ELP: English Listening and Pronunciation
Fall 2022

continuation rise

Purse and
Monday 3:30-5:20pm
  Gongtong Classroom Building 共同 302

Professor Karen Chung 史嘉琳 老師
Join NTU Phonetics on Facebook!

CET articles on English pronunciation
CET articles 1-24 in one pdf file 
Scene from
              Big Bang Theory
A demonstration of how the Echo Method works

Previous class syllabuses: Spring 2014   Fall 2014 and Spring 2015 
  Spring 2016  Spring 2017  
Fall 2017  Spring 2018  Fall 2018  
  Spring 2019  Fall 2019 and Spring 2020  Fall 2020  Fall 2021  

     Fall 2022 

     UPDATE 9/18/22:
     Starting from Monday, September 19, 2022 to the end of the Fall 2022 semester,
     all ELP classes will meet in the Gongtong Classroom Building, Room 302 (共同 302)
     Note that this is a video-equipped classroom and all classes will be video-recorded
     for the sake of students who are absent due to the pandemic.

     UPDATE 9/10/22: 
     1. We will be meeting in a DIFFERENT CLASSROOM on Monday, September 12:
     綜合教室 202 
     This is so we can video-record the class for students who will be absent due to the pandemic.

     2. Watch your email for an announcement regarding a make-up for the pronunciation assessment test.

     A pronunciation assessment test will be held on Tuesday, September 6, 2022, 14:00-15:00 (2-3pm)
     in the 文學院演講廳. Make sure to come!

     The test has been rescheduled for: Wednesday, September 7, 2022 at 12:30pm i
n the 文學院演講廳!
     (But contact Prof. Chung if you need to make up the test.)

     There will be 15 class meetings this semester, including the final exam.
     Note that this class is open only to DFLL students,
     also that there is a cap of 40 students for this class, and that no auditors will be accepted.

     September 2022: 5, 12, 19, 26;
     October:               3, 17, 24, 31 (October 10 is a holiday; no class);
     November:           7, 14, 21, 28;
     December:           5, 12, 19

                                  The final exam will be held on Monday, December 19, 2022
                                  at the regular class time and place, i.e. 3:30pm in 外教中心 201.

Grade calculation

    Grades will be calculated on the basis of:

    Written class work (20%)
    oral class work and class participation (20%)
    scores on your dictations and quizzes (15%)
    score on final exam (written and listening) (30%)
    attendance, punctuality, attitude, and progress made; DON'T BE LATE! (15%)

    Note that the percentage breakdown is only APPROXIMATE,
    and is SUBJECT TO ADJUSTMENT in each individual case.

    Also note that more than 3 absences or 5 tardinesses may result in your NOT PASSING THE COURSE.
    If you must miss class or be late let Prof. Chung know by e-mail or otherwise beforehand;
    or as soon as possible afterwards if you really can't get in touch beforehand.
    Don't just fail to show up for class and not offer an explanation – even if it's "I overslept", please explain.

Format for name on homework – in upper right hand corner, left justified 左邊對齊:

         Iris Lin 林玉梅
         ELP  September 5, 2022
         Week One

     Use the date of the class in which you took the notes.
     Print on BOTH SIDES of the paper; staple goes in the upper LEFT HAND CORNER of the paper.

 FONTS: Times New Roman 12 pt for text
                Lucida Sans Unicode 10.5pt for IPA symbols
                新細明體 12pt for 中文

     i2Speak IPA input tool:

     Convert to pdf format before printing out to avoid encoding errors.

     Create a folder using your English given and family name as the folder name
     under ELP Fall 2022 on Google Drive; use your gmail address to join.
     This is where you will upload your class assignments.
     Upload each new assignment into an increasingly growing pdf file;
     the newest notes always go at the top of your Word file; then convert to pdf
     and upload to your Google Drive folder.

     Create subfolders for:
          1. Class notes (not: "Class note"!);
          2. Transcriptions; and
          3. Other work.

     Week One: September 5:   
     1.  Class list

          MUST READ:
Introduction to English Listening and Pronunciation Fall 2022 (pptx).

          Every Monday, you will hand in on paper, and also upload to Google Drive:

          1. a summary of your class notes from the previous week.
          2. a summary of one or more of the CET 師德 articles online. This week:
              a. CET 1 & 2: 大師開講 — 提升聽力祕訣:每天請聽 「回音」十分鐘(上、下) in No. 69 & 70,
              January/February p. 8-10 & March/April 2012, p.12-14.
              These articles explain in Chinese how the "Echo Method" of language learning works.
              b. Also read and takes notes on Melissa Hsiung's article, 英文 E-mail 潛規則:老師怎麼不早點教我?!;
            also useful: handout on note taking, by Melissa Hsiung.
        3. There will also be weekly listening and other assignments.
          4. Join NTU Phonetics on Facebook.
          5. Strongly recommended: Subscribe on YouTube to:
              蜂蜜熊英文 English with Melissa ,   Prof. Chung's former student and TA
      Please email Prof. Chung about any bad links as soon as you discover them!

          1.  Format for name on homework – in upper right hand corner, left justified 左邊對齊:

          Iris Lin 林玉梅           
          ELP  September 5, 2022
          Week One

         2.  Use the date of the class in which you took the notes.
         Print on BOTH SIDES of the paper; staple goes in the upper LEFT HAND CORNER of the paper.

         3.  FONTS:

             Times New Roman 12 pt for text
             Lucida Sans Unicode 10.5pt for IPA symbols
             新細明體 12pt for 中文

     3.  Google Drive: ELP Fall 2022 
          Create a folder using your English given and family name as the folder name
          under ELP Fall 2022 on Google Drive; use your gmail address to join.
          This is where you will upload your class assignments.
          Upload each new assignment into an increasingly growing pdf file;
          the newest notes always go at the top of your Word file;
          then convert to pdf
format before printing out to avoid encoding errors.
          and upload to your Google Drive folder.

          Create subfolders for:
          1. Class notes (not: "Class note"!);
          2. Transcriptions; and
          3. Other work.

     4.  Send an email in PLAIN TEXT with this subject line: ELP: quote, reason, gmail, fb
          1. a quote to Prof. Chung at karchung@ntu.edu.tw
          according to this model,
          2. your reason for wanting to take this class: I want to take this course because...
          3. your gmail address, so you can be added to Google Drive: My gmail address is:
          4. your Facebook name: My Facebook name is...
          5. Remember to add a closing, and to sign your full name.

          Remember to use your NTU email account and address for all class-related business
          unless otherwise instructed; also use Prof. Chung's NTU email address: karchung@ntu.edu.tw

          Due Friday, September 9, but try to do it today!

          Read and refer to this article carefully before doing the assignment;
          英文 Email 潛規則老師怎麼不早點教我?! 文/熊偌均 Melissa Hsiung.
          Make sure to send it in plain text
純 文字, not html (look under ... and click on: 切換為純文字).

          Indent five spaces at the beginning of each new paragraph,
          and leave only one blank line between paragraphs, not two!

     5. Learning partners:
         Each student will have a LEARNING PARTNER who you will sit next to every class.
         You will help each other with class work and accountability.
         You will also check on each other's online assignments. Deadline: Monday, September 12.

     6. Enrollment will be in flux for a week or two, and we may have several new students next Monday,
         so today we will mainly have fun with a song from...1962!
         It's called: "She Can't Find Her Keys" (full version) by Paul Petersen;
MP3; partial MTV version.
         We'll go up to the whiteboard and write down the objects the woman pulls out of her bag.
         Launch a Google Images search for anything even slightly unfamiliar to you!

     7. We'll have our first dictation today, if there's time: moved to next Monday, September 12 
         Dictation #1: /ɪ/ vs. /i/, with final /-k/.
         Write the correct spelling and IPA symbols for each word you hear.
         All of the words will have only one syllable, and all with end with the /k/ sound.
         The vowel will always be either /ɪ/ as in "pick" or /i/ as in "peek".

         Also, print out the above IPA symbols handout, and bring it to every class.
        This site is useful for inputting IPA symbols online and into Word and other documents:

         Two useful sites:
         1. i2Speak IPA input tool:

         2. Seeing Speech:
         Hear what each IPA symbol sounds like here
         while also seeing an animation, fMRI and ultrasound video of
         each sound actually being pronounced!

     8.  1. We'll be doing daily transcriptions! Here's a sample episode of the podcast we'll
              transcribe an episode of starting next Monday: Before Breakfast with Laura Vanderkam.
              Please listen to it to till you understand almost everything
              to get used to the format, language and content.

          2. When in doubt about a pronunciation or meaning, go to the:
              Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary  

          3. To hear pronunciations of words or phrases in context,
              go to YouGlish. US, UK, and Australian English filters available;
              Chinese and other languages are also available.

          4. For easy transcription: oTranscribe.

          5. More practice with /i/ vs. /ɪ/ here: 
              a. efl net: Sound contrasts:  https://eflnet.com/content/sound-contrast-i-vs-i 
              b. Dictation Practice:  http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung/phonetics/dictations.htm 

     9.  Song of the week:
She Can't Find Her Keys    by Paul Petersen      MP3     partial MTV version

     Week Two: September 12     

     1.  Note that today's class will be held in 綜合大樓 202
         and will be video-recorded, for the sake of students who must miss class due to the pandemic.

     2.  Finalize your choice of learning partner today, and write your partner's English and Chinese name
          and student number on the first page of today's homework before handing it in.
          We will need two volunteers to be the learning partner of the two students absent today,
          one of whom is Japanese.

     3.  Why is pronunciation important? Watch this TEDx talk!
         如何用「回音法」學好英文口說 | 史嘉琳 Karen Chung | TEDxNTUST

         Also this chat with Ray Du 阿滴   

     4.  The Echo Method    

     5.  SLANT:  
          Sit up straight.
          Ask and Answer questions.
          Nod your head. (or: shake your head; or: wrinkle your brow; in short, give feedback!)
          Track the teacher.

          Also, for students who couldn't attend in person last Monday and today:
          Send an email in PLAIN TEXT with this subject line: ELP: quote, reason, gmail, fb
          1. a quote to Prof. Chung at karchung@ntu.edu.tw according to the model in the ppt file
          2. your reason for wanting to take this class: I want to take this course because...
          3. your gmail address, so you can be added to Google Drive: My gmail address is:
          4. your Facebook name: My Facebook name is...
          5. Remember to add a closing, and to sign your full name.
Indent five spaces at the beginning of each new paragraph,
              and leave only one blank line between paragraphs, not two!
Make sure to send it in plain text, not html (look under ... and click on: 切換為純文字).

          Read and refer to this article carefully before doing the assignment;
          英文 Email 潛規則老師怎麼不早點教我?! 文/熊偌均 Melissa Hsiung.
      6.  Discuss and hand in:
           a. CET 1 & 2: 大師開講 — 提升聽力祕訣:每天請聽 「回音」十分鐘(上、下)  in No. 69 & 70,
          January/February p. 8-10 & March/April 2012, p.12-14.
           b. 英文 E-mail 潛規則:老師怎麼不早點教我?! 

          For next week, September 19, read and take notes on these two articles:
          CET 3: /i/ 和 /ɪ/ 的辨別 in No. 71, May/June 2012, p. 12-14; and
         「格式」就是禮 貌:英文標點符號的10大規則 in English Island 英語島 48, January 2020;
          the EI article is available in the Google Drive folder named "English Island articles".
          Be ready to mention some of the main points of the articles in class!

     7.  During break:
          Make-up pronunciation assessment test for students who have not yet taken it, if possible.

8.  We'll have our first dictation today:
          Dictation #1: /ɪ/ vs. /i/, with final /-k/.
          Write the correct spelling and IPA symbols for each word you hear.
          All of the words will have only one syllable, and all with end with the /k/ sound.
          The vowel will always be either /ɪ/ as in "pick" or /i/ as in "peek".

         Also, print out the above IPA symbols handout, and bring it to every class.
         Two useful sites:
         1. i2Speak IPA input tool:
         This site is useful for inputting IPA symbols online and into Word and other documents:

         2. Seeing Speech:
         Hear what each IPA symbol sounds like here
         while also seeing an animation, fMRI and ultrasound video of
         each sound actually being pronounced!

Daily 30-second transcription exercise   
          Transcribe each daily segment with oTranscribe;  
          then paste your transcription into the following Google Forms
for 9/12 - 9/20, 2022 (9 segments/days).

          Then paste first the "Before" version and "After" versions
          for each daily segment into separate Google docs in your Google Drive folder.
          Use the Google Doc → Tools → Compare documents
          to compare and display the differences between the two documents.
          Make a cumulative list of your errors so you know 
where you need work,
          and also to chart your progress.

          Before Breakfast with Laura Vanderkam: July 13, 2022   
          Keep your remarks brief
          When it comes to speaking, less is more

          Segmented and numbered audio file:

          Daily Google Forms for transcriptions:     

          1. Google Form for 9/12/202:

          2. Google Form for 9/13/202:     

          3. Google Form for 9/14/2022:   

          4. Google Form for 9/15/2022:  

          5. Google Form for 9/16/2022:  

          6. Google Form for 9/17/2022: 

          7. Google Form for 9/18/2022: 

          8. Google Form for 9/19/2022: 

          9. Google Form for 9/20/2022: 

 Hints: 1. When in doubt about a pronunciation or meaning, go to the:
               Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary  

            2. To hear pronunciations of words or phrases in context,
               go to YouGlish. US, UK, and Australian English filters available;
               Chinese and other languages are also available.

            3. More practice with /i/ vs. /ɪ/ here: 
                a. efl net: Sound contrasts:  https://eflnet.com/content/sound-contrast-i-vs-i 
                b. Dictation Practice:  http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung/phonetics/dictations.htm 

     10.  Finish transcribing She Can't Find Her Keys, if there's time. Word cloze file   oTranscribe  

     11.  Song of the week: Tom's Diner (1982)     Suzanne Vega     Live version with background of the song      lyrics    
            (postponed till next Monday)

     Week Three: September 19       

     1. Note that starting from today, all ELP classes will be held in the Gongtong Classroom Building 302 (共 同大樓 302) 
         and will be video-recorded, for the sake of students who must miss class due to the pandemic.

     2. Make sure all your class list data is complete, including learning partner(s) today,
         with both their English and Chinese names and also their student number.
         Fill in any missing data in Google Sheet in our class folder entitled ELP Fall 2022 class list.

     3. One Small Step Can Change Your Life: with Kaizen.    

     4. The Pomodoro Technique of time management,
         and improving focus and productivity.
  View on YouTube.

     5. Recommended language exchange/language tutoring platforms:
         1. italki
         2. Tandem

Discuss and hand in:
         a. CET 3: /i/ 和 /ɪ/ 的辨別 in No. 71, May/June 2012, p. 12-14; and
        「格式」就是禮 貌:英文標點符號的10大規則 in English Island 英語島 74 (48), January 2020;
        the article is available in the Google Drive folder named "English Island articles".
        Be ready to mention at least three of the main points of the articles in class!

        For next week, September 26, read and take notes on these two articles:
        CET 4:「重音」真 的很重要! in No. 72, July/August 2012, p. 12-14; and
        Echo Method: 用「回音記憶」打造nativelike的語感 in English Island 英語島41 (16), April 2017;
        the article is available in the Google Drive folder.
        Be ready to mention
at least three of the main points of the articles in class!

    7.  We'll have our second dictation today:
         Dictation #2: /ɪ/ vs. /i/, with final /-d/.
         Write the correct spelling and IPA symbols for each word you hear.
         All of the words will have only one syllable, and all with end with the /-d/ sound.
         The vowel will always be either /ɪ/ as in "did"
/dɪd/ or /i/ as in "deed" /did/.
         Some items may start with a consonant cluster, e.g. creed
         Remember that the /k/ sound as in cat, kite, pick, and choir
         is always written /k/ (never /c/) in IPA.
         The IPA for the "sh" sound as in "ship" is /ʃ/. It's called either "esh" or "long S".

    8.  How are your transcriptions going? Any problems or questions you'd like to discuss?
         Here's the new transcription assignment starting on 9/21/22!

         Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase: #128  2016
         Yellow Horses    http://betty.libsyn.com/

         Segmented and numbered audio file:

         Daily Google Forms for transcriptions:    
         1. Google Form for 9/21/202:

         2. Google Form for 9/22/202:    

         3. Google Form for 9/23/2022:  

         And here's the transcription assignment starting on 9/24/22:
         Snap Judgment: Back of the Bus  by Glynn Washington
         "As a youngster, Glynn has a harsh introduction to a new school 
         before he even arrives..."
Orange school bus with
              black dog by the door
Glynn Washington

         Segmented and numbered audio file:

  Daily Google Forms for transcriptions:    
         1. Google Form for 9/24/202:

         2. Google Form for 9/25/202:    

         3. Google Form for 9/26/2022:  

         4. Google Form for 9/27/2022: 

         5. Google Form for 9/28/2022: 

         6. Google Form for 9/29/2022:

         7. Google Form for 9/30/2022:

         8. Google Form for 10/01/2022:

         9. Google Form for 10/02/2022:

         10. Google Form for 10/03/2022:

         11. Google Form for 10/04/2022:   

    9.  Magic bag of 30 transcription tricks (ppt)   

    10. Song of the week: Tom's Diner (1982)     Suzanne Vega     Live version with background of the song      lyrics   
          (postponed from last Monday)

     Week Four: September 26                       

     1. Note that starting from September 19, all ELP classes this semester will be held
         in the Gongtong Classroom Building 302 (共同大樓 302) and will be video-recorded,
         for the sake of students who must miss class due to the pandemic.

     2. Make sure all your class list data, on paper and in the Google Drive folder is complete,
         including learning partner(s), with both their English and Chinese names and also their student number.
         Fill in any missing data in the Google Sheet in our class folder, entitled "ELP Fall 2022 class list".

     3. The Power of Habit:  Cue–Routine–Reward

     4. Discuss and hand in:            
         Notes on CET 4:「重音」真 的很重要! in No. 72, July/August 2012, p. 12-14; and
         Echo Method: 用「回音記憶」打造nativelike的語感 in English Island 英語島 41 (16), April 2017;
         the article is available in the Google Drive folder.
         Be ready to mention at least three of the main points of the articles in class!

         For next week, October 3, read and take notes on these two articles:
         CET 5: 英語教學死角:複合名詞重音 in No. 73, September/October 2012, p. 12-14; and
         「抓到了!母語人士動詞時態不一致!」(我也 可以不用管動詞時態嗎?)in English Island 55 (30) June 2018;
         also watch the two videos entitled: 5-7 黑人英語入門 上:發音篇 and 5-8: 黑人英語入門 下:文法篇;
         available in the Google Drive folder named: English Island articles;
         the related English Island article 82 (56), entitled, 你知道 “cool” 的原意是什麼嗎?黑人英語入門 
         is also available; it will be assigned next week.
         Be ready to mention at least three of the main points of the articles and videos in class next Monday!

     5. Dictation #3: /æ/ vs. /ɛ/, with final
         Write the correct spelling and IPA symbols for each word you hear.
         All of the words will have only one syllable, and all with end with the /k/ sound.

         The vowel will always be either /æ/ as in "pack" /pæk/ or /ɛ/ as in "peck" /pɛk/.
         Remember, the "k" as in "kite", "c" as in "can", "ck" as in "pack" sound is
         always written as /k/ in IPA!
         Also remember that the "sh"
sound as in "ship"
         is written in IPA as
/ʃ/, and is called "esh" or "long s".

     6. Daily transcription assignment: See September 19.
         How are your transcriptions going? Any problems or questions you'd like to discuss?
         What are some of the things you've learned from your transcription work so far?

     7. Magic bag of 30 transcription tricks (ppt): To item 6. 

     8. Song of the week: Oh My Love (1971)     John Lennon          lyrics     (postponed till next week)

     Week Five: October 3                              

Note that next Monday, October 10, is a national holiday, and there will be no class.
          You'll get an extra article to read, on a topic previously mentioned in class,
          and will continue doing your daily transcriptions.

Next class (10/17) we will welcome a new exchange student from Italy, Sergio Mastrodonato!
          He will need one or more LOCAL students as learning partners.
          Everybody please help Sergio and also Cami wherever possible with their ELP work!
          Many things that you may take for granted in your own culture and country
          are totally unfamiliar to a newcomer. Ask for an example!

          A reminder that this class will continue to meet in the Gongtong Classroom Building 302 (共同大樓 302)
          and will be video-recorded, for the sake of students who must miss class due to the pandemic.
          Also, due to a minor mix-up, the video for September 19 was originally not available over NTU Cool;
          it's available now.

     2.  A second reminder: Make sure all your class list data, on paper and in the Google Drive folder is complete,
          including learning partner(s), with both their English and Chinese names and also their student number.
          Fill in any missing data in the Google Sheet in our class folder, entitled "ELP Fall 2022 class list".
          And of course make sure that your weekly notes and daily transcriptions are all up to date and uploaded correctly.
          Get help if you need it!

          Also, starting from today, you and your learning partner(s) will sit next to each other every class.

     3.  How to get Alex to read to you on an Apple device   Chinese    English    
          How to activate and use text-to-speech on an Android device   Chinese    English   

     4.  Discuss and hand in:           
          Notes on CET 5: 英語教學死角:複合名詞重音 in No. 73, September/October 2012, p. 12-14; and
          「抓到了!母語人士動詞時態不一 致!」(我也 可以不用管動詞時態嗎?)in English Island 55 (30) June 2018;
          also on the two videos entitled: 5-7 黑人英語入門 上:發音篇 and 5-8: 黑人英語入門 下:文法篇;
          the article and videos are available in the Google Drive folder.
          Be ready to mention at least three of the main points of the articles in class!

          For our next class on October 17, read and take notes on these two articles:
          CET 6: 抑揚頓挫: 英語的語調和斷句 in No. 74, November/December 2012, p. 12-14; and
          English Island article 82 (56): 你知道 “cool” 的原意是什麼嗎?黑人英語入門  2020-09;

          regarding the discussion on how language change is often driven by "lower-prestige" dialects,
          you may find this video by EK Powell interesting:
          Gen Z Slang Is Just Recycled African American Vernacular // #AAVE

          More videos from EK here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDgZp5YouV5-hlvzWafPniqIYTi-J473V

          Also, for our week off, read:
          English Island 36 (11): 看「中文字幕」會影響英文聽力嗎? 2016-11;
          Optional: This article was mentioned in class during the「存裡面嗎?」discussion:
          English Island 75 (49): 實況英文有聽沒有懂 Make sure you “Know before you go”  2020-2;
          all are available in the Google Drive English Island articles folder.
          Be ready to mention at least three of the main points of the articles in class next Monday!

         Things to watch out for in your notes:
         1.   FORMAT! Review correct format and FONTS above!
         2 .  "Feedback" is uncountable, so no final "-s" plural ending!
         3,   Boldface is OK for titles.
         4.   Avoid widow/orphan lines 寡婦行.
         5 .  You can view your classmates’ notes in our Google Drive folder.
               If you miss class, you can also borrow classmates notes if:
               1. you get their permission; and 2. you give credit to them on your copied notes that you hand in.
         6.   Class notes FOR (not: of) Week One.
         7.   I can relate TO this experience.
         8 .  You should ADDRESS (not: call) your teacher AS “professor”.
         9.   Note quote mark style: "Attaboy" means 'That's a [good] boy.'
        10.  No folders or pockets for notes – just papers, stapled together with your name data on them.
     5.  Compound Noun Stress quiz #1.
          We will now practice applying some of the rules we've learned in:
          CET 5: 英語教學死角:複合名詞重音  quiz paper
          Circle all the stressed syllables, and add an asterisk * before the tonic stress in each item
          as shown in the examples that will be given on the board.
          Update: The average score for this quiz was around 70% – not bad at all for your first try!

     6.  How are your transcriptions going? Any problems or questions you'd like to discuss?
          What are some of the things you've learned from your transcription work so far?

          Starting from our next class, in addition to daily transcriptions,
          we'll also have short passages for daily Echo practice.
          Here are some short conversations for practice in the meantime,
          if you'd like to get an early start:
          New daily transcription assignment, starting from 10/05/22
          The Ticket Trap: Report on Kpop fandom by Yoohyun Jung

          Segmented and numbered audio file:

         Daily Google Forms for transcriptions:   
         1. Google Form for 10/05/202:

         2. Google Form for 10/06/202:   

         3. Google Form for

         4. Google Form for

         5. Google Form for

         6. Google Form for

         7. Google Form for

         8. Google Form for 10/12/2022:

         9. Google Form for 10/13/2022:

         10. Google Form for 10/14/2022:

         11. Google Form for 10/15/2022:  

         12. Google Form for 10/16/2022:

         13. Google Form for

         14. Google Form for

         15. Google Form for

         16. Google Form for

         17. Google Form for

         18. Google Form for 10/22/2022:

         19. Google Form for 10/23/2022:

         20. Google Form for 10/24/2022:

         21. Google Form for 10/25/2022: 

     7.  Magic bag of 30 transcription tricks (ppt): From item 6.
     8.  Song of the week: Oh My Love (1971)     John Lennon          lyrics     (postponed from last week)

     Week Six: October 10       National Day; no class

     Week Seven: October 17 
Today we welcome a new exchange student from Italy, Sergio Mastrodonato!
          He will need one or more LOCAL students as learning partners.
          Everybody please help Sergio and also Cami wherever possible with their ELP work!
          Many things that you may take for granted in your own culture and country
          are totally unfamiliar to a newcomer.
          Also, you can bring your English questions to Kevin Chen!
          And make sure to sit next to your learning partner(s) every class.

          A reminder that this class will continue to meet in the Gongtong Classroom Building 302 (共同大樓 302)
          and will be video-recorded, for the sake of students who miss an in-person class
due to the pandemic.
          Please be ready to offer extra help to students who must miss class for whatever reason.

          Also, make sure that your weekly notes and daily transcriptions are all up to date and uploaded correctly.
          Get help if you need it!

          And make sure to fill out and submit the 期中教學意見調查 mid-semester course evaluations. Be honest and constructive!

     2.  Discuss and hand in: CET 6: 抑揚頓挫: 英語的語調和斷句 in No. 74, November/December 2012, p. 12-14; and
          English Island article 82 (56): 你知道 “cool” 的原意是什麼嗎?黑人英語入門  2020-09;
          English Island 36 (11): 看「中文字幕」會影響英文聽力嗎? 2016-11;
          Optional: This article was mentioned in class during the「存裡面嗎?」discussion:
          English Island 75 (49): 實況英文有聽沒有懂 Make sure you “Know before you go”  2020-2.

          For our next class on October 24, read and take notes on these three articles:
          CET 7: Stop at stops! —— 遇到塞音請停! in No. 75, January/February 2013, p. 12-14.
          Also, English Island 60 (34): 連音塞音篇:STOP at STOPS! 遇到塞音請暫停!  2018-11  
          English Island 37 (12): 到底是 Yes 還是 No? 2016-12    
          Please also watch the two related videos, available along with the English Island articles
          in the class Google Drive folder.
          Be ready to mention at least three of the main points of the articles in class!

     3.  Compound Noun Stress quiz #2.
          The average score for the previous compound noun stress quiz was around 70% –
          not bad at all for your first try!
          In today's quiz some items will include names of materials or ingredients
          in additional to regular compounds that follow the basic cns (noun + noun) rule,
          and also phrases (adjective + noun), which have normal phrasal stress, i.e. stress all the words.
          make sure you remember and apply the correct rule for each compound type and for phrases!
          Circle all the stressed syllables, and add an asterisk * before the tonic stress in each item
          as shown in the examples that will be given on the board.

     4.  How are your transcriptions going? Any problems or questions you'd like to discuss?
          What are some of the things you've learned from your transcription work so far?

          Please ask any questions you have in class, so everybody can benefit –
          your classmates may well be having similar issues!

     5.  Daily Echo practice:
Practice listen-echo-repeat with these daily exercises until you can
          recite them accurately, with good pronunciation and intonation, just like the recording,
          without much conscious thought.
          We'll demonstrate how to do it in class.
          Write down your experience with this exercise and other feedback
          in your weekly notes for next week!

          Optional: If you'd like additional Echo practice, try these Mini-Conversations.

     6.  Song of the week: Dust in the Wind (1977)     Kansas           lyrics (note the very Buddhist lyrics!)        video with lyrics  
          (postponed till next week)

     Week Eight: October 24               
     1.  Make sure that your weekly notes and daily transcriptions are all up to date and uploaded correctly.
          Lots of you have fallen behind – prioritize your transcription work, and CATCH UP this week asap!
          Also, remember that ALL your class notes are to go in ONE FILE, with the most RECENT at the TOP!
          Please fix this if necessary, and get help if you need it!

          Also, put the week in which the work was assigned in the upper right hand corner of your notes!

          Note that you won't receive a grade for this course if any work is missing!
          You need to find your motivation, to clearly and concretely define your goal,
          and make sure it is sustainable, so you actually look forward to working on it every day!
          Extrinsic motivation cannot compare with your own intrinsic motivation to get things done.
          Even more important than the assignment itself is training yourself to maintain a key daily habit!
          Cultivate: laser focus, getting in the zone, the flow state!

          Discuss and hand in: CET 7: Stop at stops! —— 遇到塞音請停! in No. 75, January/February 2013, p. 12-14.
          Also, English Island 60 (34): 連音塞音篇:STOP at STOPS! 遇到塞音請暫停!  2018-11
          English Island 37 (12): 到底是 Yes 還是 No? 2016-12  
          along with the two related videos.

          For our next class on October 31, read and take notes on these three articles:
          CET 8 (issue 76): "-s" 和 "-ed" 詞尾怎麼唸?  in No. 76, March/April 2013, p. 12-14; and 
          English Island 62 (36); 語調下降?我還以為你講完了 2019-1

          Note that the QR codes in the article don't work;       
          you can access the audio files at the links below:
          audio link 1  
          audio link 2  
          audio link 3 
          audio link 4
          audio link 5
          audio link 6   
          audio link 7   
          audio link 8   
          audio link 9    
          audio link 10   
          audio link 11  

          In addition, the video that accompanies the optional article:

          English Island 75 (49): 實況英文有聽沒有懂 Make sure you “Know before you go”  2020-2

          is now also available in the class Google Drive folder.

          Note: A classmate suggested that a good translation for the Valley Girl like might be「就」
          And we didn't give the answer to last week's question:
          Why is Chinese word order more fixed than that of English,
          which is generally more flexible?

          Be ready to mention at least three of the main points of the articles in class!

     2.  Video on intonation and information value:
          Watch and listen to this talk, given in Chinese, by Prof. Chung for the
          May 14, 2022 Linguistics Salon held by LST and NTNU online
          and include notes on the talk in your weekly notes:

          重音與語調: 英語中的平行宇宙  The parallel universe of English stress and intonation   

          Here's the PowerPoint file used in the talk:

          Consider a student membership in the Linguistics Society of Taiwan (LST) 台灣語言學學會 
          or at least signing up for the Taiwan Linguist List newsletter!

     3.  Compound Noun Stress quiz #2.
          The average score for the previous compound noun stress quiz was around 70% –
          not bad at all for your first try!
          In today's quiz some items will include names of materials or ingredients
          in additional to regular compounds that follow the basic cns (noun + noun) rule,
          and also phrases (adjective + noun), which have normal phrasal stress, i.e. stress all the words.
          make sure you remember and apply the correct rule for each compound type and for phrases!
          Circle all the stressed syllables, and add an asterisk * before the tonic stress in each item
          as shown in the examples that will be given on the board.

     4.  How are your transcriptions going? Any problems or questions you'd like to discuss?
          What are some of the things you've learned from your transcription work so far?

          Please ask any questions you have in class, so everybody can benefit –
          your classmates may well be having similar issues! 

          New daily transcription assignment, starting from 10/26/22
          “The Seven Minute Rule” from Michael Lewis’s “Against the Rules” podcast

          Segmented and numbered audio file:

          Daily Google Forms for transcriptions: 
          1.  Google Form for 10/26/2022:

          2.  Google Form for 10/27/2022:

          3.  Google Form for 10/28/2022:

          4.  Google Form for 10/29/2022:

          5.  Google Form for 10/30/2022:

          6.  Google Form for 10/31/2022:

          7.  Google Form for 11/01/2022:

          8.  Google Form for 11/02/2022:

          9.  Google Form for 11/03/2022:

          10. Google Form for 11/04/2022:

          11. Google Form for 11/05/2022:

          12. Google Form for 11/06/2022:

          13. Google Form for 11/07/2022:

          14. Google Form for 11/08/2022:

     5.  Daily Echo practice: Practice listen-echo-repeat with these daily exercises until you can
          recite them accurately, with good pronunciation and intonation, just like the recording,
          without much conscious thought.
          Each day when you finish your Echo practice, click to add a check in the Google Drive class list
          under the correct date.
          A new installment will be available soon.
          Write down your experience with this exercise and other feedback 
          in your weekly notes for next week!

          Optional: If you'd like additional Echo practice, try these Mini-Conversations

     6.  Book sharing: The Class of Greatness, by Lewis Howes. New York: Rodale Books. 2015. 274pp.
          The author, Lewis Howes, also hosts a podcast with the same title, The Class of Greatness, and a YouTube channel.
          Some quotes:

         “Visualize and map out how you want your dreams to look on a day-to-day basis.”

         “The hardships we face in life can be seen as terrible tragedies or opportunities..
          the impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.”

          “Greatness comes from fear. Fear can either shut us down and we go home, or we fight through it.”

          "You can go as slow as you need to go, but you cannot stop. You can never give up or drop out of giving your best in your life.”

          “Those who learn how to use adversity to their advantage...possess the power to turn that adversity into greatness.”

          “In reality, failure is simply feedback. It’s not that you are bad or not good enough or incapable.
          Failure (or feedback) gives you the opportunity to look at what’s not working and figure out how to make it work.”

          “No one has ever achieved anything truly great without going through extreme adversity.”

     7.  Song of the week: Dust in the Wind (1977)     Kansas           lyrics (note the very Buddhist lyrics!)        video with lyrics 
          (postponed from last week)

     Week Nine: October 31              
     1.  Today, after several weeks' delay, we finally welcome a new exchange student from Italy, Sergio Mastrodonato!
          He will need one or more LOCAL students as learning partners.
          Everybody please help Sergio and also Cami wherever possible with their ELP work!
          Many things that you may take for granted in your own culture and country
          are totally unfamiliar to a newcomer.
          And make sure to sit next to your learning partner(s) every class.

     2.  Make sure that your weekly notes and daily transcriptions are all up to date and uploaded correctly.
          Lots of you have fallen behind – prioritize your transcription work, and CATCH UP this week asap!
          Also, remember that ALL your class notes are to go in ONE FILE, with the most RECENT at the TOP!
          Please fix this if necessary, and get help if you need it!

          Note that you won't receive a grade for this course if any work is missing!
          You need to find your motivation, to clearly and concretely define your goal,
          and make sure it is sustainable, so you actually look forward to working on it every day!

     3.  Discuss and hand in: CET 8 (issue 76): "-s" 和 "-ed" 詞尾怎麼唸?  in No. 76, March/April 2013, p. 12-14; and
          English Island 62 (36); 語調下降?我還以為你講完了 2019-1,  
          and also give your feedback on the video and PowerPoint on intonation and information value:

          重音與語調: 英語中的平行宇宙  The parallel universe of English stress and intonation  

          For our next class on November 7, read and take notes on these three articles:
          CET 9 & CET 10 (issues 77 & 78): 鼻音/m /、/n/ 與 /ŋ/ —— No problen? (上、下) 
          in No. 77, May/June 2013, p. 12-14 and No. 78, July/August 2013, p. 12-14; and
          English Island 35 (10): 你有沒有不小心講出「限制級英文」?  2016-10;
          also watch the video that accompanies this article;
          available in the Google Drive folder.

     4.  Make sure to keep up with your daily transcriptions! And remember to keep a running list
          of your transcription errors in your Google Drive "Transcriptions" folder.
          Special thanks to Kevin Chen for catching and informing me of
          3 errors in the reference transcriptions, now fixed!
          Any problems or questions you'd like to discuss?
          Discussion of "a" vs. "the" in English, and what they correspond to in English.
          What are some of the things you've learned from your transcription work so far?
          Please ask any questions you have in class, so everybody can benefit –
          your classmates may well be having similar issues! 

     5.  Daily Echo practice: You should already be working on Episode 2 of "A Very Strange Woman".
          Practice listen-echo-repeat with the daily exercises until you can
          recite them accurately, with good pronunciation and intonation, just like the recording,
          without much conscious thought.
          Each day when you finish your Echo practice, click to add a check in the Google Drive class list
          under the correct date.
          A new installment will be added after this one is finished;
          if it is late, please practice with the Mini-conversations in the meantime.
          Write down your experience with this exercise and other feedback,
          – e.g. Is it useful? Effective? Interesting? Sustainable? –
          in your weekly notes for next week!

          NEW!!! Listen to all three episodes in handy Echo practice format!!!    

               A Very Strange Woman - All Episodes
               Individual episode pages:
               1.  https://jochun.tw/a-very-strange-woman-ep01/   
               2.  https://jochun.tw/a-very-strange-woman-ep02/   
               3.  https://jochun.tw/a-very-strange-woman-ep03/    

     6.  Hallowe'en songs of the week: They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-haaa! (1966)    Napoleon XIV (Jerry Samuels)      lyrics   
          Samuels said he was inspired by the Scottish folk song and bagpipe tune "The Campbells Are Coming"; and
          Monster Mash (1962) by Bobby "Boris" Pickett       lyrics    

Week Ten: November 7            
  Discuss, practice and hand in: CET 9 & CET 10 (issues 77 & 78): 鼻音/m /、/n/ 與 /ŋ/ —— No problen?(上、下) 
          in No. 77, May/June 2013, p. 12-14 and No. 78, July/August 2013, p. 12-14; and
          English Island 35 (10): 你有沒有不小心講出「限制級英 文」?  2016-10;
          also watch the video that accompanies this article;
          available in the Google Drive folder.

          For our next class on November 14, read and take notes on these two articles:
          CET 11 台式英語罪魁禍首:/æ /、/ɛ/ 和 /eɪ/ in No. 79, September/October 2013, p. 12-14; and
          English Island 49 (24) 台灣味學習法:用注音練英文母音 2017-12;
          also watch the video on vowels that accompanies this article (1-4 用注音連英文母音),
          as well as the video on linking with nasals; (1-10 連音:鼻音篇)
          available in the Google Drive folder.

     2.  Regarding last week's discussion on "a" vs. "the" and their Chinese equivalents,
          here is an excerpt from English Island article 70 (44):
          文法消失了!那些「看不見」的翻譯規則 2019-9; also available in the Google Drive folder:


          最後我們來談一下英文的 “that” 和 “the” 的中文翻譯。 英文的“that” 就是中文的「那個」,沒問題。
          那麼,英文 的“the”呢?跟“that”/「那個」一樣都指特定的對象,
          只不過 “the” 完全沒有強調功能一般也沒有重音,而且 “the” 比 “that” 常用得多
          “the” 在中文的相對用法是什麼呢?就是“bare noun”,什麼都不加ø)的「光禿禿」名詞

          (1) 第一次 + a/an第二次 + the
          英文中,第一次出現的名詞,要加上不定冠詞 (indefinite article) “a” 或 “an”,
)。出 現過一次以後,
          英文就會改用定 冠詞the”,中文則在名詞前什麼都不加

          (2) 強調的程度: 英文的 the 和 that  ≈ 中文的 ø 和「那個

     3.  Make sure to keep up/catch up with your daily transcriptions! And remember to keep a running list
          of your transcription errors in your Google Drive "Transcriptions" folder.
          Any problems or questions you'd like to discuss?
          What are some of the things you've learned from your transcription work so far?
          Please ask any questions you have in class, so everybody can benefit –
          your classmates may well be having similar issues! 

          New transcription exercise:
          NPR: The Indicator: The Great Potato Giveaway  
          with Stacey Vanek Smith     The potato pile  from 2020
          (parts of the original interview have been omitted)

          Segmented and numbered audio file:    

          Daily Google Forms for transcriptions:
          1.   Google Form for 11/09/2022:

          2.   Google Form for 11/10/2022:

          3.  Google Form for 11/11/2022:

          4.   Google Form for 11/12/2022:

          5.   Google Form for 11/13/2022:

          6.   Google Form for 11/14/2022:

          7.   Google Form for 11/15/2022:

          8.   Google Form for 11/16/2022:

          9.   Google Form for 11/17/2022:

          10. Google Form for 11/18/2022:

          11. Google Form for 11/19/2022:

          12. Google Form for 11/20/2022:

          13. Google Form for 11/21/2022:

          14. Google Form for 11/22/2022:

          15. Google Form for 11/23/2022:

          16. Google Form for 11/24/2022:

     4.  Daily Echo practice: Episode 4 of "A Very Strange Woman" is now up!
          You're encouraged to use the new Echo practice format, by Melissa and Ben when it's ready!
          Please give your feedback on the new format and episode in next week's notes:
            – e.g. Is it useful? Effective? Interesting? Sustainable?

          Note that the playback rate of the audio files can be slowed down to 0.7x or 0.5x,
          and that you can play the audio for whole sections by clicking on the title, e.g. "Part 1".

          Practice listen-echo-repeat with the daily exercises
          until you can recite them accurately, with good pronunciation and intonation,
          just like the recording, without much conscious thought.

          Each day when you finish your Echo practice, click to add a check
          in the Google Drive class list under the correct date.
          A new installment will be added after this one is finished;
          if it is late, please practice with the Mini-conversations in the meantime.

     5.  Dictation #4: Vowels: /æ/, /ɛ/, and /eɪ/.
          Examples: mat /m
æt/ vs. met /mɛt/ vs. mate /mt/.
          All items will end with /-t/.

     6.  Watch this video: Core message of: MASTERY by George Leonard, by Nathan Lozeron 

     7.  For fun: Literature Clock: An app that tells you the time within a quote from literature.  

     8.  Song of the Week: I'm With You (It's a Damn Cold Night; 2002)      Avril Lavigne     lyrics   

Week Eleven: November 14         

Email sent to the class on 11/13/22:

Dear Students,
     A close friend had a family emergency and needed to fly back to the US today,
with less than a day to prepare – and asked if I could substitute-teach two of her
freshman classes in her two-week absence.
     It seems like this is a good opportunity for you all to do a quick mental review
of what you've learned so far in ELP class, and in your other DFLL classes.
What would you prioritize, if you needed to teach university-level English learners
for two hours each on two days, a week apart? What has been most helpful to you,
that you would like to share with other learners?
     Please give this some thought, and try to come up with three topics
that you would teach – and we'll discuss it briefly in class on Monday 11/14!
     See you then,
     Karen Chung

Monday PS: We'll also discuss how you're doing in finding your own answers
                     when you encounter something you don't understand. (cf. Kevin's questions)

  Discuss, practice and hand in: CET 11 台式英語罪魁禍首:/æ /、/ɛ/ 和 /eɪ/ in No. 79, September/October 2013, p. 12-14; and
          English Island 49 (24) 台灣味學習法:用注音練英文母音 2017-12.
          We'll go over the vowel sounds and symbols in class;
          we'll pay special attention to the diphthongs (雙母音; monophthongs is 單母音).

          We'll also discuss the video on vowels that accompanies this article (1-4 用注音連英文母音),
          as well as the video on linking with nasals; (1-10 連音:鼻音篇);
          NEW: The English Island article 58 (32) on which this is based:
          連音鼻音篇:如何避免“N”G英文?  2018-9  is now also available,
          along with the other above materials, in the Google Drive folder.

          For our next class on November 14, read and take notes on these two articles:
          CET 12 (issue 80) 英語發音百樂篇(一): Pronunciation Potluck (1)   
          in No. 80, November/December 2013, p. 12-14; and
          this page from Phonetics I: 15. More on phonemes and allophones; include in your notes! also:
          English Island 68 (42): I feel so boring...不用那麼謙虛吧! 2017-12;
          in addition watch the English Island video 2-4:  I'm so boring 是我很無趣,還是我很無聊?  
          all available in the Google Drive folder.

          Start paying extra close attention to the correct understanding and usage of
          "boring" vs. "bored"-type adjectives – DON'T confuse the two!
          After a few weeks of being very conscious of the two adjective types,
          correct use should start to come naturally and instinctively.

     2.  Continue work on the new transcription exercise:
          NPR: The Indicator: The Great Potato Giveaway   
          with Stacey Vanek Smith     The potato pile
          Make sure to keep up/catch up with your daily transcriptions! And remember to keep a running list
          of your transcription errors in your Google Drive "Transcriptions" folder.
          Any problems or questions you'd like to discuss?
          What are some of the things you've learned from your transcription work so far?
          Please ask any questions you have in class, so everybody can benefit –
          your classmates may well be having similar issues!

     3.  Daily Echo practice: You should currently be working on Episode 4 of "A Very Strange Woman"
          You're encouraged to use the new Echo practice format, by Melissa and Ben, which is now up!
          Note that the playback rate of the audio files can be slowed down to 0.7x or 0.5x,
          and that you can play the audio for whole sections by clicking on the title, e.g. "Part 4".
          Please give your feedback on the new format and episode in your notes:
            – e.g. Is it useful? Effective? Interesting? Sustainable?
          Note that you can follow Melissa on her YouTube channel: 
          蜂蜜熊英文 English with Melissa 

          and also sign up for her newsletter, at the bottom of the A Very Strange Woman Echo practice page.
          Each day when you finish your Echo practice, click to add a check
          in the Google Drive class list under the correct date; a new sheet has been added.
          A new installment will be added after this one is finished;
          if it is late, please practice with the Mini-conversations in the meantime.

     4.  a. Dictation #5: a. Nasal finals: /m/, /n/, and /ŋ/, e.g.: ram /ræm/ vs. ran
/ræn/ vs. rang /ræ̝ŋ/.
                                        All items have one or the other version of the same vowel, either /æ/ or /æ̝/.
                                        This time we'll mark "velar raising" with an upside down capital "T", e.g.
                                        Always add the "velar raising" mark [ ̝] onto the short front vowels: /ɪ/, /ɛ/ and /æ/,
                                        when they are followed by either /g/ or  /ŋ/, so they will appear as: /ɪ̝/, /ɛ̝/ and /æ̝/.
                                        This non-spacing mark
is available under "Diacritics" on the i2Spiːk interface;
                                        the length mark [ː] is under "Suprasegmentals".
          b. Compound noun stress quiz #3: Time, space, organizations: postponed to next Monday, 11/21.

     5.  Song of the Week: Desperado (1973)      Eagles       lyrics     

Week Twelve: November 21           

  Discuss, practice and hand in: CET 12 (issue 80) 英語發音百樂篇(一): Pronunciation Potluck (1)   
          in No. 80, November/December 2013, p. 12-14; and
          this page from Phonetics I: 15. More on phonemes and allophones; to be included in your notes! also:
          English Island 68 (42): I feel so boring...不用那麼謙虛吧! 2017-12;
          also the English Island video 2-4:  I'm so boring 是我很無趣,還是我很無聊?  
          all available in the Google Drive folder.

          Question for discussion: What's the difference between "going to" and "gonna"?
          For our next class on November 28, read and take notes on these two articles:
          CET 13 (issue 81) 英語發音百樂篇(二): Pronunciation Potluck (2)  
          in No. 81, January/February 2014, p. 12-14; also:
          English Island 64 (38): Advanced! 文法過招第三式: 片語動詞怎麼唸?  2019-3; and
         English Island 65 (39): 中文也有片語動詞嗎? 2019-4;  also watch this related video:
          English Island video 3-4: 片與動詞怎麼記?
        all available in the Google Drive folder.

     2.  Continue work on the transcription exercise:
          NPR: The Indicator: The Great Potato Giveaway  
          with Stacey Vanek Smith     The potato pile

          New transcription exercise:
          Notes to Self with
Case Kenny,
          on the Meditative Story podcast.

          Segmented and numbered audio file:   

          Daily Google Forms for transcriptions:
          1.   Google Form for 11/25/2022:

          2.   Google Form for 11/26/2022:

          3.   Google Form for 11/27/2022:

          4.   Google Form for 11/28/2022:

          5.   Google Form for 11/29/2022:

          6.   Google Form for 11/30/2022:

          7.   Google Form for 12/01/2022:

          8.   Google Form for 12/02/2022:

          9.   Google Form for 12/03/2022:

          10. Google Form for 12/04/2022:

          11. Google Form for 12/05/2022:

          Make sure to keep up/catch up with your daily transcriptions! And remember to keep a running list
          of your transcription errors in your Google Drive "Transcriptions" folder.
          Any problems or questions you'd like to discuss?
          What are some of the things you've learned from your transcription work so far?
          Please ask any questions you have in class, so everybody can benefit –
          your classmates may well be having similar issues!

     3.  Daily Echo practice: You should have finished Episode 4 of "A Very Strange Woman".
          Please start Episode 5 as soon as it's ready; in the meantime, please practice with the Mini-conversations.
          For those of you not keeping up with the Echo practice:
          What would it take to get you to do it every day?  Be brutally honest!
          Please include in this week's notes!

     4.  a. Dictation #6: a. Diphthongs.

          Vowel review   母音總複習:
              monophthongs  單母音: /i/, /ɪ/, /ɛ/, /æ/, /ɑ/, /ʌ/, /ɔ/, /ʊ/, /u/;
              diphthongs        雙母音: /aɪ/, /eɪ/, /aʊ/, /oʊ/, /ɔɪ/, /ju/.
          b. Compound noun stress quiz #3: Time, space, organizations: postponed from last Monday, 11/14.

     5.  Song of the Week: American Tune (1973)              Paul Simon                lyrics    

Week Thirteen: November 28          

  Discuss, practice and hand in: CET 13 (issue 81) 英語發音百樂篇(二): Pronunciation Potluck (2)
          in No. 81, January/February 2014, p. 12-14; also:
          English Island 64 (38): Advanced! 文法過招第三式: 片語動詞怎麼唸?  2019-3; and
          English Island 65 (39): 中文也有片語動詞嗎? 2019-4;  also watch this related video:
          English Island video 3-4: 片與動詞怎麼記?
          all available in the Google Drive folder.

          Questions for discussion:
          1. Are some of the pauses marked in the Echo exercises "missing" in actual conversation, or just much shorter? (Veronica)
          2. Key difference between the simple past/past simple and present perfect in English usage?
              Also: to discuss something (verb); a discussion about something (noun)
              Example: We've discussed about how to improve the /eɪ/ sounds. (Sergio)
          3. a. Is [tʰ] sometimes used instead of the tap [ɾ] for emphasis?
              b. Are 這個 and 那個 less emphatic in Chinese than "this" and "that" are in English?
              c. Does loudness affect vowel quality? And pitch? (Eileen) Example: /ɛ/ vs. /æ/.

          For our next class on December 5, read and take notes on these two articles:
          CET 14 (issue 82) 英語發音百樂篇(三): Pronunciation Potluck (3)  
          in No. 82, March/April 2014, p. 12-14; and:
          CET 15 (issue 83)
英語發音百樂篇(四): Pronunciation Potluck (4)  
          in No. 83, May/June 2014, p. 12-14; CET 12- 15; also this web page:
          Phonetics 1: 32. Schwa Elision in English; and:

          English Island 44 (19): 不學好發音的藉口一籮筐 2017-7;   
          all available in the Google Drive folder.

     2.  Continue work on the transcription exercise:
          Notes to Self with Case Kenny,
          on the Meditative Story podcast.
          Any questions or comments?
          Case Kenny also has a good podcast:
          New Mindset: Who Dis? 

     3.  Daily Echo practice: "A Very Strange Woman" has been on holiday!
          In the meantime, please practice with the Mini-conversations.
          For those of you not keeping up with the Echo practice:
          What would it take to get you to do it every day?  Be brutally honest!
          Please include in this week's notes!

     4.  a. Dictation #7: Voiceless and voiced interdental fricatives: /θ/ and /ð/; also schwa /
              Examples: three /θri/    think    /θɪ̝ŋk/
                                the    /ðə/    though /ðoʊ/ 
          b. Compound noun stress quiz #4: compound adjective, usually with hyphens, + noun.
              Examples: a. well-beaten *path      b. real-world *testing      c. heavy-handed ap*proach     d. long-lasting *light bulb
     5.  For fun: Wordle 

     6.  Song of the Week: Hurt (2002)  covered by Johnny Cash    original by Nine Inch Nails (1994)   video      lyrics  

Week Fourteen: December 5            

Exercise your power as a student and make NTU better for future students!
          Make sure to fill in and submit an end-of-semester class evaluation for each of your classes!

     2.  Discuss, practice and hand in: CET 14 (issue 82) 英語發音百樂篇(三): Pronunciation Potluck (3)  
          in No. 82, March/April 2014, p. 12-14; and
          CET 15 (issue 83) 英語發音百樂篇(四): Pronunciation Potluck (4)   all four potluck artcles   
          in No. 83, May/June 2014, p. 12-14; CET 12- 15; also this web page:
          Phonetics 1: 32. Schwa Elision in English; and
          English Island 44 (19): 不學好發音的藉口一籮筐 2017-7; 
          all available in the Google Drive folder.

          For our next class on December 12, read and take notes on these two articles:
          CET 16 (issue 84) and CET 17  Do not 和 don’t意思一樣嗎?英語的縮讀字(上、下)
          in No. 84, July/August 2014, p. 12-14 and No. 85, September/October 2014, p. 16-18; also:
          English Island 73 (47): Who's a False Friend? 小心外來的「假朋友」! 2019-12;
          all available in the Google Drive folder.

     3.  We have now finished the last assigned transcription exercise of the semester!
          If you have found this daily practice useful, you can continue doing it on your own!
          You can work on exercises from previous years of ELP: 2021  2020  2019; you can also find your own files to transcribe!
          Many podcasts, such as The Tim Ferriss Show,
          have transcripts available that you can use to check your work!

     4.  Daily Echo practice: If you have not yet given your feedback on this question,
          make sure to include it in this or next week's notes – this is required and forms part of your grade:

          For those of you not keeping up with the Echo practice:
          What would it take to get you to do it every day?  Be brutally honest!

     5.  Vowel review, plus
/ɑ/ vs. /ʌ/; dictation #8;
          and compound noun stress review,
plus -ing phrases vs. compounds
          These are new phrase/compound types;
          Dancing Shoes: 35-slide ppt file from talk given in May 2009
          at National Sun Yat-Sen University 中山大學 in Gaoxiong)

          a. Review and learn all the vowel sounds and their IPA symbols well!
          b. Dictation #8: Vowel review; also: /ɑ/ vs. /ʌ/.                                     
          c. Compound noun stress quiz #5: modifiers ending in -ing: gerunds (nouns) vs. participles (adjectives)
          (postponed to next Monday, December 12)
          -ing words:

          participles 分詞 function as adjectives: "a B that is Aing" or 「正在 A 的 B」,
          e.g. "aching heart" is "a heart that is aching"). Because it is adjective + *noun,
          both words are stressed: aching *heart.

          gerunds 動名詞 function as nouns: "a B for A" or 「用來做 A 的 B」,
          e.g. "hiking boots" are "boots for hiking"). Because it is *noun + noun,
          the modified word is not stressed: *HIking boots.

          More examples:
          participle 現在分詞 ending with -ing + noun, forming a noun phrase,
          e.g.: a. WORKing pro*FEssionals; b. CHAllenging *TASK; c. LEAding *LAW firm
          (noun phrase containing a compound noun);

          gerund 動名詞 ending with -ing + noun forming a compound noun,
          e.g. d. *PLAYing cards; e. *STRETCHing exercises; *CAMPing gear

     6.  Performance of short movie clip from You've Got Mail
          (segmentation, time stamps by Melissa Hsiung)        Script  
          Choose partners and practice; to be performed next week, on December 12.

     7.  Song of the week: Perfect  (1995)     Alanis Morissette      lyrics  

Week Fifteen: December 12                 

     1.   If you
have any missing work, it must be made up and handed in by next Monday, December 19.
           This includes class and article notes, all quizzes and dictations,
           both on paper and on Google Drive, in the correct format and order,
           and all transcription work.
           Check both your own AND your learning partner's work on Google Drive!
           Echo practice can't be made up and is thus the only exception.
           All class videos (except for the very first class) are available on NTU Cool;
           use these to make up class notes and quizzes and dictations.
           If you think you have a special situation, please come talk to me personally.

     2.  Final exam: The final exam will be held next Monday, December 19, at the regular class time, in the same classroom.
          For the written part of the exam: Make sure you know the material in all the assigned articles and videos,
          but be especially thorough about CET articles 5, 6, 7 and 8.
          If there is anything you don't understand well, ask your learning partner or other classmate;
          if you still can't resolve it, please come talk with me.
          Oral part of the exam: We will also continue to perform and give feedback on the You've Got Mail clip.

     3.  Discuss, practice and hand in:  CET 16 (issue 84) and CET 17  Do not 和 don’t意思一樣嗎?英語的縮讀字(上、下)
          in No. 84, July/August 2014, p. 12-14 and No. 85, September/October 2014, p. 16-18; also:
          English Island 73 (47): Who's a False Friend? 小心外來的「假朋友」! 2019-12; also watch the video;
          all available in the Google Drive folder.

          For our last class/final exam day, December 19,
          read and take notes on the last CET article on pronunciation:
          CET 18 (issue 86) 次重音:次要的重音還是很重要!   
          in No. 86, November/December 2014, p. 12-14.; also:
          English Island 26 and 27 (1 and 2):  台灣教室裡找不到的「嘲諷課」()  2016-1 and 2016-2, with video;
          all available in the Google Drive folder.

     4.  Pronunciation, stress, IPA
Review of entire IPA; pay special attention to:
              /ʃ/ /ʒ/ /ʧ/ /ʤ/; plus /ɝ/ and /ɚ/

          b. Dictation #9: /ʃ/ /ʒ/ /ʧ/ /ʤ/; plus /ɝ/ and /ɚ/
              Examples: she       /ʃi/             bush         /bʊʃ/  
                                 beige    /beɪʒ/        measure  
                                 chat      /ʧæt/         match     
                                 job        /ʤɑb/        badge     

                                 bird       /bɝd/         word        /wɝd/
                                 baker    /ˈbeɪkɚ/      teacher    /ˈtiʧɚ/        persist  /pɚˈsɪst/

          Note that for words with more than one syllable, you need to mark the primary stress with a stress mark
          e.g. measure
/ˈʒɚ/, insist /ɪnˈsɪst/.
          Note that unlike in the KK system,
ˈ is is a straight line in the upper left hand corner of the symbol.

          c. Compound noun stress quiz #5: modifiers ending in -ing: gerunds (nouns) vs. participles (adjectives)
          (postponed from last Monday, December 5)

          Remember the SMOking *ROOM vs. *SMOking room" examples?

          -ing words:

          participles 現在分詞 function as adjectives: "a B that is Aing" or 「正在 A 的 B」,
          e.g. "aching heart" is "a heart that is aching"). Because it is ADJECTIVE + *NOUN,
          both words are stressed: Aching *HEART.

          gerunds 動名詞 function as nouns: "a B for A" or 「用來做 A 的 B」,
          e.g. "hiking boots" are "boots for hiking"). Because it is *NOUN + noun,
          the modified word is not stressed: *HIking boots.

          More examples:
          participle 現在分詞 ending with -ing + noun, forming a noun phrase,
          e.g.: a. WORKing pro*FEssionals; b. CHAllenging *TASK; c. LEAding *LAW firm
          (noun phrase containing a compound noun);

          gerund 動名詞 ending with -ing + noun forming a compound noun,
          e.g. d. *PLAYing cards; e. *STRETCHing exercises; *CAMPing gear

     5.  Compound noun stress review, plus -ing phrases vs. compounds
          Dancing Shoes: 35-slide ppt file from talk given in May 2009
          at National Sun Yat-Sen University 中山大學 in Gaoxiong)

     6.  Performance of short movie clip from You've Got Mail  
          (segmentation, time stamps by Melissa Hsiung)        Script 
          mp3 audio file: https://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung/YGM1.mp3 
          The whole class will give feedback on each performance.
     7.  Song of the week:    If I Were a Boy (great for subjunctive/conditional practice; it also tells a powerful story)
          Beyoncé (2008)       lyrics          written by BC Jean and Toby Gad and originally performed by Jean in 2008

Week Sixteen: December 19   final exam                      

  Submit all missing work today!
          Contact me if you're not sure if you're still missing something.

     2.  End-of-semester highlights and evaluations.
          Due Monday, December 26. Prepare in two separate pdf files:

          (I)  20 of the most important things you learned this semester, and:
          (II) End-of-semester evaluation:
          Part 1: evaluate the class, materials, teacher, syllabus, homework assignments,
          what was most and least useful, things that could be improved, and how
          — everything about the class this semester.
          Part 2: Evaluate yourself: Attendance and punctuality, homework submission,
          how much you learned from the class, how much effort you put into this class,
          Part 3: How do you plan to continue improving your English in general and
          your English listening and pronunciation skills in particular?

          Format and submission instructions: Convert your files to pdf format
          before emailing both pdf files to Prof. Chung at: feathermountain@gmail.com  

          Also, make sure ALL your work has been uploaded
          to your Google Drive folder in the correct format!

     3.  Discuss, practice and hand in:
          CET 18 (issue 86) 次重音:次要的重音還是很重要!  
          in No. 86, November/December 2014, p. 12-14.; also:
          English Island 26 and 27 (1 and 2): 
          台灣教室裡找不 到的「嘲諷課」()  2016-1 and 2016-2, with video;
          all available in the Google Drive folder.

     4.  Performance of short movie clip from You've Got Mail 
          (segmentation, time stamps by Melissa Hsiung)        Script  
          mp3 audio file: https://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung/YGM1.mp3 
          The whole class will give feedback on each performance.

          Don't forget to subscribe to Melissa's YouTube channel
          and please share it with your friends!

     5.  Written final exam  

     6.  Songs of the week: Playlist of beautiful international Christmas carols  
     1.  Aramaic: Hweili Isho' Halleluyah (Christ is Born)
     2.  Huron/Wendat and French: The Huron Carol
     3.  Galician: Nadal de luintra
     4.  Czech: Hajej, nynej, Ježišku       Czech text read aloud by Pavel Sticka 
     5.  Scottish Gaelic: Taladh Chriosda
     6 . Georgian: Alilo 
     7.  French: Le Sommeil de l'Enfant Jesus   


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