ELP: English Listening and Pronunciation
Fall 2018


Monday 3:30-5:20pm  

Foreign Language Teaching
and Resource Center (FLTR ¥~±Ð)
Professor Karen Chung ¥v¹ÅµY ¦Ñ®v

Join the
ELP: English Listening and Pronunciation Fall 2018 page on Facebook!
Class syllabus:
Fall 2013  Spring 2014
 Fall 2014 and Spring 2015  Spring 2016  
Spring 2017
Fall 2017  Spring 2018
CET articles on English pronunciation
Email Updates Subscription link
for CET 19-24

A demonstration of how the Echo Method works

Fall 2018: 16 class meetings

    September 2018: 10, 17,  (24 is a holiday)
    October: 1,  8, 15, 22, 29
    November: 5, 12, 19, 26
    December: 3, 10, 17, 22, (make-up class; 31 is a holiday), 24

    Final exam: Monday, January 7, 2019 ¥~±Ð 201

     Note: This syllabus is subject to change, and will be adjusted and updated weekly throughout the semester.

Week 1: September 10-17: 

1. Enrollment and other class business.
    Pronunciation diagnostic test on Wednesday
9/12/18 at 1:00pm in the ¤å¾Ç°|ºtÁ¿ÆU.

2. Join a. the ELP: English Listening and Pronunciation, 2018-19 page on Facebook;
            b. Karen on Ivy League Analytical English group on Facebook; and
            c. ELP Fall 2018 on Google Drive; use your gmail address.

3.  Warm-up song: Nat King Cole: Kemo Kimo

     Sit up straight.
     Ask and answer questions.
     Nod your head. (or: shake your head; or: wrinkle your brow)
     Track the teacher.

  Send, with this 
subject line: ELP: quote, reason, NYT, gmail, musical instruments
     1. a
quote to Prof. Chung at karchung@ntu.edu.tw
     according to this model,
     2. your reason for wanting to take this class: I want to take this course because...
     3. your gmail address, so you can be added to Google Drive: My gmail address is:
     4. your Facebook name: My Facebook name is...

     5. confirmation that you've subscribed to the New York Times news digest (Today's Headlines):
         I have subscribed to the New York Times news digest.
(optional) Other NYT email newsletters: https://www.nytimes.com/newsletters
         The New York Times homepage:

     6 mention which musical instruments you are able and willing
          to play for our Christmas carol sing on Monday December 24: I play the guitar and sing.

     Read and refer to this article carefully before doing the assignment;
     ­^¤å Email ¼ç³W«h¦Ñ®v«ç»ò¤£¦­ÂI±Ð§Ú¡H¡I ¤å/ºµ°´§¡ Melissa Hsiung
     due by Monday, September 17.
     Make sure to send it in plain text, not html.

     Leave only one blank line between paragraphs, not two!

 Every Monday, you will hand in on paper, and also upload to Google Drive:
    1. a summary of your class notes from the previous week.
    2. a summary of one or more of the CET ®v¼w articles online. This week:

        ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X ´£¤ÉÅ¥¤O¯¦³Z¡G¨C¤Ñ½ÐÅ¥ ¡u¦^­µ¡v¤Q¤ÀÄÁ¡]¤W¡B¤U¡^ in No. 69 & 70,
        January/February p. 8-10 & March/April 2012, p.12-14.
        These articles explain in Chinese how the "Echo Method" of language learning works.
    3. There will also be weekly listening and other assignments.

Format for name on homework ¡V in upper right hand corner, left justified:

         Iris Lin ªL¥É±ö
         ELP  September 10, 2018
         Week One

Times New Roman 12 pt for text,

Lucida Sans Unicode 10.5pt for IPA symbols,
·s²Ó©úÅé 12pt for ¤¤ ¤å

     i2Speak IPA input tool:

     Convert to pdf format before printing out to avoid encoding errors.

7. Print out and bring to every class:
    1. English Skills Checklist
    2. IPA Handout

8. The Echo Method

Poetry: Practice this limerick using the Echo method with this MP3 audio file
    till you can recite it smoothly and accurately; also, handout on prosody and literary terms
     There once was an old man from Esser,
     Whose knowledge grew lesser and lesser;
     It at last grew so small,
     He knew nothing at all,
     And now he's a college professor.

10. Book sharing:
      F You Very Much: Understanding the Culture of Rudeness ¡V and What We Can Do About It, by Danny Wallace.

Weeks 2 and 3: September 17-October 1:
1. Enrollment, email format, Google Drive, other class business.
    Those who haven't taken the pronunciation assessment test
     will take it during breaktime.

Email format.
Thank you for your emails (if you still haven't sent yours, do it TODAY!).
      However, the following problems appeared quite frequently.
      If any of these apply to your email, please correct it and resend:
      1. Plain text; no html!
      2. Indent paragraphs 5 spaces.
      3. No Chinese punctuation; leave a space (before and after) parentheses (and "quotation marks")!
      4. "Prof." (NOT: Pro. or Pros.!)
      5. Please put "ELP:" in the subject line of all class-related emails.
      6. It should be: "I don't play any musical instruments." Note "-al" ending and plural.
      7. Your gmail address must have ZERO ERRORS! Or you won't be added to Google Drive.
Make sure you send your email to: karchung@ntu.edu.tw (and not the gmail address).

3. Discuss CET ®v¼w articles:
    ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X ´£¤ÉÅ¥¤O¯¦³Z¡G¨C ¤Ñ½ÐÅ¥¡u¦^­µ¡v¤Q¤ÀÄÁ¡]¤W¡B¤U¡^ in No. 69 & 70,
    January/February p. 8-10 & March/April 2012, p.12-14.

    Also:  ­^¤å Email ¼ç³W«h¦Ñ®v«ç»ò¤£¦­ÂI±Ð§Ú¡H¡I
    Hand in paper notes; make sure pdf version is in your Google Drive folder.
    For next week class notes and notes on CET 3 (#71) : ´£¤ÉÅ¥¤O¯¦³Z¡G /i/ ©M /Èþ/ ªº¿ë§O;
    also upload to Google Drive.

4. Print and bring to every class: IPA symbols handout. Dictation next class.

5. Mark Zuckerberg's speech in Chinese at Tsinghua University Beijing, Oct. 25, 1015.

6. One Small Step Can Change Your Life: with Kaizen
7. The Pomodoro Technique.

8. Review limerick.

9. The Echo Method

Reading and phrasing practice: Print out The Crow and the Water Jar (unpunctuated)
Punctuate the story correctly, and practice reading with good phrasing, first in Chinese, then in English.
Try it yourself first; then get some help by listening to this MP3 file.

Breaktime music:  
Rebecca Ferguson: Nothing's Real but Love     lyrics

12. Book sharing:
The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma.
      Bessel van der Kolk. New York: Penguin, 2014.

Week 4: October 1-8:

1. Discuss email and format issues.
    Remember to print on both sides of the paper!
    Name and other information in upper right hand corner of the page;
    and use the correct fonts!
    Watch your grammar: always PROOFREAD before handing in your work!
    Let me know if you still haven't been added to Google Drive.
    Make sure you send your quote in PLAIN TEXT! And note CORRECT EMAIL FORMAT!
    Make sure ALL class-related mail has "ELP" in the subject line.

2. Submit class notes, notes on summary of CET 3 (#71) : ´£¤ÉÅ¥¤O¯¦³Z¡G /i/ ©M /Èþ/ ªº¿ë§O;
     also upload to Google Drive.
     For next Monday: submit notes on CET 4 (#72:)¡u­«­µ¡v¯uªº«Ü­«­n!
³s­µ¡G­^»y¡u¦r¸Ì¦æ¶¡¡vªº¥È¾÷ - ¥À­µ½g, in the July 2018 issue of English Island ­^»y®q;
     also notes on:
­^¤å Email ¼ç³W«h¦Ñ®v«ç»ò¤£¦­ÂI±Ð§Ú¡H¡I 

3. Dictation #1: /i/ vs. /Èþ/ ending with /-t/.
    Refer to the
IPA symbols handout for help.
    Get more practice with /i/ vs. /Èþ/ and other sound contrasts here:

4. Reading and phrasing practice: Print out The Crow and the Water Jar (unpunctuated)
Punctuate the story correctly, and practice reading with good phrasing, first in Chinese, then in English.
Try it yourself first; then get some help by listening to this MP3 file.

Breaktime music for week three: Laura Marling: Ghosts   lyrics
    Read over the
lyrics, make sure you understand them, and sing along!

    Breaktime music for week four:    Leonard Cohen: Who By Fire   lyrics

Week 5: October 8-15:

1.   Return work; assigned seats.

2.   Discuss and submit class notes and notes on CET 4 (#72:)¡u­«­µ¡v¯uªº«Ü­«­n!
³s­µ¡G­^»y¡u¦r¸Ì¦æ¶¡¡vªº¥È¾÷ - ¥À­µ½g, in the July 2018 issue of English Island ­^»y®q;
      also notes on:
­^¤å Email ¼ç³W«h¦Ñ®v«ç»ò¤£¦­ÂI±Ð§Ú¡H¡I if you haven't previously.

Make sure you have also uploaded a pdf file of your notes to the class folder on Google Drive.
      Article to read and take notes on for next Monday 10/15:
CET 5: ­^ »y±Ð¾Ç¦º ¨¤¡G½Æ¦X¦Wµü­«­µ in No. 73, September/October 2012, p. 12-14.

3.  More work on compound noun stress:
     Print out the two sets of exercises below and bring to class next Monday 10/15:
Compound noun stress exercise
     2.   Second exercise in compound noun stress for further practice.

4.  Dictation #2: /i/ vs. /Èþ/ ending in the nasal /-m/; and
Get more practice with /i/ vs. /Èþ/ and other sound contrasts here:

5.  Echo Method and mini-conversations 3. and 4.
Introduce yourself and get to know your classmate.
     Find a learning partner so you can help each other e.g. to compare notes,
     to pass a message to the instructor about special circumstances,
     and for overall mutual support in this class.

6.  Reading and phrasing practice: Print out The Crow and the Water Jar (unpunctuated)
Punctuate the story correctly, and practice reading with good phrasing, first in Chinese, then in English.
Try it yourself first; then get some help by listening to this MP3 file.
     Here are the punctuated versions.
     Related links.

7. Book sharing:
    Empires of the Word: A Language History of the World      by Nicholas Ostler. 2006.
    New York: HarperPerennial.
  Why should we protect endangered languages? by
Nicholas Ostler.

8.  Breaktime music: Jason Mraz      Have it All      video with lyrics      lyrics      lyrics on Genius     slap bracelet        
     similar to: I'm Yours      lyrics

For your convenience, here's the email reminder sent to you this week:

Dear Students,

     Here are a number of reminders and additional information on ELP class - please read carefully!

1. First, my apologies for not including the link to the July 2018 English Island article assigned for last week, ³s­µ¡G­^»y¡u¦r¸Ì¦æ¶¡¡vªº¥È¾÷ - ¥À­µ½g

     This was due to my negligence; however, if something like this ever happens in the future (and there's a good chance it will; I find that glitches on a web page that's updated weekly are hard to avoid!), please:

     1. Email me immediately and I'll fix it as soon as I can.
     2. Google the article yourself so you don't lose time getting started on it. Most of the materials are online and easy to find with Google.

     For those of you who didn't read and take notes on the article for this past week, please make sure you do so for next week, and submit your notes with next week's homework.

2. Make sure you print out BOTH of these compound noun stress exercises and bring them to class next week:

     1. http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung/compoundstresspractice1.pdf
     2. http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung/compoundstress1.pdf

3. Here is information on the talk I shared with you in class, for your reference:

®É¶¡¡G 2018-10-01 14:20~16:20
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Reading with Patrick: What Education Can and Cannot Do for Social Justice

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How can we foster spaces where people who have radically different experiences or viewpoints come to understand and empathize with another? Michelle Kuo¡¦s talk will explore this question in several contexts, from an alternative school for troubled students in the Mississippi Delta, to a college classroom at San Quentin Prison, and to a university in Paris. More broadly, she'll ask how we can create genuine conversations¡Xin classrooms, in offices, and other places across campus¡Xthat reflect a spirit of curiosity and open-mindedness. Last, she examines how initiatives to turn prisons into colleges illuminate the importance of the humanities and its transformative possibilities.

³¢©É¼z¡@Michelle Kuo
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Michelle Kuo was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, to immigrants from Taiwan. After graduating with a degree in Social Studies and Gender Studies at Harvard College, she joined Teach for America and moved to the rural town of Helena, Arkansas, where she taught English at an alternative school for two years. She later attended Harvard Law School as a Paul and Daisy Soros Fellow and worked legal aid at Centro Legal de la Raza, a nonprofit for Spanish-speaking immigrants in the Fruitvale district of Oakland, California, on a Skadden Fellowship, with a focus on tenants¡¦ and workers¡¦ rights. She has volunteered as a teacher at the Prison University Project and clerked for a federal appeals court judge in the Ninth Circuit. Currently, she teaches courses on race, law, and society at the American University of Paris, where she won the Board of Trustees Award for Distinguished Teaching.

In 2017, Michelle Kuo published her first book, Reading with Patrick, a non-fiction story of education, race, inequality, and the transformative power of literature, in which she writes about the seven months of reading and writing time she had with her former student Patrick in Phillips County Jail, Arkansas.

4. Make sure you include your class notes (it's plural!) in your routine weekly homework, and not just notes on the articles.
     In addition, I especially welcome any personal feedback, thoughts, or questions on anything related to what we cover in class. This is optional, but much appreciated!

5. Make sure you make up ALL missing work, including CET 1-3 and the Email article. This applies especially to students who joined us after the first week. You are welcome to borrow other students' notes for help, WITH their permission, and make sure you write on your work who you borrowed the notes from.

     Make sure you also go over the web page from previous weeks carefully and view any videos you missed (e.g. Pomodoro, Kaizen, SLANT, Sesame Street), learn and apply the FORMAT rules, and so on. Pay special attention to:
     1. Fonts and font sizes
     2. Format of your name and other data in upper right hand corner
     3. Print on both sides.
     4. Leave a (space) before and after (parentheses) and "double quotes".

6. For any red marks you see on your homework: Make sure you include these in the next week's notes, with your original error first and the corrected version second. Do this also for corrections given orally in class, even to other students - if someone else makes a certain mistake, lots of other people probably do too! Maximize your learning by learning from others' errors and corrections.

     OK, that's quite a bit, but that's it for now! Please email me any time you have questions!
     Karen Chung

Week 6: October 15-22:
1.  Submit and upload to Google Drive your class notes,
     your summary of CET 5 (#73:) ­^»y±Ð¾Ç¦º¨¤¡G½Æ¦X¦Wµü­«­µ;
     also of 
³s­µ¡G­^»y¡u¦r¸Ì¦æ¶¡¡vªº¥È¾÷ - ¥À­µ½g, in the July 2018 issue of English Island ­^»y®q,
     if you didn't submit it last week.

     For Monday 10/22: class notes and notes on CET 6 (#74:) §í´­¹y®À¡G­^»yªº»y½Õ©MÂ_¥y;
     also upload to Google Drive.

2.  We'll go over these exercises on compound noun stress in class:
     1. http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung/compoundstresspractice1.pdf
     2. http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung/compoundstress1.pdf

Reading and phrasing practice: The Crow and the Water Jar
Practice reading with good phrasing; get some help by listening to this MP3 file.

4.  Breaktime music: Same Love      Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, Mary Lambert        lyrics      video with lyrics    

Week 7: October 22-29:

1.  Discuss and hand in class notes and notes on CET 6 (#74:) §í´­¹y®À¡G­^»yªº»y½Õ©MÂ_¥y;
     also upload to Google Drive.
For next Monday 10/23: class notes and notes on:
     CET 7 (#75) Stop at stops! ¡X¡X ¹J¨ì¶ë­µ½Ð°±¡I in No. 75, January/February 2013, p. 12-14.
     Keep up your 10-minutes-a-day Echo practice.

2. We'll finish this second exercise on compound noun stress
and will also have a compound noun stress quiz.

3. Reading and phrasing practice: The Crow and the Water Jar
Practice reading with good phrasing; get some help by listening to this MP3 file

     Make sure you mark the phrase breaks with a vertical line | , and remember to use the
     continuation rise where called for. Also remember to link wherever you see a word
     that starts with a vowel.

4.  Breaktime music:    Coldplay     Viva la Vida      lyrics     video with lyrics  

Week 8: October 29-November 5:
1.  Discuss and hand in class notes and notes on
 CET 7 (#75) Stop at stops! ¡X¡X ¹J¨ì¶ë­µ½Ð°±¡I
For next Monday 11/05: read and take notes on
     CET 8 (#76) "-s" ©M "-ed" µü§À «ç»ò°á¡H;

     Keep up your 10-minutes-a-day Echo practice.

2. Compound noun stress quiz 2.

3. Reading and phrasing practice: The Crow and the Water Jar
Practice reading with good phrasing; get some help by listening to this MP3 file.

4. Breaktime music: Joni Mitchell     Big Yellow Taxi (Counting Crows/1970)     lyrics    video with lyrics  

5. For fun:
Bonus Halloween music from a previous year:
     1. A novelty song that's a little creepy but mostly fun,
         and good rhythm practice:

         They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-haaa! (1966) by Napoleon XIV (Jerry Samuels)

     2. The Monster Mash     by Bobby Pickett     with lyrics  

Week 9: November 5-12:
1.  Discuss and hand in class notes and notes on
CET 8 (#76) "-s" ©M "-ed" µü§À «ç»ò°á¡H.
For next Monday 11/12: read and take notes on
CET 9 and 10: »ó­µ/m /¡B/n/ »P /Èü/ ¡X¡X No problen? ¡]¤W¡^and ¡]¤U¡^
     in No. 77, May/June 2013, p. 12-14  and No. 78, July/August 2013, p. 12-14;

     2. ¥xÆW±Ð«Ç¸Ì§ä¤£¨ìªº¡u¼J¿Ø½Ò¡v(¤W)¡B¡]¤U¡^.
     Keep up your 10-minutes-a-day Echo practice.

2. Compound noun stress practice.

3. Reading and phrasing practice: The Crow and the Water Jar
Practice reading with good phrasing; get some help by listening to this MP3 file.

4. For next week, 11/12: Listening practice.
Transcribe: Tokay geckos.
    Tools and help:
     1. Use this transcription tool: oTranscribe;
         then copy-and-paste into a Word file and print it out.
         Note that you can control the speed of the audio,
         and you can also replay or advance
it 3 seconds at a time
         with the double arrows, or F1 and F2. These can be adjusted in the "Settings".
         Use the pause button or "Esc" to pauses audio.
         You can also insert a "timestamp" and "jump to time".

     2. Magic Bag of 30 Transcription Tricks

5. Breaktime music:  UTN1    War (with lyrics): While We Can (2006)     lyrics   

Week 10: November 12-19:
1.  Discuss and hand in class notes and notes on
     1. CET 9 and 10: »ó­µ/m /¡B/n/ »P /Èü/ ¡X¡X No problen? ¡]¤W¡^and ¡]¤U¡^
     in No. 77, May/June 2013, p. 12-14  and No. 78, July/August 2013, p. 12-14;

     2. ¥xÆW±Ð«Ç¸Ì§ä¤£¨ìªº¡u¼J¿Ø½Ò¡v(¤W)¡B¡]¤U¡^.

For next Monday 11/19: read and take notes on
     CET 11: ¥x¦¡­^»y¸o»íº×­º¡G/æ /¡B/È÷/ ©M /eÈþ/ in No. 79, September/October 2013, p. 12-14.
     also English Island November 2108: ³s­µ¶ë­µ½g¡GSTOP at STOPS! ¹J¨ì¶ë­µ½Ð¼È°±¡I
     Keep up your 10-minutes-a-day Echo practice.

Finish reading and phrasing practice: The Crow and the Water Jar
Practice reading with good phrasing; get some help by listening to this MP3 file.

3. Listening practice: Transcribe Tokay geckos.
    Tools and help:
     1. Use this transcription tool: oTranscribe;
         then copy-and-paste into a Word file and print it out.
         Note that you can control the speed of the audio,
         and you can also replay or advance
it 3 seconds at a time
         with the double arrows, or F1 and F2. These can be adjusted in the "Settings".
         Use the pause button or "Esc" to pauses audio.
         You can also insert a "timestamp" and "jump to time".

     2. Magic Bag of 30 Transcription Tricks

4. Breaktime music:
Dust in the Wind    by Kerry Livgren      sung by Kansas     lyrics     video with lyrics

Week 11: November 19-26:
1.  Discuss and hand in class notes and notes on
CET 11: ¥x¦¡­^»y ¸o»íº×­º¡G/æ /¡B/È÷/ ©M /eÈþ/ in No. 79, September/October 2013, p. 12-14.
     also 2. English Island November 2108: ³s­µ¶ë­µ ½g¡GSTOP at STOPS! ¹J¨ì¶ë­µ½Ð¼È°±¡I

For next Monday 11/26: read and take notes on
     1. CET 12: ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¤@¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (1)
     in No. 80, November/December 2013, p. 12-14; and
     2. English Island December 2016: ¨ì©³¬OYesÁÙ¬ONo?

     Keep up your 10-minutes-a-day Echo practice.

Finish reading and phrasing practice: The Crow and the Water Jar
Practice reading with good phrasing; get some help by listening to this MP3 file.

3. Listening practice: Transcribe Tokay geckos.
    Tools and help:
     1. Use this transcription tool: oTranscribe;
         then copy-and-paste into a Word file and print it out.
         Note that you can control the speed of the audio,
         and you can also replay or advance
it 3 seconds at a time
         with the double arrows, or F1 and F2. These can be adjusted in the "Settings".
         Use the pause button or "Esc" to pauses audio.
         You can also insert a "timestamp" and "jump to time".

     2. Magic Bag of 30 Transcription Tricks

4. New transcription assignment: Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase: Catholic Guilt 
     Source page    Episode 159 Smock on Smock off (Nov. 7. 2018)
5. Breaktime music:   Numb      by Linkin Park      lyrics      video with lyrics

Week 12: November 26-December 3:
1.  Discuss and hand in class notes and notes on
     1. CET 12: ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g ¡]¤@¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (1)
     in No. 80, November/December 2013, p. 12-14; and
     2. English Island December 2016: ¨ì©³¬O YesÁÙ¬ONo?

     For next week: CET 13: ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¤G¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (2)
     in No. 80, November/December 2013, p. 12-14; related audio file   
   Link in article
     Keep up your 10-minutes-a-day Echo practice.

2. Mini-conversations 9 and 10.

3. Finish transcribing Tokay geckos.
    Tools and help:
     1. Use this transcription tool: oTranscribe;
         then copy-and-paste into a Word file and print it out.
         Note that you can control the speed of the audio,
         and you can also replay or advance
it 3 seconds at a time
         with the double arrows, or F1 and F2. These can be adjusted in the "Settings".
         Use the pause button or "Esc" to pauses audio.
         You can also insert a "timestamp" and "jump to time".

     2. Magic Bag of 30 Transcription Tricks

4. New transcription assignment: Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase: Catholic Guilt 
     Source page    Episode 159 Smock on Smock off (Nov. 7. 2018)

5. Breaktime music: Rize Up/Rise Up     by Roy Zimmerman and Melanie Harby   
performed by the Girls' Choir of Wilmington    lyrics  

Week 13: December 3-10:

1.  Discuss and hand in class notes and notes on
     CET 13: ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¤G¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (2)
     in No. 80, November/December 2013, p. 12-14; related audio file   
   Link in article

For next week:  1. CET 14: ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¤T¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (3)
in No. 82, March/April 2014, p. 12-14; and
     2. English Island February 2017: §Æ±æ¡B¯¬ºÖ¡B³\Ä@ ­^¤å«ç»ò»¡¡H

     Make sure you read both articles carefully and mindfully; prepare yourself mentally
     to give a presentation on the articles, particularly on the rules for the use of
     "wish" and "hope" in English described in the English Island article.

     Keep up your 10-minutes-a-day Echo practice.

2. Mini-conversations 9 and 10.

3. Finish transcribing Tokay geckos.
    Tools and help:
     1. Use this transcription tool: oTranscribe;
         then copy-and-paste into a Word file and print it out.
         Note that you can control the speed of the audio,
         and you can also replay or advance
it 3 seconds at a time
         with the double arrows, or F1 and F2. These can be adjusted in the "Settings".
         Use the pause button or "Esc" to pauses audio.
         You can also insert a "timestamp" and "jump to time".

     2. Magic Bag of 30 Transcription Tricks

4. New transcription assignment: Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase: Catholic Guilt 
     Source page    Episode 159 Smock on Smock off (Nov. 7. 2018)

5.  Breaktime music: Blackbird     by Paul McCartney        
  Background of the song       lyrics  

Week 14: December 10-17
  Discuss and hand in class notes and notes on
     1. CET 14: ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¤T¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (3)
     in No. 82, March/April 2014, p. 12-14; and
     2. English Island February 2017: §Æ±æ¡B¯¬ºÖ¡B³\Ä@ ­^¤å«ç»ò»¡ 
  For next week: 
     1. CET 15: ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¥|¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (4) in No. 83, May/June 2014, p. 12-14; and
     2. 32. Schwa elision in English.
     Keep up your 10-minutes-a-day Echo practice.

2.  Mini-conversations 9, 10 and 11.

3.  Transcription assignment: Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase: Catholic Guilt 
     Source page    Episode 159 Smock on Smock off (Nov. 7. 2018)

4. New listening exercise: This American Life #489, part 4 (source page):
    Don't Lift the Manhole Cover   (5:05 minutes)

5. Breaktime music: Sixx:A.M.     Accidents Can Happen      lyrics      video with lyrics 
    interview with Nikki Sixx on the Spit podcast   

Week 15: December 17-22
  Discuss and hand in class notes and notes on
     1. CET 15: ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¥|¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (4) in No. 83, May/June 2014, p. 12-14; and
     2. 32. Schwa elision in English.
     For next week: 
     1. CET 16 and 17 (#84 and #85): Do not ©M don¡¦t·N«ä¤@¼Ë¶Ü¡H­^»yªºÁYŪ¦r¡]¤W¡B¤U¡^
     in No. 84, July/August 2014, p. 12-14 and No. 85, September/October 2014, p. 16-18; and
     2. Notes on web page 33. Contractions.

2.  Mini-conversations 9, 10 and 11.

3.  Transcription assignment: Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase: Catholic Guilt 
     Source page    Episode 159 Smock on Smock off (Nov. 7. 2018)

4. New transcription assignment: This American Life #489, part 4 (source page):
    Don't Lift the Manhole Cover   (5:05 minutes)

5.  Due January 2: Prepare:
     (I) a written evaluation of this semester's class and
     (II) an organized summary of your class notes, in two separate pdf files:

I. End-of-semester evaluation:
   Part 1: evaluate the class, materials, teacher, syllabus, homework assignments,
what was most and least useful, things that could be improved, and how
¡X everything about the class this semester.
   Part 2: Evaluate yourself: Attendance and punctuality, homework submission,
how much you learned from the class, how much effort you put into this class,
   Part 3: How do you plan to continue improving your English in general and
your English listening and pronunciation skills in particular?

II. Organized summary of your class notes:
   Go through all your old notes, and organize them into a summary of main points.
You do not have to include every single detail from your notes; try rather to combine
notes that are about the same thing and to generalize.

Format and submission instructions: Convert your files to pdf format
before emailing both files to Prof. Chung at: feathermountain@gmail.com

Breaktime music: Joni Mitchell       River        lyrics        video with lyrics    

Week 16: December 22-24: Make-up class
  Discuss and hand in class notes and notes on
     1. CET 16 and 17 (#84 and #85): Do not ©M don¡¦t·N«ä¤@¼Ë¶Ü¡H­^»yªºÁYŪ¦r¡]¤W¡B¤U¡^
     in No. 84, July/August 2014, p. 12-14 and No. 85, September/October 2014, p. 16-18; and
     2. Notes on web page 33. Contractions.
     For Monday 12/24
     CET 18 (#86) ¦¸­«­µ¡G¦¸­nªº­«­µÁÙ¬O«Ü­«­n¡I

2.  Mini-conversations 9, 10 and 11.

3.  New transcription assignment: This American Life #489, part 4 (source page):
     Don't Lift the Manhole Cover   (5:05 minutes)

4. Breaktime music: Some beautiful international Christmas carols:
      1. Czech: Hajej, nynej, Ježišku
;  Czech text read aloud by Pavel Sticka
2. Georgian: Alilo;
      3. Scottish Gaelic: Taladh Chriosda  
lyrics with IPA transcription.
      4. Aramaic: Hweili Isho' Halleluyah (Christ is Born);
      5. Huron/Wendat and French: The Huron Carol;
      6. Galician: Nadal de luintra;
      7. French:
Le Sommeil de l'Enfant Jesus;
      8. More Christmas Carols; Word format; html page.

Week 17-18: December 24-January 7, 2019:
  Discuss and hand in class notes and notes on
     CET 18 (#86) ¦¸­«­µ¡G¦¸­nªº­«­µÁÙ¬O«Ü­«­n¡I

2.  Mini-conversations 9, 10 and 11.

3.  New transcription assignment: This American Life #489, part 4 (source page):
     Don't Lift the Manhole Cover   (5:05 minutes)

4. Breaktime music: Some beautiful international Christmas carols:
      1. Czech: Hajej, nynej, Ježišku
;  Czech text read aloud by Pavel Sticka
2. Georgian:
      3. Scottish Gaelic: Taladh Chriosda  
lyrics with IPA transcription.
      4. Aramaic: Hweili Isho' Halleluyah (Christ is Born);
      5. Huron/Wendat and French: The Huron Carol;
      6. Galician: Nadal de luintra;
      7. French:
Le Sommeil de l'Enfant Jesus;
      8. More Christmas Carols; Word format; html page.

Final Exam: January 7, 2019:
  The final exam will be held on January 7, 2019, at the usual class time, 3:30-5:20pm,
     in our usual classroom, ¥~±Ð¤¤¤ß 201.

2.  You will be called on in pairs to perform one of mini-conversations 9, 10 and 11.

3.  Questions on the written part of the final exam will include everything covered this semester,
     but pay special attention to CET articles 5, 6, 7 and 8:
     5. ­^»y±Ð¾Ç ¦º¨¤¡G½Æ¦X¦Wµü­«­µ  
     6. §í´­¹y ®À¡G­^»yªº»y½Õ©MÂ_¥y 
     7. Stop at stops! ¡X¡X ¹J¨ì¶ë­µ½Ð°± 
     8. "- s" ©M "-ed" µü§À «ç»ò°á¡H

4. Breaktime music: John Prine      Summer's End       lyrics  

5. Clip  

Week 8: October 30-November 6:

1.  Discuss and hand in class notes and notes on
 CET 8 (#76) "-s" ©M "-ed" µü§À «ç»ò°á¡H
For next Monday 11/6: read and take notes on
     CET 9 & 10 (#77 & 78) »ó­µ/m/¡B/n/ »P /Èü/ ¡X¡X No problen? ¡]¤W¡B¤U¡^
     in No. 77, May/June 2013, p. 12-14 and No. 78, July/August 2013, p. 12-14.

     Keep up your 10-minutes-a-day Echo practice.

2. Quiz on marking phrasal and compound noun stress.
    Dictation and quiz:
    a. Dictaton: /-æk/ vs. /-eÈþk/, e.g. tack vs. take.
    Make sure you have the IPA symbols handout with you.
    b. Quiz on marking phrasal and compound noun stress.

3. Dictation: /-Èþt/ vs. /-id/: how to tell the difference between voiceless vs. voiced final stops.
     Make sure you have the IPA symbols handout with you.

3. Reading and phrasing practice: The Crow and the Water Jar
Practice reading with good phrasing; get some help by listening to this MP3 file.

4. Go over Transcription exercise: Yellow Horses,
     Entire original podcast   from Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase

     Make sure your transcription has been uploaded to Google Drive.
     Get help from the 30 Tricks  ppt

Ching chong ling long ting tong: Original and apology: Alexandra Wallace of UCLA   
by Jimmy Wong

Week 9: November 6-13:
1.  Discuss and hand in class notes and notes on
 CET 9 & 10 (#77 & 78) »ó­µ/m/¡B/n/ »P /Èü/ ¡X¡X No problen? ¡]¤W¡B¤U¡^
For next Monday 11/13: read and take notes on
CET 11 (#79:) ¥x¦¡­^»y¸o»íº×­º¡G/æ/¡B/È÷/ ©M /eÈþ/
     in No. 79, September/October 2013, p. 12-14, and
     b. this English Island article on how to use "will" and "would":
     ·| °Û³o¨â­ººq¡A´N¾Ç·|°²³]»y®ð

2.  Keep up your 10-minutes-a-day Echo practice.

     Class demonstration on how to do Echo practice on your own,
     using Mini-conversation 20. as an example.
     You'll perform Mini-conversation 20 in class with a partner on Monday 11/13.

3. Go over Transcription exercise: Yellow Horses,
     Entire original podcast   from Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase

     Make sure your transcription has been uploaded to Google Drive.
     Get help from the 30 Tricks  ppt

4. Reading and phrasing practice: The Crow and the Water Jar
Practice reading with good phrasing; get some help by listening to this MP3 file.

5. Breaktime music: Reggae music: Running Away    by Bob Marley & The Wailers    lyrics
     sung in Jamaican Patois (aka Jamaican Creole)       humorous Patois lesson

Week 10: November 13-20:
1.  Discuss and hand in class notes and notes on
     a. CET 11 (#79:) ¥x¦¡­^»y¸o»íº×­º¡G/æ/¡B/È÷/ ©M /eÈþ/ and
     b. this English Island article on how to use "will" and "would":

For next Monday 11/20: read and take notes on
CET 12 (#80) ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¤@¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (1)
     in No. 80, November/December 2013, p. 12-14, and also on:
     b. this November 2016 English Island article on the effect of Chinese subtitles
     on English listening skills
: ¬Ý¡u¤¤¤å¦r¹õ¡v·|¼vÅT­^¤åÅ¥¤O¶Ü¡H.

2.  Performance of Mini-conversation 20 in class with a partner;
     class feedback: postponed till 11/20 so everybody can prepare better!
     Keep up your 10-minutes-a-day Echo practice.

3. Go over Transcription exercise: Yellow Horses,
     Entire original podcast   from Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase

     Make sure your transcription has been uploaded to Google Drive.
     Get help from the 30 Tricks  ppt

4. Reading and phrasing practice: The Crow and the Water Jar
    Practice reading with good phrasing; get some help by listening to this MP3 file.

5. Breaktime music: Imagine   by John Lennon    lyrics     chosen by Henry Hung ¬x¤hùÚ.

Week 11: November 20-27:
1.  Discuss and hand in class notes and notes on
     a.CET 12 (#80) ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¤@¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (1) ; and also on:
     b. this November 2016 English Island article on the effect of Chinese subtitles
     on English listening skills
: ¬Ý¡u¤¤¤å¦r¹õ¡v·|¼vÅT­^¤åÅ¥¤O¶Ü¡H.

For next Monday 11/27: read and take notes on
CET 13 (#81) ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¤G¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (2)
     about /ju/ vs. /u/ the deaspiration of /p/, /t/, and /k/ after /s/;
     the pronunciation of /ʒ/ and /dʒ/; also /dz/ vs. /z/, and /ts/ vs. /s/;
     in No. 81, January/February 2014, p. 12-14, and also on:
     b. this June 2016 English Island article on how to answer
     a question containing negation:
     To access this and other English Island articles, you will need to register on the site ¡V
     it's free, and comes with no obligations.

2.  Performance of Mini-conversation 20 in class with a partner
     (postponed from 11/13); class feedback.
     For next Monday 11/27: Mini-conversation 17  MP3
     Do Echo practice on it for 10-minutes-a-day every day
     till you can perform it without using conscious effort to recall the lines!
     Use the ready-made Echo file!

3. Finish going over the Yellow Horses transcription exercise.
     Entire original podcast   from Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase

     Make sure your transcription has been uploaded to Google Drive.
     Get help from the 30 Tricks  ppt
     Try using oTranscribe for your transcriptions.Thanks to Crystal for suggesting this resource!

4. Reading and phrasing practice: The Crow and the Water Jar
    Practice reading with good phrasing; get some help by listening to this MP3 file.

5. Breaktime Music: Brave    by Sara Bareilles     lyrics

Week 12: November 27-December 4:
1.  Discuss and hand in class notes and notes on
     a. CET 13 (#81) ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¤G¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (2);
     here is an audio file to help with /dʒ/ (e.g. "major") and /ʒ/ (e.g. "measure");
     and also on:
     b. this December 2016 English Island article on how to answer
     a question containing negation:
     To access this and other English Island articles,
     you will need to register on the site ¡V
     it's free, and comes with no obligations.

For next Monday 12/04: read and take notes on
CET 14 (#82) ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¤T¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (3)
     is about the pronunciation of ¡§th¡¨, ¡§x¡¨ and ¡§r",
     in No. 82, March/April 2014, p. 12-14, and
     b. this October 2016 English Island article about being careful to avoid
     vulgar words in your English:
§A¦³¨S¦³¤£¤p¤ß Á¿¥X¡u­­¨î¯Å­^¤å¡v?
     To access this and other English Island articles, you will need
     to register on the site ¡V it's free, and comes with no obligations.

2.  Performance of Mini-conversation 17  MP3
     Do Echo practice on it for 10-minutes-a-day every day
     till you can perform it without using conscious effort to recall the lines!
     Use the ready-made Echo file!

     For next Monday 12/04, practice for 10 MINUTES DAILY to prepare
     for performance of mini-conversation #14. Use the ready-made Echo file!

3. Continue going over the Yellow Horses transcription exercise.
    Entire original podcast   from Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase

    Make sure your transcription has been uploaded to Google Drive.
    Get help from the 30 Tricks  ppt
    Try using oTranscribe for your transcriptions.
    Thanks to Crystal for suggesting this resource!

4. Breaktime Music: Free Fallin'    video with lyrics    by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers    lyrics    
    Song suggested by Ray Lin ªLèû

Week 13: December 4-11:
1.  Discuss and hand in class notes and notes on
     a. CET 14 (#82) ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¤T¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (3),
     about the pronunciation of ¡§th¡¨, ¡§x¡¨ and ¡§r", and
     b. the October 2016 English Island article §A¦³¨S¦³¤£¤p¤ß Á¿¥X¡u­­¨î¯Å­^¤å¡v?.

For next Monday 12/11: read and take notes on
CET 15 (#83) ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¥|¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (4)
     (the pronunciation of ¡§w¡¨, ¡§wh¡¨ and ¡§h¡¨; nasal plosion; schwa elision),

     in No. 83, May/June 2014, p. 12-14, and
     b. this February 2017 English Island article about the correct use
     of "hope" and "wish":
§Æ±æ¡B¯¬ºÖ¡B³\Ä@ ­^¤å«ç»ò»¡¡H
2.  Performance of mini-conversation #14   MP3   Echo file
     For next Monday: miniconversation #12   MP3   Echo file

3. Finish going over the Yellow Horses transcription exercise.
    Entire original podcast   from Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase

    Make sure your transcription has been uploaded to Google Drive.
    Get help from the 30 Tricks  ppt
    Try using oTranscribe for your transcriptions.
    Thanks to Crystal for suggesting this resource!

4. We'll finish reading The Crow and the Water Jar aloud after
    we're done with the Yellow Horses transcription, so do practice!
    Pay attention to good phrasing; get some help by listening to this MP3 file.

5. Here are some great online vocabulary flashcards, with audio,
    created by TA Andrea Lay ¿à©yÁ¾, for anybody interested!

Breaktime Music: Demons    video with lyrics    by Imagine Dragons   lyrics    

Week 14: December 11-18:
1.  Discuss and hand in class notes and notes on
     a. CET 15 (#83) ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¥|¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (4)
     (the pronunciation of ¡§w¡¨, ¡§wh¡¨ and ¡§h¡¨; nasal plosion; schwa elision),

     in No. 83, May/June 2014, p. 12-14, and
     b. this February 2017 English Island article about the correct use
     of "hope" and "wish":
§Æ±æ¡B¯¬ºÖ¡B³\Ä@ ­^¤å«ç»ò»¡¡H

For next Monday 12/18: read and take notes on
notes on CET 16 (issue #84) and CET 17 (issue #85):
     Do not ©M don¡¦t·N«ä¤@¼Ë¶Ü¡H­^»yªºÁYŪ¦r¡]¤W¡B¤U¡^, and

     b. this July 2016 English Island article about Chinese grammar
     you use but may not have noticed:
2.  Performance of miniconversation #12   MP3   Echo file

3. Finish going over the Yellow Horses transcription exercise.
    Entire original podcast   from Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase

    Make sure your transcription has been uploaded to Google Drive.
    Get help from the 30 Tricks  ppt
    Try using oTranscribe for your transcriptions.
4. We'll finish reading The Crow and the Water Jar aloud after
    we're done with the Yellow Horses transcription, so do practice!
    Pay attention to good phrasing; get some help by listening to this MP3 file.

5. Here are some great online vocabulary flashcards (alternate URL), with audio,
    created by TA Andrea Lay ¿à©yÁ¾, for anybody interested!

Breaktime Music: Masters of War  by Bob Dylan   lyrics

Week 15: December 18-25:
1.  Discuss and hand in class notes and notes on
notes on CET 16 (issue #84) and CET 17 (issue #85):
     Do not ©M don¡¦t·N«ä¤@¼Ë¶Ü¡H­^»yªºÁYŪ¦r¡]¤W¡B¤U¡^, an
     b. this July 2016 English Island article about Chinese grammar
     you use but may not have noticed:
For next Monday 12/25: read and take notes on
     a. CET 18 (#86) ¦¸­«­µ¡G¦¸­nªº­«­µÁÙ¬O«Ü­«­n¡I
     b. also read and take notes on the June 2016
     English Island article: ¤¤¤åÅܦn¡A­^¤å¤]¸òµÛ¦n¤F

2.  Find a partner and together choose a mini-conversation
     to perform next Monday 12/25. Use the MP3 file and Echo file to practice
     for at least 10 minutes every day. Google anything you don't understand,
     or post questions in our fb group, or email Prof. Chung for help.
     Find a time to meet with your partner before Monday's class, if possible,
     so you can practice your interactions and timing together.

3. We'll finish reading The Crow and the Water Jar today.
     Pay attention to good phrasing; get some help by listening to this MP3 file.

     In next Monday's notes, include a discussion of what you got out of the assignment.

4. New transcription exercise: Stay Tuned with Preet Bharara,
     Live, with Hasan Minhaj, December 14, 2017.
     Transcribe this excerpt from this podcast, recorded live.
     Try using oTranscribe for your transcriptions.

     There will be lots of hesitations, false starts, fragments, and interruptions,
     but it has a great message! Just do your best!
     Three hints: 1. "Kanye" and "Kanye juice" (i.e. acting as self-confident
     as Kanye West). 2. Prom: A formal dance held in 11th and/or 12th grade.
     3. Salisbury steak: A "steak" formed from ground beef and topped with gravy.
     Original podcast page
     Due next Monday, Dec. 25. Print out your transcription
     and upload it to Google Drive.

5.  Due January 2: Prepare:
     (I) a written evaluation of this semester's class and
     (II) an organized summary of your class notes, in two separate pdf files:

I. End-of-semester evaluation:
   Part 1: evaluate the class, materials, teacher, syllabus, homework assignments,
what was most and least useful, things that could be improved, and how
¡X everything about the class this semester.
   Part 2: Evaluate yourself: Attendance and punctuality, homework submission,
how much you learned from the class, how much effort you put into this class,
   Part 3: How do you plan to continue improving your English in general and
your English listening and pronunciation skills in particular?

II. Organized summary of your class notes:
   Go through all your old notes, and organize them into a summary of main points.
You do not have to include every single detail from your notes; try rather to combine
notes that are about the same thing and to generalize.

Format and submission instructions: Convert your files to pdf format
before emailing both files to Prof. Chung at: feathermountain@gmail.com

6. Breaktime Music: Diamonds and Rust (1975)   by Joan Baez    lyrics

Week 16: December 25-January 1:
1.  Discuss and hand in class notes and notes on
     a. CET 18 (#86) ¦¸­«­µ¡G¦¸­nªº­«­µÁÙ¬O«Ü­«­n¡I
     b. also read and take notes on the June 2016
     English Island article: ¤¤¤åÅܦn¡A­^¤å¤]¸òµÛ¦n¤F

2.  You will perform, together with your partner, perform the mini-conversation
      you chose for the oral part of your final exam grade.
      The final exam will be held on Monday, January 8 in the same classroom as usual.

3. Don't forget to mail your final evaluation and summary of notes to feathermountain@gmail.com
    by Monday, January 1, 2018!

4. We'll mark your transcriptions of the Stay Tuned with Preet Bharara exercise.
    Transcribe this excerpt from this podcast, recorded live.
    Try using oTranscribe for your transcriptions.

     Original podcast page

Breaktime music: A very old Irish Christmas carol: The Wexford Carol,
     with Yo-Yo Ma and Alison Krauss    history and lyrics

Week 17: January 1-8
No class on January 1 due to New Year holiday;
however, final evaluations and summaries are due today.
Make sure you sent them to: feathermountain@gmail.com.

Week 18: January 8
ELP final exam: Monday, January 8, 2018 at 3:30-5:20pm in ¥~±Ð 206
You will perform your selected mini-conversation with your partner(s)
for the oral part of your final exam grade;
there will also be a written examination and a dictation.
Pay special attention to these articles: CET 5, 6, 7 and 8.
Make sure any back homework is handed in by TODAY
and also uploaded to Google Drive.
No grade will be submitted for you without a final evaluation and summary,
or if any Google Drive work is missing.

Book sharing: ­^º~»y«H®§µ²ºc¹ï¤ñ¬ã¨s. 1998. ±i¤µ ±i§J©wµÛ. ¾G¦{: ªe«n¤j¾Ç¥Xª©ªÀ.

Goals of Course:

     The main goals of this course are (1) to teach you how to listen; this will be done mainly by listening to audio and video files online and answering comprehension questions on them; and (2) to improve your pronunciation.

     Listening and pronunciation are probably the two weakest links in English education in Taiwan (though even those of you who have been educated in English abroad may find you have things to learn from this class). Rather than complain about what you didn't get in the past, we encourage you to focus on the here and now ¡V there's still time to fix things. But you must be committed. The things you learn in this class are not assignments to be completed to earn a grade and then forgotten. They will require behavior modification on your part. Anybody knows how hard a habit is to break, and poor pronunciation habits present an especially stubborn case. Producing the correct sounds in class is easy ¡V using them consistently when you're supposed to is the tough part! You will need to tire yourself out for a few weeks or months relearning the way you speak English. It will be well worth it ¡V you'll sound absolutely wonderful every time you speak English for the rest of your life! You can sound like a native  but you have to really, really want it!

     One very important reason to fix your pronunciation is to show respect for other people. When you speak with a heavy foreign accent, other people have to strain to understand you, and that makes them very tired. When you speak clearly and correctly, you make life easier and happier for everybody you come in contact with.

Course Materials and Activities:

     No textbook is assigned; most class materials will be available through this Website and the Internet. However, if you feel you need extra work on your pronunciation, you might want to consider buying the following textbook with CD recordings:

     Gilbert, Judy. Clear Speech. 4th edition, with CD. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012.

     Here's a very useful pdf by Judy, entitled: Six Pronunciation Priorities for the Beginning Student

     and another called Teaching Pronunciation: Using the Prosody Pyramid.

      Handouts will be mainly be posted on this site and will not be distributed in class.

     Occasional quizzes will be given, usually dictations or ones requiring you to distinguish between correct and incorrect pronunciations.

     Pronunciation and grammar journal: You are required to keep a running record of specific sounds and other areas you need to work on in your pronunciation in a small notebook, based on feedback you receive in class. You are also required to note down grammar points discussed in class and corrections you receive orally or in your written work. You are expected to have your journal open and ready throughout each class, without being reminded.

     Grades for the course will be based on: attendance and punctuality, class performance and participation, listening assignments, quizzes, progress made, attitude, and the final exam.

Input tools:
i2Speak IPA input tool:

Another IPA input interface:

Pinyin tone tool: Adds tone markings over correct vowels
to pinyin marked with tone numbers

Dictionaries and reference tools:
youpronounce.it (check English pronunciations in context with YouTube videos)

How to choose a dictionary


(American English)

Cambridge Advanced Learner¡¦s Dictionary (American and British English)

Macmillan Dictionary (American and British English)

About Poetry: English Prosody Plus Selected Literary Terms handout.
(Refer to this for definitions of terms like iambic, doggerel, and synaesthesia)
