Topics in Experimental Economics: Behavioral Game Theory (實驗經濟學專題:行為賽局論)

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NTU (Fall 2021)

Time: Monday, 2:20-4:20pm, at Social Sciences 306 (社科306)

Office Hour: 4:20-5pm after class or by Email appointment

Course Syllabus




    1. Kagel and Roth (1995, 2016) ed., Handbook of Experimental Economics, Vol.1, and Vol.2, Princeton University Press. (HEE1, 2)
Holt (2019), Markets, Games, and Strategic Behavior: An Introduction to Experimental Economics, 2nd Ed., Princeton University Press. (Holt)
    3. Moffatt (2016), Experimetrics: Econometrics for Experimental Economics, Palgrave.

Class Topics:

 1. [ 9 /27] 實驗經濟學專題課程簡介
                    Experimental Economics and Behavioral Game Theory (OCW1, OCW2) (BGT, Ch.1)
                    BGT, Ch.1: Introduction
                    Holt, Ch.1: Introduction
                    Wang Lecture Notes in Chinese: Introduction

 2. [10/ 4 ] 市場實驗
Prediction Markets (MGS, Ch.34); Asset Bubbles (EL, Ch.8)          

 •  [10/11] National Holiday

 3. [10/18] 公共財實驗
                    Social Preferences (OCW1 and OCW2) (BGT, Ch.2; HEE2, Ch.4; Lin-2020)
                    Reviews for Ultimatum, Dictator and Trust Games

 4. [10/25] 風險偏好實驗
                   Risk and Time Preferences (OCW) under Confucianism (Holt, Ch.3; Liu-2014)  

 5. [11/ 1 ] 勞動經濟實驗

 6. [11/ 8 ] 現場實驗與實驗室實驗
                    Field Experiments (OCW) (Harrison-List-2004; Glennerster-Takavarasha)

 •  [11/15] University Holiday

 7. [11/22] 現場的實驗室實驗 (客座講員: 劉美辰Elaine Liu)

 8. [11/29] 實驗設計、實驗問題與研究倫理
Principles of Experimental Design (OCW)
(BGT, A1.2)
                    Experimetrics (Moffatt-19)
                    Market Design (OCW) (Jackson-2013; HEE2, Ch.5)

 9. [12/ 6 ] 賽局中的學習、最小唯一者勝(LUPI)
                    Learning (OCW
(BGT, Ch.6; HEE2, Ch.10; Knoepfle-2009; Chen-2020)
(Ostling-2011; Mohlin-2020)
                    Mixed-Strategy Equilibrium (OCW) (BGT, Ch.3)

10.[12/13] 即時談判:過程與情緒
                    Bargaining Process and Emotions (Chen-2021, Hung-2021)
(OCW) (BGT, Ch.4)
                    Political Economy (HEE2, Ch.6)
                    Open vs. Closed Rule (Battaglini-2019)


11.[12/20] 分組報告論文
                    About Oral Presentation and Feedback:
                      Chinese Recipe to
Prepare a 20-minute Presentation: 關於 presentation 的一些想法
                      Guidelines to Give Feedback: Oral Presentation Evaluation Criteria and Checklist (original link)
                    Tips and Videos:
                    Data Visualization: 1812 (originally by Minard); 10 most common presentation mistakes
                    Life After Death by PowerPoint (Chinese caption; 2010 update)
Principles of economics, translated  (Transcription)

12.[12/27] 眼動觀察決策過程:策略性傳遞訊息與空間選美預測賽局
                    Eyetracking Cheap Talk (
                    Eyetracking Spatial Beauty Contests (Chen-2018, Wang-2021)
                    Dominant Solvable Games (OCW
) (BGT, Ch.5)
                    Level-k Thinking (OCW)
(BGT, Ch.5; Crawford-2013)
                    Neuroeconomics (OCW) (HEE2, Ch.3;
Krajbich-2014; Chen-Wang-2019)

13.[ 1 / 3 ] 期末實驗提議報告 Final Proposal Presentation

 •  [ 1 /10] (期末報告繳交死線) (Final Proposal Due)

14.[Optnl.] 協調賽局
                    Coordination (
(BGT, Ch.7)
                    Equilibrium Selection in Cheap Talk (Lai-2015)

15.[Optnl.] 傳訊賽局與拍賣實驗
                    Signaling and Reputation (OCW) (BGT, Ch.8)
                    Auctions (EL, Ch.9; HEE2, Ch.9)
Cheap Talk (Cai-2006)

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Last modified on 2022-02-15