【新進教師】經濟系 崔炳和助理教授

美國Indiana University 經濟博士
美國University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign經濟碩士
"I joined the Department of Economics at National Taiwan University as an Assistant Professor in August 2016. My research interests include International Trade, Financial Development, and Applied Microeconomics. My recent works provide explanations for the heterogeneous effect of financial development on international trade. I am also interested in the role of public policy in growth and welfare. I earned a doctorate from Indiana University in 2016 with a dissertation titled “Essays in International Trade and Financial Development.” As a doctoral student, I was awarded the Alumni Associate Instructor Award for Excellence in Teaching and the Fred & Judy Witney Scholarship Award for Excellence in Applied Microeconomics from Indiana University.
I would like to maintain diverse research projects in a highly competitive and intellectually vibrant research environment provided by National Taiwan University and have strong collaborations both locally and abroad."