


【活動資訊】2021.4.7尖端講座系列第十八場-Decolonizing Human Rights: Trauma, Cultural Identity, and Resistance among Migrants of Indigenous Origin at the U.S-Mexico Border

講者:Camilo Perez-Bustillo (Former Director of Advocacy and Research, Hope Border Institute (El Paso, Texas)
羅牧老師 臺大心理系109學年客座學人
主持:馮 燕(國立臺灣大學社會工作學系教授)
時間:4/07(三) 15:00-17:00





Camilo Perez-Bustillo is Visiting Professor of Human Rights and Social Justice at National Taiwan University (transitional justice, rights of migrants, indigenous peoples), affiliated researcher of the Global Research Programme on Inequality (GRIP, https://gripinequality.org/employee/perez-bustillo-camilo/) at the University of Bergen (Norway), former Fellow at CASBS-Stanford University, and former Director of Research and Advocacy at Hope Border Institute (El Paso, Texas). Lead author of Human Rights, Hegemony, and Utopia in Latin America: Poverty, Forced Migration and Resistance in Mexico and Colombia (Brill 2016), and co-founder of the International Tribunal of Conscience of Peoples in Movement, and of Witness at the Border: www.witnessattheborder.org.

This talk will explore the origins and implications of contemporary experiences related to human rights, trauma, and cultural identity that confront Latin American migrants of indigenous origin at the U.S-Mexico border, from a global, comparative, intercultural and decolonial framework. How have indigenous migrants and related social movements responded to these challenges in Latin America? What do these experiences tell us about contemporary global trends regarding the horizons of human rights and cultural identity?