not least¡¨¶Ü¡H2019-2 
36. »y½Õ¤U­°¡H§ÚÁÙ¥H¬°§AÁ¿§¹¤F 2019-1
35. ¤j¼Æ¦r ¤pºJ¨B 2018-12
34. ³s­µ¶ë­µ½g¡GSTOP at STOPS! ¹J¨ì¶ë­µ½Ð¼È°±¡I  2018-11
33. ³s­µ"y"¦r½g¡G¡uÂæ¤l¡vÁ¿­þ¸Ì¤£¹ï¡H    2018-10
32. ³s­µ»ó­µ½g¡G¦p¦óÁקK¡§N¡¨G­^¤å¡H  2018-9
31. ³s­µ¡G­^»y¡u¦r¸Ì¦æ¶¡¡vªº¥È¾÷ - ¥À­µ½g    2018-7
30. ¡u§ì¨ì¤F¡I¥À»y¤H¤h°Êµü®ÉºA¤£¤@­P¡I¡v¡]§Ú¤]¥i¥H¤£¥ÎºÞ°Êµü®ÉºA¶Ü¡H¡^ 2018-6
29. ¾Ç­þ¤@ºØ¦n¡Hª`­µ²Å¸¹vsù°¨«÷­µ 2018-5
28. Advanced!¤åªk¹L©Û²Ä¤G¦¡¡G °ÆµüEvenªº4ºØ¥Îªk 2018-4
27. ©ñ»´ÃP¡A¡uµo§b¡vÅý§Aµo­µ§ó¦n 2018-3
26. ÂIÀYªº¤O¶q 2018-2
25. Advanced! ¤åªk¹L©Û²Ä¤@¦¡¡G­^¤å­Ë¸Ë¥y 2018-1
24. ¥xÆW¨ý¾Ç²ßªk¡G¥Îª`­µ½m­^¤å¥À­µ 2017-12
23. ¡u¨C¤Ñ°µ¤@ÂI¡v ¨Ó§ïÅܤH¥Í 2017-11
22. ¶V¶}®Ô¡A»y¨¥¾Ç±o¶V§Ö 2017-10
21. ¬°¤°»ò²³æªº³æ¦r¡Aµo­µ«o¤£Â²³æ¡H 2017-9
20. »y¨¥¥æ´«¥²¬Ý¤pºJ¨B 2017-8
19. ¤£¾Ç¦nµo­µªºÂǤf¤@ÆYµ¨ 2017-7
18. ·|°Û³o¨â­ººq¡A´N¾Ç·|°²³]»y®ð 2017-6
17. ±q100¤À­Ë¦©ªºÄvª§¦¡ªÀ¥æ 2017-5
16. Echo Method: ¥Î¡u¦^­µ°O¾Ð¡v¥´³ynativelikeªº»y·P 2017-4
15. "Goody Two Shoes" ¤Ó¨Äªº¤H¥Í¦³ÂIµL²á 2017-3
14. §Æ±æ¡B¯¬ºÖ¡B³\Ä@ ­^¤å«ç»ò»¡¡H 2017-2
13. §A¬O¤¤¤å¸£ÁÙ¬O­^¤å¸£¡H 2017-1
12. ¨ì©³¬OYesÁÙ¬ONo? 2016-12
11. ¬Ý¡u¤¤¤å¦r¹õ¡v·|¼vÅT­^¤åÅ¥¤O¶Ü¡H 2016-11
10. §A¦³¨S¦³¤£¤p¤ß Á¿¥X¡u­­¨î¯Å­^¤å¡v? 2016-10
9.  ­þ°ê»y¨¥¥~¨Ó»y³Ì¦h¡H 2016-9
8.  ½ÖÁ¿¸Ü³Ì§Ö¡H 2016-8
7.  ¬Ý¤£¨£ªº¤åªk 2016-7
6.  ¤¤¤åÅܦn¡A­^¤å¤]¸òµÛ¦n¤F 2016-6
5.  Wrongology ¤£­nÃhºÃ¡A¯uªº¦³¥Ç¿ù¾Ç 2016-5
4.  ¦P¾Ç¡Aµ¹§Ú¤@ÂIFeedback 2016-4
3.  ¦Ñ®v¡A½Ð»{¿ù§a¡I 2016-3
2.  ¥xÆW±Ð«Ç¸Ì§ä¤£¨ìªº¡u¼J¿Ø½Ò¡v¡]¤U¡^ 2016-2
1.  ¥xÆW±Ð«Ç¸Ì§ä¤£¨ìªº¡u¼J¿Ø½Ò¡v¡]¤W¡^ 2016-1

"Ten core themes in pronunciation teaching."
Proceedings of the Phonetics Teaching and Learning Conference (PTLC),
University College London, July 27-30, 2005.

¡u¦ã²ú­^»y±Ð«Ç¡v "Ally in the English Classroom" (in Chinese).
´°·×­^»y±Ð¾ÇÂø»x Cave's English Teaching. 28, Jan. 2001, pp. 38-42.

¡u¶i¤J±Ð¾Çªº¥@¬É¡RÅéÅçµ£ÁÁªº½ì¨ý¡v "Teaching English
in Rhyme"
(in Chinese). ´°·×­^»y±Ð¾ÇÂø»x Cave's English
. 21, April 1999. pp. 38-43. (.pdf)

"About Pronunciation". English Teaching and Learning,
National Taiwan Normal University, vol. XXII, no 4, issue
no. 88. May 1998. pp. 77-91.

The following paper was originally submitted for inclusion as
a chapter in a book on "Good Language Learners" but
subsequently withdrawn, so I am putting the original online
here, for the reference of anyone interested:

Pronunciation and Good Language Learners (unpublished
manuscript) by Karen Steffen Chung, February 2006.

Article on advising students:

¡uÅU§Ò¡v»P¡u«D¹C À¸¡v(pdf) "Using 'Scruples' and 'Ungame' to Talk with Advisees"
(in Chinese). Taiwan University Student Advisor Monthly. Á~¾ô¥x¤j¾É®v¤ë°T.
¾É®v¶}Á¿. No. 1, March 2001.
Reprinted in ¾É®v¸ê·½¤â¥U. ¤E¤Q¾Ç¦~«×¾É®v¨î»²¾Éª¾¯à¬ã²ß·|. °ê¥ß¬Fªv¤j¾Ç
¾Ç¥Í¨Æ°È³B½Ò¥~¬¡°Ê»²¾É²Õ½s»s. March 25, 2002: 43-45.

Book reviews:

Review of: Müller, Peter O., Ingeborg Ohnheiser, Susan Olsen, Franz Rainer.
Word-Formation Volume 3: An International Handbook of the Languages of Europe.
SERIES TITLE: Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft /
Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science (HSK) 40/3
Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter, Mouton, 2015
; posted over LINGUIST e-mail discussion list,
October 26, 2017. Issue: Vol-28.4485.

Review of
: Fleischer, Wolfgang & Irmhild Barz. Wortbildung der deutschen
 [Word Formation in Contemporary German]. De Gruyter Studium.
Berlin & Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 2012; posted over LINGUIST e-mail discussion list,
November 26, 2013. Issue: Vol-24.4755.

Review of
: Harry van der Hulst, Rob Goedemans & Ellen van Zanten, eds.
A Survey of Word Accentual Patterns in the Languages of the World.
Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton, 2010; posted over LINGUIST e-mail discussion list,
March 28, 2012. Issue: Vol-23.1573.

Review of: Henrik HÈûeg Müller, Alex Klinge, eds.
Essays on Nominal Determination: From morphology
to discourse management
. Studies in Language Companion
Series 99. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2008;
posted over LINGUIST e-mail discussion list, January 24, 2011.
Issue: 22.400.

Review of
: Munat, Judith, ed. Lexical Creativity, Texts and Contexts.
Studies in Functional and Structural Linguistics 58. Amsterdam/Philadelphia:
John Benjamins, 2007; posted over LINGUIST e-mail discussion list,
December 1, 2008. Issue: 19.3675.

Review of:
Perng, Ching-hsi. Poems for Everyone.
¤@³õ­^¬ü ¤å¾ÇªºÁÜ®b¡Gµû¡m¦n¸Ö¤j®aŪ¡G­^¬üµu¸Ö¤­¤Q­º½àªR¡n.
¤å°T 269, March 2008, p. 100-101 (in Chinese).

Review of:
Lieber, Rochelle. Morphology and Lexical
. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 104.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004; posted over
LINGUIST e-mail discussion list, May 2, 2005. Issue: 16.1387.

Review of: Teschner, Richard V. & M. Stanley Whitley.
Pronouncing English: A stress-based approach with CD-ROM
Georgetown: Georgetown University Press, 2004; posted over
LINGUIST e-mail discussion list, August 2, 2004. Issue: 15.2199.

Review of: Bauer, Laurie. Morphological productivity.
Cambridge Studies in Linguistics 95, Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2001; Canadian Journal of Linguistics/
Revue canadienne de linguistique
, 48 (1/2), 2003, 80-82.

Review of: Hardcastle, William J. & Nigel Hewlett, eds.
Coarticulation: Theory, data and techniques. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 1999; SIL International
electronic book reviews, 2003-025. (.pdf)

Review of: Shi, Yuzhi. The establishment of modern Chinese grammar:
The formation of the resultative construction and Its effects
John Benjamins, 2002. Studies in Language Companion Series 59;
posted over LINGUIST e-mail discussion list, Feb. 16, 2003. Issue: 14.458.

Review of: Lecumberri, M. Luisa Garcia and John A. Maidment.
English transcription course. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
2000; Notes on Linguistics 4 (2001): 124-126. (.pdf)

Review of: Jerome L. Packard. The morphology of Chinese:
A linguistic and cognitive approach
. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 2000; posted over LINGUIST e-mail
discussion list, March 26, 2001. Issue: 12.844.

Review of: Watt, David L.E. The phonology and semology of
intonation in English: An instrumental and systemic perspective
Bloomington: Indiana University Linguistics Club Publications, 1994;
posted over LINGUIST e-mail discussion list, June 8, 1998. Issue: 9.847.

Review of: Taylor, Paul Alexander. A phonetic model of intonation
in English
. Bloomington: Indiana University Linguistics Club, 1994;
posted over LINGUIST e-mail discussion list, Oct. 18, 1997. Issue: 8.1499.

Review of: Giulio Lepschy, ed. History of linguistics; vol. 1:
The Eastern traditions of linguistics
. London & New York: Longman,
1994; Historiographia Linguistica, vol. XXII, No. 3, 1995. p. 401-409. (.pdf)

Review of: de Saussure, Ferdinand. Saussure's Third Course of
Lectures on General Linguistics (1910-1911)
, ed. and transl. by
Eisuke Komatsu & Roy Harris. Oxford & New York: Pergamon Press,
1993; Historiographia Linguistica, vol. XXI, No. 3, 1994. p.448-451.
(Originally also posted over LINGUIST e-mail discussion list,
May 4, 1994, Issue: 5.518.)

Book notices:

Book notice on:
Kunter, Gero. Compound stress in English:
The phonetics and phonology of prosodic prominence
(Linguistische arbeiten 539.) Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. Pp. xii, 225.
eLanguage, digital publishing platform of the Linguistic Society
of America (LSA). Posted December 13th, 2011.

Book notice on:
Acquaviva, Paolo. Lexical plurals:
A Morphosemantic Approach
Oxford Studies in
Theoretical Linguistics, vol. 20. Oxford: Oxford University
Press. 2008. pp. xii, 295. eLanguage, digital publishing
platform of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA).
Posted April 18th, 2011.

Book notice on: Makharoblidze, Tamar. Basic Georgian.
LINCOM Practical Language Courses 01 Munchen: LINCOM
Europa, 2008. pp. 204. eLanguage, digital publishing platform of
the Linguistic Society of America (LSA). Posted April 10th, 2011.

Book notice on:
Hamawand, Zeki. The Semantics of
English Negative Prefixes
London & Dakville: Equinox,
2009. Pp. xii, 179. eLanguage, digital publishing platform of the
Linguistic Society of America (LSA). Posted March 24th, 2011.

Book notice on:
Plümacher, Martina & Peter Holz, eds.
Speaking of Colors and Odors.
Converging Evidence
in Language and Communication Research, Vol. 8.
Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2007. pp. vi, 244.
eLanguage, digital publishing platform of the Linguistic Society of America
(LSA). Posted November 2nd, 2010.

Book notice on:
Weber, David John. Writing Quechua: The Case
for a Hispanic Orthography
UCLA Latin American Studies, Vol. 87.
Los Angeles: UCLA Latin American Center Publications: 2005. pp. xii, 164.
eLanguage, digital publishing platform of the Linguistic Society of America
(LSA). Posted November 3rd, 2010.

Book notice on:
Benczes, Réka. Creative compounding in English:
The semantics of metaphorical and metonymical noun-noun
Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 2006. Pp. xvi, 206.
digital publishing platform of the Linguistic Society of America
(LSA). Posted May 18th, 2010. (.pdf)

Book notice on:
Wenszky, Nora. Secondary stress in English words.
Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, 2004. Pp. 248. eLanguage, digital publishing
platform of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA). Posted April 20th, 2009.

Book notice on:
"Writing Panare ¡V Portrait of a Linguist on Fieldwork"
(video). Camera/sound/direction by Paul Henley. Granada Centre for
Visual Anthropology, University of Manchester. 1996. 29 minutes.
Language (Journal of the Linguistic Society of America) 82.1 (2006). p. 199.

Book notice on: Reetz, Henning. Artikulatorische und akustische Phonetik.
Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 1999. Pp. 200. Paper.
Language (Journal of the Linguistic Society of America) 81.3, (2005). p. 785.

Book notice on: Neufeld, Eldo. A dictionary of Plautdietsch rhyming words.
(LINCOM Studies in Germanic Linguistics 15). Munich: Lincom Europa,
2002. Pp. vi, 67. Language (Journal of the Linguistic Society of America)
81.1, (2005). p. 284.

Book notice on: Gao, Hong. The physical foundation of the patterning
of physical action Verbs : A study of Chinese verbs
. Travaux de l'institut
de linguistique de Lund XLI. Lund: Lund University, 2001. Pp. 265, xiv.
Language (Journal of the Linguistic Society of America) 79.4, (2003). p. 800-801.

Book notice on: Cohen, Ariel. Think generic! The meaning and use
of generic statements
. Stanford: CSLI Publications, Center for the
Study of Language and Information, 1999. pp.xiii, 208. Language
(Journal of the Linguistic Society of America)
78.1, (2002). p. 203.

Book notice on: Chen, Ping. Modern Chinese: History and sociolinguistics.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. pp. xiv, 229. Language (Journal
of the Linguistic Society of America)
78.1 (2002). p. 203-204.

Book notice on: Brinton, Laurel J., & Minoji Akimoto, ed. Collocational and
idiomatic aspects of composite predicates in the history of English
Studies in Language Companion Series. Amsterdam & Philadelphia:
John Benjamins, 1999. pp.xii, 283. Language (Journal of the Linguistic
Society of America)
78.1 (2002). p. 204-205.

Book notice on: Ning Yu. The contemporary theory of metaphor:
A perspective from Chinese
. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins,
1998. Pp. vii, 278. Language (Journal of the Linguistic Society of America),
76.1 (2000) p. 231.

Book notice on: Kageyama, Taro, ed. Verb semantics and syntactic structure.
Tokyo: Kurosio Publishers, 1997. Language (Journal of the Linguistic Society
of America)
75.1 (1999), p. 193-194.

Book notice on: ABC (Alphabetically-based computerized)
Chinese-English dictionary
John DeFrancis, comp. Honolulu:
University of Hawaii Press, 1996. Language (Journal of the Linguistic
Society of America)
, 74.3 (1998), p. 660-661.

Book notice on: Ladefoged, Peter. 1996. Elements of acoustic phonetics.
2nd ed. Chicago & London: University of Chicago Press, 1996. Language
(Journal of the Linguistic Society of America)
, 74.3 (1998), p. 661.

Book notice on: Sun, Chaofen. 1996. Word-order change and
grammaticalization in the history of Chinese
. Stanford: Stanford
University Press. Language (Journal of the Linguistic Society of
, 74.1 (1998), p. 237.

Book notice on: Chang Chung-ho & Hans Frankel, intro., transl., annot.
Two Chinese treatises on calligraphy
. New Haven & London: Yale
University Press, 1995. Language (Journal of the Linguistic Society of
73.2 (1997) p. 437-438.

Book reviews for Amazon


Have translated numerous children's books
into English from Chinese, German and Spanish
for Heryin ©M­^ and Chung-tang ºZ½Í publishers

"Spring Rain"
, by Cheng Ch'ing-wen. in:
Voices from the Beautiful Island: Bilingual Taiwan Masterworks
®qÀ¬ÂùÁn¡G»OÆW¤å¾Ç¦W§@ ¤¤­^¹ï·Ó
. ªô¤l­× Tzuhsiu Beryl Chiu, ed.
Taipei: Bookman, 2008. 281pp, with interactive DVD.

(Also collected in The Three-Legged Horse (short stories by
Cheng Ch'ing-wen). New York: Columbia University Press, 1998.
Pp. 240; and in the Chinese-English bilingual short story and essay
collection: Taiwan Literature in Chinese and English.
Chi, Pang-yuan, ed. Taipei: CommonWealth Publishers, 1999.)

Chinese-to-English translation of libretto for the modern Peking opera,

The Kingdom of Desire
, adapted from Shakespeare's Macbeth,
by Lee, Huey Ming. Contemporary Legend Theatre, 1986.

Chinese-to-English translations for The Chinese PEN:

September 25, 2007, No. 141, vol. 35, No. 3
Short story: "The Story of Beggar's Cottage"
by Ah Sheng

Poem: "Return to Angkor"
by Hsu Hui-chih

Poem: "Neon Lights"
by Chen Yu-hong

June 25, 2007, No. 140, vol. 35, No. 2
Poem: "To express it in a different way"
by Chen Yu-hong

March 25, 2007, No. 139, vol. 35, no. 1
Poems: "The orchid cactus looks out at the sea
" 2

"I told you before" 2
by Chen Yu-hong, p. 66-69.

June 25, 1999, No. 108, vol. 27, no. 2

"My Heart Soars: A Factory Girl's Story"
by Hu Tai-li, p. 17-37.

March 25, 1999, No. 107, vol. 27, no. 1
"The Former and Present Lives of Cobblestones ¡V
Notes on Visits to the Huatung Rift Valley"

by Wang Wen-chin, p. 1-4.

"Bedtime Reminder"
, by Lu Chao Yu, p. 65-68.

June 25, 1998, No. 104, vol. 26, no. 2
"Homer in the Eye of the Storm"
, by Teresa Buczacki, p. 29-33.
"Insights from 'A Patch of Sunlight'", by Teresa Buczacki, p. 34-41.

Dec. 25, 1997, No. 102, vol. 25, no. 4

"The Russian Doll"
, by Chang Chi-jiang, p. 67-88.

June 25, 1997, No. 100 Anniversary issue, vol. 25, no. 2

"Calendars and Pocket Watches:
Christmas Gifts of Love"
, by Kao Ta-peng, p. 104-114.

"The Man Who Lost His Voice", by Chang Chi-jiang, p. 96-103;
reprinted in An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Literature,
Vol. 3, Essays
. Chi, Pang-yuan, ed. Taipei: National Bureau of
Compilation and Translation. 2004.

March 25, 1997, No. 99, vol. 25, no. 1
"Fertile Fields", by Wu Ming, p. 20-35.
"Mulberry Trees"
, by Wu Ming, p. 36-52.

Dec. 25, 1996, No. 98, vol. 24, no. 4
Two Essays by Wang Ting-chun,
p. 1-11:
"Old is Beautiful", p. 1-6.
"Heaven", p. 7-11.

June 25, 1996, No. 96, vol. 24, no. 2
, by Cheng Ch'ing-wen, p. 55-73; also collected in
The Three-Legged Horse
(short stories by Cheng Ch'ing-wen).
New York: Columbia University Press, 1998. Pp. 240.

March 25, 1996, No. 98, vol. 24, no. 1
"The Thousand Mile Mountain Path ¡V
A Spring Visit to the Recluse of the Plantains"

by Chen Hsing-hui, p. 1-13.

Three essays by Ai Ya:

"Of Tears and Lachrymatories", p. 14-16.
"Song", p. 16-17.
"The Poet Named Chou Mengtieh", p. 17.20; reprinted in

An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Literature
Vol. 3, Essays
. Chi, Pang-yuan, ed. Taipei: National Bureau of
Compilation and Translation. 2004.

Sept. 25, 1995, No. 93, vol. 23, no. 3
(One of) Two essays by Chen Hsing-hui:
"Rain Falls on All the Car Roofs of the World", p. 2-4

Poems by Chang Hsiang-hua
, "Ball-point Pen", "Poem on Marriage",
"Silver Bird", "Tea Does Not Speak ¡V for Petar", p. 76-78.

"Spring Rain"
, by Cheng Ch'ing-wen. p. 39-56; also collected in
The Three-Legged Horse
(short stories by Cheng Ch'ing-wen).
New York: Columbia University Press, 1998. Pp. 240; and in the
Chinese-English bilingual short story and essay collection:
Taiwan Literature in Chinese and English
Chi, Pang-yuan, ed. Taipei: CommonWealth Publishers, 1999.

Chinese-to-English translations of poetry by Shiang-hua Chang:

(1) Affection is Everywhere, 1994; (2) Waiting for Snow, Taoran Press, 1994.

Chinese-to-English cookbook translations for Wei-Chuan Publishing:
(1) Chinese One Dish Meals, 1987; (2) Vegetarian Cooking, 1988;
(3) Microwave Cooking: Chinese Style, I988; (4) Microwave Cooking:
Chinese Style II
, 1989; (5) Japanese Cuisine, 1989; (6) Chinese Dim Sum, 1990.

English-to-Chinese translation of comics for the
China Post,
in cooperation with Chung, Hwa, 1987-1988.

Articles translated for the Free China Review, later renamed the Taiwan Review:

Book Review: "From Page To Screen" by Wong Kin-Yip, translated by Karen S. Chung.
Publication Date: 02/01/1992.

"Limited Resources, Rising Costs" By Chiang Tung-liang, translated by Karen S. Chung.
Publication Date: G05/01/1990.

"Progress With Measured Steps" By Chung Huei-ming, translated by Karen S. Chung,
from Youth of Freedom magazine). Publication Date: 10/01/1988.

"Chinese Made Easier" by Amory Y. M. Shih, translated by Karen Chung.
Publication Date: 09/01/1988.

Articles written for the Free China Review, later renamed the Taiwan Review:

"Don't Touch That Knob!"
by Karen S. Chung. Publication Date: 08/01/1990. Vol. 40, no. 8, pp. 30-35.

"A Mickey Mouse Business"
by Karen S. Chung. Publication Date: 08/01/1990. Vol. 40, no. 8.
German version.

"Separations and Reunions"
by Karen S. Chung. Publication Date: 01/01/1991. Vol. 41, no. 1, pp. 34-37.

Articles translated for

"The Taipei Tree Frog", July 1987, vol. 12, no. 7, p. 72-74.
"The National Institute of the Arts", June 1987, vol. 12, no. 6, p. 34-43.
"One Hundred Years of Working on Taiwan's Railroad", June 1987, vol. 12, no. 6, p. 116-123.
"Matchmaking for Fine Food", April 1987, vol. 12, no. 4, p. 27-35.

Chinese nursery rhymes translated fo
r Sinorama:

"A Shuttlecock Rhyme". July 1987, vol. 12, no. 7, p. 33.
"The Sheperdess", May 1987, vol. 12, no. 5, p. 53.
"The Rainbow". April 1987, vol. 12, no. 4, p. 97.
"The Little Water Buffalo". Sept. 1987, vol 12, no. 9, p. 20.
"Riding a Bamboo Horse", June 1987, vol. 12, no. 6, p. 31.

Recipes translated for Sinorama:
"Fresh Bamboo Shoots and Greens", July 1987, vol. 12, no. 7, p. 124.
"Carrot and White Radish Julienne", Sept. 1987, vol 12, no. 9, p. 113.
"Oxtail in Brown Sauce", Feb. 1987, vo. 12, no. 2, p. 115.
"Duck with Mushrooms and Preserved Cabbage", April 1987, vol. 12, no. 4, p. 112.
"Duck Strips with Celery", June 1987, vol. 12, no. 6, p. 92.
"Pork and Rice Dumplings, Huchow Style";
"Red Bean Paste Dumplings, Huchow Style" May 1987, vol. 12, no. 5, p. 118-119.

Miscellaneous writing:

Founded, served as editor-in-chief of
The Foreign Exchange
English newsletter of the Department of Foreign Languages
and Literatures, National Taiwan University.
September 1995-June 1997.

Ling Yu. A Family in Taiwan. Photos by Chen Ming-Jeng. Minneapolis:
Lerner Publications, 1990. 31p. ages 4-8. Ghostwrote this book for author.

"Language", Chapter 4, Republic of China Yearbook. 1989, p 34-47.
Taipei: Kwang Hwa, 1989.
Also served as managing editor of the ROC Yearbook,
translated speeches for the ROC president.

"Ritzen bridging cultures, East and West: Review of Belgian pianist's concert shows".
(review of Peter Ritzen's 9/21/92 piano/choral concert) The China Post,
September 24, 1992.

"Zither Master Visits Taiwan". (Interview of guzheng master Zhang Yan), Free China Journal,
February 26, 1990, p. 6.

"Chang Yen's cheng concert: A rich celebration of music that gives more than asked for".
China News, May 1, 1990.

"Spreading The 'Taiwanese' Word; Two New Language Books Sign Of Changing TImes".
Free China Journal, July 26, 1990.

"Shotgun Progress". (editorial on first heart transplant in ROC) The China Post,
August 20, 1987, p. 4.

"Welcoming Our Sons-in-Law". (editorial on legal rights of foreign sons-in-law in Taiwan)
The China Post, July 10, 1987.
