Website: Class Time:
Drop-in Open Office Hours: See here
3 Prerequisite:9:10~12noon Friday
Classroom etiquette:
- You may enter or leave the classroom at any time, but please do it quietly.
- You may bring food or drinks to the classroom. But, no smelly food.
- Please turn off your cellular phone before the class begins.
- No conversation or phone calls during the exams.
Undergraduate-level microeconomics.4 Grade Policy:
There will be an in-class mid-term exam and an in-class final exam, each accounting for 50% of your final course grade.5 Recommended Textbooks:
1. Public Finance, H.S. Rosen and T. Gayer, 2014(10e), McGraw-Hill. (華泰代理)6 Fall Term Schedule: Government Expenditures (Calendar)
2. Intermediate Public Economics, J. Hindriks and G.D. Myles, 2013(2e), 952pp., MIT Press.
A. Theory:7 Spring Term Schedule: Government Revenues (Calendar)B. Practice:
- Introduction (market failure and government intervention): Note
- Public Goods: Theory and Practice Note
- Externality: Note [Matching Theory]
- Public Choice: Note
Midterm Exam
- Income Redistribution: Note
- Cost-Benefit Analysis: Note 1, Note 2
- Social Welfare: Social Insurance and Assistance Note (Ref: Article 1 | Article 2 | 勞委會 勞動力發展署 | 衛生福利部 中央健保署)
Final Exam
A. Theory: B. Practice:8 Lecture Outline (in Chinese):
Fall | Spring9 Course Grades:
Here10 Sample Exams and Answers:
School year: 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015
- Please notify me if you find any broken links on my website.
- Extra points will be given to those who point out my lecture/exam mistakes.
- Standard answers will be posted on this website after each exam.
Please let me know as soon as possible if you have any questions.
Reference Sites
- Tax filing information: Yahoo Kimo, Money
- Laws and Regulations DataBase: 全國法規資料庫
to other pages:
Public Economics I
Environmental Economics II