Experimental Economics II: Theory and Experiments of Political Economy (實驗經濟學二:政治經濟學的理論與實驗)

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NTU (Spring 2019)

Time: Friday, 1:20-4:20pm, at Social Sciences 604 (社科604)

Office Hour: 4:20-5pm after class or by Email appointment

Course Syllabus

     About Oral Presentation and Feedback:
               Chinese Recipe to
Prepare a 20-minute Presentation: 關於 presentation 的一些想法
               Guidelines to Give Feedback: Oral Presentation Evaluation Criteria and Checklist

               Tips and Videos:
                    Data Visualization: 1812 (originally by Minard); 10 most common presentation mistakes
                    Life After Death by PowerPoint (Chinese caption; 2010 update)
Principles of economics, translated  (Transcription)  



    1. Kagel and Roth (1995, 2016), Handbook of Experimental Economics, Vol.1, and Vol.2, Princeton University Press. (HEE1, 2)
    2. Palfrey (2016), "Experiments in Political Economy," in HEE2. (Survey: Experiments)
    3. Holt (2007), Markets, Games and Strategic Behavior, Pearson. [雙葉代理] (undergraduate textbook)
    4. Moffatt (2016), Experimetrics: Econometrics for Experimental Economics, Palgrave.

Class Topics: (See videos from NTU OCW)

 1. [2/22] Risk and Time Preferences and Confucianism [OCW] [HW1] (Liu-2014)
                  Basic Principles of Experimental Design (OCW) (BGT, A1.2)

 o. [3/ 1 ] National Holiday - Watch Videos of BGT Ch.1: OCW1; OCW2
                  Experimental Economics and Behavioral Game Theory
[HW3] (BGT, Ch.1, Chinese notes)

 2. [3/ 8 ] Social Preferences (OCW1; OCW2) [HW2]
(Ch.2; HEE2 chapter; Reviews for Ultimatum, Dictator and Trust Games)


 3. [3/15] Bargaining (OCW) [HW4] (Ch.4)

 4. [3/22] Political Economy 1: Legislative Bargaining (old) (MM, 10.3-10.4)

 5. [3/29] Political Economy 2: Information Aggregation (old) (MM, 6.3-6.4)

 o. [4/ 5 ] Spring Break - First Replication Report due (See Jupyter notebook)

 6. [4/12] Experimetrics (Guest Lecture by Peter G. Moffatt)
                This is part of the Mini-Course in Experimetrics (Course material).  Check out the others as well!


 7. [4/19] Political Economy 3: Voter Participation (old) [HW5] (ABII, 7.9)

 8. [4/26] Political Economy 4: Ethical Voting

 o. [5/ 3 ] Midterm Quiz (on weekly problem sets) [Past Midterms: 18S, 15F]

 9. [5/10] Martket Design; Student Presentations 1
               Paper Presentation:
Kim, Choi, Kim and Pop-Eleches (Science 2018) (凌卉芸)
               Paper Presentation: Bartos, Bauer, Chytilova and Matejka (AER 2016) (何翊瑜)

10.[5/17] Student Presentations 2-4 (Feedback)
               Paper Presentation: Gneezy, Kajackaite and Sobel (AER 2018) (王昱翔何翔恩)
               Paper Presentation: Battaglini (QJE 2016) (羅廣淇)

11.[5/24] Student Presentations 5-7 (Feedback)
               Paper Presentation: Bhattacharya et al. (GEB 2014) (王詩瑾Gloria Ong)
               Paper Presentation: Battaglini, Nunnari and Palfrey (AEJmicro 2016) (孫雍皓林芮禾)
               Paper Presentation: Ottoni-Wilhelm, Vesterlund and Xie (AER 2017) (王昱翔)

12.[5/31] Student Presentations 8-9 (Feedback)
               Paper Presentation: Dal Bo et al. (QJE 2017) (孫雍皓、林芮禾)
               Paper Presentation: Frechette and Kagel (ET 2012) (何翔恩)
               Paper Presentation: Alonso and Camara (AER 2016) (吳士宏)

 o. [6/ 7 ] Dragon Boat Festival - Second Replication Report due (See Jupyter notebook)

13.[6/14] Final Proposal Presentation (Proposal Due 6/21)


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Last modified on 2020-01-15