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期刊論文 |
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—— and Wei An Chen, 2024, “Tactical Choices of Diaspora Movements: Comparing Hongkonger, Thai, Burmese, and Ukrainian Mobilizations in Taiwan.” Ethnic and Racial Studies. (SSCI). DOI: 10.1080/01419870.2024.2372041
2. |
——, 2024, “Movement Meaning of Money: Monetary Mobilization in Hong Kong’s Prodemocracy Movement.” Sociological Review 72(2): 432-450. (SSCI).
3. |
——, 2024, “Relational Tactics and Trust in High-risk Activism: Anonymity, Preexisting Ties, and Bonding in Hong Kong’s 2019-20 Protest.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 65(4): 499-516. (SSCI).
4. |
—— and Yun-Chung Ting, 2023, “Contentious Institutionalization of Protests under Democracy: The Evidence from Taiwan, 1986-2016.” Government and Opposition 59(3): 825-844. (SSCI).
4. |
丁允中、——,2023,「介於社會運動與市場之間:台灣公民電廠的初探」。《台灣社會學刊》72:1-56。(TSSCI). |
5. |
——, 2023, “Hongkongers’ International Front: The Diaspora Activism During and After the 2019 Anti-Extradition Protest.” Journal of Contemporary Asia. (SSCI).
https://doi.org/10.1080/00472336.2023.2168208 |
6. |
——, and Yao-Tai Li, 2022, “‘I became a Taiwanese after I left Taiwan’: Identity Shift among Young Immigrants in the United States.” Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power 30(2): 237-256. (SSCI).
7. |
——, 2022, “Desinicizing Taiwan: The Making of a Democratic National Identity.” Current History 121 (836): 211-217. (SSCI). |
8. |
—— and Wai Ki Wan, 2021, “Universities as an Arena of Contentious Politics: Mobilization and Control in Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition Movement of 2019.” International Studies in Sociology of Education.
32(2): 313-336. |
9. |
——, 2021, “Aiming for Achilles’ Heel: A Relational Explanation of the Ascendancy of Pro-Nuclear Activism in Taiwan, 2013-2020.” Social Movement Studies22(5-6): 628-647. (SSCI).
10. |
11. |
——, 2020, “The Changing Memory of Tiananmen Incident in Taiwan: From Patriotism to Universal Values (1989-2019).” China Information 36(1): 90–111. (SSCI). |
12. |
——, 2020, “How Protesters Evolve: Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition Movement Learned the Lesson of the Umbrella Movement.” Mobilization: An International Journal
25 (5): 711-728. (SSCI). |
13. |
2020, “From Unionism to Youth Activism: Taiwan’s Politics of Working Hours.”
China Information, 34(3): 406-426.
14. |
——, 2019, “Taiwan’s
Road to Marriage Equality: Politics of Legalizing Same-sex Marriage.”
China Quarterly
238: 482-503.(SSCI)
15. |
——, 2018, “The Historical
Breakthroughs of Taiwan’s Anti-nuclear Movement: The Making of a Militant Citizen Movement.” Journal of Contemporary Asia
48(3): 445-464. (SSCI)
16. |
——, 2018, “From Mobilization to Improvisation: The Lessons from Taiwan’s
2014 Sunflower Movement.”
Social Movement Studies 17(2): 189-202. (SSCI)
17. |
——, Chun-Hao Huang, and Chun-Ta Juan, 2018, “The Institutionalization of Social Movement Study in Taiwan: A State-of-the-field Report.”
International Journal of Taiwan Studies
1(1): 115-140. |
18. |
—— and Chunhao Huang, 2017, “Movement Parties in
Taiwan (1987-2016): A Political Opportunity Explanation.”
Asian Survey
57(2): 343-367. (SSCI) |
19. |
——,2017,「第三勢力與傘兵:比較台港佔領運動後的選舉參與」。《中國大陸研究》60(1):59-86。(TSSCI) |
20. |
——, 2016, “Making an Opportunity: Strategic
Bipartisanship in Taiwan’s Environmental Movement,” Sociological
Perspectives 59(3): 543-560. (SSCI) |
21. |
——, 2015, “The Dialectic of Institutional and
Extra-institutional Tactics: Explaining the Trajectory of Taiwan’s
Labor Movement.” Development and Society 44(2): 247-274. |
22. |
黃俊豪、——,2015,「馬政府時期的環境抗爭樣貌」。《思與言》53(2):177-216。(TCHI-Core),[收錄於作者所編的「公民運在台灣」專號]。 |
23. |
——, 2015, “Occupy Congress in
Taiwan: Political
Opportunity, Threat and the Sunflower Movement.”
Journal of East Asian Studies
15(1): 69-97. (SSCI)
24. |
2014, “The Fukushima Effect: Explaining the
Recent Resurgence of the Anti-nuclear Movement in Taiwan,”
Environmental Politics
23(6): 965-983. (SSCI) |
25. |
——, 2014,
“Resisting Naphtha Crackers: A Historical Survey of Environmental
Politics in Taiwan,” China Perspectives 2014/3: 5-14. [A
special issue on The Rise of Environmentalism: Anti-pollution
protests in Taiwan and China co-edited by the author] |
26. |
——, 2014, “From Resistance to
Accommodation: Taiwanese Working Class in the Early Postwar Era
(1945-1955),” Journal
of Contemporary Asia 44(3):
479-499.(SSCI) |
27. | 20
——,2012, “Beyond Tokenism: Institutional Conversion of
Party-controlled Labor Unions in Taiwan’s State-owned Enterprises
(1951-86),” China Quarterly 212:1019-1039.(SSCI) |
28. |
—— and Chen-Shuo Hong, 2012, “Challenging New Conservative
Regimes in South Korea and Taiwan: A Comparison of the Anti-American
Beef Protests,” Asian Survey ,52(4):643-665. (SSCI) |
29. |
——, 2012, “Sponsoring Civil Society: State
and Community Movement in Taiwan” Sociological Inquiry
82(3):404-423 . (SSCI) |
30. |
——, and Jane
Hindley, 2011, “The Humanist Challenge in Taiwan’s Education:
Liberation, Social Justice and Ecology,” Capitalism, Nature and
Socialism 22(1): 76-94. |
31. |
——, 2010, “Co-Opting Social Ties: How the
Taiwanese Petrochemical Industry Neutralized Environmental
Opposition,” Mobilization: An International Journal 15(4):447-463.
(SSCI) |
32. |
——, 2010,
“Manufacturing Loyalty: The Political Mobilization of Labor in
Taiwan ,1950-1986,” Modern China 36(6): 559-588. (SSCI). |
33. |
——, 2010,
“Understanding the Trajectory of Social Movements in Taiwan
(1980-2010),” Journal of Current Chinese Affairs 39(3): 3-22. [A
special issue on Social Movements in Contemporary Taiwan edited by
the author] |

34. |
Tsai, I-lun and
——, 2010, “An Institutionalist Explanation
of the Evolution of Taiwan’s Disability Movement: From the Charity
Model to the Social Model,” Journal of Current Chinese Affairs
39(3): 87-123. |
35. |
「從污染受害者到環境巡守者:大寮空污事件之後的社區參與」。《公共行政學報》35:119-141。(TSSCI) |
36. |
——,2010,「誰的家園、哪一種願景?發展主義陰影下的社區運動」。《台灣民主季刊》7(1):1-30。(TSSCI) |
37. |
“The Contentious Democratization of the Environment:
Militarism, Conservation and Livelihood in a Taiwanese village,”
Journal of Political and Military Sociology 36(2): 269-291. (SSCI) |
38. |
——,2008,「沒有階級認同的勞工運動:台灣的自主工會與兄弟義氣的極限」。《台灣社會研究季刊》72:49-91。(TSSCI) |
39. |
and Feng-san Su, 2008, “Control by Containment: Politics of
Institutionalizing Pollution Disputes in Taiwan,”
Environment and Planning (A) 40(10): 2402-2418. (SSCI) |
40. |
——,2007,「公民社會的限制:台灣環境政治中的結社藝術」。《台灣民主季刊》4(2):33-65。(TSSCI) |
41. |
2007, “The Rise and Fall of Leninist Control in Taiwan’s Industry,”
The China Quarterly 189: 162-179. (SSCI) |
42. |
——、張國偉,2007,「半調子的新自由主義:分析台灣的高等教育學費政策與爭議」。《教育與社會研究》12:73-112。 |
43. |
2006, “Challenging State Corporatism: The Politics of Taiwan's Labor
Federation Movement in Taiwan,” China Journal
56: 107-127. (SSCI). |
44. |
——,2006,「重構國家與教師的關係:朝向統合主義的利益組織中介」。《研究台灣》1:5-57。 |
45. |
——,2006,「台灣工會運動中的男子氣概」。《台灣社會學刊》36:65-108。(TSSCI) |
46. |
2006, “The Politics of Preschool Education Vouchers in Taiwan,”
Comparative Education Review 50(1): 66-89. (SSCI) |
47. |
——、曾子旂、蔡佳憓,2005,「工業都市中的環境行動:以大高雄地區為例」。《環境教育研究》3(1):95-114。 |
48. |
2005, “Taiwan’s State and Social Movements under the DPP Government,
2000-2004 ,” Journal of East Asian Studies
5(3): 401-425. |
49. |
——, 2005, “Protest as Community Revival: Folk
Religion in a Taiwanese Anti-Pollution Movement,” African and
Asian Studies 4(3) 237-269. |
50. |
——, 2005, “Weakened State and Social Movement: The
Paradox of Taiwanese Environmental Politics after the Power
Transfer,” Journal of Contemporary China 14: 339-352. |
51. |
——,2004,「政治機會結構與社會運動研究」。《國立政治大學社會學刊》7:33-80。 |
52. |
——,2004,「文化、構框與社會運動」。《台灣社會學刊》33:175-200。(TSSCI) |
53. |
——,2004,「當本土社會運動遇到西方的新社會運動理論:以台灣的反核運動為例」。《教育與社會研究》7:69-97。 |
54. |
——,2004,「集體行動中的情緒、儀式與宗教:一個涂爾幹社會學的分析」。《社會學理論學報》7(1):41-87。 |
55. |
2004, “Contested Governance between Politics and Professionalism in
Taiwan,” Journal of Contemporary Asia
34(2): 238-253. (SSCI) |
56. |
——, 2003, “Democratization and Autonomous
Unionism in Taiwan:The Case of Petrochemical
Workers,” Issues and Studies 39(3): 105-136. (SSCI) |
57. |
——,2003,「工廠內的階級團結:連結石化工人的工作現場與集體行動」。《台灣社會學》6:1-59。(TSSCI) |
58. |
——,2003,「政治民主化與環境運動的制度化(1993-1999)」。《台灣社會研究季刊》50:217-275。(TSSCI) |
59. |
——,2003,「自主與依賴:比較反核四運動與反美濃水庫運動中的政治交換模式」。《台灣社會學刊》30:1-49。(TSSCI) |
60. |
2003, “The Politics of Anti-Nuclear Protest in Taiwan: A Case of
Party-Dependent Movement (1980-2000),” Modern Asian Studies
37(3): 683-708. (SSCI) |
61. |
——,2002,「為何民進黨政府的廢核政策失敗?社會動員、改革機會與政治策略的分析」。《台灣政治學刊》6:86-137。(TSSCI) |
62. |
——,2002,「奧森、涂爾幹與集體行動的邏輯」。《國立政治大學社會學刊》32:115-149。 |
63. |
——,2002,「衝突的制度化?公害糾紛處理法與環境抗爭」。《教育與社會研究》3:35-64。 |
64. |
——,2001,「台灣環境運動的開端:專家學者、黨外與草根(1980-1986)」。《台灣社會學》2:97-162。(TSSCI) |
65. |
——,2001,「溝動行動理論與市民社會」。《社會理論學報》4(1):147-76。 |
66. |
——,2000,「環境運動與反對運動」。《台灣史料研究》16:73-93。 |
67. |
——.1999,「遠離馬克思、回到康德:論哈柏瑪斯與兩種德國批判傳統的關係」。《台大社會學刊》27:1-40。 |
68. |
——,1998,「後馬克思主義者的市民社會理論:比較與批判」。《思與言》36(4):193-230。 |
69. |
——,1997,「黑格爾與啟蒙的辯證」。《思與言》35(3):39-64。 |