ELP: English Listening and Pronunciation
Fall 2021
The Big Bang


Monday 3:30-5:20pm 
Foreign Language Teaching
and Resource Center (FLTR 外教) 201
The first three weeks of class
will be held online.

Professor Karen Chung 史嘉琳 老師
         Before Breakfast podcast logo

Join the
ELP: English Listening and Pronunciation Fall 2021  page on Facebook!

CET articles on English pronunciation
CET articles 1-24 in one pdf file  
A demonstration of how the Echo Method works

Previous class syllabuses: Spring 2014 
 Fall 2014 and Spring 2015  Spring 2016  Spring 2017 
Fall 2017  Spring 2018  Fall 2018  Spring 2019 
Fall 2019 and Spring 2020  Fall 2020

     Fall 2021

     An online pronunciation assessment test was held online on Wednesday, September 22, 2021,
     the first day of Fall semester. Contact Prof. Chung if you need to make up the test.

     There will be 15 class meetings this semester,
     with possible additional classes at the end of the semester if needed.
     At least the first three weeks of class will be held online.
     Information on where to login will be emailed to students.
     Note that this class is open only to DFLL students,
     also that there is a cap of 40 students for this class, and that no auditors will be accepted.

     September 2021: 27;
     October:               4, 11, 18, 25;
     November:           1, 8, 15, 22, 29;
     December:           6, 13, 20, 27
     January 2022:      3

                                  The final exam will be held on Monday, January 10, 2022
at the regular class time and place, i.e. 3:30pm in 外 教中心 201.

Grade calculation

    Grades will be calculated on the basis of:

    Written class work (20%)
    oral class work and class participation (20%)
    scores on your dictations and quizzes (15%)
    score on final exam (written and listening) (30%)
    attendance, punctuality, attitude, and progress made; DON'T BE LATE! (15%)

    Note that the percentage breakdown is only APPROXIMATE, and is SUBJECT TO ADJUSTMENT in each individual case.

    Also note that more than 3 absences or 5 tardinesses may result in your NOT PASSING THE COURSE.
    If you must miss class or be late let Prof. Chung know by e-mail or otherwise beforehand;
    or as soon as possible afterwards if you really can't get in touch beforehand.
    Don't just fail to show up for class and not offer an explanation – even if it's "I overslept", please explain.

Format for name on homework – in upper right hand corner, left justified 左邊對齊:

         Iris Lin 林玉梅
         ELP  September 14, 2020
         Week One

     Print on BOTH SIDES of the paper; staple goes in the upper LEFT HAND CORNER of the paper.

 FONTS: Times New Roman 12 pt for
                Lucida Sans Unicode 10.5pt for IPA symbols 
                新細明體 12pt for 中 文

     i2Speak IPA input tool:

     Convert to pdf format before printing out to avoid encoding errors.

     Create a folder using your English name as the folder name
ELP Fall 2019 on Google Drive; use your gmail address.
     This is where you will upload your class assignments.
pload each new assignment into an increasingly growing pdf file
     (newest notes on top of your Word file, then convert to pdf) to your Google Drive folder.

     Make a COPY of the file entitled "Learning Checklist" with new NEW FILENAME
     (you can add your initials at the end) that you will find in this folder
     and keep it in your Google Drive folder. You will update this file WEEKLY.
     Sheet One is required; the other sheets are optional, but you may find them useful and fun!

     Print out and bring to every class this IPA Handout.
     Also useful:
handout on note taking.

Week One: 9/27  (online) 

Enrollment and other class business.

    Each student will have a LEARNING PARTNER who you will sit next to every class.
    You will help each other with class work and accountability.
    You will also check on each other's online assignments.

    Remember to use your NTU email account and address for all class-related business
    unless otherwise instructed; also use Prof. Chung's NTU email address: karchung@ntu.edu.tw

    PowerPoint file that we'll go over today:
2. Why is pronunciation important? Watch this TEDx talk!
    如何用「回音法」學好英文口說 | 史嘉琳 Karen Chung | TEDxNTUST

    Also this chat with Ray Du 阿滴

3. Join the ELP: English Listening and Pronunciation, Fall 2021 page on Facebook.
4.  Warm-up song: Nat King Cole: Kemo Kimo  (postponed, or you can listen yourself at home)

     Sit up straight.
     Ask and answer questions.
     Nod your head. (or: shake your head; or: wrinkle your brow)
     Track the teacher.

6.  Send an email in PLAIN TEXT with this subject line: ELP: quote, reason, gmail, fb
     1. a quote to Prof. Chung at karchung@ntu.edu.tw
         according to this model,
     2. your reason for wanting to take this class: I want to take this course because...
     3. your gmail address, so you can be added to Google Drive: My gmail address is:
     4. your Facebook name: My Facebook name is...
     5. Remember to add a closing, and to sign your full name.

     Due Monday, October 4, or Wednesday October 6 for new students.

     Read and refer to this article carefully before doing the assignment;
     英文 Email 潛規則老師怎麼不早點教我?! 文/熊偌均 Melissa Hsiung.
     Make sure to send it in plain text, not html (look under ... and click on: 切 換為純文字).

     Indent five spaces at the beginning of each new paragraph,
     and leave only one blank line between paragraphs, not two!

7.  Every Monday, you will hand in on paper, and also upload to Google Drive:
    1. a summary of your class notes from the previous week.
    2. a summary of one or more of the CET 師德 articles online. This week:
        a. 大師開講 — 提升聽力祕訣:每天請聽 「回音」十分鐘(上、下) in No. 69 & 70,
        January/February p. 8-10 & March/April 2012, p.12-14.
        These articles explain in Chinese how the "Echo Method" of language learning works.
    b. Also read and takes notes on Melissa Hsiung's article, 英文 E-mail 潛規則:老師怎麼不早點教我?!
    3. There will also be weekly listening and other assignments.

     Create a folder using your English name as the folder name
ELP Fall 2021 on Google Drive; use your gmail address.
     This is where you will upload your class assignments.

     Postponed till Week 2, October 4, 2021:
     Make a COPY of the file entitled "Learning Checklist" with new NEW FILENAME
     (you can add your initials at the end) that you will find in this folder
     and keep it in your Google Drive folder. You will update this file WEEKLY.
     Sheet One is required; the other sheets are optional, but you may find them useful and fun!

     Make sure to produce careful work that is not filled with sloppy mistakes:
     Make sure you sign your full name (e.g. Iris Lin) to every e-mail you write!
     Pay attention to correct format;
     for example, leave a space before and after (parentheses) like this.
     Without a space it looks like(this)and this is not acceptable in English written format.
     And remember to INDENT YOUR PARAGRAPHS, and send in PLAIN TEXT!
(look under ... and click on: 切換為純文字)

8. Print out and bring to every class this IPA Handout.
    Also useful:
handout on note taking.

9.  The Echo Method

Transcription exercise
    1. Transcribe each daily segment with oTranscribe
    and paste your transcription into this Google Form for 9/27/21:

    2. Google Form for 9/28/2021:

Google Form for 9/29/2021:

    4. Google Form for 9/30/2021:

Google Form for 10/01/2021:

Google Form for 10/02/2021:
Google Form for 10/03/2021:

    8. Google Form for 10/04/2021:

    9. Google Form for 10/05/2021:

    Then paste first the "Before" version and "After" versions
    for each daily segment into separate Google docs in your Google Drive folder.
    Use the Google Doc -> Tools -> Compare documents function
    to compare and display the differences between the two documents.
    Make a cumulative list of your errors so you know where you need work,
    and also to chart your progress.
    Latin proverb: Principium dimidium totius. 
    ("Getting started is half the battle." or "Well begun is half done.")

    Before Breakfast with Laura Vanderkam:
July 21, 2021

   Create some momentum (source page)

    Entire exercise  

    1. (1) 9/27          
6. (6) 10/02
    2. (2) 9/28          
7. (7) 10/03    
    3. (3) 9/29          
8. (8) 10/04           
    4. (4) 9/30          
9. (9) (10/5)   
5. (5) 10/01        

11. One Small Step Can Change Your Life: with Kaizen

12. The Pomodoro Technique of time management,
      and improving focus and productivity.

13. Useful links:
      a. Merriam-Webster Dictionary with audio files  https://www.merriam-webster.com/

      b. The Free Dictionary: Dictionary and Word of the Day  https://www.thefreedictionary.com/
      c. A Word A Dayhttps://wordsmith.org/awad/index.html 
      d. 萌典 MOE 教育部中文字典:https://www.moedict.tw/
      e. More practice with /i/ vs. /ɪ/ here:  efl net: Sound contrasts  http://www.eflnet.com/content/sound-contrast-i-vs-i / 
f.  Dictation Practicehttp://homepage.ntu.edu.tw/~karchung/phonetics/dictations.htm  
      g. Goodreads:   https://www.goodreads.com/ 
      h. The power of focus: How to jump from a plane without a parachute:
          NPR The Hidden Brain: You 2.0: The Mind's Eye August 10, 2020  https://www.npr.org/transcripts/900994753   

Week Two: 10/04 
Enrollment and other class business.

     a. Make sure you've gotten a final OK on your email assignment,
        and that your format is now completely correct.

     b. Make sure you
folder name is in this format: Karen Chung, Iris Lin.

     c. Check your information in the Google Sheet class list in the class folder.
        Correct any mistakes.
        Also add a small portrait photo so we can get to know each other faster.

     d. All will introduce themselves to the class. Look out for suitable learning partner candidates!

     e. Each student will have a LEARNING PARTNER. You will help each other with class work
        and accountability. You will also check on each other's online assignments.
        Get in touch by email or other means after class to try and find a learning partner.
        When you have found one, fill in their name in the class list on Google Drive.

Make sure you've joined the ELP: English Listening and Pronunciation, Fall 2021 page on Facebook.

     1. your class notes from last week.
     2. The CET 師德 articles from last week:
         大師開講 — 提升聽力祕訣:每天請聽 「回音」十分鐘(上、下) in No. 69 & 70,
         January/February p. 8-10 & March/April 2012, p.12-14.
     3. 英文 Email 潛規則老師怎麼不早點教我?! 文/熊偌均 Melissa Hsiung.

     For next Monday 10/11: read and take notes on: CET 3 (issue 71): /i/ 和 /ɪ/ 的辨別 
     in No. 71, May/June 2012, p. 12-14;
     「格式」就是禮 貌:英文標點符號的10大規則 in English Island 英語島 48, January 2020;
     the article is available in the Google Drive folder.
     Be ready to mention some of the main points of the articles in class!

3.  Make a COPY of the file entitled "Learning Checklist" (in the class Google Drive folder)
     with new NEW FILENAME consisting of your English name (e.g. Iris Lin) + the original file
     and move this copy into your Google Drive folder. You will update this file WEEKLY.
     Sheet One is required; the other sheets are optional, but you may find them useful and fun!

4.  What difficulties did you have with the listening assignment?
     What do you think you'll do better on in the future?
     A new listening assignment will be posted tomorrow.
     It will be on K-pop fandom.

5.  Next week we'll have our first class dictation.
     It will focus on the contrast between /ɪ/ as in "bit" and
/i/ as in "beat".

     Print out and bring to every class this IPA Handout.
     Also useful:
handout on note taking.  

6.  Make sure you've watched:
     The Echo Method

     One Small Step Can Change Your Life: with Kaizen

    The Pomodoro Technique of time management,
     and improving focus and productivity.

     And consider the
Mini-conversations for daily speaking and fluency practice.f
     Ready-made Echo practice files are available for the first half on the conversations. 

7. Recommended language exchange/language tutoring platforms:
    1. italki

    2. Tandem

8. New transcription assignment:
    The Ticket Trap: Report on Kpop fandom by Yoohyun Jung
    Entire clip  

     1.   (10) 10/6        Answer form for 10/6
     2.   (11) 10/7        Answer form for 10/7            
     3.   (12) 10/8        Answer form for 10/8            
     4.   (13) 10/9        Answer form for 10/9            
     5.   (14) 10/10      Answer form for 10/10            
     6 .  (15) 10/11      Answer form for 10/11            
     7.   (16) 10/12      Answer form for 10/12            
     8.   (17) 10/13      Answer form for 10/13            
     9.   (18) 10/14      Answer form for 10/14            
     10. (19) 10/15      Answer form for 10/15            
     11. (20) 10/16      Answer form for 10/16            
     12. (21) 10/17      Answer form for 10/17            
     13. (22) 10/18      Answer form for 10/18                        
     14. (23) 10/19      Answer form for 10/19            
     15. (24) 10/20      Answer form for 10/20            
     16. (25) 10/21      Answer form for 10/21            
     17. (26) 10/22      Answer form for 10/22            
     18. (27) 10/23      Answer form for 10/23            
     19. (28) 10/24      Answer form for 10/24          
     20. (29) 10/25      Answer form for 10/25    
     21. (30) 10/26      Answer form for 10/26           

Week three: 10/11 (online)   
  Discuss CET 3 (issue 71): /i/ 和 /ɪ/ 的辨別 in No. 71, May/June 2012, p. 12-14; and
     「格式」就是禮貌:英文標點符號的10大規則 in English Island 英語島 74 (48), January 2020;
     For next Monday 10/18, read and take notes on:
     CET 4 (issue 72):「重音」真 的很重要! in No. 72, July/August 2012, p. 12-14; and
     Echo Method: 用「回音記憶」打造nativelike的語感 in English Island 英語島 41 (16), April 2017.
     Be ready to mention some of the main points of the articles in class!

     Have you uploaded your notes to your Google Drive folder in pdf format?
     Have you updated you Learning Checklist?
     Have you double-checked your data on the Class List for accuracy?
     Have you found a learning partner?

Dictation #1:
/ɪ/ vs. /i/, with final /-k/.
     Write the correct spelling and IPA symbols for each word you hear.
     All of the words will have only one syllable, and all with end with the /k/ sound.
     The vowel will always be either
/ɪ/ as in "slick" or /i/ as in "sleek".
     Online Google Form dictation answer sheet, with example, here:

3.  Discuss questions or problems encountered in doing the daily transcriptions.
     Are you feeling some improvement?
     Have you experienced any frustrations, or little victories that you can share?

4.  Useful resources:

     a. i2Speak: For handy IPA input:

     b. OneLook Dictionary and OneLook Thesaurus and Reverse Dictionary.
        Pay close attention to the search tools and filters and use them!  
     c. Use Google Images for words, especially unfamiliar nouns, like light sticks.
         It is often faster and clearer than checking a dictionary!

5.  We'll have our first in-person class next Monday, 10/18, in 外教中心 201!
     Bring a paper printout of your weekly notes to hand in!
     Finalize your learning partner, add their name to the class list,
     and sit next to them in class!

Week four: 10/18 (in person in the classroom!)    
Warm-up sing-along: Nat King Cole: Kemo Kimo (without latency problems this time!)
     Why are some of these nonsense words so much fun to say or sing?

2.  Find a learning partner, and add their name to the Google Drive class list.
     You will sit together every class.
     Exchange contact info: email and cell phone number,
     maybe also LINE, or whatever works best for the two of you.
     Make sure all your information is correct.
     Make sure you've added a portrait photo of yourself to the list.

3.  Discuss
CET 4 (issue 72): 「重音」真 的很重要! in No. 72, July/August 2012, p. 12-14; and
     Echo Method: 用「回音記憶」打造nativelike的語感 in English Island 英語島16, April 2017.

     Example of a practical use of echoic memory 回音記憶
     (aka auditory memory, the phonological loop),
     the basis of the Echo Method

     Echo Method demonstration and practice with mini-conversation #2.
     Note compound noun stress starting from 1:27.

     For next Monday 10/25, read and take notes on:
     CET 5 (issue 73): 英語教學死角:複合名詞重音 in No. 73, September/October 2012, p. 12-14; and
     Podcasts: 可以隨身攜帶的耳福 in English Island 41 June 2019;
     available in the Google Drive folder named: English Island and CET articles.

     Be ready to mention some of the main points of the articles in class!

     Have you uploaded your notes to your Google Drive folder in pdf format?
     Have you updated you Learning Checklist?
     Have you double-checked your data on the Class List for accuracy?
     In addition to completing and uploading your own work,
     you also need to check your learning partner's work as well.
     Is it completed and uploaded? Is the format correct?

     Note: If you can't access a pdf file on Chrome, try changing "http://" to "https://".

Dictation #2: /æ/ vs. /ɛ/, final /-k/.
     Write the correct spelling and IPA symbols for each word you hear.
     All of the words will have only one syllable, and all with end with the /k/ sound.

     The vowel will always be either /
æ/ as in "pack" /pæk/ or /ɛ/ as in "peck" /pɛk/.
     Remember, the "k" as in "kite", "c" as in "can", "ck" as in "pack" sound is
     always written as /k/ in IPA!

     Download, print out on both sides, and bring to every class: IPA handout 

5.  Discuss questions or problems encountered in doing the daily transcriptions.
     Are you feeling some improvement?
     Have you experienced any frustrations, or little victories that you can share?
     If there's time, we can work on this (GF) together in class.

6.  VIR (= Very Important Resource!): YouGlish   
     Note that it's also available in Chinese, French, German, Spanish, Japanese –
     even sign languages – and several other languages!

Week five: 10/25      
  Discuss homework: CET 5 (issue 73): 英語教學死角:複合名詞重音  
     in No. 73, September/October 2012, p. 12-14; and
     Podcasts: 可以隨身攜帶的耳福 in English Island 41 June 2019 (in Google Drive folder).

     For next week: CET 6 (issue 74): 抑揚頓挫: 英語的語調和斷句  
     in No. 74, November/December 2012, p. 12-14; and
     語調下降?我還以為你講完了 in English Island 36, January 2019
(in Google Drive folder).
     Note that the QR codes in the article don't work;
     you can access the audio files at the links below:
     audio link 1   
     audio link 2   
     audio link 3  
     audio link 4 
     audio link 5 
     audio link 6 
     audio link 7 
     audio link 8  
     audio link 9  
     audio link 10 
     audio link 11  
  I.  Things to watch out for in the dictations:
     1. Start on the FRONT side of the paper, with the HOLES on the LEFT.
     2. In the upper right-hand corner write your:
         English name, Chinese name, student number, date, number of dictation/quiz.
     3. Do not use CHECKS when marking the dictations; mark wrong answers with an X,
         write the total score in the upper right-hand corner, e.g. 85%, under the name data, and sign your name
     4. Write a DOT, not a short line, over "i" and "j".
     5. When is it "ea" and when "ee"? Learn spellings visually
     6. When guessing the spelling of an unfamiliar word, make sure it doesn't form a different word,
         e.g. when you hear
/pʌt/, don't write "put", because you know that spells a totally different word,
         i.e. the "put" 放 in "put
/pʊt/ that down". In this case, you need to add a second "t": "putt" 推桿推球.
         Likewise, if you hear
/bɑt/, don't write "bat", because that's 棒子 or 蝙蝠!
         In this case, try a different vowel, i.e. the "o" in "hot", which rhymes with "bot" ('robot').
     II. Things to watch out for in your notes and all other work:
     1. Print on both sides of the paper where possible.
     2. Use narrower margins (the Word "narrow" margin preset uses 1.27cm) and single spacing.
     3. Watch your FONTS and FONT SIZES. Word often switches them automatically to a default font.
         Use i2Speak for IPA symbols.
     4. All headers 標題 should start with a CAPITAL LETTER. Also: Week One.
     5. Leave a SPACE after each period, including in numbered lists.
     6. Leave a space (before) and after (parentheses)!!!
         (Except before periods and other punctuation.)
x Don't(do)this!!! Or (this) !!!
     7. Avoid widow lines.
     8. Name and other information: FLUSH LEFT.
     9. x Class note, notes of class should be: o Class notes
x v.s. should be: o vs.
     11. Learn proofreading symbols.

     12. Save your files as a pdf before printing to avoid 亂碼.
     13. Function (not "functional") words 虛詞, content words 實詞.

3.  Preparation for a dictation and compound noun stress quiz second hour.

4.  Dictation #3: /ɑ/ vs. /ʌ/, final /-t/; and compound noun stress quiz #1.

5.  Please bring up any transcription questions in class next Monday!

     New transcription assignment 1:
     "Found purse"  from Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase #193 
     Entire clip 
     1. (31) 10/27      Answer form for 10/27   
     2. (32) 10/28      Answer form for 10/28         

     What's a "PA" in this context?
     NOT required: Letter written by Karen Chung mentioned in episode #194.

     New transcription assignment 2:
     "Coffin Building in the Bronx"         Entire clip      

     1.   (33) 10/29    Answer form for 10/29  
     2.   (34) 10/30    Answer form for 10/30         
     3.   (35) 10/31    Answer form for 10/31  
     4.   (36) 11/01    Answer form for 11/01    
     5.   (37) 11/02    Answer form for 11/02   
     6.   (38) 11/03    Answer form for 11/03    
     7.   (39) 11/04    Answer form for 11/04
     8.   (40) 11/05    Answer form for 11/05    
     9.   (41) 11/06    Answer form for 11/06
     10. (42) 11/07    Answer form for 11/07    
     11. (43) 11/08    Answer form for 11/08
     12. (44) 11/09    Answer form for 11/09    
     13. (45) 11/10    Answer form for 11/10
     14. (46) 11/11    Answer form for 11/11    
     15. (47) 11/12    Answer form for 11/12
     16. (48) 11/13    Answer form for 11/13    
     17. (49) 11/14    Answer form for 11/14 

6.  Magic Bag of 30 Listening Tricks (pdf)

7.  Song of the Week: It's My Life by Bon Jovi   lyrics   (note use of talkbox (after 4:00) 2 at the beginning)

Week six: 11/01      
  Discussion of difficulties encountered in doing the transcriptions and how to solve them,
     also, how to establish and maintain a new habit, like daily transcription practice.

2.  Discuss homework:
CET 6 (issue 74): 抑揚頓挫:英語的語調和斷句  
     in No. 74, November/December 2012, p. 12-14; and
     語調下降?我還以為你講完了 in English Island 36, January 2019 (in Google Drive folder).

     For next week: CET 7 (issue 75): Stop at stops! —— 遇到塞音請停! in No. 75, January/February 2013, p. 12-14; and
     English Island 60 (34): 連音塞音 篇:STOP at STOPS! 遇到塞音請暫停! 2018-11; in Google Drive folder.

     Please use YouGlish to listen carefully to pronunciations
that you're not sure of,
like "row my boat", "wrote my book" and "rode my bike".
     And/or have Apple's Alex (Chinese – choose "Alex" under "US English"),
     or Google's Alexa for Android phones (Chinese) or other Text-to-Speech app read it aloud for you!

     Check your Learning Partner's paper and online notes. Are they ALL IN ONE FILE?
     Also check your Learning Partner's TRANSCRIPTIONS, BEFORE and AFTER.
     Write at the end of your notes: "LP OK",
     or LP missing online notes, incorrect format, missing transcriptions, etc.

3. Song of the Week: All My Favorite Songs       Weezer       lyrics    

Moved to next Monday's 10/8 class:

4. Dictation #4: /u/ vs. /ʊ/; all items will end with /-k/;
    you will also need these two IPA symbols for initials:
/ʃ/ as in shoe /ʃu/, and /ʤ/ as in job /ʤɑb/.
    and compound noun stress quiz #2.

Week seven: 11/08       
  Discuss homework: CET 7 Stop at stops! —— 遇到塞音請停! in No. 75, January/February 2013, p. 12-14; and
     English Island 60 (34): 連音塞音 篇:STOP at STOPS! 遇到塞音請暫停! 2018-11; in Google Drive folder.
     Check your LEARNING PARTNER'S work and mark LP OK at the end of their homework if it's OK.

     For next week: CET 8 (issue 76): "-s" 和 "-ed" 詞尾怎麼唸?  in No. 76, March/April 2013, p. 12-14; and  
English Island 36 (11), 看「中 文字幕」會影響英文聽力嗎? 2016-11; in Google Drive folder.

2.  Dictation #4: /u/ vs. /ʊ/; all items will end with /-k/;
     you will also need these two IPA symbols for initials:
/ʃ/ as in shoe /ʃu/, and /ʤ/ as in job /ʤɑb/.
     and compound noun stress quiz #2.

3.  Finish discussion of difficulties encountered in doing the transcriptions and how to solve them,
     also, how to establish and maintain a new habit, like daily transcription practice.
     Review: CUE   –    ROUTINE   –   REWARD. (from Charles Duhigg's book The Power of Habit).
     When the "coffin building" assignments are finished on Sunday, November 14,
     we'll start formal work on 4., below.  

4.  PowerPoint for CET Pronunciation Workshop 2021.
     (More materials in grey links at bottom of homepage.)
     Watch the video clip from "You've Got Mail" (slide 43) several times.
     Read the script and make sure you understand everything thoroughly.
     We will be performing it in pairs in class in the near future.

5.  Song
of the Week: Lonely at the Top    Randy Newman     lyrics   
     Playlist of songs used in "You've Got Mail"  
     One question on the final exam will be: What three "songs of the week" were your favorites, and why?

Week eight:  11/15   
  NTU Anniversary and Athletic Meet


2.  Discuss homework:
CET 8 (issue 76): "-s" 和 "-ed" 詞尾怎麼唸?  in No. 76, March/April 2013, p. 12-14; and 
     English Island 36 (11), 看「中文字幕」 會影響英文聽力嗎? 2016-11; in Google Drive folder.
     For next week: CET 9 & CET 10 (issues 77 & 78): 鼻音/m /、/n/ 與 /ŋ/ —— No problen? (上、下) 
     in No. 77, May/June 2013, p. 12-14 and No. 78, July/August 2013, p. 12-14.; and
     English Island 35 (10): 你有沒有不小心講出 「限制級英文」? 2016-10; in Google Drive folder.

     Jane, Jessica and Jamela: please post your photo to the class list;
     Jane and Jessica: Please also fill in your learning partner in the list.

3.  Dictation #5
with Google Form: Voiceless vs. voiced final stops: Final /-t/ vs. /-d/; the vowel will always be /æ/;
     remember to always use /k/ for the "c" sound in "cat", "k" sound in "kite", and "ck" sound in "back".
     There is a new IPA symbol in example c/d.: voiced /ð/ as in "that" /ðæt/.

     This will be followed by Compound noun stress quiz #3 with Google Form:

      -ing words:
     participles 分詞 function as
adjectives: "a B that is Aing" or 「正在 A 的 B」,
     e.g. "aching heart" is "a heart that is aching"). Because it is adjective + *noun,
     both words are stressed: aching *heart.

     gerunds (動名詞) function as nouns: "a B for A" or 「用來做 A 的 B」,
     e.g. "hiking boots" are "boots for hiking"). Because it is *noun + noun,
     the modified word is not stressed: *hiking boots.

     More examples from today's quiz:
     participle 現在分詞 ending with -ing + noun, forming a noun phrase,
     e.g.: a. WORKing pro*FEssionals; b. CHAllenging *TASK; c. LEAding *LAW firm
     (noun phrase containing a compound noun);

     gerund 動名詞 ending with -ing + noun forming a compound noun,
     e.g. d. *PLAYing cards; e. *STRETCHing exercises.

4.  PowerPoint for CET Pronunciation Workshop 2021.
     (More materials in grey links at bottom of homepage.)
     Watch the video clip from "You've Got Mail" (slide 43) several times.
     Read the script and make sure you understand everything thoroughly.
     We will be performing it in pairs in class in the near future.

5.  Song of the Week:  You Gotta Be    
Des'ree      lyrics     

Week nine: 11/22     
  Submit paper notes for the past two weeks.

     Make SURE you are up to date on ALL your work!
     Points are deducted for each day you are late!

     Discuss and practice: CET 9 & CET 10 (issues 77 & 78): 鼻音/m /、/n/ 與 /ŋ/ —— No problen? (上、下)  
     in No. 77, May/June 2013, p. 12-14 and No. 78, July/August 2013, p. 12-14.; and
     English Island 35 (10): 你有沒有不小心講出 「限制級英文」?  2016-10; in Google Drive folder.

     For next week: CET 11 (issue 79): 台式英語罪魁禍首:/æ /、/ɛ/ 和 /eɪ/ in No. 79, September/October 2013, p. 12-14; and
     English Island 29 (4): 同學,給我一點 Feedback 2016-4; in Google Drive folder.

2.  New concept: velar raising. The three SHORT FRONT VOWELS are /ɪ/, /ɛ/, /æ/.
     When one of these three comes before a VOICED VELAR CONSONANT, i.e. /-g/ or/-ŋ/,
     the tongue position will be raised a little, producing a slightly different vowel allophone.
     /ɪ/ will sound a little bit more like /i/; /ɛ/ and /æ/ will sound a little bit more like /e/.

     The effect is stronger before
/-ŋ/ than /-g/, e.g. ping vs. pig.

     We'll mark this in IPA with a little upside-down capital "T" under the symbol:
     /ɪ̝/, /ɛ̝/, /æ̝/.
     Compare to the vowel difference in Mandarin 萬 wàn ㄨˋ vs. 忘 wàng ㄨˋ.

     Read this web page thoroughly:
     15. More on Phonemes and Allophones

3.  Dictation #6: Final /-m/ vs. /-n/ vs. /ŋ/.
     Examples: ram /ræm/ vs. ran /ræn/ vs. rang /r
     The final sound will always be one of the three consonant nasals:
/-m/ or /-n/ or /ŋ/.

     The vowel will always be /æ/, but it will always be a raised /æ̝/, i.e. with velar raising, before final
/ŋ/ and /-g/.

     Remember to always use /k/ for the "c" sound in "cat", "k" sound in "kite", and "ck" sound in "back".
     You will also need this IPA symbol for an initial: /ʤ/ as in job /ʤɑb/.   

     Compound noun stress quiz #4:
     The items may include items subject to the subrule for: materials/ingredients, time/space, and organizations. 

     Examples: a. *traffic light; b. marble *statue; c. Saturday *evening; d. world *record; but: *chair leg.

4.  You've Got Mail performance assignment:
     PowerPoint for CET Pronunciation Workshop 2021.
     (More materials in grey links at bottom of homepage.)
     We'll go over and practice with the video clip from "You've Got Mail" (slide 43) several times.
     Make sure you understand everything thoroughly.
     This coming week, practice it over and over and over, both by yourself and with your partner,
     either in person or over audio/video chat, until you know it THOROUGHLY 滾瓜爛熟,
     and can perform the whole thing almost without thinking.

     We will do a rehearsal performance it in pairs without a script in class next Monday 11/29.
     Imitate not just the dialogue but also the gestures and facial expressions of the characters!
     I will give you feedback and suggestions.
     The final, formal performance will be held on Monday, December 6.

5.  With everybody now
[almost all] caught up on the transcriptions,
     we'll have a new listening transcription assignment starting next week.
     Please share further feedback on the assignment so we can continue improving on it!

6.  Song of the Week:  Be My Number Two    Joe Jackson   lyrics

Week ten: 11/29          
  Discuss and practice: CET 11 (issue 79): 台式英語罪魁禍首:/æ /、/ɛ/ 和 /eɪ/
     in No. 79, September/October 2013, p. 12-14; and
     English Island 29 (4): 同學,給我一點 Feedback 2016-4; in Google Drive folder.

     For next week: CET 12 (issue 80) 英語發音百樂篇(一): Pronunciation Potluck (1)  
     in No. 80, November/December 2013, p. 12-14; and
     English Island 77 (51): 英文真的要作第二官 方語言?那,非這樣做不可  2020-4 ; in Google Drive folder.

2.  Dictation #7: Vowels: /æ /, /ɛ/, and /eɪ/.
     Examples: mat /mæt/ vs. met /m
ɛt/ vs. mate /meɪt/.
     All items will end with /-t/.
     Remember to always use /k/ for the "c" sound in cat, "k" sound in kite, and "ck" sound in back.
     You will also need this IPA symbol for an initial:
/tʃ/, which represents the "ch" sound as in chip /tʃɪp/.

3.  Dress rehearsal with feedback of scene from You've Got Mail.
     PowerPoint for CET Pronunciation Workshop 2021.
     (More materials in grey links at bottom of homepage.)
     Remember to imitate not just the dialogue
     but also the gestures and facial expressions of the characters!
     The final, formal performance will be held on Monday, December 6.

4.  New daily transcription assignment:
     NPR Planet Money's The Indicator: Should Americans Buy Less Stuff?
     Interview with Allison
Schrager by Stacey Vanek Smith

     1.   (50)  12/01   Google Form 1 
     2.   (51)  12/02   Google Form 2
     3.   (52)  12/03   Google Form 3
     4.   (53)  12/04   Google Form 4 
     5.   (54)  12/05   Google Form 5
     6.   (55)  12/06   Google Form 6
     7.   (56)  12/07   Google Form 7 
     8.   (57)  12/08   Google Form 8 
     9.   (58)  12/09   Google Form 9 
     10. (59)  12/10   Google Form 10 
     11. (60)  12/11   Google Form 11 
     12. (61)  12/12   Google Form 12 
     13. (62)  12/13   Google Form 13

5.  Song of the Week:  Now & Forever      
Richard Marx       lyrics    

Week eleven: 12/06             
  a. Make sure all your Class Notes (not: "Class Note" or "Notes of Class"!)
     are in ONE SINGLE PDF FILE in your Google Drive folder, MOST RECENT AT THE TOP!
     And make sure you have included the CORRECT WEEK NUMBER, as listed on this syllabus!
     The notes for today's class that you hand in next Monday should be labeled with "Week eleven".

     b. Make sure you have submitted your SUGGESTIONS FOR ESTABLISHING AN ECHO PRACTICE HABIT!
     Receipt of these is being recorded as part of your grade.

     c. Make sure you carefully check your LEARNING PARTNER'S PAPER AND ONLINE NOTES,
     for correct content, fonts, and format
     If all is OK, write "LP" at the bottom of their notes. If not, briefly explain what needs to be fixed.

     d. A really valuable life goal is to do everything assigned and that needs to be done
     without constant checking and reminders!

2.  Discuss and practice: CET 12 (issue 80) 英語發音百樂篇(一): Pronunciation Potluck (1)    
     in No. 80, November/December 2013, p. 12-14; and
     English Island 77 (51): 英文真的要作第二官 方語言?那,非這樣做不可  2020-4 ; in Google Drive folder.

     For next week: CET 13 (issue 81) 英語發音百樂篇(二): Pronunciation Potluck (2)     audio supplement   
     in No. 81, January/February 2014, p. 12-14; and
     English Island 37 (12): 到底是Yes還是 No?  2016-12; in Google Drive folder.

3.  Dictation #8: Postponed till Monday, December 13:
     Consonant finals /-z/ vs. /-dz/, e.g. bores /bɔrz/ vs. boards /bɔrdz/.
     The final consonant will always be either
/-z/ or /-dz/. Think carefully when spelling!

     Get out your IPA handout!
     We'll go over these vowels, and rhotics, which will be needed in the dictation:

     /i/ as in see/eɪ/
as in say, /ʌ/ as in sun / son,

/oʊ/ as in so / sew / sow, /ɝ/ as in sir/ɔr/ as in sore / soar.

     Remember to always use /k/ for the "c" sound in cat, "k" sound in kite, and "ck" sound in back.
     Please remember this; it won't be mentioned before future dictations.

     Class practice: ear vs. year, east vs. yeast
4.  Performances in pairs of scene from You've Got Mail.
     PowerPoint for CET Pronunciation Workshop 2021.
     Remember to imitate not just the dialogue
     but also the gestures and facial expressions of the characters!

5.  Song of the week:   Sometimes When We Touch     Dan Hill      video with lyrics    lyrics   

Week twelve: 12/13             
  Discuss and practice:
CET 13 (issue 81) 英語發音百樂篇(二): Pronunciation Potluck (2)     audio supplement   
     in No. 81, January/February 2014, p. 12-14; and
     English Island 37 (12): 到底是Yes還 是 No?  2016-12; in Google Drive folder

     For next week: CET 14 (issue 82) 英語發音百樂篇(三): Pronunciation Potluck (3)      
     in No. 82, March/April 2014, p. 12-14; and
     英語發音百樂篇(四): Pronunciation Potluck (4) in No. 83, May/June 2014, p. 12-14; also:
     English Island 73 (47): Who's a False Friend? 小心外來的「假朋友」! 2019-12; in Google Drive folder.

2.  Final transcription exercise of the semester: clip from Gimlet's
     Every Little Thing: Auctioneers: Why Do They Talk Like That?  
     Note that in several places, you will hear very rapid, unclear auctioneer speech.
     You do NOT have to transcribe these; just write: "(auctioneer chanting)".
     Note that you'll be hear two accents besides General American (GA):
     1. a Southern US accent – the speaker is from
Tennessee; and
     2. a Standard Southern British accent, also sometimes called "RP" or
     "Received Pronunciation", the basis for most textbook-type standard British English.

     entire numbered clip 

     1.   (63)  12/14   Google Form 1 
     2.   (64)  12/15   Google Form 2 
     3.   (65)  12/16   Google Form 3 
     4.   (66)  12/17   Google Form 4 
     5.   (67)  12/18   Google Form 5 
     6.   (68)  12/19   Google Form 6 
     7.   (69)  12/20   Google Form 7 
     8.   (70)  12/21   Google Form 8 
     9.   (71)  12/22   Google Form 9 
     10. (72)  12/23   Google Form 10 
     11. (73)  12/24   Google Form 11 
     12. (74)  12/25   Google Form 12 
     13. (75)  12/26   Google Form 13  
     14. (76)  12/27   Google Form 14 
     15. (77)  12/28   Google Form 15 
     16. (78)  12/29   Google Form 16 
     17. (79)  12/30   Google Form 17 
     18. (80)  12/31   Google Form 18 
     19. (81)  01/01   Google Form 19   

3.  Dictation #8 (postponed from last Monday):
     Consonant finals /-z/ vs. /-dz/, e.g. bores /bɔrz/ vs. boards /bɔrdz/.
     The final consonant will always be either
/-z/ or /-dz/. Think carefully when spelling!

     Get out your IPA handout!
     We'll go over these vowels, and rhotics (and r-coloring), which will be needed in the dictation:
     /i/ as in see/eɪ/
as in say, /ʌ/ as in sun / son,

/oʊ/ as in so / sew / sow, /ɝ/ as in sir/ɔr/ as in sore / soar.

     Remember to always use /k/ for the "c" sound in cat, "k" sound in kite, and "ck" sound in back.
     Please remember all these symbols and points; they won't be expressly mentioned before future dictations.

     Class practice: ear vs. year, east vs. yeast
4.  Rest of the performances in pairs of scene from You've Got Mail.
     PowerPoint for CET Pronunciation Workshop 2021.
     Remember to imitate not just the dialogue
     but also the gestures and facial expressions of the characters.
     Pay SPECIAL attention to STRESS!

5.  Song of the week
Different Drum   1967 Stone Poneys with Linda Ronstadt     lyrics  
     Written in 1964 by recently deceased Michael Nesmith of The Monkees  
     "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer."
     From Walden, by Henry David Thoreau, American naturalist, essayist, poet, and philosopher (1817-1862)

Week thirteen: 12/20             
.  Discuss and practice:
CET 14 (issue 82) 英語發音百樂篇(三): Pronunciation Potluck (3)      
     in No. 82, March/April 2014, p. 12-14; and
     英語發音百樂篇(四): Pronunciation Potluck (4) in No. 83, May/June 2014, p. 12-14; also:
     English Island 73 (47): Who's a False Friend? 小心外來的「假朋友」! 2019-12; in Google Drive folder.

     For next week: CET 16 (issue 84) & 17 (issue 85): Do not 和 don’t意思一樣嗎?英語的縮讀字(上、下) 
     in No. 84, July/August 2014, p. 12-14 and No. 85, September/October 2014, p. 16-18.
     English Island 71 (
突破聽力瓶頸的五大秘訣 2019-10; in Google Drive folder.
     English Island 72 (46):
加強英文聽力的終極策略:解析10個常見 錯誤  2019-11; in Google Drive folder.
     Also read through this web page, and see how many words you can identify in the list
     that are pronounced with schwa elision, to review and expand your understanding of schwa elision.
     32. Schwa elision in English (p. 32 under "Phonetics 1")

2.  We'll have another dictation on the /-z/ vs. /-dz/ distinction,
     since it seems we could use a little more practice on it.

3.  Rest of the performances in pairs of scene from You've Got Mail.
     PowerPoint for CET Pronunciation Workshop 2021.
     Remember to imitate not just the dialogue
     but also the gestures and facial expressions of the characters.
     Pay SPECIAL attention to STRESS!
     Feedback, discussion, 檢討 of the assignment and performances.

4.  Songs of the week:
     Some beautiful international Christmas carols; playlist of:
     1. Aramaic: Hweili Isho' Halleluyah (Christ is Born):
     2. Huron/Wendat and French: The Huron Carol;
     3. Galician: Nadal de luintra;
     4. Czech: Hajej, nynej, Ježišku       Czech text read aloud by Pavel Sticka  
     5. Scottish Gaelic: Taladh Chriosda;
     6. Georgian: Alilo;
     7. French: Le Sommeil de l'Enfant Jesus   

Week fourteen: 12/27       
Discuss and practice:
CET 16 (issue 84) & 17 (issue 85): Do not 和 don’t意思一樣嗎?英語的縮讀字(上、下)  
     in No. 84, July/August 2014, p. 12-14 and No. 85, September/October 2014, p. 16-18.
     English Island 71 (45): 突破聽力瓶頸的 五大秘訣 2019-10; in Google Drive folder.
     English Island 72 (46): 加強英文聽力的 終極策略:解析10個常見錯誤  2019-11; in Google Drive folder.
     Also read through this web page, and see how many words you can identify in the list
     that are pronounced with schwa elision, to review and expand your understanding of schwa elision.
     32. Schwa elision in English (p. 32 under "Phonetics 1")

     For next week: CET 18 (issue 86): 次重音:次要的重音還是很重要!   
     in No. 86, November/December 2014, p. 12-14.
     English Island 82 (56): 你知道 “cool” 的原意是什麼嗎?黑人英語入門 2020-9; in Google Drive folder.

2.  Make sure to keep up your daily transcription work so you finish on time, i.e. January 1, 2022!

3.  End-of-semester highlights and evaluations.
     Due January 10. Prepare in two separate pdf files:

     (I)  20 of the most important things you learned this semester, and:
     (II) End-of-semester evaluation:
          Part 1: evaluate the class, materials, teacher, syllabus, homework assignments,
          what was most and least useful, things that could be improved, and how
          — everything about the class this semester.
          Part 2: Evaluate yourself: Attendance and punctuality, homework submission,
          how much you learned from the class, how much effort you put into this class,
          Part 3: How do you plan to continue improving your English in general and
          your English listening and pronunciation skills in particular?

          Format and submission instructions: Convert your files to pdf format
          before emailing both pdf files to Prof. Chung at: feathermountain@gmail.com

          Also, make sure ALL your work has been uploaded to your Google Drive folder,
          and update your Learning Checklist!

4.  You will need these for a future dictation: Vowel review   母音總複習:
                     monophthongs  單母音: /i/, /ɪ/, /ɛ/, /æ/, /ɑ/, /ʌ/, /ɔ/, /ʊ/, /u/;
                     diphthongs        雙母音: /aɪ/, /eɪ/, /aʊ/, /oʊ/, /ɔɪ/, /ju/.

5.  Class practice: ear vs. year, east vs. yeast.

6.  Phrasing and continuation rise exercises from
PowerPoint for CET Pronunciation Workshop 2021.
     Examples of elision in Mandarin, collected by Melissa Hsiung 熊偌均老師.  

7.  Song of the Week: 
Scottish Gaelic Christmas lullaby:
     Taladh Chriosda: [/ˈtɑ ləx ˈxri ə stə/]
: English and Scottish Gaelic lyrics with IPA phonetic transcription.

Week fifteen: 01/03/2022         
Remember to prepare and submit your final evaluations and 20 Highlights by January 10! Instructions above.

     The final exam for this course will be held next Monday, January 10, 2022, at the same time and in the same
     classroom as usual. Pay special attention to the content of CET articles: 5, 6, 7 and 8.

2.  Discuss and practice:  CET 18 (issue 86): 次重音:次要的重音還是很重要!   
     in No. 86, November/December 2014, p. 12-14.
     English Island 82 (56): 你知道 “cool” 的原意是什麼嗎?黑人英語入門 2020-9; in Google Drive folder.

     Last two articles of the semester: CET 19 (issue 87): 脫口而出的英文文法  
     in No. 87, January/February 2015, p. 8-10.
     English Island 14 (39): 希望、祝福、許 願 英文怎麼說? 2017-2; in Google Drive folder.

3.  Note: If you are still having trouble with final /-z/ vs. /-dz/, please try listening to the audio supplement 
     with the article: article: 英語發音百樂篇(二): Pronunciation Potluck (2) open in front of you!
     Try practicing with the examples in the chart.

4.  Take out your IPA handout. We'll review and practice ALL the IPA symbols used for English
     and the sounds they represent. Transcription and reading practice.

     And don't forget to visit and subscribe to the YouTube channel
     of handout author Melissa Hsiung! And please share it with your friends!

5.  Review of the continuation rise.

6.  Song of the week:   
Same Old Lang Syne      Dan Fogelberg       lyrics   

Week sixteen: 01/10/2022               
  Final exam

2. Make sure ALL your work has been handed in and uploaded to your Google Drive folder,
    1. notes, from week one to week fifteen;
    2. all transcriptions;
    3. updated Learning Checklist;
    4. all Google Form transcriptions;
    5. your list of "20 Highlights" of the course and your evaluation, to be mailed to:

3. Have a great winter break and Happy Chinese New Year!

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g  a  b