Journal Papers
T.-C. Hung and K.-Y. Chan, “Multi-Objective Design and Tolerance Allocation for Single- and Multi-Level Systems”, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (Online) DOI: 10.1007/s10845-011-0608-3 , 2012
T.-C. Hung and K.-Y. Chan, "Uncertainty Quantification of Pareto Optima in Multiobjective Problems", Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing (Online) DOI: 10.1007/s10845-011-0602-9, 2012
H.-W. Chang and K.-Y. Chan, “Sequential Optimization of Transportation Policy Setting and Receptor Location Selection Under Uncertainty”, Transportation (under review), 2011
D.-S. Lin, C.-M. Ho, and K.-Y. Chan, “Beta-Pareto Set Approximation for Multiobjective Optimization Under Uncertainty”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 133(8), 081003, 2011
K.-Y. Chan, “Sequential Linearization in Analytical Target Cascading”, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 225(2), pp.451-462, 2011
K.-Y. Chan and D.-S. Lin, “Algorithm Developments for Optimization Problems with Joint Reliability Constraints”, International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 85(6), pp.768-783, 2011
C.-M. Ho and K.-Y. Chan, “Modified Reduced Gradient With Realizations Sorting for Hard Equality Constraints in Reliability-Based Design Optimization”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 133(1), 011004, 2011
Y.-T Wu and K.-Y. Chan, “Optimal Design and Impact Analysis of Urban Traffic Regulations Under Ambient Uncertainty”, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 25(2), pp.271-286, 2011
Y.-C. Huang and K.-Y. Chan, “A Modified Efficient Global Optimization Algorithm for Maximal Reliability in a Probabilistic Constrained Space”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 132(6), 061002, 2010
K.-S. Hsu and K.-Y. Chan, “A Filter-Based Sample Average SQP for Optimization Problems with Highly Nonlinear Probabilistic Constraints”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design 132 (11), 111002, 2010
K.-Y. Chan, S. Skerolos, and P. Papalambros, “Methodology for Reliability-Based Optimization with Multiple Non-Normal Stochastic Parameters : A Simplified Airshed Management Case Study”, Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 24(1), pp.101-116, 2010
K.-Y. Chan, S. Skerlos and P. Papalambros, “An Adaptive Sequential Linear Programming Algorithm for Optimal Design Problems with Probabilistic Constraints”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 129(2), pp.140-149, 2007.
S. Gunawan, K.-Y. Chan, P. Papalambros, M. Brudnak and G. Van de Bergh, “Software Integration for Simulation-Based Analysis and Robust Design Automation of HMMWV Rollover Behavior”, SAE Transactions Journal of Commercial Vehicle, V.116-2, 2007-01-0140, 2008.
K.-Y. Chan, S. Skerlos, and P. Papalambros, “Monotonicity and Activity Set Strategies in Probabilistic Design Optimization”, ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 128(4), pp.893-900, 2006.
K.-Y. Chan, M. Kokkolaras, Z. Mourelatos, P. Papalambros and S. Skerlos, “Propagation of University in Optimal Design of Multilevel System - A Case Study in Piston Ring/Cylinder Liner Subassembly”, SAE Transactions Journal of Material and Manufacturing, V.5, pp.719-724, 2005.
Conference Papers
S.-C. Chang and K.-Y. Chan, “Multidisciplinary Design of Vehicle Silhouettes Considering Engineering and Aesthetics Measures”, (Best Paper Award) International Conference on Innovative Design and Manufacturing, December 12-14, 2012, Taiwan
Pin-Yi Lin and K.-Y. Chan, "Optimal Sample Augmentation and Resource Allocation for Design with Inadequate Uncertainty Data ", Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, Montreal, Canada, August 12-15, 2012
T.-C. Hung and K.-Y. Chan, “Uncertainty Quantifications of Pareto Optima in Multiobjective Problems”, Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Shizuoka, Japan, June 13-17, 2011
S.-C. Chang and K.-Y. Chan, “Iterative Suspension and Solution Strategy for Complex Engineering Problems”, Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Shizuoka, Japan, June 13-17, 2011
T.-C. Hung and K.-Y. Chan, “Multi-Objective Design and Tolerance Allocation for Single- and Multi-Level Systems”, Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, Montreal, Canada, August 15-18, 2010
C.-M. Ho and K.-Y. Chan, “Modified Reduced Gradient With Realizations Sorting for Hard Equality Constraints in Reliability-Based Design Optimization”, Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, Montreal, Canada, August 15-18, 2010
K.-S. Hsu and K.-Y. Chan, “A Filter-Based Sample Average SQP for Optimization Problems with Highly Nonlinear Probabilistic Constraints”, Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, San Diego, CA, August 30- September 2, 2009
K.-Y. Chan, “A Sequential Linearization Technique for Analytical Target Cascading”, Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, New York City, NY, August 3-6, 2008.
C.-H. Liu and K.-Y. Chan, “Reliability-Based Design of a Pressure Tank under Random and Stochastic Environments”, Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, New York City, NY, August 3-6, 2008
K.-Y. Chan, “Reliability Allocation in Probabilistic Analytical Target Cascading”, Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, Seoul, Korea, May 21-25, 2007.
K.-Y. Chan, “Efficient Sequential Linear Programming Algorithm for Reliability-Based Design Optimization Problems”, Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Reliability and Maintainability, Hsin-Tsu, Taiwan, June 7-8, 2007.
S. Gunawan, K.-Y. Chan, P. Papalambros, M. Brudnak and G. Van de Bergh, “Software Integration for Simulation-Based Analysis and Robust Design Automation of HMMWV Rollover Behavior”, SAE World Congress, Detroit, MI, April 16-19, 2007.
K.-Y. Chan, S. Skerlos, and P. Papalambros, “Optiomal Design of Vechicle Emission Regulations to Comply with Ambient Air Quality Standards Considering Non-normal Random Parameters, Discrete Parameters and Joint Constraint Reliabilities”, Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, Philadelphia, PA, September 10-13, 2006.
K.-Y. Chan, S. Skerlos and P. Papalambros, “An Adaptive Sequential Linear Programming Algorithm for Optimal Design Problems with Probabilistic Constraints”, Proceedings of the ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference, Long Beach, CA, September 24-28, 2005.
K.-Y. Chan, S. Skerlos, and P. Papalambros, “Monotonicity and Active Set Strategies in Probabilistic Design Optimization”, Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Orlando, FL, November 5-11, 2005.
K.-Y. Chan, M. Kokkolaras, Z. Mourelatos, P. Papalambros and S. Skerlos, “Propagation of University in Optimal Design of Multilevel System - A Case Study in Piston Ring/Cylinder Liner Subassembly”, SAE World Congress, Detroit, MI, March 8-11, 2004.
S. Skerlos, W. Morrow, K.-Y. Chan, F. Zhao, and A. Hula, “Economics and Environmental Characteristics of Global Cellular Telephone Remanufacturing”, Proceedings of the Electronics GoesGreen 2003 International Congress and Exhibition : Life-Cycle Enviromnental Stewarship for Electronic Products, Boston, MA, May 19-22, 2003. Also appear in the Proceedings of the Colloquium on e-ecological Manufacturing, Technical University Berlin, March 27, pp.143-147, 2003.
吳典運, “因應資料不確定性之最佳複合式反應曲面”, 國立成功大學機械工程學系碩士論文, 2013 (Composites of Surrogate Models with Data Uncertainty)
韓佾君, “貝氏更新法應用於皮帶系統與不確定性壽命資料之設計整合”, 國立成功大學機械工程學系碩士論文, 2013 (A Bayesian Based Updating Scheme for Belt-Pulley Systems Design with Censored Life Data)
王東泰, “利用反應曲面輔助DIRECT演算法處理耗時工程設計問題”, 國立成功大學機械工程學系碩士論文, 2013 (Surrogate Assisted DIRECT Algorithm for Optimization Problems with Expensive Engineering Simulations)
林彬儀, “針對非充裕不確定資料設計之最佳取樣與資源配置”, 國立成功大學機械工程學系碩士論文, 2012 (Optimal Sample Augmentation and Resource Allocation for Design with Inadequate Uncertainty Data)
K.-Y. Chan, “Monotonicity, Activity and Sequential Linearization in Probabilistic Design Optimization”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, MI, 2005.
K.-Y. Chan, M. Kokkolaras, S. Skerlos, P. Papalambros, “System Integration for Piston Ring - Cylinder Liner Design under Manufacturing Uncertainties”, Technical Report in Dual Use Science and Technology, University of Michigan, 2004.