Experimental Economics I: Behavioral Game Theory (實驗經濟學一:行為賽局論)

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NTU (Fall 2015)

Time: Monday, 2:20-5:20pm, at Social Sciences 305 (社科305)

Office Hour: 5:20-6pm after class or by Email appointment

Course Syllabus

     About Oral Presentation and Feedback:
               Chinese Recipe to
Prepare a 20-minute Presentation: 關於 presentation 的一些想法
               Guidelines to Give Feedback: Oral Presentation Evaluation (NTU 3MT)

               Tips and Videos:
                    Data Visualization: 1812 (originally by Minard); 10 most common presentation mistakes
                    Life After Death by PowerPoint (Chinese caption; 2010 update)
Principles of economics, translated  (Transcription)  



    1. Kagel and Roth (1995, 2012), Handbook of Experimental Economics, Vol.1, and selected Vol.2 chapters, Princeton UP.
    2. Holt (2007), Markets, Games and Strategic Behavior, Pearson. [雙葉代理] (undergraduate textbook)
    3. Crawford, Costa-Gomes and Iriberri
(2013), "Structural Models of Nonequilibrium Strategic Thinking," JEL, 51(1), 5-62. (Level-k)
    4. Jackson (2013), "Economic Engineering and the Design of Matching Markets," SJE, 115(3), 619-639. (Market Design)
坂井豐貴 (2014), 《如何設計市場機制?》,經濟新潮社。 (Market Design)
    6. Krajbich, Oud and Fehr (2014), "Benefits of Neuroeconomic Modeling," AER-P&P, 104(5), 501-506. (Neuroeconomics)
 Riley (2012), Essential Microeconomics, Cambridge UP. (EM)

Class Topics:

 1. [ 9 /14] Experimental Economics and Behavioral Game Theory [HW1; old slides] (Ch.1, notes)
               Experiment 1: The Pit Market
               Experiment 2: Ultimatum Game
               Experiment 3: p-Beauty Contest

 2. [ 9 /21] Risk and Time Preferences [HW2; old slides]; Basic Principles of Experimental Design [old slides](A1.2)
Experiment 4: Decision under Uncertainty and/or Time

 3. [10/ 5 ] Social Preferences [HW3; old slides](Ch.2; new chapter; Reviews for Ultimatum, Dictator and Trust Games)
Experiment 10: Pull or Push
               Introduction Chapter Presentation (崔立薇、王璐清、謝東霖)

 4. [10/12] Mixed Strategy Equilibrium [HW4; old slides](Ch.3); LUPI [old slides] (Ostling-2011)
Experiment 5:
LUPI game
               Chapter 1 Presentation (童斌、平博文、賈米格)

 5. [10/19] Bargaining [old slides](Ch.4)
               Chapter 2 Presentation (TBA)

 o. [10/26] Midterm Quiz

 6. [11/ 2 ] Dominant Solvable Games [old slides] (Ch.5)
               Chapter 3 Presentation (TBA)

 7. [11/ 9 ] Level-k Thinking [old slides](Crawford-2013)
               Experiment 6: Hide and Seek Game
               Chapter 4 Presentation (陳彥勲)

 o. [11/16] Midterm Proposal Presentation

 8. [11/23] Learning [old slides](Ch.6; new chapter)
               Chapter 5 Presentation (米歇爾、沈薔)

 9. [11/30] Coordination and Equilibrium Selection [old slides] (Ch.7)
               Experiment 7: Presidential Nomination Game (15S Results)
               Experiment 8: Minimum Effort Game
               Experiment 9: Price/Quantity Market

10.[12/ 7 ] Signaling and Reputation [old slides](Ch.8) (Wang-2010; Lai-2014)
               Chapter 6 Presentation (黃威綸、藤原將也、吳坤融)
               Chapter 7 Presentation (羅孟斯、施立柏)

11.[12/14] Neuroeconomics [old slides] (new chapter; Wang chapter)
               Chapter 8 Presentation (葉新、陳語宣、諶意)

12.[12/21] Field Experiments [old slides] (Harrison-List-2004)
               Chapter 9 Presentation (吳坤融)             

13.[12/28] Market Design (A Taiwanese Example) [old slides] (Jackson-2013)
               Chapter 10 Presentation (趙恩、胡倢瑄)

14.[ 1 / 4 ] Final Proposal Presentation (Final Proposal Due 1/11)
               Conclusion Chapter Presentation (TBA)

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Last modified on 十二月 17, 2015