Schwa elision in English
frequent reason why people who learn English as a foreign language sound 'foreign'
is because they pronounce certain English words with too many syllables.
This may seem strange for two reasons: (1) often, many sounds are dropped
in Taiwan English which native speakers would not drop, for example, the final
/t/ in but in the phrase but the; and (2) you very likely learned
to pronounce many of the words listed below from a teacher's model and/or
your English textbook, so it never occurred to you that something like the
syllable count would be wrong. But very often, both the teacher and
text were wrong, in terms of current colloquial American English. Or they
were at least seriously out of date, or in some cases they may have been following
a British rather than American model without knowing it.
A common example is the word family.
If you learned your English in Taiwan, you probably learned to pronounce it
['fæm ə li]. If you look
this up in a dictionary published in Taiwan it will probably support this.
But listen to Merriam-Webster's pronunciation of family.
You should hear the reader say ['fæm
li]. Try imitating the pronunciation you hear. The dictionary's pronunciation
key (which uses ad hoc symbols, not IPA) for the written
entry gives the two-syllable version first, then the more careful three-syllable
version second.
What is special about the sound that is omitted?
Think about it for a while before reading the next paragraph.
Here are two answers: (1) it is an unstressed
syllable in a word with more than one syllable; and (2) it is the neutral
vowel [ə] schwa.
Although this describes a frequent pattern for
schwa elision ('omission') in American English, it doesn't happen in every
single case. Telephone, for example, is pronounced ['tɛl
ə foʊn] and not ['tɛl
foʊn]. So you need to note whether there is schwa elision or not
for each separate vocabulary item as you learn or review it. (Since it's come
up, how do you pronounce the adjective separate? With three syllables
or two? How about the verb to separate? If you're not sure, check the
dictionary online.)
Here are a few more examples of words with schwa
elision: chocolate ['tʃɔk
lət] (not ['tʃɔ kə
lət]); vegetable [vɛʤ
tə bl̩], and memory ['mɛm
Here is an exercise for you. Some of the words
in the list below have schwa elision; others do not. Pronounce each word correctly
(the colloquial way most native speakers of General American [GA] do, not
the way a Taiwan dictionary will tell you) and say how many syllables it has.
Go to an online dictionary with sound files to check the pronunciations, keeping
in mind that online dictionaries won't always give the elided version
for every word listed below as having schwa elision. You will see the number
of syllables each word has if you highlight (¤Ï¥Õ) the area after the word with
your mouse. The first number is the number of syllables for General American;
if there is a second number, it is for Standard British note that they
are often different! Keep in mind that the numbers reflect tendencies
in pronunciation, and they are not absolutes. Variations occur from individual
to individual, and in the speech of the same individual on different occasions,
or when using different styles or registers.
3 medicine 3 3 or 2 evening 2 history 2 3 laboratory 4 similar 3 literal 3 2 or 3 basically 3 every 2 nursery 2 camera 2 3 |
4 5 business 2 desperate 2 3 necessary 4 3 or 4 diamond 2 3 virtually 3 or 4 extraordinary 5 cemetery 4 3 different 2 momentary 4 3 general 2 |
4 miniature 3 laughable 3 actually 3 practically 3 aspirin 2 several 2 fricative 3 sophomore 2 3 comfortable 3 ivory 2 3 opera 2 |
2 3 favorite 2 3 diaper 2 temperature 3 Barbara 2 3 federal 2 3 melody 3 traveling 2 3 classify 3 veterinarian 5 respiratory 4 |
4 5 biology 4 difference 2 mathematics 3 imaginary 5 4 discovery 3 4 average 2 3 caramel 2 3 literature 4 3 reverence 2 mystery 2 |
schwa elision occurs frequently in both General American and in Standard British
English (RP; and certainly in most other English dialects as well), there
are differences between the dialects regarding which syllables are
dropped in which words. In RP these words, for example, do not usually
have schwa elision: family (3), sophomore (3), and discovery
(4); but secretary has only three syllables: ['sɛk
ɹə tʃɹi],
while in GA it has four: ['sɛk
ɹə tɛ ɹi].
The word laboratory usually has the same number of syllables in both
dialects, but in GA it is pronounced ['læ
bɹə tɔ ɹi] and
in RP it is [lə 'bɔ
ɹə tɹi] GA
drops the second syllable, and RP drops the second to the last (or penultimate)
syllable though
you will again find variation in actual pronunciation of the word among different
Toward is two syllables in RP, one in GA. Patterns of schwa elision can
differ within US English as well. In my Minnesota accent, I pronounce orange
with just one syllable: [oɹndʒ];
but in General American it is usually pronounced with two syllables. Caramel
is pronounced with 3 syllables in some parts of the US; I say it with just
two: ['kɑɹ ml̩]. And
I pronounce comfortable as ['kʌmf
tɚ bl̩]. (Note how the /r/ sound comes after the /t/;
this is an example of phonetic metathesis.)
Some words seem to be in the middle of a possible change to an elided schwa,
e.g. realize can be pronounced with two syllables in casual speech,
but normally is pronounced with three. General can be either two, two
plus a greatly reduced second syllable, or three syllables. Theory
is by now mostly just two syllables. Make sure that you adopt one consistent
form of pronunciation do not mix different accents to minimize
confusion to your listeners.
A further issue regarding relative rate of speech
that we will address before discussing syllable length is contractions.
You have learned many contracted forms in English, such as I am = I'm and
do not = don't. You were probably told that the contracted form
means the same as the full form, but is just a shorter way to say it. But
do they really mean the same thing? Find out on the next page!
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