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——, 2024, “導讀:小人物的大歷史”。James C. Scott,《支配與抵抗的藝術》,黃楷君譯。台北:麥田出版社,頁5-11。
——, 2024, “Book Review of Social Forces in the Re-Making of Cross-Strait Relations: Hegemony and Social Movements in Taiwan.” China Quarterly, doi.org/10.1017/S0305741024000523.
——, 2024, “香港研究在台灣:社會科學期刊論文的考察(1980-2022)”,上報,2024/3/15。
——, 2024, “台湾の婚姻平等(婚姻平権)への歩み”。《アジア共生の課題と展望:国際教養大学での学際的試み》。熊谷嘉隆、水野智仁編。東京:芦書房,頁69-88。
1. |
——, 2023, “Book Review of Effective Advocacy: Lessons from East Asia’s Environmentalists.” Global Environmental Politics 23(2): 148-149. |
2. |
——, 2023, “Overseas Young Taiwanese’ Search for Their Own Identity.” Identities Blog, 2023/1/27.
3. |
——, 2022, “Book Review of Evolutionary Governance in China: State–Society Relations under Authoritarianism.” Melbourne Asia Review, 2022/11/23.
4. |
——,2022,「大師的職人魂」。《人文大師下午茶》,頁4-6。台北:國科會人文及社會科學發展處。 |
5. |
——, 2022, “Exploring Worldwide Democratic Innovations: A Case Study of Taiwan.” A European Democracy Hub case study.
6. |
——, 2022, “Where Have all the Sunflowers Gone? A Reflection on the Eighth Anniversary of Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement,” China Policy Institute Blog, University of Nottingham, 2022/3/16.
7. |
——,2022,「1970與1980年代的臺灣勞工運動與環境運動」。國史館,《蔣經國總統資料庫》。 |
8. |
—— and Wei An Chen, 2021, “Peddling the Revolution? How Hong Kong’s Protesters became Online Vendors in Taiwan,” Made in China Journal 6(3): 94-99.
9. |
——, 2021, “‘Dried Mango’”: Taiwan’s Fiercely Democratic Young Voters,” Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies 2: 197-203. |
10. |
——, 2021, “Is Taiwan Ready to Go Net Zero by 2050?” Taiwan Insight, University of Nottingham, Taiwan Study Programme, 2021/11/4. |
11. |
——, 2021, “Review of Politics and Cultural Nativism in 1970s Taiwan Youth, Narrative, and Nationalism.” International Journal of Asian Studies. |
12. |
——, 2021, “Civil Society and the Global Pandemic: Building Back Different? with Carnegie Civic Research Network. |
13. |
——, 2021, “Review of Dafydd Fell’s Taiwan's Green Parties: Alternative Politics in Taiwan.” China Quarterly 247: 921-923. |
14. |
——,2021,「那些香港朋友所教導我的事情」。《人文與社會科學簡訊》22(3):124-126。 |
15. |
——, 2021, “Mountain Hiking as Taiwan New National Pastime.” Taiwan Insight, University of Nottingham, Taiwan Study Programme, 2021/7/28. |
16. |
——, 2021, “The Last Green Mile: Is Taiwan’s
Antinuclear Movement Gearing for a Final Confrontation.” Taiwan Insight,
University of Nottingham, Taiwan Study Programme, 2021/3/23. |
17. |
——,2020,「評《工作的身體性》:從階級到性別的轉向」。《女學學誌:婦女與性別研究》第46期,頁123-132。 |
18. |
——, 2020, “Why Do Taiwan’s Environmentalists Oppose
Renewable Energy Facilities?” China Policy Institute Blog, University of
Nottingham, 2020/7/13. |
19. |
——,2020,「導讀」,《網路崛起的社會運動對台灣的影響》,廖達琪編。高雄:國立中山大學出版社,頁v-xi。 |
20. |
Triff, Dana and ——, 2019, “Restore Hong Kong,
Revolution of Our Times’: Pro-democracy Protests Are Once again
‘occupying’ Hong Kong.” Eastern Focus 3: 74-81. |
21. |
——, 2019, “Why Was the Sunflower Movement
Successful?” Journal of East Asian Studies 19(3): 309-311. |
22. |
23. |
24. |
25. |
26. |
——, 2018, “How the Grassroots
Initiatives Will Shape Taiwan’s Environmental Future.”
China Policy Institute Blog,
of Nottingham,
27. |
Ho, Ming-sho,, 2018, “The New Anti-Air Pollution
Movement: Social Construction in Taiwan.” Taiwan Insight, University of
2018/1/2 |

28. |
網路社會運動時代的來臨?』」。《人文及社會科學集刊》29(2):319-324。 |

29. |
——,2017,「成為行動者:一位新手爸爸的觀點」。《巷仔口社會學》,戴伯芬編,頁125-131。台北:大家出版。 |
30. |
——, 2017, “Review of Simona A Grano’s Environmental Governance in
Taiwan: A New Generation of Activists and Stakeholders.”
Asiatische Studien 70(4): 144-1452. |
31. |

32. |
——, 2015, “Review of Chinese Workers in Comparative
Perspective, ed. by Anita Chan.” China Perspectives 2015/4:
33. |
——, 2015, “The Sunflower Movement and Taiwan’s Embattled Sociology.”
Global Dialogue: Newsletter for the International Sociological
Association 5(4). |

34. |
35. |
36. |
——,2015,「勞工運動的歷史制度論觀點:回應呂建德教授的評論」。《台灣社會學》29:191-198。 |
37. |
——,2015,「知識技藝與生命歷程」。《人文與社會科學簡訊》16(3):94-97。 |
38. |
—— and Paul Jobin, 2014, “Editorial,” China
Perspectives 2014/3: 3-4. [A special issue on The Rise of
Environmentalism: Anti-pollution protests in Taiwan and China co-edited
by the author] |
39. |
——,2014,「賤人為何矯情:一個社會學的解讀」。《巷仔口社會學》,王宏仁編,頁228-233。台北:大家出版。 |
40. |
——, 2014, “A Revolt against Chinese Intellectualism: Understanding the
Protest Script in Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement of 2014.” Mobilizing
Ideas. |
41. |
——,2014,「中國城市業主維權運動:小財產的大政治意涵」。《當代中國研究》22:5-8。 |
42. |
Lee, Kingshyon and
——, 2014, “The Maoming Anti-PX Protest of 2014: An Environmental
Movement in Contemporary China,” China Perspectives 2014/3:
33-39. [A special issue on The Rise of Environmentalism: Anti-pollution
protests in Taiwan and China co-edited by the author] |
43. |
——,2014,「邁向『公民運動』:福島事件後的台灣反核運動」。國立台灣大學社會科學院風險社會與政策研究中心。 |
44. |
——、陳惠敏、阮俊達、黃贊文,2014,「從適應社會到改變社會:尋找公共社會學的學生」。《台灣社會學通訊》79:14-18。 |
45. |
“Democracy on Trial: Social Movements and Cultural Politics in
Postauthoritarian Taiwan, by Ya-Chung Chuang.” Book Review, China
Quarterly 216: 1071-1073. |
46. |
Hindley, Jane, ——, and Hua-Mei Chiu, 2011,
“Introduction: Neoliberalism, Social Movements and the Environment in
Taiwan,” Capitalism, Nature and Socialism 22(1): 18-21. [A
special issue co-edited by the author] |

47. |
——,2011,「台灣社會運動研究的承繼與創新:誌《社會運動的年代》的出版」。《台灣社會學通訊》71(2011/4):24-25。 |

48. |
——,2010,「書評:黃庭康《比較霸權:戰新加坡及香港的華文學校政治》」。《華人研究國際學報》,2(1):141-144。 |
49. |
——,2009,「投稿英文學術期刊:為何與如何」。《人文與社會科學簡訊》10(3):56-63。 |
50. |
——、蕭新煌,2008,「撰寫社會運動的歷史:回應《社會志:社會運動篇》陳韻如教授之評論」。《研究台灣》3:107-113。 |
51. |
——, 2005, “Choosing Choice: School Choice in International Perspective,
edited by David Plank and Gary Sykes.” Book review, Comparative
Education Review 49(4): 595-596. |
52. |
——,2003,「布爾迪厄《繼承者》的導讀」,《教育與社會通訊》45:3-12。 |
53. |
——,2002,「介紹:保羅.威利斯《學作工》」,《教育社會學通訊》41:3-7。 |

54. |
——,2002,「地方政權與社會運動:綠色執政下的綠色運動(1989-1998)」,《宜蘭文獻雜誌》56:3-32。 |
55. |
——,2002,「涂爾幹與社會團結的源頭」,《教育社會學通訊》36:3-6。 |

56. |
Ozouf對於集體行動研究的啟示」,《教育社會學通訊》34:9-17。 |

57. |
——,2000,「社運史料與社運研究」,《慈林通訊》22。 |
58. |