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Peer-Reviewed Articles : Publication Year | Research Topics
Edited Books, Textbooks and Atlas Books: List

 | * corresponding author | # advisee |     

- 2024 -

  • Chang MC #, Wen TH * (2024), The Mediating Role of Human Mobility in Temporal-lagged Relationships Between Public Risk Perception and COVID-19 Progression: Comparing pre- and Omicron Eras in Taiwan, JMIR Public Health & Surveillance (in press)

  • Wang JC, Hsieh CL, Lee MH, Sun CH, Wen TH, Juang JY, Jiang JA (2024), Research on Monitoring Road Surface Anomalies Using an IoT-Based Automatic Detection System: Case Study in Taiwan, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics (Early Access). link

  • Lin CH #, Wen TH * (2024), Assessing the Impact of Emergency Measures in Varied Population Density Areas during a Large Dengue Outbreak, Heliyon 10(6): e27931. link

  • Lin YC, Wen TH, Shin WL, Vermund SH, Fang CT (2024), Impact of Vaccination and High-risk Group Awareness on the Mpox Epidemic in the United States, 2022–2023: a Modelling Study, eClinicalMedicine 68: 102407. link

  • Kuo PF, Wen TH, Chuang TW, Chiu CS, Ye YJ, Putra IGB (2024), Comparing Micro-level and Macro-level Models for Epidemic Diffusion in the Metro System, Journal of Simulation. link

  • Lin PS, Liu WL, Chne CD, Wen TH, Chen CH, Chen LW, Kung YH (2024), Micro‑scale Urbanization based Risk Factors for Dengue Epidemics, International Journal of Biometeorology 68(1): 133–141. link

- 2023 -

  • Lee YP #, Wen TH * (2023), Understanding the Spread of Infectious Diseases in Edge Areas of Hotspots: Dengue Epidemics in Tropical Metropolitan Regions, International Journal of Health Geographics 22:36. link

  • Kao B #, Lin CH, Wen TH * (2023), Measuring the Effects of Typhoon Trajectories on Dengue Outbreaks in Tropical Regions of Taiwan: 1998-2019, International Journal of Biometeorology 67: 1311–1322. link

  • Kuo FY #, Wen TH * (2023), Assessing the Impact of Local Context and Priorities regarding Domestic Disease Outbreaks and Imported Risk on Early Pandemic Response: Cross-continental Comparisons, Frontiers in Public Health, 11:1147768. link

  • Jiang WM, Wen TH, Huang YC, Chiou HY, Chen WJ, Hsiung CA, Sytwu HK, Tsou HH (2023), Interregional Mobility in Different Age Groups is Associated with COVID-19 Transmission in the Taipei Metropolitan Area, Taiwan, Scientific Reports 13: 17285. link   

  • Wen TH *, Kuo FY (2023), Point Pattern Analysis for Identifying Spatial Clustering Tendency, F. B. Mustafa (ed.), Methodological Approaches in Integrated Geography, Springer Texts in Social Sciences, Springer. link

- 2022 -

  • Kuo FY #, Wen TH * (2022), Assessing the Spatial Variability of Raising Public Risk Awareness for the Intervention Performance of COVID-19 Voluntary Screening: A Spatial Simulation Approach, Applied Geography 148:102804. link   [reported in NTU Highlights, Vol.94]

  • Lin CH #, Liu YH, Huang RN, Lin CC, Liu H. KH, Wen TH * (2022), Modeling Geographical Invasions of Solenopsis invicta Influenced by Land-use Patterns, Scientific Reports 12, 11733. link  

  • Lin CH #, Wen TH (2022), How Spatial Epidemiology Help Understand Infectious Disease Transmission, Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease 7(8), 164. link  

  • Wen TH * (2022), Spatial Analysis Methods for the Geography of Infectious Diseases: Review and Prospect, Journal of Geographical Science《地理學報》101: 109-124. link

  • Yuan HY, Hossain MP, Wen TH, Wang MJ (2022), Assessment of the Fatality Rate and Transmissibility Taking Account of Undetected Cases during an Unprecedented COVID-19 Surge in Taiwan, BMC Infectious Diseases 22:271. link

  • Wu TG, Chen YD, Chen BH, Harada KH, Lee K, Deng F, Rood M, Chen CC, Tran CT, Chien KL, Wen TH, Wu CF (2022), Identifying Low-PM2.5 Exposure Commuting Routes for Cyclists through Modeling with the Random Forest Algorithm based on Low-cost Sensor Measurements in Three Asian Cities, Environmental Pollution 294:118597. link

  • Kuo PF, Putra IGB, Setiawan FA, Wen TH, Chiu CS, Sulistyah UD (2022), The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on O-D Flow and Airport Networks in the Origin Country and in Northeast Asia, Journal of Air Transport Management 100:102192. link

- 2021 -

  • Kuo FY #, Wen TH * (2021), Regionalization for Infection Control: An Algorithm for Delineating Containment Zones Considering the Regularity of Human Mobility, Applied Geography 126:102375. link

  • Chan CH #, Wen TH * (2021), Revisiting the Effects of High-Speed Railway Transfers in the Early COVID-19 Cross-Province Transmission in Mainland China, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 18(12):6394. link

  • Lin CH #, Wen TH *, Liu YH, Huang RN, Liu H. KH (2021), Elucidating How the Red Imported Fire Ant (Solenopsis invicta) Diffused Spatiotemporally among Different Landscapes in North Taiwan, Ecology and Evolution 11(24): 18604-18614. link

  • Chan CH #, Chu TH, Wu JH P, Wen TH * (2021), Spatially Characterizing Major Airline Alliances: A Network Analysis, ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10(1):37. link

  • Jiang JA, Wang JC, Hsieh CL, Tseng KS, Ye ZW, Su LK, Sun CH, Wen TH, Juang JY (2021), An Alternative Body Temperature Measurement Solution: Combination of a Highly Accurate Monitoring System and a Visualized Public Health Cloud Platform, IEEE Internet of Things (IoT) Journal 8(7):5778-5793 link

  • Wen TH *, Liao HY #, Yang KL, Chen TH (2021), Characterizing After-Rain Standing Waters in Urban Built Environments through a Multilevel Image Analysis, X. Yang (eds.), Urban Remote Sensing: Monitoring, Synthesis, and Modeling in the Urban Environment, Wiley-Blackwell. link

  • Kuo FY #, Wen TH * (2021), A Mathematical Model for Evaluating the Medical Resource Availability of COVID-19 in Time and Space, S. Shaw and D. Sui (eds.), Mapping COVID-19 in Space and Time: Understanding the Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of a Global Pandemic, Springer. link  

- 2020 -

  • Liao HY #, Wen TH * (2020), Extracting Urban Water Bodies from High-resolution Radar Images: Measuring the Urban Surface Morphology to Control for Radar’s Double-bounce Effect, International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation 85:102003. link

  • Yuan HY, Liang J, Lin PS, Sucipto K, Tsegaye MM, Wen TH, Pfeiffer S, Pfeiffer D (2020), The Effects of Seasonal Climate Variability on Dengue Annual Incidence in Hong Kong: A Modelling Study, Scientific Reports 10: 4297. link

  • Chiang YL, Wang JC, Sun CH, Wen TH, Juang JY, Jiang JA (2020), Mobile Measurement of Particulate Matter Concentrations on Urban Streets: System Development and Field Verification, IEEE Access 8:197617–197629. link

  • Hossain MP, Junus A, Zhu X, Jia P, Wen TH, Pfeiffer D, Yuan HY (2020), The Effects of Border Control and Quarantine Measures on the Spread of COVID-19, Epidemics 32: 100397. link

  • Cheng YC, Lee FJ, Hsu YT, Slud EV, Hsiung CA, Chen CH, Liao CL, Wen TH, Chang CW, Chang JH, Wu HY, Chang TP, Lin PS, Ho HP, Hung WF, Chou JD, Tsou HH (2020), Real-Time Dengue Forecast for Outbreak Alerts in Southern Taiwan, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 14(7). link

  • Tsoua HH, Cheng YC, Yuan HY, Ya-Ting Hsu, Wu HY, Lee FJ, Hsiung CA, Chen WJ, Sytwu HK, Wu SI, Shih SM, Wen TH, Kuo SC (2020), The Effect of Preventing Subclinical Transmission on the Containment of COVID-19: Mathematical Modeling and Experience in Taiwan, Contemporary Clinical Trials 96: 106101. link

- 2019 -    

  • Ng TC #, Wen TH * (2019), Spatially Adjusted Time-varying Reproductive Numbers: Understanding the Geographical Expansion of Urban Dengue Outbreaks, Scientific Reports 9: 19172.  | link | Tutorial (dengue) | Tutorial (COVID-19) |

  • Ng IC #, Wen TH *, Yang ST, Fang CT *, Hsueh PR (2019), Detecting Tuberculosis Clusters in Urban Neighborhoods, Taipei, Taiwan: Linking Geographic and Genotyping Evidence, Applied Geography 104: 56-64. link

  • Yuan HY, Wen TH, Kung YH, Tsou HH, Chen CH, Chen LW, Lin PS (2019), Prediction of Annual Dengue Incidence by Hydro-Climatic Extremes for Southern Taiwan, International Journal of Biometeorology 63(2): 259-268. link 

  • Huang CY, Chin WC, Wen TH, Fu YH, Tsai YS (2019), EpiRank: Modeling Bidirectional Disease Spread in Asymmetric Commuting Networks, Scientific Reports 9: 5415. link 

  • Hsieh CJ, Yu PY, Tai CJ, Jan RH, Wen TH, Lin SW, Tseng CC (2019), Association between the First Occurrence of Asthma and Residential Greenness in Children and Teenagers in Taiwan, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 16(12): 2076. link

  • Wen TH * (2019), Spatial Assimilation, In Anthony M. Orum (Eds.), Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies, Wiley-Blackwell. link

- 2018 -    

  • Chen TH #, Chen YJ, Wen TH * (2018), Revisiting the Role of Rainfall Variability and its Interactive Effects with the Built Environment in Urban Dengue Outbreaks, Applied Geography 101:14-22. link 

  • Wen TH *, Hsu CS #, Hu MC (2018), Evaluating Neighborhood Structures for Modeling Intercity Diffusion of Large-scale Dengue Epidemics, International Journal of Health Geographics 17:9. link

  • Kuo FY #, Wen TH *, Sabel C (2018), Characterizing Diffusion Dynamics of Disease Clustering: A Modified Space-Time DBSCAN (MST-DBSCAN) Algorithm, Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108(4):1168-1186. link

  • Ko HY, Li YT, Chao DY, Chang YC, Li ZR, Wang M, Kao CL, Wen TH, Shu PY, Chang GJ, King CC (2018), Inter- and Intra-Host Sequence Diversity Reveal the Emergence of Viral Variants during an Overwintering Epidemic Caused by Dengue Virus Serotype 2 in Southern Taiwan, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 12(10): e0006827. link

  • Wen TH *, Hsu CS, Sun CH, Jiang JA, Juang JY (2018), A Location-Based Client-Server Framework for Assessing Personal Exposure to the Transmission Risks of Contagious Diseases, In Shaw SL and Sui D (Eds.). Human Dynamics Research in Smart and Connected Communities, Springer. link

 - 2017 -     

  • Chin WC #, Wen TH *, Sabel C, Wang IH (2017), A Geo-Computational Algorithm for Exploring the Structure of Diffusion Progression in Time and Space, Scientific Reports 7:12565. link

  • Wen TH *, Chin WC #, Lai PC (2017), Understanding the Topological Characteristics and Flow Complexity of Urban Traffic Congestion, PHYSICA A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 473:166-177. link

  • Lan YC, Wen TH, Chang CC, Liu HF, Lee PF, Huang CY, Chomel BB, Chen YM (2017), Indigenous Wildlife Rabies in Taiwan: Ferret Badgers, a Long-term Terrestrial Reservoir, BioMed Research International, Vol. 2017, Article ID 5491640. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/5491640. link

  • Chen TH #, Wen TH *, Fang CT, Chan PC (2017), Assessing Infection Risk of Tuberculosis (TB) Contacts in Different Case-Contact Contexts, Taiwan Journal of Public Health《台灣公共衛生雜誌》36(2): 107-121. link

  • Wen TH *, Chin WC, Lai PC (2017), Link Structure Analysis of Urban Street Networks for Delineating Traffic Impact Areas. Essaaidi and Nemiche (Eds.), Advances in Complex Societal, Environmental and Engineered Systems, Springer Series: Nonlinear Systems and Complexity, Springer. link

- 2016 -

  • Wen TH *, Tsai CT #, Chin WC (2016), Evaluating the Role of Disease Importation in the Spatiotemporal Transmission of Indigenous Dengue Outbreak, Applied Geography 76: 137–146. link

  • Lin CH #, Wen TH *, Teng HJ, Chang NT (2016), The Spatio-temporal Characteristics of Potential Dengue Risk Assessed by Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus in High-epidemic Areas, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 30(8): 2057–2066. link 

  • Tsai KH, Chang SF, Yen TY, Shih WL, Chen WJ, Wang HC, Yu XJ, Wen TH, Wu WJ, Shu PY. (2016), Prevalence of Antibodies against Ehrlichia spp. and Orientia tsutsugamushi in Small Mammals around Harbors in Taiwan. Parasites & Vectors 9:25. link

  • Lin MH #, Kuo RN, Chin WC, Wen TH * (2016), Profiling the Patient Flow for Seeking Healthcare in Taiwan: using Gravity Modeling to Investigate the Influences of Travel Distance and Healthcare Resources, Taiwan Journal of Public Health《台灣公共衛生雜誌》35(2): 136-151. pdf | link

  • Wen TH *, Lin MH, Li MH (2016), Potential Effects of Climate Changes on Dengue Transmission : A Review of Empirical Evidence from Taiwan, Rais Akhtar (Eds.), Climate Change and Human Health Scenario in South and Southeast Asia, Springer. link

- 2015 -

  • Chin WC #, Wen TH *  (2015), Geographically Modified PageRank Algorithms: Identifying the Spatial Concentration of Human Movement in a Geospatial Network, PLOS ONE 10(10): e0139509. link

  • Wen TH *, Lin MH #, Teng HJ, Chang NT (2015), Incorporating the Human-Aedes Mosquito Interactions into Measuring the Spatial Risk of Urban Dengue Fever, Applied Geography 62:256-266. link

  • Wen TH *, Chin WC # (2015), Incorporation of Spatial Interactions in Location Networks to Identify Critical Geo-Referenced Routes for Assessing Disease Control Measures on a Large-Scale Campus, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 12, 4170-4184. link

  • Wen TH *, Tsai YS (2015), Analyzing the Patterns of Space-Time Distances for Tracking the Diffusion of an Epidemic, In Kwan MP, Richardson D, Wang D and Zhou C (Eds.). Space-Time Integration in Geography and GIScience, Dordrecht: Springer. link

- 2014 -

  • Chiu CH, Wen TH, Chien LC, Yu HL (2014), A Probabilistic Spatial Dengue Fever Risk Assessment by a Threshold based-Quantile Regression Method, PLOS ONE 9(10): e106334. link

  • Huang CY, Wen TH (2014), A Novel Private Attitude and Public Opinion Dynamics Model for Simulating Pluralistic Ignorance and Minority Influence, Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 17 (3):8. link

  • Naim MR, Sahani M, Hod R, Hidayatulfathi O, Idrus S, Norzawati Y, Hazrin H, Tahir A, Wen TH, King CC, Zainudin MA (2014), Spatial-temporal Analysis for Identification of Vulnerability to Dengue in Seremban District, Malaysia, International Journal of Geoinformatics 10(1): 31-38. link

 - 2013 -

  • Wen TH *, Jiang JA, Sun CH, Juang JY, Lin TS (2013), Monitoring Street-level Spatial-Temporal Variations of Carbon Monoxide in Urban Settings Using a Wireless Sensor Network Framework, Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 10(12), 6380-6396. link

  • Hu MC, Huang AL, Wen TH * (2013), GIS-based Biomass Resource Utilization for Rice Straw Co-firing in the Taiwanese Power Market, Energy 55:354-360 link

  • Wu HH, Wang CY, Teng HJ, Lin C, Lu LC, Jian SW, Chang NT, Wen TH, Wu JW, Liu DP, Lin LJ, Norris DE, Wu HS (2013), A Dengue Vector Surveillance by Human Population-stratified Ovitrap Survey for Aedes (Diptera: Culicidae) Adult and Egg Collections in High Dengue-risk Areas of Taiwan, Journal of Medical Entomology 50(2):261-269. link

  • Huang CY, Lee CL, Wen TH *, Sun CT (2013), A Computer Virus Spreading Model Based on Resource Limitations and Interactions Costs, Journal of Systems and Software 86(3): 801-808. link

- 2012 -

  • Ng IC #, Wen TH *, Wang JY, Fang CT * (2012), Spatial Dependency of Tuberculosis Incidence in Taiwan, PLOS ONE 7(11): e50740. link

  • Lin CM and Wen TH * (2012), Temporal Changes in Geographical Disparities in Alcohol-attributed Disease Mortality before and after Implementation of the Alcohol Tax Policy in Taiwan. BMC Public Health 12:889. link

  • Tsai YS #, Ko PC, Huang CY, Wen TH * (2012) Optimizing Locations for the Installation of Automated External Defibrillators in Urban Public Streets Through the Use of Spatial and Temporal Weighting Schemes, Applied Geography 35: 394-404. link

  • Wen TH *, Lin MH, Fang CT (2012), Population Movement and Vector-borne Disease Transmission: Differentiating Spatial-temporal Diffusion Patterns of Commuting and Non-commuting Dengue Cases. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 102(5): 1026-1037. link
    The article was also selected to be part of Geographies of Health, Disease and Well-being: Recent Advances in Theory and Method, (2013), ISBN:978-0-415-87001-6, Routledge. link

  • Su MD, Lin MC, Lin CH, Wang SF, Wen TH, Hsieh HI (2012), A Spatial Aggregation Index for Effective Fallow Decision in Paddy Irrigation Demand Planning. Paddy and Water Environment, 10(1):31-39  link

- 2011 -

  • Yang AC #, Wen TH *, Shih CC, Fang CT * (2011), Differentiating Geographic Patterns of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Infection with Different Risk Factors in Northern Taiwan: 1997-2008. Applied Geography 31(2): 519-524.link

  • Tsai YS #, Huang CY, Wen TH *, Sun CT, Yen MY (2011), Integrating Epidemic Dynamics with Daily Commuting Networks: Building a Multilayer Framework to Assess Influenza A (H1N1) Intervention Policies. Simulation: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International 87(5): 385-405 link

  • Lin CH #, Wen TH * (2011), Using Geographically Weighted Regression to Explore Spatial Varying Relationships of Immature Mosquito and Human Densities with the Incidence of Dengue. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 8(7): 2798-2815 link  

  • Hu MC, Lin CH, Chou CA, Hsu SY, Wen TH * (2011), Analysis of Biomass Co-firing Systems in Taiwan Power Markets Using Linear Complementarily Models. Energy Policy 39(8): 4594-4600. link

  • Lin MH #, Yang AC, Wen TH * (2011), Using Regional Differences and Demographic Characteristics to Evaluate the Principles of Estimation of the Residence of the Population in National Health Insurance Research Databases (NHIRD). Taiwan Journal of Public Health《台灣公共衛生雜誌》30(4): 347-360. linkSAS code

  • Wen TH (2011). Comments on "The correlation between availability of high-rise buildings and suicide by jumping in Taiwan", Taiwan Journal of Public Health《台灣公共衛生雜誌》30(6): 547. link

  • Chang YC #, Wen TH *, Lai MS (2011), Comparisons of Different Geographical Accessibility Methods in Evaluating Township-level Physician-to-Population Ratios in Taiwan. Taiwan Journal of Public Health《台灣公共衛生雜誌》30(6) 558-572  link

  • Su MD, Lin MC, Wen TH (2011), Spatial Mapping and Environmental Risk Identification, Encyclopedia of Environmental Health, Elsevier link

- 2010 -

  • Wen TH, Chen DR, Tsai MJ (2010), Identifying Geographical Variations in Poverty-Obesity Relationships: Empirical Evidence from Taiwan. Geospatial Health 4(2): 257-265. link

  • Wen TH, Lin NH, Chao DY, Hwang KP, Kan CC, Lin KC, Wu JT, Huang SY, Fan IC, King CC (2010), Spatial-Temporal Patterns of Dengue in Areas at Risk of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 14:e334–e343. link

  • Wen TH, Liu TC, Lin MH (2010), Crime Mapping and Hotspot Analysis: A Case Study of Residential Burglaries in Taipei City, 1998-2007. Journal of Geographical Research《地理研究》52:43-63  pdf

  • Huang CY, Tsai YS, Wen TH * (2010), A Network-Based Simulation Architecture for Studying Epidemic Dynamics. Simulation: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International  86: 351-368. link  

  • Chen DR, Wen TH (2010), Elucidating the Changing Socio-Spatial Dynamics of Neighborhood Effects on Adult Obesity Risk in Taiwan from 2001 to 2005. Health & Place 16(6): 1248-1258. link

  • Chen DR, Wen TH (2010), Socio-spatial Patterns of Neighborhood Effects on Adult Obesity in Taiwan: A Multilevel Model. Social Science & Medicine 70: 823–833. link

  • Shang CS, Fang CT, Liu CM, Wen TH, Tsai KH, King CC (2010), The Role of Imported Cases and Favorable Meteorological Conditions in the Onset of Dengue Epidemics. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases 4(8): e775. link

  • Huang CY, Tsai YS, Wen TH (2010), Simulations for Epidemiology and Public Health Education. Journal of Simulation 4:68-80. link

- 2009 -

  • Chang YC #, Wen TH *, Lai MS (2009), Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Identify the Association between Geographic Accessibility and Hospital-seeking Behavior by Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients in Taiwan. Taiwan Journal of Public Health《台灣公共衛生雜誌》28(6): 517-529. pdf

  • Wen TH *, Tsai YS, Huang CY, Yen MY (2009), Multi-Layer Epidemic Dynamics Simulation (MEDSIM) for Spatial Transmission of Acute Respiratory Diseases, Intelligence and Security Informatics: Biosurveillance and Biosecurity, New York: West Publishing Co.

- 2008 -

  • Kan CC, Lee PF, Wen TH, et al. (2008), Two Clustering Diffusion Patterns Identified from the 2001-2003 Dengue Epidemic. American Journal of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene 79(3): 344–352. link

  • Chen J, Chen DR, Wen TH (2008), Delayed Treatment of Diagnosed Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Taiwan. BMC Public Health 8:236  doi:10.1186/1471-2458-8-236 link

  • King CC, Chao DY, Wen TH, et al. (2008) Epidemiologic Characteristics of Dengue in Taiwan and Implications for Global Control, Dengue Disease, Research Signpost Press, India.

- 2007 -

  • Wen TH , Lin CH, Chen CT, and Su MD (2007), Analysis of Spatial Scenarios Aiding Decision-Making for Regional Irrigation Water-Demand Planning. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 133(5): 455-467. link

  • Wen TH *, Lin NH, Lin K, Fan IC, Su MD, King CC (2007), A Spatial-Temporal Approach to Differentiate Epidemic Risk Patterns, In Lai, P.C. and Mak, S.H. (eds). GIS for Health and the Environment: Development in the Asia Pacific Regions. Springer Series: Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Berlin: Springer-Verlag. pdf | link 

  • Wen TH, Su MD, and Tsai BW (2007), A Spatial Database System for Disaster Mitigation and Emergency Response. Journal of Disaster Mitigation and Rescue《災害防救學報》8:211-232 (in Chinese) pdf

  • Wen TH (2007), Application of GIS for Public Facility Planning. NGIS Quarterly國土資訊通訊64:83-91. pdf

- 1997~2006 -

  • Wen TH, Lin NH, Lin CH, King CC, Su MD (2006), Spatial Mapping of Temporal Risk Characteristics to Improve Environmental Health Risk Identification: a Case Study of a Dengue Epidemic in Taiwan. Science of the Total Environment 367: 631–640. pdf

  • Wen TH, Su MD, Yeh YL (2004), A GIS-based Framework of Regional Irrigation Water Demand Assessment. Paddy and Water Environment 2:33-39. pdf

  • Wen TH, Su YH, Su MD (2004), A Spatial Data Structure of Irrigation Canal Systems, Journal of Chinese Agricultural Engineering農業工程學報50(3):19-31. pdf    

  • Su MD, Hsu, SW, Lin CH, Wen TH (2002), Application of Spatial Information on Regional Water Resource Planning, Journal of Chinese Agricultural Engineering農業工程學報48(4): 67-80. pdf   

  • Wen TH, King CC, Hsiao CK, et al (2002), Application of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to Epidemiological surveillance, Data analysis and Effective Control in Infectious Diseases, Taiwan Journal of Public Health《台灣公共衛生雜誌》21:449-456. pdf

  • Wen TH, Su MD, Lin CH, Chen TS (1998), Application of Geographic Information on the Estimation of Regional Irrigation Water Demand, Journal of Taiwan Water Conservancy台灣水利46(3):12-23. pdf  

  • Wen TH, Su MD, Yeh YL (1997), Integrated Application of Database Management System on the Web: Web-based Database for Water Related Law, Journal of Taiwan Water Conservancy台灣水利45(4):56-65. pdf  


- 中文專書章節 -

  • 溫在弘 (2016),地理大數據,《大數據戰略 4.0》,台北:前程文化。link

  • 溫在弘、陳慈忻 (2016),氣候變遷下的登革熱擴散風險與調適策略,《氣候變遷下的國家發展藍圖》,台北:國立臺灣大學link

  • 溫在弘 (2011)空間流行病學,《流行病學》,台中: 華格納出版社。link

  • 溫在弘、章殷超、賴美淑 (2010) 台灣癌治療機構的地理可近性分析,《空間綜合人文學與社會科學研究》,北京:科學出版社。pdf | link

  • 溫在弘、陳端容 (2009)台灣醫院合作網絡關係的地理空間結構分析《台灣人文地理資訊系統的案例與研究》, 花蓮國立東華大學

  • 溫在弘 (2008)再發現醫療地理學-建立流行病的時空座標,《數位典藏地理資訊系統》,台北國立灣大學