ELP: English Listening and Pronunciation
Spring 2018


Monday 3:30-5:20pm  

Foreign Language Teaching
and Resource Center (FLTR ¥~±Ð)
Professor Karen Chung ¥v¹ÅµY ¦Ñ®v

Join the
ELP: English Listening and Pronunciation, 2017-2018 page on Facebook!
Class syllabus:
Fall 2013  Spring 2014
 Fall 2014 and Spring 2015  Spring 2016  Spring 2017
  Fall 2017
CET articles on English pronunciation
Email Updates Subscription link
for CET 19-24

A demonstration of how the Echo Method works

Spring 2018: 15 class meetings

February 2018: 26
March: 5, 12, 19, 26
April: (2 is a holiday), 9, 16, 23, 30
May: 7, 14, 21, 28
June: 4, 11 (18 is a holiday)

Final exam: June 25, 2018, 3:30-5:20pm in ¥~±Ð 206. (NOTE CHANGE!)

    Note: This syllabus is subject to change, and will be adjusted and updated weekly throughout the semester.

Week 1: February 26-March 5:

1. Enrollment and other class business.
    Please note that this class is open only to foreign language majors, minors,
    double minors, students in the education and translation programs, and international students

2. Join a. the ELP: English Listening and Pronunciation, 2017-2018 page on Facebook;
b. Karen on Ivy League Analytical English group on Facebook; and
c. ELP Fall 2017 and Spring 2018 on Google Drive; use your gmail address.

    Sit up straight.
    Ask and answer questions.
    Nod your head. (or: shake your head; or: wrinkle your brow)
    Track the teacher.

4. Send a quote to Prof. Chung at karchung@ntu.edu.tw
    according to this model, along with your gmail address;
    Read and refer to this article carefully before doing the assignment;
    ­^¤å Email ¼ç³W«h¦Ñ®v«ç»ò¤£¦­ÂI±Ð§Ú¡H¡I ¤å¡þ ºµ°´§¡ Melissa Hsiung
    due by Monday, March 5.

    Subject line: ELP quote and gmail address.

    Make sure to send it in plain text, not html.
    Indent each paragraph five spaces and leave a blank line between paragraphs.

    Also subscribe to the New York Times news digest,
    and state that you did so in your email (as in the model).
    Today's Headlines: https://www.nytimes.com/newsletters/todaysheadlines
    Other email newsletters: https://www.nytimes.com/newsletters
    The New York Times homepage: http://www.nytimes.com/

    Leave only one blank line between paragraphs, not two!

5. Every Monday, you will hand in on paper, and also upload to Google Drive:
    1. a summary of your class notes from the previous week.
    2. a summary of one or more of the CET ®v¼w articles online. This week:
    ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X ´£¤ÉÅ¥¤O¯¦³Z¡G¨C¤Ñ½ÐÅ¥¡u¦^­µ¡v¤Q¤ÀÄÁ¡]¤W¡B¤U¡^ in No. 69 & 70,
    January/February p. 8-10 & March/April 2012, p.12-14.
    These articles explain in Chinese how the "Echo Method" of language learning works.
    Former students may hand in their notes from last semester,
    editing them if you notice something new.
    3. Don't forget to read and take notes on this article too! (mentioned above):
    ­^¤å Email ¼ç³W«h¦Ñ®v«ç»ò¤£¦­ÂI±Ð§Ú¡H¡I ¤å¡þ ºµ°´§¡ Melissa Hsiung
    4. There will also be weekly listening and other assignments.

Format for name on homework ¡V in upper right hand corner, left justified;
    include the number of the week when the homework was assigned:

    Rita Lin ªL¥É±ö
    ELP September 12, 2016
    Week One

    Times New Roman 12 pt for text,
    Lucida Sans Unicode 10.5pt for IPA symbols,
    ·s²Ó©úÅé 12pt for ¤¤¤å

    i2Speak IPA input tool:

    Convert to pdf format before printing out to avoid encoding errors.

6. The Echo Method.
     Good practice material for Echo practice: Mini-conversations.

7. Prepare to read aloud in class: A Lesson From My Dad     Word
    Your mentor will go over points to watch out for on page 2,
    and will demonstrate for you.
    Then everybody will prepare on your own to read aloud.
    Here is an audio file you can use as a model and for reference.
    We'll finish the assignment in class next Monday.

8. Book sharing: º~»y»y¥yÃý«ßªº»yªk¥\¯à. ¸­­x µÛ. µØªF®v½d¤j¾Ç¥Xª©ªÀ. 2001.

9. Breaktime music: Love by John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band    lyrics

Week 2: March 5-12:
1. Confirmation of final class list. Is everybody on Google Drive now?
    Did you send your email with the correct format?

2. Discussion on email and format:
    1. Please follow the format of this model exactly;
         also read this article carefully to learn
         the standard email format we'll use for this class.
    2. Use your NTU EMAIL ACCOUNT for all class business unless otherwise requested:
        your gmail address is mainly for accessing Google Drive.
    3. Remember to send in PLAIN TEXT ¯Â¤å¦r, NOT HTML.
    4. INDENT FIVE SPACES at the beginning of each new paragraph,
        and leave a blank line between paragraphs.
    5. Please RESEND your email if any of the above need to be fixed ¡V thank you!

3. Discuss ¤j®v¶}Á¿ ¡X ´£¤ÉÅ¥¤O¯¦³Z¡G¨C¤Ñ½ÐÅ¥¡u¦^­µ¡v¤Q¤ÀÄÁ¡]¤W¡B¤U¡^ in No. 69 & 70,
    January/February p. 8-10 & March/April 2012, p.12-14.
    For next Monday: Submit class notes, notes on summary of
    CET 3 (#71) : ´£¤ÉÅ¥¤O¯¦³Z¡G /i/ ©M /Èþ/ ªº¿ë§O; also upload to Google Drive.

    Also: ­^»y®q: ¥xÆW±Ð«Ç¸Ì§ä¤£¨ìªº¡u¼J¿Ø½Ò¡v(¤W).

4. Mark Zuckerberg's speech in Chinese at Tsinghua University Beijing, Oct. 25, 1015.

One Small Step Can Change Your Life: with Kaizen

6. Print and bring to every class: IPA symbols handout

7. Read aloud in class: A Lesson From My Dad     Word
     Here is an audio file you can use as a model and for reference.
     Practice more to read again next week, getting all the intonation right!

8. Breaktime music: Sting   Englishman in New York   lyrics

Week 3: March 12-19:
1. Discuss and hand in class notes, notes on summary of
    CET 3 (#71) : ´£¤ÉÅ¥¤O¯¦³Z¡G /i/ ©M /Èþ/ ªº¿ë§O (new students) and upload to Google Drive.

    Everybody: ­^»y®q: ¥xÆW±Ð«Ç¸Ì§ä¤£¨ìªº¡u¼J¿Ø½Ò¡v(¤W).
For next Monday 3/19: New students: CET 4 (#72:)¡u­«­µ¡v¯uªº«Ü­«­n!
    Everybody: ­^»y®q: ¥xÆW±Ð«Ç¸Ì§ä¤£¨ìªº¡u¼J¿Ø½Ò¡v¡]¤U¡^.

2. The Pomodoro Technique of time management,
     and improving focus and productivity.

3.  Read aloud in class: A Lesson From My Dad     Word
     Here is an audio file you can use as a model and for reference.
     Practice more to read again next week, getting all the intonation right!

4. Breaktime music: Pink       Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken      lyrics    

Week 4: March 19-26:
1. Discuss and hand in class notes, notes on summary of
CET 4 (#72:)¡u­«­µ¡v¯uªº«Ü­«­n! (new students) and upload to Google Drive.
    Everybody: ­^»y®q: ­^»y®q: ¥xÆW±Ð«Ç¸Ì§ä¤£¨ìªº¡u¼J¿Ø½Ò¡v¡]¤U¡^.
For next Monday 3/26: New students: CET 5 (#73) ­^»y±Ð¾Ç¦º¨¤¡G½Æ¦X¦Wµü­«­µ
    Everybody: a. ­^»y®q: ¦Ñ®v¡A½Ð»{¿ù§a¡I and
    (b) English Island 26 February 2018 ÂIÀYªº¤O¶q.

2.  Book sharing: French Lessons: A Memoir, by Alice Kaplan.

3.  Two dictations on the short vowels /È÷/ and /æ/.

4.  Read aloud in class: A Lesson From My Dad     Word
     Here is an audio file you can use as a model and for reference.

5. Transcription practice: Breathing in Memories (2:00 minutes)
oTranscribe to make the job easier!

6. Breaktime music: Ed Sheeran     Supermarket Flowers     video with lyrics     lyrics

Weeks 5 and 6: March 26-April 9:
(April 2 is a holiday; NO CLASS)

1. Discuss and hand in class notes, notes on summary of
    CET 5 (#73) ­^»y±Ð¾Ç¦º¨¤¡G½Æ¦X¦Wµü­«­µ (new students) and upload to Google Drive.
    Everybody: a. ­^»y®q: ¦Ñ®v¡A½Ð»{¿ù§a¡I and (b) English Island 26 February 2018 ÂIÀYªº¤O¶q.
    For Monday 4/9: New students: CET 6 (#74) §í´­¹y®À¡G­^»yªº»y½Õ©MÂ_¥y
    in No. 74, November/December 2012.
    Everybody: a. English Island 5 (May 2106): Wrongology ¤£­nÃhºÃ¡A¯uªº¦³¥Ç¿ù¾Ç
    and: b. English Island 27 (March 2018): ©ñ»´ÃP¡A ¡uµo§b¡vÅý§Aµo­µ§ó¦n

2. There will be two more dictations on the short vowels /È÷/ and /æ/ on April 9.

3. We'll continue to read aloud in class: A Lesson From My Dad     Word
    Here is an audio file you can use as a model and for reference.
    Please prepare well by doing Echo practice with the audio file
    at least 10 minutes every day! Pay close attention to all the details,
    especially the vowels, stress, intonation, and timing!

4. Transcription practice: Breathing in Memories (2:00 minutes)
oTranscribe to make the job easier! Make sure to upload
     your transcription to your Google Drive folder.
     We'll check your transcriptions on April 9.

5. Breaktime music: Colbie Caillat:   Try      video with lyrics     lyrics

Week 7: April 9-16:

1. Discuss and hand in class notes, notes on summary of
    CET 6 (#74) §í´­¹y®À¡G­^»yªº»y½Õ©MÂ_¥y
    in No. 74, November/December 2012 (new students) and upload to Google Drive.
    Everybody: a. English Island 5 (May 2106): Wrongology ¤£­nÃhºÃ¡A¯uªº¦³¥Ç¿ù¾Ç
    and: b. English Island 27 (March 2018): ©ñ»´ÃP¡A ¡uµo§b¡vÅý§Aµo­µ§ó¦n
    For Monday 4/16: New students: CET 7 (#75) Stop at stops! ¡X¡X ¹J¨ì¶ë­µ½Ð°±¡I
    in No. 75, January/February 2013, p. 12-14.
    Everybody: English Island 6 (June 2016): ¤¤¤åÅܦn¡A­^¤å¤]¸òµÛ¦n¤F and:
    English Island 7 (July 2016): ¬Ý¤£¨£ªº¤åªk.
    Both of these articles were in fact assigned last semester,
    so if the old students would like a new article,
    you can take your pick from this list.

2. Two more dictations on the short vowels /È÷/ and /æ/.

3. We'll continue to read aloud in class: A Lesson From My Dad     Word
    Here is an audio file you can use as a model and for reference.
    Please prepare well by doing Echo practice with the audio file
    at least 10 minutes every day! Pay close attention to all the details,
    especially the vowels, stress, intonation, and timing!

4. Transcription practice: Breathing in Memories (2:00 minutes)
oTranscribe to make the job easier! Make sure to upload
     your transcription to your Google Drive folder.

5. Book sharing: The Chinese Typewriter: A History    by Thomas S. Mullaney
    Early English typewriter (1930s)     Old typewriters
    Arabic electric typewriter                 Thai typewriter
    Hebrew typewriter                           Chinese typewriter
6. Breaktime music: Leonard Cohen:   Waiting for the Miracle      video with lyrics     lyrics   

Week 8: April 16-23:
1. Discuss and hand in class notes, notes on summary of
    CET 7 (#75) Stop at stops! ¡X¡X ¹J¨ì¶ë­µ½Ð°±¡I
    in No. 75, January/February 2013, p. 12-14. (new students) and upload to Google Drive.
    Everybody: English Island 6 (June 2016): ¤¤¤åÅܦn¡A­^¤å¤]¸òµÛ¦n¤F and
    English Island 7 (July 2016): ¬Ý¤£¨£ªº¤åªk.
    For Monday 4/23: New students: CET 8 (#76) "-s" ©M "-ed" µü§À «ç»ò°á¡H
    in No. 76, March/April 2013, p. 12-14.
    Everybody: English Island 8 (August 2016): ­þ°ê»y¨¥¥~¨Ó»y³Ì¦h¡H
2. Two dictations on voiceless vs. voiced final stops: /È÷t/ vs. /È÷d/ and /æt/ vs. /æd/.

3. We'll continue to read aloud in class: A Lesson From My Dad     Word
    Here is an audio file you can use as a model and for reference.
    Please prepare well by doing Echo practice with the audio file
    at least 10 minutes every day! Pay close attention to all the details,
    especially the vowels, stress, intonation, and timing!

4. Ttranscription of: Breathing in Memories (2:00 minutes)
oTranscribe to make the job easier! Make sure to upload
     your transcription to your Google Drive folder.
5. Breaktime music: Christina Perri:       Human     Live at British Grove Studios
                                 Video with lyrics     lyrics

Week 9: April 23-30:
1. Discuss and hand in class notes, notes on summary of
    CET 8 (#76) "-s" ©M "-ed" µü§À «ç»ò°á¡H
    in No. 76, March/April 2013, p. 12-14. (new students) and upload to Google Drive.
    Everybody: English Island 8 (August 2016): ­þ°ê»y¨¥¥~¨Ó»y³Ì¦h¡H.
    For Monday 4/30: New students:
    CET 9 & 10 (#77 & #78) »ó­µ/m/¡B/n/ »P /?/ ¡X¡X No problen?¡]¤W¡B¤U¡^
    in No. 77, May/June 2013, p. 12-14 and No. 78, July/August 2013, p. 12-14.
    Everybody: English Island 9 (September 2016): §A¦³¨S¦³¤£¤p¤ß Á¿¥X¡u­­¨î¯Å­^¤å¡v?
    Since we read this last semester, old students may choose an additional article from
    English Island, if you like.
    Make sure you have watched one of the TED talks mentioned in the
    Wrongology article and reported on it in your notes.
2. We'll finish our transcription of: Breathing in Memories (2:00 minutes)
oTranscribe to make the job easier! Make sure to upload
     your transcription to your Google Drive folder.

3. We'll continue to read aloud in class next Monday: A Lesson From My Dad     Word
    Here is an audio file you can use as a model and for reference.
    Please prepare well by doing Echo practice with the audio file
    at least 10 minutes every day! Pay close attention to all the details,
    especially the vowels, stress, intonation, and timing!

4. Practice mini-conversations 46. and 47.; perform next Monday.

5. Book sharing: ¤ý¤O¡G¥j¥Nº~»y±`ÃÑ. ¥_¨Ê¡G¥_¨Ê¥Xª©ªÀ. 2016.

6. Breaktime music: Goo Goo Dolls:    Iris     Video with lyrics      Lyrics
    New terms: iambic, trochaic, dactylic, anapestic; anacrusis
    About Poetry: English Prosody plus Selected Literary Terms

Week 10: April 30-May 7:
1. Discuss and hand in class notes, notes on summary of
    CET 9 & 10 (#77 & #78) »ó­µ/m/¡B/n/ »P /?/ ¡X¡X No problen?¡]¤W¡B¤U¡^
    in No. 77, May/June 2013, p. 12-14 and No. 78, July/August 2013, p. 12-14, and
    English Island 9 (September 2016): §A¦³¨S¦³¤£¤p¤ß Á¿¥X¡u­­¨î¯Å­^¤å¡v?
    plus (old students) optional article from English Island,
    and upload to Google Drive.
    For Monday May 7 (old students): CET 11 (#79) ¥x¦¡­^»y¸o»íº×­º¡G/æ/¡B/È÷/ ©M /eÈþ/
    in No. 79, September/October 2013, p. 12-14; and
    (everybody): English Island 8 (August 2016) ½ÖÁ¿¸Ü³Ì§Ö¡H

2. We'll go over our transcription of: Breathing in Memories (2:00 minutes)
oTranscribe to make the job easier! Make sure to upload
     your transcription to your Google Drive folder.

3. Perform mini-conversations 46. and 47; feedback and discussion.

4. We'll continue to read aloud: A Lesson From My Dad     Word
    Here is an audio file you can use as a model and for reference.
    Please prepare well by doing Echo practice with the audio file
    at least 10 minutes every day! Pay close attention to all the details,
    especially the vowels, stress, intonation, and timing!

5. Breaktime music: Coldplay    Fix You    Video with lyrics    Lyrics

Week 11: May 7-16:
1. Some of you haven't submitted your transcription of the Pulse of
    the Planet transcription. Remember to hand in both your original
    and your corrected transcription, and also to analyze your errors.
    Include in your notes five areas you've found to work on in order
    to continue improving.

2. Discuss and hand in class notes, notes on summary of
    CET 11 (#79) ¥x¦¡­^»y¸o»íº×­º¡G/æ/¡B/È÷/ ©M /eÈþ/
    in No. 79, September/October 2013, p. 12-14; and
    (everybody): English Island 8 (August 2016) ½ÖÁ¿¸Ü³Ì§Ö¡H

    plus (old students) optional article from English Island,
    and upload to Google Drive.
    For next week: CET 12 (#80) ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¤@¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (1)
    in No. 80, November/December 2013, p. 12-14, and
    English Island 12 (December 2016) ¨ì©³¬OYesÁÙ¬ONo?

    and English Island 22 (October 2017): ¬°¤°»ò²³æªº³æ¦r¡Aµo­µ«o¤£Â²³æ¡H

3. Perform mini-conversations 46. and 47; feedback and discussion.

4. We'll continue to read aloud: A Lesson From My Dad     Word
    Here is an audio file you can use as a model and for reference.
    Please prepare well by doing Echo practice with the audio file
    at least 10 minutes every day! Pay close attention to all the details,
    especially the vowels, stress, intonation, and timing!

5. Start to prepare to act out a scene from an episode of The Big Bang Theory.
    Install the Stream Series extension in Chrome, and
    do a search to find:
    The Big Bang Theory, Season 3, episode 7,
    "The Guitarist Amplification".
    The transcript is here:
    Here it is as a formatted Word file.
    Watch it several times as entertainment.
    We'll be performing the first scene up to this line:
    "Would you like a commemorative snow cone?"

6. Breaktime music: Phil Collins     Another Day in Paradise      video with lyrics      lyrics

Week 12: 5/14-5/21
1. Discuss and hand in class notes, notes on summary of
    CET 12 (#80) ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¤@¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (1)
    in No. 80, November/December 2013, p. 12-14, and
    (everybody) English Island 12 (December 2016) ¨ì©³¬OYesÁÙ¬ONo?

    and English Island 22 (October 2017):
¬°¤°»ò²³æªº³æ¦r¡Aµo­µ«o¤£Â² ³æ¡H
    For next week (new students; old students: review):
CET 13 (#81) ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¤G¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (2)
    in No. 81, January/February 2014, p. 12-14, and
    CET 14 (#82) ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¤T¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (3)
    in No. 82, March/April 2014, p. 12-14
; also
    English Island 15 (March 2017) "Goody Two Shoes" ¤Ó¨Äªº¤H¥Í¦³ÂIµL²á.

2. Last performances of mini-conversations 46. and 47; feedback and discussion.

3. We'll continue to read aloud: A Lesson From My Dad     Word
    Here is an audio file you can use as a model and for reference.
    Please prepare well by doing Echo practice with the audio file
    at least 10 minutes every day! Pay close attention to all the details,
    especially the vowels, stress, intonation, and timing!

4. Start to prepare to act out a scene from an episode of The Big Bang Theory.
    Install the Stream Series extension in Chrome, and
    do a search to find:
    The Big Bang Theory, Season 3, episode 7,
    "The Guitarist Amplification".
    The transcript is here:
    Here it is as a formatted Word file.
    Watch it several times as entertainment.
    We'll be performing the first scene up to this line:
    "Would you like a commemorative snow cone?"

5. Breaktime music: Rise Against      Hero of War       video with lyrics       lyrics

Week 13:/ 5/21-5/28

1. Discuss and hand in class notes, notes on summary of
CET 13 (#81) ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¤G¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (2)
    in No. 81, January/February 2014, p. 12-14, and
    CET 14 (#82) ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¤T¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (3)
    in No. 82, March/April 2014, p. 12-14
; also
    English Island 15 (March 2017) "Goody Two Shoes" ¤Ó¨Äªº¤H¥Í¦³ÂIµL

    For next week (new students; old students: review):
    For next week: CET 15 (#83) ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¥|¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (4)
    in No. 83, May/June 2014, p. 12-14; and
    English Island 14 (February 2017): §Æ±æ¡B¯¬ºÖ¡B³\Ä@ ­^¤å«ç»ò»¡¡H

2. Sharing from CET Pronunciation Workshop 2018.

3. We'll continue to read aloud: A Lesson From My Dad     Word
    Here is an audio file you can use as a model and for reference.
    Please prepare well by doing Echo practice with the audio file
    at least 10 minutes every day! Pay close attention to all the details,
    especially the vowels, stress, intonation, and timing!

4. Start to prepare to act out a scene from an episode of The Big Bang Theory.
    Install the Stream Series extension in Chrome, and
    do a search to find:
    The Big Bang Theory, Season 3, episode 7,
    "The Guitarist Amplification".
    The transcript is here:
    Here it is as a formatted Word file.
    Watch it several times as entertainment.
    We'll be performing the first scene up to this line:
    "Would you like a commemorative snow cone?"

5. Breaktime music: Aerosmith     Dream On       video with lyrics       lyrics

Week 14: 5/28-6/04
Discuss and hand in class notes, notes on summary of
CET 15 (#83) ­^»yµo­µ¦Ê¼Ö½g¡]¥|¡^: Pronunciation Potluck (4)
    in No. 83, May/June 2014, p. 12-14; and
    English Island 14 (February 2017): §Æ±æ¡B¯¬ºÖ¡B³\Ä@ ­^¤å«ç»ò»¡¡H
    For next week (new students; old students: review):
    CET 16 (#84) and CET 17 (#85) Do not ©M don¡¦t·N«ä¤@¼Ë¶Ü¡H­^»yªºÁYŪ¦r¡]¤W
    in No. 84, July/August 2014, p. 12-14 and
    No. 85, September/October 2014, p. 16-18; also
    English Island 16 (April 2017): Echo Method: ¥Î¡u¦^­µ°O¾Ð¡v¥´³ynativelikeªº»y·P.

2We'll continue to read aloud: A Lesson From My Dad     Word
    Here is an audio file you can use as a model and for reference.
    Please prepare well by doing Echo practice with the audio file
    at least 10 minutes every day! Pay close attention to all the details,
    especially the vowels, stress, intonation, continuation rises, and timing!

    More things to watch out for in these materials from the CET Pronunciation Workshops 2018.

3. Prepare to act out a scene from an episode of The Big Bang Theory.
    Install the Stream Series extension in Chrome, and
    do a search to find:
    The Big Bang Theory, Season 3, episode 7,
    "The Guitarist Amplification".
    The transcript is here:
    Here it is as a formatted Word file.
    Watch it several times as entertainment.
    We'll be performing the first scene up to this line:
    "Would you like a commemorative snow cone?"

4. Breaktime music: Brendan Benson    Lesson Learned (mp3)    lyrics

Week 15: 6/04-6/11

Discuss and hand in class notes, notes on summary of
CET 16 (#84) and CET 17 (#85) Do not ©M don¡¦t·N«ä¤@¼Ë¶Ü¡H­^»yªºÁYŪ¦r¡]¤W¡B¤U¡^
    in No. 84, July/August 2014, p. 12-14 and
    No. 85, September/October 2014, p. 16-18; also
    English Island 16 (April 2017): Echo Method: ¥Î¡u¦^­µ°O¾Ð¡v¥´³ynativelikeªº»y·P.

    For next week:
    CET 18 (#86) ¦¸­«­µ¡G¦¸­nªº­«­µÁÙ¬O«Ü­«­n¡I in No. 86, November/December 2014, p. 12-14; also
    English Island 19 (July 2017): ¤p¤ß§Aªº¥x¦¡­^¤åµÄ, and:
English Island 20 (August 2017): »y¨¥¥æ´«¥²¬Ý¤pºJ¨B.

2. Continue practicing scene one of The Big Bang Theory.

3.  Breaktime music: Bruce Springsteen:    Adam Raised a Cain       video with lyrics      lyrics   
     Springsteen had a very difficult and complicated relationship with his father.
     Quote from Bruce Springsteen: "I believe behind every artist [he] has someone that told him
     that he wasn't worth dirt, and someone that told him they were the second coming of baby Jesus,
     and they believed them both," he told Anthony Mason. "That is the fuel that starts the fire."

Week 15: 6/14

1.  CET 18 (#86) ¦¸­«­µ¡G¦¸­nªº­«­µÁÙ¬O«Ü­«­n¡I in No. 86, November/December 2014, p. 12-14; also
    English Island 19 (July 2017): ¤p¤ß§Aªº¥x¦¡­^¤åµÄ, and:
English Island 20 (August 2017): »y¨¥¥æ´«¥²¬Ý¤pºJ¨B.

    Monday, June 18 is a holiday, but we will still read three more articles; upload them to Google Drive:

    CET 22 (90) ³æ¼Æ¡H½Æ¼Æ¡H¥i¼Æ¡H ¤£¥i¼Æ¡H a, one, the¡HÅý­^¤å¦Wµü¦A¤]Ãø¤£­Ë§A¡I¡]¤W) and
and CET 23 (91) ³æ¼Æ¡H½Æ¼Æ¡H¥i¼Æ¡H ¤£¥i¼Æ¡H a, one, the¡HÅý­^¤å¦Wµü¦A¤]Ãø¤£­Ë§A¡]¤U¡^¡I
    in No. 90, July/August 2015 and 
No. 91, September/October 2015; plus:
    English Island 30 (June 2018): ¡u§ì¨ì¤F¡I¥À»y¤H¤h°Êµü®ÉºA¤£¤@­P¡I¡v¡]§Ú¤]¥i¥H¤£¥ÎºÞ°Êµü®ÉºA¶Ü¡H¡^

2. Final evaluation and Summary of Class Notes (submit as two separate pdf files)
      for this class are due June 18:

      I. End-of-semester evaluation:
      Part 1: evaluate the class, teacher, homework assignments,
what was most and least useful, things that could be improved, and how
¡X everything about the class this semester.
      Part 2: Evaluate yourself: Attendance and punctuality, homework submission,

how prepared for class you were, how much you learned from the class,
how much effort you put into this class.
      Part 3: How do you plan to continue improving your English?

      II. Organized summary of your class notes:
      Go through all your old notes, and organize them into a summary of main points.
You do not have to include every single detail
from your notes; try rather to combine notes that are about the same thing and to generalize.

      Format and submission instructions: Convert your files to pdf format
before emailing both files to Prof. Chung at: feathermountain@gmail.com no later than June 18, 2018.

3. Book sharing: Notes on a Foreign Country: An American Abroad in a Post-American World, by Suzy Hansen.

The Big Bang Theory performances, follow by evaluation and discussion.

5.  Breaktime music: Daniel Powter      Bad Day     video with lyrics      lyrics

Week 16: 6/19: Holiday: no class

Week 17: 6/25: Final exam
1. Submit any missing homework.

2. Final exam.

Breaktime music: It Goes On      from 12 Strong    by Zac Brown & Sir Rosevelt       lyrics
   Note how "edge" sounds like "age"! Thanks to Jim Chen ³¯«³§¡.

Goals of Course:

     The main goals of this course are (1) to teach you how to listen; this will be done mainly by listening to and imitating audio and video files online; and (2) to improve your pronunciation.

     Listening and pronunciation are probably the two weakest links in English education in Taiwan (though even those of you who have been educated in English abroad may find you have things to learn from this class). Rather than complain about what you didn't get in the past, we encourage you to focus on the here and now ¡V there's still time to fix things. But you must be committed. The things you learn in this class are not assignments to be completed to earn a grade and then forgotten. They will require behavior modification on your part. Anybody knows how hard a habit is to break, and poor pronunciation habits present an especially stubborn case. Producing the correct sounds in class is easy ¡V using them consistently when you're supposed to is the tough part! You will need to tire yourself out for a few weeks or months relearning the way you speak English. It will be well worth it ¡V you'll sound absolutely wonderful every time you speak English for the rest of your life! You can sound like a native ¡V but you have to really, really want it!

     One very important reason to fix your pronunciation is to show respect for other people. When you speak with a heavy foreign accent, other people have to strain to understand you, and that makes them very tired. When you speak clearly and correctly, you make life easier and happier for everybody you come in contact with.

Course Materials and Activities:

     No textbook is assigned; most class materials will be available through this Website and the Internet. However, if you feel you need extra work on your pronunciation, you might want to consider buying the following textbook with CD recordings:

     Gilbert, Judy. Clear Speech. 4th edition, with CD. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012.

     Here's a very useful pdf by Judy, entitled: Six Pronunciation Priorities for the Beginning Student

     and another called Teaching Pronunciation: Using the Prosody Pyramid.

      Handouts will be mainly be posted on this site and will not be distributed in class.

     Occasional quizzes will be given, usually dictations or ones requiring you to distinguish between correct and incorrect pronunciations.

     Pronunciation and grammar journal: You are required to keep a running record of specific sounds and other areas you need to work on in your pronunciation in a small notebook, based on feedback you receive in class. You are also required to note down grammar points discussed in class and corrections you receive orally or in your written work. You are expected to have your journal open and ready throughout each class, without being reminded.

     Grades for the course will be based on: attendance and punctuality, class performance and participation, listening assignments, quizzes, progress made, attitude, and the final exam.

Input tools:
i2Speak IPA input tool:

Another IPA input interface:

Pinyin tone tool: Adds tone markings over correct vowels
to pinyin marked with tone numbers

Dictionaries and reference tools:
youpronounce.it (check English pronunciations in context with YouTube videos)

How to choose a dictionary


(American English)

Cambridge Advanced Learner¡¦s Dictionary (American and British English)

Macmillan Dictionary (American and British English)

About Poetry: English Prosody Plus Selected Literary Terms handout.
(Refer to this for definitions of terms like iambic, doggerel, and synaesthesia)
