A novel six-rhodopsin system in a single archaeon:
After four years of intensive study, our lab unveiled a six-rhodopsin photosensory system, the most in microbes, in Haloarcula maris mortui. The system includes three ion translocating rhodopsins, two sensory rhodopsins and one sensory-like rhodopsin.

HmBRI: Light-driven proton outward translocator; Bacteriorhodopsin-like.
HmBRII: Light-driven proton outward translocator; Bacteriorhodopsin-like.
HmHR: Light-driven chloride inward translocator; Halorhodopsin-like.
HmSRI: Phototaxis sensory rhodopsin with a congnate transducer, HmHtrI. Like those known as SRI.
HmSRII: Photo-repellent sensory rhodopsin with a cognate transducer, HmHtrII. Like those known as SRII.
HmSRM: Sensory-like rhodopsin working with a cognate transducer, HmHtrM. Instead of containing Histidine kinase binding domain found in any transducer associated with sensory rhodopsin, HmHtrM lacks such domain.
GPCR, RGS and G-protein signaling: basic scientific facts and biotechnological studies
Our lab is also working on G-protein related pathways in plant and higer systems.
A GPCR drug screening system is under developments.
Biomimicry based on Photoreceptors and their associated proteins
Bacteriorhodopsins are light-driven proton translocators. Biomimicry based on photoreceptors potentially can take advantage of sun light to drive the direct production of bioenergy or indirectly. Bacteriorhodopsin, Halorhodopsin, Sensory rhodopsins, transducers and F1/Fo ATPase are the candidates.