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Lee, W.-M., Y.-C. Hsu, and C.-M. Kuan, "Robust
hypothesis tests for M estimators
with possibly non-differentiable estimating functions," Econometrics Journal,
18, 95-116, 2015.
Yeh, J.-H., J.-N. Wang, and C.-M. Kuan, "A
noise-robust estimator of volatility based
on interquantile ranges," Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting,
43, 751-779,
Liu, R.-W., C.-M. Kuan, and S. Chen, "Estimating
Taiwan's true economic growth
rates: An application of Kalman filtering" (in Chinese), Taiwan Journal of
Economics, 95, 1-33. 2014.
Kuan, C.-M., C.-C. Hsu, Y.-L. Huang, and S.-H. Hsu,
"Taiwan's financial conditions
index and its relation to macroeconomy" (in Chinese), Taiwan Economic
Forecast and
Policy, 44, 103-132, 2014.
Hsu, Y.-C., C.-M. Kuan, and M.-F. Yen, "A
generalized stepwise procedure with improved
power for multiple inequalities testing," Journal of Financial Econometrics,
730-755, 2014.
Lee, W.-M., C.-M. Kuan, and Y.-C. Hsu, "Testing
over-identifying restrictions without
consistent estimation of asymptotic covariance matrix," Journal of
Econometrics, 181,
181-193, 2014.
Hsu, S.-H. and C.-M. Kuan, "Constructing smooth
tests without estimating the eigenpairs
of the limiting process," Journal of Econometrics, 178, 71-79, 2014.
Kao, Y.-C., C.-M. Kuan, and S. Chen, "Testing the
predictive power of the term structure
without data snooping bias," Economics Letters, 121, 546-549, 2013.
Hsu, Y.-L., C.-M. Kuan, and S. M.-F. Yen, "Selecting
top funds of hedge funds based
on alpha and other performance measures," in Greg N. Gregoriou (ed.),
Funds of Hedge Funds: The Financial Crisis and Best Practices in UCITS, Tail
Performance, and Due Diligence, pp. 351-366, Amsterdam: Academic Press,
Ying, Y.-H., C.-M. Kuan, C. Y. Tung, and K. Chang,
"Capital mobility in east Asian
countries is not so high: Examining the impact of sterilization on capital
flows," China
Economic Review, 24, 55-64, 2013.
Kuan, C.-M. and C.-L. Chen, "Effects of national
health insurance on precautionary
saving: New evidence from Taiwan," Empirical Economics, 44, 921-943,
Chen, Y.-T. and C.-M. Kuan, "Optimizing robust
conditional moment tests: An estimating
function approach," in X. Chen and N. R. Swanson (eds.), Recent Advances
and Future Directions in Causality, Prediction, and Speci cation Analysis:
Essays in
Honor of Halbert L. White Jr., pp. 57-95, New York: Springer-Verlag, 2012.
Hsu, S.-H. and C.-M. Kuan, "Estimation of
conditional moment restrictions without
assuming parameter identifiability in the implied unconditional moments,"
Journal of
Econometrics, 165, 87-99, 2011.
Hsieh, Y.-T., C.-M. Kuan, and H.-A. D. Tsay, and
Y.-W. Hsieh, "Evaluating a quality
incentive program for TB treatment in Taiwan" (in Chinese), Journal of Social
and Philosophy, 22:4, 485-519, 2010.
C.-M. Kuan and H.-Y. Lin, ¡§An
encompassing test for non-nested quantile regression models,¡¨
Economics Letters, 107, 257-260, 2010.
P.-H. Hsu, Y.-C. Hsu, and C.-M. Kuan, ¡§Testing
the predictive ability of technical analysis using a new stepwise test without
data snooping bias,¡¨ Journal of Empirical Finance, 17,
471-484, 2010.
H.-C. Chuang and C.-M. Kuan, "Testing the performance of Taiwan mutual funds
without data snooping bias'' (in Chinese), Review of Securities and Futures
Markets, 22:3, 181-206, 2010.
C.-M. Kuan, J.-H. Yeh, and Y.-C.
Hsu, "Assessing value at risk with CARE, the conditional
autoregressive expectile models,"
of Econometrics,
150, 261-270, 2009.
C.-C. Chuang, C.-M. Kuan, and H.-Y. Lin, "Causality in quantiles and dynamic
stock return-volume relations," Journal of Banking and Finance,
1351-1360, 2009.
Y.-L. Huang, C.-H. Huang and C.-M. Kuan,
Re-examining the permanent income hypothesis with uncertainty in
permanent and transitory innovation
states," Journal
of Macroeconomics, 30, 1816-1836, 2008.
C.-M. Kuan, "Artificial neural networks,"
in New Palgrave Dictionary of
Economics, S.
N. Durlauf and L. E. Blume (eds.), Palgrave Macmillan, 2008.
C.-M. Kuan and Y.-W. Hsieh, "Improved HAC
covariance matrix estimation based on
forecast errors,"
Letters, 99, 89-92, 2008.
Y.-C. Hsu and C.-M. Kuan, "Change point
estimation of nonstationary I(d) processes," Economics
Letters, 98, 115-121, 2008.
C.-L. Chen, C.-M. Kuan, and C.-C. Lin, "Saving
and housing of Taiwan households:
New evidence from quantile regression analysis,"
Journal of Housing Economics,
16, 102-126, 2007.
S.-M. Wang, C.-M. Kuan, and J. C. Lo, "The
effects of maternal characteristics and
pregnancy status on birth weights" (in Chinese),
Taiwan Journal of Public Health,
25:6, 474-481, 2006.
C.-M. Kuan and W.-M. Lee, "Robust M tests
without consistent estimation of asymptotic
covariance matrix,"
of the American Statistical Association, 101, 1264-
1275, 2006.
C.-L. Chen and C.-M. Kuan, "Taiwan's wage
equation and gender wage discrimination:
Evidence from quantile regression analysis" (in Chinese),
Economic Papers, 34, 435-468, 2006.
C.-M. Kuan, Y.-L. Huang, and R. S. Tsay," An
unobserved-component model with
switching permanent and transitory innovations,"
Journal of Business and Economic
Statistics, 23, 443-454, 2005.
P.-H. Hsu and C.-M. Kuan,
Re-examining the
profitability of technical analysis with White's reality check,
" Journal of Financial Econometrics
, 3,
606-628, 2005.
C.-C. Chuang and C.-M. Kuan, "A quantile
regression analysis of return-volume relation: Evidence from the Taiwan
and U.S. stock exchanges" (in Chinese),
Academia Economic Papers, 33, 379-404, 2005.
S.-H. Hsu, C.-M. Kuan, and Y.-H Luo,
"Macroeconomic forecasting based on diffusion indexes (in Chinese)", Economy Forecast and Policy, 36:1, 1-28, 2005.
C.-M. Kuan and W.-M. Lee, "A new test for the
martingale difference hypothesis,'' Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and
Econometrics , 8:4, Article 1, 2004.
Y.-T Chen and C.-M. Kuan , "Time irreversibility and EGARCH
effect in U.S. stock index returns," Journal of
Applied Econometrics , 17 , 565-578, 2002.
Y.-T Chen and C.-M. Kuan , "The pseudo-true score encompassing
test for non-nested hypothesis," Journal of
Econometrics , 106 , 271-295, 2002.
C.-M. Kuan and M.-Y. Chen, "Response surfaces of MOSUM critical
values," Applied Economics Letter, 9
, 133-136, 2002.
C.-C. Lin, M.-W. Hong, and C.-M. Kuan, "The
dynamic behavior of short term interest rates in Taiwan: An application
of the regime switching model" (in Chinese), Academia Economic Papers,
30, 29-55, 2002.
Y.-T Chen and C.-M. Kuan , "Time
irreversibility and EGARCH effect in U.S. stock index returns," Journal
of Applied Econometrics , 17 , 565-578, 2002.
Y.-T Chen and C.-M. Kuan , "The pseudo-true
score encompassing test for non-nested hypothesis," Journal
of Econometrics , 106 , 271-295, 2002.
C.-M. Kuan and M.-Y. Chen, "Response surfaces
of MOSUM critical values," Applied Economics Letter, 9
, 133-136, 2002.
C.-C. Hsu and C.-M. Kuan, "Distinguishing
between trend break models: Method and empirical evidence," Econometrics
Journal, 4 , 171-190, 2001.
M.-Y. Chen and C.-M. Kuan, "Testing parameter
constancy in models with infinite variance errors," Economics Letters, 72, 11-18, 2001.
S.-H. Hsu and C.-M. Kuan, "Identifying Taiwan's
business cycles in 1990s: An application of the bivariate Markov
switching model and Gibbs sampling" (in Chinese), Journal of Social
Sciences and Philosophy , 13, 515-540, 2001.
F. Leisch, K. Hornik, and C.-M. Kuan,
"Monitoring structural changes with the generalized fluctuation test," Econometric
Theory, 16, 835-854, 2000.
Y.-T. Chen, Ray C. Chou, and C.-M. Kuan,
"Testing time reversibility without moment restrictions," Journal of Econometrics, 95, 199-218, 2000.
C.-N. Chen, S. Chen and C.-M. Kuan, "Uniqueness
and indeterminacy: the Marshall-Lerner condition and exchange rate
dynamics," Taiwan Economic Review , 28 ,
401-408, 2000.
C.-M. Kuan, "A note on tests for partial
parameter instability in the trend stationary model," Economics Letters , 65 , 285-291,
J. Chou and C.-M. Kuan, "Identifying the trough
of the eighth business cycle in Taiwan and the cause of its formation"
(in Chinese), Economic Papers , No. 192 ,
Chung-Hua Institution for Economics Research, Taipei, 1999.
C.- M. Kuan, "Some issues in time series model
specification", (in Chinese), 27, 1-17, 1999.
C.-M. Kuan and. C.-C. Hsu, "Change-point
estimation of fractionally integrated processes," Journal of Time Series Analysis, 19, 693-708, 1998.
C.-M. Kuan, "Tests for changes in models with
a polynomial trend," Journal of Econometrics, 84, 75-91, 1998.
Y.-L Huang, C.-M. Kuan , and K. Lin,
"Identifying the turning points of business cycles and forecasting
economic growth rates in Taiwan" (in Chinese), Taiwan
Economic Review , 26, 431-457, 1998.
L. Nunes, P. Newbold, and C.-M. Kuan, "Testing
for unit-roots with breaks: Evidence on the great crash and the unit-root hypothesis reconsidered,"
Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 50, 435-448, 1997.
L. Nunes, P. Newbold, and C.-M. Kuan, "Spurious
number of breaks," Economics Letters , 50 , 175-178, 1996.
C.-M. Kuan and T. Liu, "Forecasting exchange
rates using feedforward and recurrent networks," Journal of Applied Econometrics , 10 , 347-364, 1995.
L. Nunes, C.-M. Kuan, and P. Newbold, "Spurious
break," Econometric Theory , 11 , 736-749, 1995.
C.-S. Chu, K. Hornik, and C.-M. Kuan, "The
moving-estimates test for parameter stability," Econometric Theory , 11 , 669-720, 1995.
C.-S. Chu, K. Hornik, and C.-M. Kuan, "MOSUM
tests for parameter constancy," Biometrika , 82 , 603-617, 1995.
C.-M. Kuan and K. Hornik, "The generalized
fluctuation test: A unifying view," Econometric Reviews , 14 , 135-161, 1995.
C.-M. Kuan, "A recurrent Newton algorithm and
its convergence properties," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks , 6 , 779-783, 1995.
C.-M. Kuan and H. White, "Adaptive learning
with nonlinear dynamics driven by dependent processes," Econometrica ,
62 , 1087-1114, 1994.
C.-M. Kuan, "A range-CUSUM test with recursive
residuals," Economics Letters , 45 , 309-313, 1994.
K. Hornik and C.-M. Kuan, "Gradient-based
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C.-M. Kuan and M.-Y. Chen, "Implementing the
fluctuation and moving-estimates tests in dynamic econometric models," Economics Letters , 44 , 235-239, 1994.
C.-M. Kuan, K. Hornik, and H. White, "A
convergence result for learning in recurrent neural networks," Neural
Computation , 6 , 420-440, 1994.
C.-M. Kuan and H. White, "Artificial neural
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S. Piramuthu, C.-M. Kuan , and M. Shaw,
"Learning algorithms for neural-net decision support," ORSA Journal on Computing , 5 , 361-373, 1993.
K. Hornik and C.-M. Kuan, "Convergence analysis
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C.-M. Kuan and K. Hornik, "Convergence of
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C. W. J. Granger, C.-M. Kuan , M. Mattson, and
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C.-M. Kuan, Statistics: Concepts and Methods,
2nd edition (in Chinese, 495 pages), Taipei: Hua-Tai Publisher, 2004.
Huang, Y.-L. and C.-M.
Kuan, Vector Autoregressive Models: Econometric Methods with
R (in Chinese, 253 pages), Taipei: Yeh-Yeh, 2014.
C.-M. Kuan and T. Liu, "Forecasting
high-frequency futures prices: An experience with neural networks," in
Proceedings of Neural Networks in the Capital Markets, Y. S.
Abu-Mostafa ed., Pasadena: California Institute of Technology, 1994.
C.-M. Kuan, "Review of ` An Empirical Study of
Nonlinear Consumption Function in Taiwan '--Economics Papers No. 145,"
Digest of Chinese Studies , 11-12, 1993.
C.-M. Kuan, "Review of ` An Analysis and
Forecast of International Oil Price '-- Modern Economic Studies Series
No. 26," Digest of Chinese Studies , 9-10, 1993.
C.-M. Kuan , K. Hornik, and T.Liu, "Recurrent
back-propagation and Newton algorithms for training recurrent neural
networks," in Substance Identification Analytics, J. L. Flanagan, R. J. Mammone, A. E. Brandstein, E. R. Pike, S. C. A. Thomopoulos, M. P.
Boyer, H. K. Huang, and O. M. Ratib, eds., Vol. 2093 of Europto Series,
pp. 220-229, SPIE, 1993.
C.-M. Kuan, "Review of ` Demand, Consumption,
and Welfare Economics'-- Essays on the Economy of Taiwan , vol. 8,"
Digest of Chinese Studies , 13-15, 1992.
C.-M. Kuan , "Review of ` Money and Financial
System '-- Essays on the Economy of Taiwan, vol. 4," Digest of Chinese
Studies , 7-9, 1992.
C.-M. Kuan and K. Hornik, "Implementing
recurrent networks," in Proceedings of the Seventh Yale Workshop on
Adaptive and Learning Systems, K. S. Narendra ed., pp. 64-68, New
Haven: Yale University, 1992.
C.-M. Kuan and H. White, "Some convergence
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the Sixth Yale Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Systems, K. S. Narendra ed., pp. 103-109, New Haven: Yale University, 1990.
W.-M. Lee and C.-M. Kuan, "Testing Over-Identifying Restrictions
without Consistent Estimation of the Asymptotic Covariance Matrix,"
Y.-T. Chen and C.-M. Kuan, "
A generalized Jarque-Bera test of
conditional normality, " 2003.
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