Overview of:
Introduction to Phonetics with Pronunciation Practicum,
p. 1
Karen Steffen Chung 史嘉琳
OCW Teaching Assistants:
1. Sophie Ding-yi Weng 翁鼎禕 b98102104@ntu.edu.tw
2. Mendy Yun-chen Chang 張勻甄 b96102067@ntu.edu.tw
3. Ai-ling Chung 鍾艾玲 r99129001@ntu.edu.tw
Fall 2012
Mondays 1, 2 (8:10-10:00am) in 外教 201
Wednesdays 5, 6 (1:20-3:10pm) in 新生大樓 501
Class size limit: 45 students 3 credits
Prerequisite: Two semesters of Introduction to Linguistics, or professor's permission
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articles on English pronunciation
Here is the
provisional syllabus for this semester. Note that it is subject to
in fact there will probably be quite a few changes so we can spend more time
on certain topics when needed.
This is only to give you an overview of the course and to help you plan your
time a bit.
Several "catch up" classes have purposely been scheduled at the end
of the semester
in case some items take longer than originally scheduled.
Please report any errors or dead links you notice!
This course is an introduction to theoretical and practical phonetics
primarily for future teachers of English enrolled in the education
program and for translation program students; secondarily for
interested DFLL (foreign language) students; and finally, for
other interested students who have taken or are currently taking Introduction
to Linguistics, as space allows. This course is strongly recommended for anybody
planning to do further study in linguistics.
In the first semester, we will concentrate
mainly on the phonetics of English; second semester we will talk about phonetic
phenomena in other languages as well. The material we cover second semester
will be relatively technical and advanced, so students interested only in teaching
English or improving their pronunciation may choose to take only first semester.
NOTE: This year's class will be
video-recorded and made available to the general public via NTU's Open
Course Ware (OCW) site at http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/
Students should be aware that both the instructor and the students will be filmed
in every class; the camera will focus on each student as they read aloud and
receive pronunciation correction. So we must all learn how to not be
camera shy!
textbooks we will be using:
Ladefoged, Peter & Keith Johnson. 2011.
A Course in Phonetics. 6th
ed. International Student Edition. Boston: Wadsworth Cengage
Learning. 322pp. Paper; includes CD-ROM. Available at Crane's 文鶴 (金山南路二段200號
8樓; 一樓是星展銀行). Say you're a student in Ms. Chung's Introduction to Phonetics
class at NTU when you buy it at Crane's to get a 15% discount. Make sure you
get the 6th edition. Website
for 5th edition. Professor Ladefoged passed away in 2006; this newest
edition has been revised by Prof. Keith Johnson of UC Berkeley. (Note that Amazon
sells the US edition of this book for $124.48, marked down from the list price
of US$165.95!)
semester we will also be using: Ladefoged, Peter; revised by Sandra Ferrari
Disner. 2012. Vowels and Consonants: An Introduction
to the Sounds of Languages. 3rd ed.
West Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell. 230pp. Paper. Includes CD-ROM. Crane's; ask for
class discount. Make sure you get the 3rd
edition. Companion
from previous years, we can expect to finish the first five chapters
of Ladefoged's Course first semester, that is, Part I: Introductory Concepts,
to page 54, and Part II: English Phonetics, to page 134. We will read the textbook
aloud in class, each person taking one paragraph or so, with the instructor
explaining and clarifying the content as we go along (though the instructor
may read and summarize herself parts of the text sometimes to save time and
keep up with our proposed syllabus). We will also use this as an opportunity
to correct each student's pronunciation problems, and you will keep a pronunciation
journal of corrections you and others receive. This will help you become aware
of which areas you need to work on in your own pronunciation. You are to copy
and hand in your pronunciation and class notes (as a single sheet; don't
hand in your notebook) every week, on Monday.
American (GA) or Standard American English (SAE) will be our standard for this
class, but we will make frequent reference to Standard Southern British (SSB)
English, sometimes called "RP" ('received pronunciation'; also called
'BBC English' - which by the way is now changing quite rapidly!) and other dialects
of English.
You will be assigned various written exercises, some from the text, some in the form of online handouts. There will be at least one chapter test on each chapter of Ladefoged, to help consolidate the material we cover. And there will be a final exam at the end of each semester. There will also be frequent dictations to help train your ears and your sharpen your sensitivity to the sounds of language.
of your learning will be done on computer, both on- and offline. This will include,
among other things, downloading and using tools such as Praat
phonetics analysis software; completing online tutorials; and searching for
sites related to a particular topic of interest. All students are required
to join the class Facebook group NTU
NTU Phonetics on Facebook will give
you opportunity to interact outside of class with each other, with phonetics
oldtimers many
former phonetics students and others are already on the list
and with the professor. Click on
the link above to join if you haven't already. You are also welcome to join
on Ivy League Analytic English if you need a place to ask
general English language questions.
Notes: 1. There will be assigned
seats to facilitate the filming of the class.
ALWAYS use your NTU email account
for class-related correspondence.
while in class.
Week 1: 9/10, 9/12
(1) Enrollment and other class business;
introduction of the TAs and to NTU's OCW;
make sure you have a textbook, by 9/12 at the latest!
Also a fresh notebook for class notes and your pronunication journal;
loose-leaf paper for transcriptions and dictations:
a pen with blue ink and one with red ink for quiz marking and corrections; correction tape is also useful;
a pencil and eraser if you plan to write in your textbook;
a pocket folder or plastic pocket to hold your papers from class - SAVE them all!
You will also need a computer with Internet access, attached to a working printer with enough ink or toner, and a reasonably good-quality headset with microphone for listening and recording. If you don't have these, you can use the ones in the computer center, but it is really much more convenient to have your own.
(2) Overview of the course:
http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung/intro%20page2.htm(3) Introduction to the areas of linguistics and phonetics; see:
http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung/intro%20page%204.htm(4) Homework: Record "before" versions of passages in English, Mandarin, and other dialects/languages with Audacity software:
save as an MP3 file (you will need to download a special LAME file in order to convert your file to MP3 format; instructions here). Listen to your recording, then write about a page of comments on the recording;
e-mail the MP3 file to: feathermountain@gmail.com; due 9/26/12
(1) Dictation.(2) Ladefoged/Johnson, A Course in Phonetics (hereafter, "Course"), p. 1-3
Week 2: 9/17, 9/19
(1) Hand in class notes.
(2) Course to p. 4(3) Webpages - some of this material will be covered in class; please go through all of the material yourself at home:
US Dialect survey
Fun Word Games
English-interface Google search
(4) Homework: Make 12 freehand outline drawings (6 per side of
an A4 sheet of paper) of the mid-sagittal view of the head with
articulatory organs using the figure on p. 27 as a model. Due Wednesday 9/19.
(1) Dictation. Please use regular notebook paper, not scraps!(2) Course, p. 5-11
(3) Webpage:
Useful Chinese-English phonetics glossary:
Week 3: 9/24,9/26
(1) Hand in class notes.
(2) Course: p. 4-7
(1) Due date for recording assignment.
(2) Dictation.(3) Course, p. 7-13
Week 4: 10/01, 10/03
(1) Hand in class notes.
(2) Course, p. 13-24
(3) Make and print out WASP waveforms:
a. "My two boys know how to fish." and b. "Tom saw nine wasps."
Use the audio recordings together with the waveforms to check
the sentences in the book.
(4) Start working on ch. 1 exercises, p. 25-32.
(5) Webpages: 11. Romanization I and 12. Romanization II
(1) Compound noun stress quiz.(2) Course, p. 16-20.
(3) Ch. 1 exercises, p. 25-32; due 10/08.(4) Learn Hanyu Pinyin with: 漢語拼音八講
Eight Lessons in Hanyu Pinyin
(watch out for two or so errors in the exercises)
Week 5: 10/08,10/10
(1) Hand in class notes.
(2) Ch. 1, p. 20.
(3) Webpages: a. Romanization III
http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung/intro%20page%2013.htmb. This page includes the follow two links to essays in Chinese on Romanization by Prof. Wen-chao Li of San Francisco State University - read both of these carefully:
(4) Homework: Chinese Romanization practice: Transcribe into Hanyu Pinyin
the first sentence of the Parrot Story:
Basic Rules of Hanyu Pinyin Orthography in Chinese
Pinyin tone tool: Adds tone markings over correct vowels
to pinyin marked with tone numbers
Holiday: No class.
Week 6: 10/15, 10/1710/15:
(1) Hand in class notes.
(2) Finish ch. 1, p. 20-24; demonstration of Newton's stream of vowels.
(1) Correct exercises for ch. 1 and Pinyin exercise. Chapter test on 10/22.(2) Course, ch 2, p. 36-40.
(3) Tutorial on Voicing - Do the first one:
http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung/intro%20page%2017.htmDirect link:
http://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/cgi-bin/wtutor?tutorial=siphtra/vb1.htm(4) Webpages: Phonemes and Allophones
Week 7: 10/22, 10/2410/22:
(1) Hand in class notes and exercises for ch 1.
(2) Chapter test on ch. 1 first hour, including Pinyin transcription and dictation.
(3) Course, ch. 2, p. 33.
(4) Tutorial on Plosives, Part I:
http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung/intro%20page%2017.htmDirect link:
(1) Course, p. 33-40.
(2) Tutorial on Plosives, Part II : VOT and aspiration:
http://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung/intro%20page%2017.htmDirect link:
(3) Webpage: Writing Chinese in IPA
Concentrate on the system for Mandarin described in Prof. Wen-chao Li's article;
this is basically the one we will be using in class.
Week 8: 10/29, 10/31
(1) Hand in class notes.(2) Course, p. 37-40
(3) Written exercises p. 48-52, due 11/05.
(4) Prepare performance exercises, p 52-54, for 10/31.10/31:
(1) Course, p. 40-48.
(2) Performance exercises, p 52-54.
(3) Written exercises p. 48-52, due 11/05.
Week 9: 11/05, 11/07
(1) Hand in class notes.
(2) Go over test on chapter 1; hand in corrections on 11/07.
(3) Mark written exercises p. 48-52, do performance exercises.
(4) Homework: Webpage: 18. Virtual theremin:
(5) Test on ch. 2 on 11/12 with section on Pinyin transcription and dictation.
(1) Hand in corrections on test on chapter 1.
The dictation given in the test is now online - see Dictation IX.
(2) Finish marking written exercises on ch 2, p. 48-52, do performance exercises.(3) Course, ch. 3, p. 55-59.
(4) Web page 15: More on Phonemes and Allophones: Velar raising.
(5) Test on ch. 2 on 11/12 with section on Pinyin transcription and dictation.
Week 10: 11/12, 11/14
(1) Hand in class notes.
(2) Test on ch 2, with section on Pinyin transcription and dictation.
(3) Course, ch. 3, p. 59-61.
(4) Web page 19: Phonotactics I (with language identifier)
(5) Hand copy the "Rules for English Consonant Allophones," p. 72-77, due 11/21.
Also, start early on the exercises for ch. 3.
(1) Course, p. 61-68.(2) Webpage: Phonotactics II Syllable structure
(3) Praat waveform assignment. Please see NTU Phonetics
on Facebook for details and handouts. Due 11/26/2012.
Week 11: 11/19, 11/21
(1) Hand in class notes. Include correct identification of the six languages on Phonetics I web page 19. The exercises for ch. 2 will be returned to you. Remember to DOT your "i"s and "j"s - don't top them with a line! Also, please STAPLE your work in the UPPER LEFTHAND CORNER if there's more than a single page.
(2) The hand-copied "Rules for English Consonant Allophones," p. 72-77, are due 11/21. The Praat waveform assignment, also the written and performance exercises for ch. 3, are due 11/26.
(3) The test on chapter ch. 3 and dictation will be held first hour, 11/28.
(4) We will jump to chapter 5 next, "English Words and Sentences," and finish that before going back to chapter 4, "English Vowels".
(5) Finish ch. 3, p. 68-77.
(1) Hand in the hand-written "Rules for English Consonant Allophones", p. 72-77. Praat waveform assignment, also the written and performance exercises for ch. 3, are due 11/26.
(2) The test on chapter ch. 3 and dictation will be held first hour, 12/3.(3) Course, ch. 5.
Week 12: 11/26, 11/28
(1) Hand in class notes and the Praat waveform assignment.
(2) We'll go over in class the written and performance exercises for ch. 3, p. 78-83.
(3) The test on chapter ch. 3 and dictation will be held first hour, 12/3.
(4) Course, ch. 5.
(1) Finish going over written and performance exercises for ch. 3, p. 78-83.
(2) Course, ch. 5.
(3) The test on chapter ch. 3 and dictation will be held first hour, 12/3.
(4) Dictation practice here.
Week 13: 12/03, 12/05
(1) Hand in a. class notes; including
if previously missing or incorrect; AND
c. corrections for test on chapter 2.
(2) Test on chapter ch. 3: includes:
I. Short answer questions on Ladefoged/Johnson ch. 3 (100%);
II. Quiz on the three plosives and voicing tutorials (100%);
III. Pinyin: trisyllabic words and phrases (100%); and
IV. English dictation: monosyllables (100%)
= 400%, as four separate grades, for the entire test.
(3) Discussion on problems encountered in the Praat assignment;
if you have any of the problems mentioned, either ADD the missing part(s)
or REDO the assignment and hand it in by 12/10.
(4) Course, ch. 5.
(5) Carefully go over web page 32: Schwa elision in English; take notes, adding them to your weekly class notes, to be handed in on 12/10.
(6) CAREFULLY reread CET articles no. 4, 5 and 6; take notes, adding them to your weekly class notes, to be handed in on 12/10.
1. 大師開講 — 提升聽力祕訣: 每天請聽「回音」十分鐘(上)in No. 69, January/February 2012, p. 8-10.
2. 大師開講 — 提升聽力祕訣:每天請聽「回音」十分鐘(下)in No. 70, March/April 2012, p.12-14.
3. 大師開講 — 提升聽力祕訣: /i/ 和 /ɪ/ 的辨別 in No. 71, May/June 2012, p. 12-14.
4. 大師開講 — 「重音」真的很重要! in No. 72, May 2012, p. 12-14.
5. 大師開講 — 英語教學死角:複合名詞重音 in No. 73, September/October 2012, p. 12-14.
6. 大師開講 — 抑揚頓挫:英語的語調和斷句 in No. 74, November/December 2012, p. 12-14.
7. 大師開講 — Stop at stops! —— 遇到塞音請停! in No. 75, January/February 2013, p. 12-14.
8. 大師開講 — "-s" 和 "-ed" 詞尾 怎麼唸? in No. 76, March/April 2013
9. 大師開講 — 鼻音/m/、/n/ 與 /ŋ/ —— No problen? (上)in No. 77, May/June 2013 (forthcoming)
10. 大師開講 — 鼻音/m/、/n/ 與 /ŋ/ —— No problen? (下)in No. 78, July/August 2013 (forthcoming)
(1) Course, ch 5.
(2) Carefully go over web page 33. Contractions; take notes, adding them to your weekly class notes, to be handed in on 12/10.
Week 14: 12/10, 12/12
(1) Hand in class notes, including notes on CET articles 4, 5 and 6, and web pages 32. Schwa elision in English, and 33. Contractions.
(2) Course: finish ch. 5.
(3) Written and performance exercises, ch. 5, p. 131-134, due Monday 12/17. The exercises WILL BE HANDED IN.
(4) Web page 20. Phonotactics II: Syllable structure; take notes and include in your notes for Monday
(1) Course, ch. 4.
(2) Do research on whether Southern Min has neutral tones for 12/22.
You will first need to learn about the Southern Min tone and tone sandhi systems.
(3) Read the newest CET 師德 article:
8. 大師開講 — “-s”和“-ed”詞尾怎麼唸? in No. 76, March/April 2013 (forthcoming)
(4) Next Wednesday (12/19) we will discuss how to transcribe Mandarin Chinese into IPA.
Please bring a printout of pages 3 and 4 of Prof. Wen-chao Li's article
"Phonetic Detail in the Teaching of Mandarin Pronunciation":
Week 15: 12/17, 12/19
(1) Hand in class notes.
(2) Go over exercises for ch. 5, p. 131-134. Mark number wrong.(3) Performance exercises, p. 134.
(4) Course, ch. 4.
(5) Wednesday (12/19) we will discuss how to transcribe Mandarin Chinese into IPA.
Please bring a printout of pages 3 and 4 of Prof. Wen-chao Li's article
"Phonetic Detail in the Teaching of Mandarin Pronunciation":
(6) Make sure you have read the newest CET 師德 article:
8. 大師開講 — "-s" 和 "-ed" 詞尾 怎麼唸? in No. 76, March/April 2013 (forthcoming)
(7) Jennifer Jenkins video: Talking it through whose accent
(8) Prepare (I) a written evaluation of this semester's class and
(II) an organized summary of your class notes, in two separate pdf files:
I. End-of-semester evaluation:
Part 1: evaluate the class, textbook, teacher, TAs, syllabus, homework assignments,
OCW filming, what was most and least useful, things that could be improved, and how
— everything about the class this semester.
Part 2: Evaluate yourself: Attendance and punctuality, homework submission,
how much you learned from the class, how much effort you put into this class,
Part 3: How do you plan to continue improving your English, and your work
in phonetics and linguistics?
Part 4: Re-listen to the recording you made at the beginning of the semester.
Write down your reactions to it this time. What do you notice in your own previous
pronunciation. Is there anything you have changed since then?
II. Organized summary of your class notes:
Go through all your old notes, and organize them into a summary of main points.
You do not have to include every single detail from your notes; try rather to combine
notes that are about the same thing and to generalize.
Format and submission instructions: Convert your files to pdf format
before emailing both files to Ms. Chung at: feathermountain@gmail.com
no later than January 2, 2013.
(1) Go over test on ch. 3; hand in corrections on Saturday 12/22.
(2) IPA transcription of Mandarin Chinese (1): transcribe into IPA symbols the first paragraph of this news story; due on Wednesday, December 26:
a. 小狗「布丁」 用嘴做環保
b. Sample reference transcription
c. Prof. Wen-chao Li's article "Phonetic Detail in the Teaching of Mandarin Pronunciation": http://online.sfsu.edu/wenchao/presentations/phonetic.pdf
(3) Print out this Christmas carol handout for the Monday, December 24th class.
Christmas carol audio files (html).
Make up class for December 31 holiday:
(1) Hand in corrections on test on ch. 3.
(2) Course, ch. 4.
(3) Chinese Mandarin IPA transcription assignment is due Wednesday, December 26.
(4) Hand-copy the vowel allophone rules for English, p. 100-102: due Wednesday, December 26.
(5) Exercises for ch 4, due Wednesday, December 26.
Week 16: 12/24, 12/2612/24:
(1) Hand in class notes.
(2) Course, finish ch. 4.
(3) Christmas carol singing:
Christmas carol handout (pdf; revised 12/23/12 to include IPA transcription of Scottish Gaelic carol).
Scottish Gaelic carol on a separate page (pdf)
Christmas carol audio files (html).
(1) Hand in hand-copied vowel allophone rules for English, p. 100-102.
(2) Go over exercises for ch. 4.
(3) Go over exercise on writing Chinese in IPA.
Week 17: 12/31, 1/0212/31:
(1) Hand in notes.
(2) Finish going over exercises for ch 4.
(3) Transcribing Mandarin into IPA.
(4) Due date for email submission of
class evaluations and class notes summaries in two pdf files.
Final exam, 1:20-3:10pm in 新 501.
Input tools:
i2Speak IPA input tool:
Another IPA input interface:
Pinyin tone tool: Adds tone markings over correct vowels
to pinyin marked with tone numbers
Merriam-Webster (American English)
Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (American and British English)
Macmillan Dictionary (American and British English)
Howjasay (British English pronunciation)
Karen Chung's -all vs. -aul/-awl distinction
1. ball - bawl
bawl - ball2. pall - Paul
Paul - pall3. all - awl
awl - all4. gall - Gaul
Gaul - gall5. call, doll, fall, hall, loll, Moll, scald, stall, tall, wall, Walt, y'all
6. brawl, crawl, drawl, Saul, scrawl, shawl, trawl, yawl, vault
Continued on the next page...
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