Principles of Microeconomics (個體經濟學原理與實驗)


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NTU (Fall 2020)


Course Syllabus

Office Hours: Friday 12:10-1pm after class, or by email appointment at Social Science Building (頤賢館) Room 754

Classroom and Time:

Lecture: Friday 9:10am-12:10pm at Liberal Education Classroom Building (博雅教學館) Room 103

TA Session 1: Monday 12:20-1:10am at same classroom by TA

TA Session 2: Wednesday 12:20-1:10am at same classroom

Textbook and References:

Course outline:

1a. [ 9 /14] Ten Principles of Economics (Ch. 1[4e]) [Note special date!]
 Experiment 1: The LUPI Game (Results: 07F, 08F, 09F, 10F, 12F, 13F-HSS, 15F, 17F)
          Ten Principles of Economics, Translated - by Yoram Bauman (Transcript; 10th Anniversary Ed.)
          ALL: The Principles and Practices of Economics (Ch.1) - Note the emphasis on Empiricism!

1b. [ 9 /16] Production Possibility Frontier (Ch. 2[4e]) [Note special date!]
        Videos: Why Politicians Don't Cut Spending, Opportunity Cost, and Trade Creates Wealth.
Economic Methods and Economic Questions (Ch. 2)

1c. [ 9 /18] Gains from Trade (Ch. 3[5e])
 Experiment 2: Gains from Trade (Results: 07F, 08F, 09F, 10F, 15F)
 ALL: Optimization: Doing the Best You Can (Ch. 3)

 2.  [ 9 /25] Supply and Demand (Ch. 4[7e])
 Experiment 3: Seeing the Invisible Hand (Group Record and Handout; Results: 07F, 08F, 09F, 13F-HSS, 15F@p.12, 17F, 20F@p.7)
         WSJ reading: Nasdaq Fresh Market Failure, Nasdaq Facebook Problem,
How NYSE really works, and How BATS ruined its own IPO.

        ALL: Demand, Supply and Equilibrium (Ch. 4)

 3.  [ 9 /26] Elasticity [Note special date!]
 Experiment 5: Taxation (Results: 07F, 08F, 09F)
         Try analyzing Elasticity in Calculus 1!

 •   [10/ 2 ] Mid Autumn Festival Long Weekend (Holiday)

 4.  [10/ 5 ] "Fixing" the Market? Bad Idea! [Note special date!]
         ALL: The Government in the Economy: Taxation and Regulation (Ch. 10)

 •   [10/ 9 ] Double-Tenth Long Weekend (National Holiday)

5a. [10/12] Markets and Welfare (notes7, blog7)

5b. [10/16] Markets and Welfare: Application to Taxation
 Experiment 4: Price Control (Results: 07F, 08F, 09F, 15F@p.7, 17F)
         Experiment 7: Public Goods Contribution (paper version slides and record sheet) (Results: 07F, 08F, 17F)

 6.  [10/23] Classical Market Failure: Externalities
         Experiment 6: A Tradable Permit Market (slides) (Past Results: 07F, 08F) [Tradable Permit Market Exam Question]
         ALL: Externalities and Public Goods (Ch. 9)
         Read about The Economics of Spam.

 7.  [10/30] Classical Market Failure: Public Goods and Common Resources; Markets and Welfare: Application to Trade (Ch. 9[4e])
         Read how Anonymity Affects Donation and
Private Production of Public Goods.
Trade (Ch.8)

 •   [11/ 6 ] Quiz 1 (Ch. 1-11)

 •   [11/13] Midterm (180 minutes: 9:10am-12:10pm) - Ch.1-11
Old Midterms: 19F, 18F, 17F, 16F, 15F, 14F, 13F, 12F, 10F, 09F, 08F, 07F, Sample

 •   [11/20] NTU Sports Day Event (University Holiday)

 8a.[11/23] Cost of Production [Note special date!]
         See What the Firm Should Do.
Sellers and Incentives (Ch. 6)

 8b.[11/25] Cost of Production [Note special date!]

 9.  [11/27] Competitive Markets
 Experiment 8: Chain Production (slides)
         ALL: Perfect Competition and the Invisible Hand (Ch. 7)

10a[11/30] Monopoly [Note special date!]
       Read Why Regulate Utilities?
       ALL: Monopoly (Ch. 12)

10b[12/ 4 ] Monopolistic Competition
 Experiment 1a: The LUPI Game Revisited (Largest Unique!!)
         Experiment 9: Perfect Competition (Results: TBA)
         Experiment 10: Monopoly and Price Discrimination (Results: TBA)
        ALL: Oligopoly and Monopolistic Competition (Ch. 14)

11. [12/11] Oligopoly and Factor Markets
Experiment 11: A Price & Quantity Market (Results: TBA)
Experiment 12: Duopoly 1 & 2 (Results: 07F results)
        Read about
Possible Price-fixing by Taiwan CPC and FPC.
Game Theory and Strategic Play (Ch. 13)

12. [12/18] Wage Differentials and Discrimination; Income Inequality and Poverty
         Experiment 13: Screening and Educational Signaling (in slides)
Markets for Factors of Production (Ch. 11)

13. [12/25] Frontiers of (Micro-)Economics
         Experiment 14: Location, Location, Location! (Results: TBA)
         Experiment 15: Labor Market Bargaining (Results: TBA)
Social Economics (Ch. 18)
         ALL: Political Economy (Web Chapter 3)

 •   [ 1/ 1 ] New Year Day (Holiday)

 •   [ 1/ 8 ] Quiz 2 (Ch. 13-22)

 •   [ 1/15] Final Exam (180 minutes: 9:10am-12:10pm) - Cumulative, but focus on the second half (Ch. 13-22).
         Old Finals: 19F, 18F, 17F, 16F, 15F, 14F, 13F, 12F, 10F, 09F, 08F, 07F

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Last modified on 2020-12-10