Experimental Economics II: Replications (實驗經濟學二:重複實驗)

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NTU (Fall 2023)

Time: Tuesday, 9:10am-12:10pm, at Social Sciences 608 (社科608)

Office Hour: Tuesday 12:10-1pm after class or by Email appointment

Course Syllabus

Required Reading:

    1. Moffatt (2019), Experimetrics Lecture Notes for NTU mini-course with sample code and data. (Emt)
Moffatt (2016), Experimetrics: Econometrics for Experimental Economics, Palgrave.
    3. Instructions for Computational Reproducibility and Replication, Institute for Replication.

Recommended Reading:
    4. Gilad Feldman's Pre-registered Replication website and Open Science Framework.
    5. Gentzkow and Shapiro (2014), Code and Data: A Practitioner’s Guide, mimeo.
    6. Tutorial Videos for Online Experiments using Qualtrics and oTree, and STATA tutorial (on NTU COOL).


You need to have basic knowledge on experimental economics, such as those taught in Experimental Economics I: Behavioral Game Theory.  If you have not taken that course, you will have to either take the online version (on Coursera) concurrently, learn it yourself via NTU OCW, or read Camerer (2003), Behavioral Game Theory, Princeton University Press. 

     About Oral Presentation and Feedback:
               Chinese Recipe to
Prepare a 20-minute Presentation: 關於 presentation 的一些想法
               Guidelines to Give Feedback: Oral Presentation Evaluation Criteria and Checklist
(original link)

               Tips and Videos:
                    Data Visualization: 1812 (originally by Minard); 10 most common presentation mistakes
                    Life After Death by PowerPoint (Chinese caption; 2010 update)
Principles of economics, translated  (Transcription)  

Class Topics:

 1. [ 9 / 5 ] Introduction to Replication (Lin et al., NHB 2020)
                    Report 1 Template: Jupyter Notebook for Andersen et al. (AER 2011) (in Python)

 2. [ 9 /12] Presentation 1: Andersen et al. (AER 2011) (Presenter: 林立恩)
                    TA Discussion for Replication 1
                    Power Analysis (Experimetrics Lecture Notes 1.1-1.4; code and data)

 3. [ 9 /19] Report 1 Presentation (Due 9/25)
                    Presentation 2: Saccardo and Serra-Garcia (AER 2023) (Presenter: 劉彥均) (in STATA)
                    Report 2 Template: Replication Game Template and Instructions (in LaTeX and MS Word)
                    Power Analysis with Monte Carlo (Experimetrics Lecture Notes 2.1-2.3; code and data)

 4. [ 9/26] TA Discussion for Replication 2

 5. [10/ 3 ] Report 2 Presentation (Due 10/16)

 o. [10/10] National Holiday (No Class)

 6. [10/17] Presentation 3: He, Analytis and Bhatia (MS 2022) (Presenter: 林立恩) (in Matlab and R)
                    Report 3 Template: Replication Game Template and Instructions (in LaTeX and MS Word)

 7. [10/24]
TA Discussion for Replication 3 (Midterm Week)

 8. [10/31] Pre-Analysis Plan and Basic Principles of Experimental Design (OCW) (BGT, A1.2)
                    Pre-Analysis Plan Template: PDF, tex (See J-PAL page for more recommendations)
                    Estimating Binary Lottery Choice (Experimetrics Lecture Notes 3.1,3.3-10; code and data)

 9. [11/ 7 ] Report 3 Presentation (Due 11/13)
                    Analyzing Ultimatum Game Data (Experimetrics Lecture Notes 3.2,3.11; code and data)  

10.[11/14] Presentation 4: Lin et al. (NHB 2020) (Presenter: 劉彥均) (in R and Python)
                    Report 4 Template: Replication Game Template and Instructions (in LaTeX and MS Word)
                    Estimating Social Preferences (Experimetrics Lecture Notes 4.1-4.3; code and data)

11.[11/21] TA Discussion of Replication 4

12.[11/28] Report 4 Presentation (Due 12/4)
                    Finite Mixture Models (Experimetrics Lecture Notes 5.1-5.5; code and data)

13.[12/ 5 ] Final Experimental Proposal Presentation
                    Repeated Play and QRE (Experimetrics Section 16.1-16.6)

14.[12/12] Final Pre-Analysis Plan Presentation (Due 12/19)                   


Home                    Discussion Group                    Research                    Teaching                    Econ543                    6:24                    TASSEL

Last modified on 2024-05-15