社科院與亞比中心邀請到UCLA的知名社會學者Ching Kwan Lee來臺大訪問,她的研究興趣包括勞動、政治社會學、全球化、中國、香港、全球南方和比較民族誌,也是三部獲獎專著的作者,包括:Gender and the South China Miracle: Two Worlds of Factory Women (1998), Against the Law: Labor Protests in China’s Rustbelt and Sunbelt (2007), and The Specter of Global China: Politics, Labor and Foreign Investment in Africa (2017)。她即將在2018年11月18至22日間以 Comparative and Global Ethnography 為主題開辦密集課程,本講座亦歡迎非修課人士旁聽。旁聽者亦請事先閱讀指定讀本,以利課程討論。(讀本發送方式將另行通知)
Seminar 1 11/18 (Sun) 930-1230
Introduction: Puzzle, Case, Theory and Ethnography
Seminar 2 11/18 (Sun) 1400-1700
Variable Comparison: Gender and the South China Miracle
Seminar 3 11/21 (Wed) 1420-1720
Encompassing Comparison: Against the Law
Seminar 4 11/22 (Thur) 1420-1720
Capturing the Global with Eventful Comparison: The Specter of Global China