In order to expand the international connection, promote industry-academic cooperation and enhance the services of NTUILO members, National Taiwan University and Russia’s Skolkovo innovation techno-park held a cooperation memorandum ceremony on January 21, 2019 (Monday).

president of research and development Li-Pai-Chi, and the senior vice president of the Skolkovo innovation techno-park, Alexander Chernov, to sign a memorandum of cooperation
The school is led by the president of research and development Li-Pai-Chi, and the senior vice president of the Skolkovo innovation techno-park, Alexander Chernov, to sign a memorandum of cooperation, and hope that the two sides can achieve mutually beneficial win-win results.

Senior VP for communication. Alexander Chernov speech(left: VP for Science and Education Nikolay Suetin; right: Senior International Projects Manager Yulia Tolkishevskaya)
Skolkovo innovation techno-park, announced on 12 November 2009 by then
Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, is the initiative of the Federal Government of
Russia to create an ecosystem that will facilitate development of entrepreneurship
and research and commercialization of the products and services in 5 priority areas:
energy efficiency, strategic computer technologies, biomedicine, nuclear
technologies and space technologies.
Skolkovo is tasked with not only the development of technology start-ups but also marketing them correctly. The Skolkovo Foundation specifically supports free entrepreneurship and works with independent technological start-ups to ensure their success. To achieve its main objective, Skolkovo offers the following support mechanisms: financial support of participants’ projects; development of competencies with the help of world-class mentors, and raising funds through Skolkovo mechanisms such as investment associations; assistance with entering foreign markets; access to potential clients in Russia and abroad in order to determine technological areas of demand in the future and to create joint plans of development; accumulation of resources and competencies via partnerships with the Russian state institutions, major international companies, scientific institutions and innovative centers, venture investors.

Professor Li Pai-Chi from Taiwan University gave a speech(left:Deputy Vice President for International Affairs Prof. Bi-Fong Lin; mid: Vice President of Research and Development Pai-Chi Li; right: NTUILO Prof. Bo-Wen, Lin)
The R&D president of National Taiwan University Li Pai-Chi pointed out that "we believe that our university has much in common with Skolkovo." National Taiwan University has its own incubator (up to 130 new startups) and the Creative Accelerator, and invites well-known domestic industry professionals to serve as a team of industry mentors, which is similar to the Skolkovo Foundation system.

NTUILO CEO David Peng introduced the organizational structure and core values of the NTUILO
David Peng, CEO of the National Taiwan University Industry Liaison Office of National Taiwan University, said that the NTUILO in 2017. This unit serves as a hub between industry and the university.
So far, many Taiwanese companies have joined the membership and become an industry partner of Taiwan University. The NTUILO also combines the research and development energy of National Taiwan University with a total of 11 colleges and 3 professional colleges, including 5 international, 7 national, and 53 university based research centers. Cross-industry R&D technology and talent.
Peng stressed: "Taiwan's industry is closely integrated with the global technology chain, and we can become a bridge between the Skolkovo innovation techno-park and Taiwan's industrial chain." Nicola Suetin, Vice President of Science Education, Skolkovo, expressed optimism and look forward to, and expect further cooperation between the two sides in the future.

From left to right: NTUILO Deputy CEO Grace Chang, CEO David Peng, Prof. Bo-Wen Lin, Deputy Vice President for International Affairs Prof. Bi-Fong Lin, Vice President of Research and Development Pai-Chi Li; Senior VP for communication. Alexander Chernov, VP for Science and Education Nikolay Suetin, Senior International Projects Manager Yulia Tolkishevskaya, Prof. Chao-Ming Fu