




Applications for 2019 College of Social Sciences Scholarship for International Students are open (9/19-10/8)



      1) 填寫申請表 ( 請進入 https://forms.gle/tW89K8cbjXTFgKcSA填寫提交)
      2) 完成填寫申請表後,請將學生證居留證、歷年成績單、在學證明掃描後,傳送至 syhung@ntu.edu.tw, 郵件主旨為 你的學號- 2019國際學生獎助學金申請, 即完成申請程序。


承辦人:社會科學院413辦公室 洪曉盈小姐 (02)3366-8434


Applications for 2019 NTU College of Social Sciences Scholarship for International Students are now open! You are eligible to apply if you are:

(1) international bachelor degree program student with an average GPA of 3.0 or above in 2018/19 AY
(2) international master or PhD degree program student with an average GPA of 3.3 or above 2018/19 AY
(3) affiliated to College of Social Sciences

Local Taiwanese students, Chinese citizens, overseas Chinese born abroad (僑生), and 2019 Fall-entry students shall not apply.

Please submit the application form on-line ( https://forms.gle/tW89K8cbjXTFgKcSA ), and email the scanned copy of (1) your NTU student ID card, (2) official transcript with 2017/18AY grades, (3) ARC card, and (4) NTU enrollment certificate, to syhung@ntu.edu.tw . Entitle the email as YOUR STUDENT ID# for 2019 international student scholarship application.  

If granted, you will receive NTD36,000 in a single installment into your bank account.  

Contact person: 
Ms. Shiau-ying HUNG
Tel: 02-3366-8434
E-mail: syhung@ntu.edu.tw