Ratree Wayland text

Overview of:
Introduction to Phonetics
with Pronunciation Practicum

Professor: Karen Steffen Chung 史嘉琳
NTU: karchung@ntu.edu.tw
gmail: feathermountain@gmail.com

        Sophie demonstrating the
                "e" sound trick

Fall 2019
Mondays 1, 2 (8:10-10:00am) in 外教 203
Wednesdays 10, A (17:30-19:20 [5:30-7:20pm]) in 普103

Class size limit: 45 students   3 credits
Prerequisite: Two semesters of Introduction to Linguistics, or professor's permission
    Join NTU Phonetics on facebook
NTU Open Course Ware homepage
CET articles on English pronunciation
CET articles 1-24 in one pdf file
Links to the corrected versions of the exercises

Here is the provisional syllabus for this semester, based on the Fall 2012 syllabus;
it will be updated week to week.
Note that it is subject to change at any time – in fact there will probably be quite a few changes
so we can spend more time on certain topics when needed.
Please report any errors or dead links you notice!

Website for A Course in Phonetics

      This course is an introduction to theoretical and practical phonetics primarily for future teachers of English enrolled in the education program and for translation program students; secondarily for interested DFLL (foreign language) students; and finally, for other interested students who have taken or are currently taking Introduction to Linguistics, as space allows. If you are not in one of these categories, please see Prof. Chung to determine whether this class is suitable for you. This course is strongly recommended for anybody planning to do further study in linguistics; many of the people admitted to NTU's GIL grad program in linguistics are alumni of this course.

       In the first semester, we will concentrate mainly on the phonetics of English; second semester we will talk about phonetic phenomena in other languages as well. The material we cover second semester will be relatively technical and advanced, so students interested mainly in teaching English or improving their pronunciation may choose to take only first semester. Others may choose to boldly go where a select, elite group before you has gone (i.e. onto second semester)...and prospered!

NOTE: The Fall 2012 Introduction to Phonetics class was video-recorded and is available free of charge to the general public via NTU's Open Course Ware (OCW) site at http://ocw.aca.ntu.edu.tw/ntu-ocw/ The class is not exactly the same from year to year, but students are encouraged to view the videos from Fall 2012 to help review and reinforce the material covered in class. Here is the link to the Phonetics II Spring 2013 second semester.

     We will be using a new textbook this year:

     Phonetics: A Practical Introduction
     by Ratree Wayland
     Cambridge University Press, 2018. Paperback. 276 pages. NT$1000; ask for class discount.

     Available at: 
     Bookman Books 書林書店
     (02) 2365-8617      vicky@bookman.com.tw

     Second semester we will also be using: Ladefoged, Peter. 2005. Vowels and Consonants: An Introduction to the Sounds of Languages.
     2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell. 206pp. Paper. Includes CD-ROM. Make sure you get the 2nd edition. Companion website.
     Ask Prof. Chung about where to get the book; it's no longer available locally.

     The plan is to finish the first five chapters of the Wayland book first semester, to page 114, which means we should work through at least 3-4 pages per class.

     Because we are using a new text this year, be prepared for a few hiccups along the way! (And be prepared to rush to finish the text toward the end of the semester – just an alert so you know beforehand.)

     We will aim to read the textbook aloud for around 10 minutes each class, with each person taking one or a half paragraph or so, with the instructor explaining and clarifying the content as we go along. The instructor will then usually herself continue reading and summarizing parts of the text to save time and keep up with our proposed syllabus.

     We will also use this as an opportunity to correct each student's pronunciation problems, and you will take notes on the corrections you and others receive. This will help you become aware of which areas you need to work on in your own pronunciation.

     You are to organize and input your class notes and corrections into typed notes. If you like, you can use this "pronplan" Excel file to keep organized record; it's also available in the class Google Drive folder.

     You will need a gmail address and invitation to access the class Google Drive folder. Once you've been added, it will be easy the rest of the year. You will edit your files every week, adding the new week's notes to the top of the Word file, pdf it, and submit the file online by Monday, and also submit the paper version in class on Monday.

    General American (GA) will be our standard for this class, but we will make frequent reference to Standard Southern British (SSB) English, sometimes called "RP" ('received pronunciation'; also called 'BBC English' – which by the way is now changing quite rapidly!) – and other dialects of English. We'll also make frequent comparisons to Mandarin Chinese, Southern Min, Cantonese, and other dialects and languages as needed.

     You will be assigned various written exercises, some from the text, some in the form of online handouts. There will usually be at least one chapter test on each chapter of Wayland, to help consolidate the material we cover. And there will be a final exam at the end of each semester. There will also be dictations to help train your ears and sharpen your sensitivity to the sounds of language and quizzes, and to gain mastery of the IPA symbols used for English.

     Some of your learning will be done on computer, both on- and offline. This will include, among other things, downloading and using tools such as Praat phonetics analysis software; completing online tutorials; and searching for sites related to a particular topic of interest.

     All students are required to join the class Facebook group NTU Phonetics. NTU Phonetics on Facebook will give you opportunity to interact outside of class with each other, with phonetics oldtimers – many former phonetics students and others are already on the list, including some high-profile phoneticians – and with the professor. Click on the link above to join if you haven't already. You are welcome to share this resource with others.

     Notes: 1. You will have an assigned seat to facilitate easier and fairer turn-taking.
                 2. The polite way to address your professor is "Professor Chung".
                     (This article explains current practices in the US.)
                     If other teachers invite you to use their first name, then it's OK; otherwise use "Professor" + family name.
                 3. ALWAYS use your NTU email account for class-related correspondence unless otherwise instructed.
                     You will also need a gmail account to use Google Drive, and to submit certain assignments, as instructed.
                 4. Always TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONE while in class.
                     THAN PLAIN WATER OR UNSWEETENED TEA! You may eat and drink in the hallways.
                 6. Use correct format in all your written work:

     Include your name in English and Chinese,
     your student number, and the date, flush left (left justified),
     in the upper right-hand corner of all your work.
     Use Times New Roman 12 pt for text, 新細明 體 12 pt for Chinese,
     and Lucida Sans Unicode 10.5 pt for IPA symbols. Sample:

            Iris Lin 林玉梅
             Introduction to Phonetics
             September 10-12, 2018  Week One

    Make SURE you include the CORRECT WEEK NUMBER for the classes
    the notes are from, based on this syllabus.

    See this sample, and read Melissa Hsiung's 熊偌均 article,
    英文 E-mail 潛規則:老師怎麼不早點教我?!
    for correct email format. FORMAT is IMPORTANT!
    Always start the subject line with: phon
    to show which class the email is for.

    To Page Two 

    There will be 35 class meetings this semester:

    September 2019: 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 30
    October:               2, 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30
    November:           4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, 25, 27
    December:           2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 30
    January 2020:      (1 is a holiday; no class)

    The final exam is currently scheduled for Wednesday January 8, 2020 at 5:30pm in 普103; subject to change.

Week One: 9/09, 9/11


1. Enrollment, authorization codes, assigned seats, learning partners, other class business.

    Make sure you have a textbook, by 9/11 at the latest!
    It's available at Bookman 書林. (2nd floor above McDonald's)

    Also a fresh notebook for class notes and your pronunciation journal;
    loose-leaf paper for transcriptions and dictations:
    a pen with blue ink and one with red ink for quiz marking and corrections;
    correction tape and a mini-stapler are also useful;
    a pencil and eraser if you plan to write in your textbook; a small ruler is useful for underlining in the text;
    a pocket folder or plastic pocket to hold your papers from class - SAVE them all!
    You will also need a computer with Internet access, attached to a working printer with enough ink or toner,
    and a reasonably good-quality headset with microphone for listening and recording. If you don't have these,
    you can use the ones in the computer center, but it is really much more convenient to have your own.
    Try to avoid printing out your homework at the last minute - printers in the computer center are
    known to break down on occasion (or there may be a long line)!

    We'll implement a LEARNING PARTNER system. You can start looking for a partner.
    Hint: Former students have a lot of useful experience and knowledge to share!

2. Overview of the course:

Website for A Course in Phonetics

Introduction to the areas of linguistics and phonetics; see:

4. Homework: Send Prof. Chung an email at karchung@ntu.edu.tw, including:
    1. your gmail address and your Facebook name;
    2. your reason for wanting to take this class;

     See this sample, and read Melissa Hsiung's article, 英文 E-mail 潛規則:老師怎麼不早點教我?!
     for correct email format.
     Always start the subject line with: phon
     to show which class the email is for.

5. Homework: Record "before" versions of passages in English, Mandarin, and other dialects/languages with Audacity software:
    save as an MP3 file (you will need to download a special LAME file in order to convert your file to MP3 format;
    instructions here). Listen to your recording, then write about a page of comments on the recording;
    e-mail the MP3 file together with the Word docx file to: feathermountain@gmail.com; due Wednesday 9/18/19.

6.  Homework: CET articles on pronunciation learning: read CET 1 and 2 (#69 and #70):
     大師開講 — 提升聽力祕 訣:每天請聽「回音」十分鐘(上、下)
     in No. 69, January/February 2012, p. 8-10 and No. 70, March/April 2012, p.12-14.
     Hand this in together with a printout of your organized, type, and pdf-ed class notes.
     Here's a useful handout on note taking.

7. Create a Google Drive folder with your English name as the folder name
    under Phonetics F19.
    Track your achievements with the Google Spreadsheet entitled "Learning Checklist";
    make a copy of it and save it in your Google Drive folder.
    The first sheet is required; the rest are optional.
    You can further alter and customize it to your needs.
    Keep it in your Google Drive folder and update it weekly.

8. Breaktime song: Proud (2000)      by Heather Small      lyrics  

Enrollment and learning partners.

    Sit up straight.
    Ask and answer questions.
    Nod your head. (or: shake your head; or: wrinkle your brow)
    Track the teacher.

3. Video: The Fantastic Voyage: A Journey into the Human Voice

4. Parts of the vocal tract

5. Start learning Hanyu Pinyin with: 漢語拼音八講   local copy

    Eight Lessons in Hanyu Pinyin
    (watch out for three or so errors in the exercises)
    Review it if you've learned it before.

6. Start reading our textbook: Phonetics: A Practical Introduction   
    by Ratree Wayland             publisher's web page
    We need to cover 3-4 pages per class in order to finish chapters 1-5 on time.

    We'll usually (though not always) aim to set aside 10 minutes per 2 class periods
    for individual students to read the text aloud and have their pronunciation corrected.
    Prof. Chung will generally summarize and explain the rest of the text that is covered that day.

7. Breaktime song: Proud (2000)      by Heather Small      lyrics  

Website for A Course in Phonetics

Week Two: 9/16, 9/18 


1. Finalize student list, authorization codes, learning partners, other class business.
    Make sure you have sent your email to Prof. Chung in the correct format,
    including sending it in plain text 純文字;
sample here.
    Always start the subject line with: phon
    to show which class the email is for.

    You will choose a LEARNING PARTNER today and sit next to them every class.
    Hint: Former students have a lot of useful experience and knowledge to share!
    You can choose a learning partner during break if you don't have someone in mind yet.
    Add your partner's name directly into the class list in the class Google Drive folder.

2.  Discuss homework: CET articles on pronunciation learning: read CET 1 and 2 (#69 and #70):
     大師開講 — 提升聽力祕 訣:每天請聽「回音」十分鐘(上、下)
     in No. 69, January/February 2012, p. 8-10 and No. 70, March/April 2012, p.12-14.
英文 E-mail 潛規則:老師怎麼不早點教我?!
     Hand in the paper copies and make sure it has also been uploaded to your Google Drive folder.
     Also update your Learning Checklist.

     For next Monday, read and take notes on: CET 3 (issue 71): /i/ 和 /ɪ/ 的辨別 
     in No. 71, May/June 2012, p. 12-14; and
     「每天做一點」 來改變人生 in English Island 23, November 2017;
     You may need to register on the site, but it's free and there's no obligation.
     Upload your notes to Google Drive by Sunday evening, hand in paper copy on 9/23,
     and remember to update your Learning Checklist.
     Be ready to mention some of the main points of the articles in class!

3. Print out and bring to every class: IPA symbols handout.
    There will be a short dictation on Wednesday 9/18.

     Don't forget to download and work through the Pinyin tutorial!
     We'll have a quiz on it soon.

4.  Review the parts of the vocal tract.

5. Two videos:  One Small Step Can Change Your Life: with Kaizen
and The Pomodoro Technique of time management,
     and improving focus and productivity.

Textbook reading: Wayland, ch. 1.

7. Breaktime song: Lemon Tree     by Fools Garden     lyrics   


1. Audacity recording assignment is due today.
    Make sure you included about a page of comments in a
Word docx file
on the recording and sent it to feathermountain@gmail.com;

2. Dictation #1.

3. Textbook reading: Wayland, ch. 1.

4. Breaktime song: Lemon Tree     by Fools Garden     lyrics   

Week three: 9/23, 9/25 
Comments on notes:
    1.   In addition to shouting and whispering, clearing your throat is also harmful to your vocal folds;
    2.   Watch for number: Class "note"? (should be: notes);
    3.   Watch your fonts, especially 新細明體 or equivalent for Chinese;
    4.   Flush left for name box;
    5.   Watch(parentheses)spacing (should be:
Watch (parentheses) spacing.)
    6.   Both given and family name for English and Chinese, not just "Mary";
    7.   Make up missing work asap, especially new students;
    8.   Add the name of your Learning Partner to the class list on Google Drive, also
          check to make sure the other information is correct;
    9.   Make sure you've made a COPY of the LEARNING CHECKLIST with a NEW FILE NAME
          and added it to your Google Drive folder; this is to be UPDATED EVERY WEEK. 
    10. Angel 蔣維珊 and Leo 王立宇: Have you submitted your Parrot recording? Please do so asap!

2.  Discuss homework:
CET 3 (issue 71): /i/ 和 /ɪ/ 的辨別 in No. 71, May/June 2012, p. 12-14; and
     「每天做一點」 來改變人生 in English Island 23, November 2017;

     Hand in the paper copies and make sure it has also been uploaded to your Google Drive folder.
     Also update your Learning Checklist. and make sure you've added your Learning Partner's name
     to the class list. Remember to check on your Learning Partner weekly, and make sure they check on you too!

     For next Monday 9/30, read and take notes on:
     CET 4 (issue 72): 「重音」真 的很重要!  in No. 71, May/June 2012, p. 12-14; and
     Echo Method: 用「回音記憶」打造nativelike的語感 in English Island 16, April 2017.
     Upload your notes to Google Drive by Sunday evening, hand in paper copy on 9/30,
     and remember to update your Learning Checklist.
     Be ready to mention some of the main points of the articles in class!

The Pomodoro Technique of time management (link corrected).

4. Textbook reading: Wayland, ch. 1.

5. Breaktime song:  School Days (1957)     Chuck Berry      lyrics      juke box   

Dictation #2: /i/ vs. /ɪ/, final /-p/.
     More practice with /i/ vs. /ɪ/ here: 
     efl net: Sound contrasts

2.  Continue textbook reading: Wayland, ch. 1.

     glottis 聲門 
     diaphragm 橫隔膜 
     Bernoulli Principle: 白努利定律
     arytenoid cartilages 杓狀軟骨
     thyroid cartilage 甲狀軟骨
     cricoid cartilage 環狀軟骨 
     primary, secondary articulation 主要、次要調音
     labialization 唇音化
     palatalization 顎音化  
     pharyngealization 喉壁化
     contour consonants = two consecutive articulations 
     complex consonants = double articulations
     trill 顫音
     tap, flap 閃音、彈音       

3. Breaktime song:  School Days (1957)     Chuck Berry      lyrics      juke box   

    Berry later recorded a different set of lyrics to the same tune in 1964: No Particular Place to Go
    (It has a pretty funny ending!)

Week four: 9/30, 10/02 

No class due to typhoon.

Discuss homework: CET 4 (issue 72): 「重音」真 的很重要! in No. 72, July/August 2012, p. 12-14; and
     Echo Method: 用「回音記憶」打造nativelike的語感 in English Island 16, April 2017.

     Also update your Learning Checklist. and make sure you've added your Learning Partner's name
     to the class list. Remember to check on your Learning Partner weekly, and make sure they check on you too!

     For next Monday 10/07, read and take notes on:
     CET 5 (issue 73):
英語教學死 角:複合名詞重音 in No. 73, September/October 2012, p. 12-14; and
語調下降?我還以為你講完了 (topic: the continuation rise) in English Island 36, January 2019;
     Upload your notes to Google Drive by Sunday evening, hand in paper copy on 10/07,
     and remember to update your Learning Checklist.
     And make sure you have COPIED and RENAMED the Learning Checklist in your own folder
     so you don't change the original when you update.

     Be ready to mention some of the main points of the articles in class!

2. Textbook reading: Wayland, ch. 1.

3.  Breaktime song:     Erin Boheme     Don't Be Something You Ain't    lyrics 

Week five: 10/07, 10/09  
Discuss homework:
CET 5 (issue 73): 英語教學死角:複合名詞重音 in No. 73, September/October 2012, p. 12-14; and
     語調下降?我還以為你講完了 (topic: the continuation rise) in English Island 36, January 2019.
     Include your list of five examples of compound noun stress in English that you have collected via listening.

     Exchange work and check your learning partner's homework carefully for fonts and format.
     If there are problems, it will be counted as 缺交. Take it home, fix everything, reprint, and hand it in on Wednesday.

     Also update your Learning Checklist. and make sure you've added your Learning Partner's name
     to the class list. Remember to check on your Learning Partner weekly, and make sure they check on you too!

     For next Monday 10/14, read and take notes on:
     CET 6 (issue 74): 
抑揚頓挫: 英語的語調和斷句 in No. 74, November/December 2012, p. 12-14; and
     越開朗,語言學得越快 (topic: overcome your shyness to learn English better) in English Island 22, October 2017.

     Some students took exception to the idea that "giggling while talking" was less acceptable
     for men than for women, suggesting that shyness was a problem for both sexes equally.
     Here is a podcast that address the issue of male stereotypes, which may be of interest to some.

     Upload your notes to Google Drive by Sunday evening, hand in paper copy on 10/14,
     and remember to update your Learning Checklist.
     And make sure you have COPIED and RENAMED the Learning Checklist in your own folder
     so you don't change the original when you update.
     Be ready to mention some of the main points of the articles in class!

2.  First compound noun stress quiz on Wednesday 10/09.

.  Continue textbook reading: Wayland, ch. 1.

4.  Breaktime song:   Landon Pigg      Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop (2009)     video with lyrics      lyrics   

First compound noun stress quiz.
     Our first Pinyin quiz will be soon, so make sure you've finished the Pinyin Tutorial and have practiced!

2.  Continue textbook reading: Wayland, ch. 1.

3.  Breaktime song:   Landon Pigg      Falling In Love At A Coffee Shop (2009)     video with lyrics      lyrics   

Week six: 10/14, 10/16  
Discuss homework:
CET 6 (issue 74): 抑揚頓挫: 英語的語調和斷句 in No. 74, November/December 2012, p. 12-14; and
     越開朗,語言學得越快 (topic: overcome your shyness to learn English better) in English Island 22, October 2017.
     Make sure you have i
ncluded your list of five examples of compound noun stress in English
     that you have collected via listening, and make sure your format is correct, and that you've uploaded
     your work to your Google Drive folder.

     For next Monday 10/21, read and take notes on: CET 7 (issue 75): Stop at stops! — 遇到塞音請停!  
     in No. 75, January/February 2013, p. 12-14; and  台灣教室裡找不到的「嘲諷課」((topic: sarcasm)
     in English Island 1 & 2, January & February 2016.     

2.  There's still time to register for the October 19 LST
     2019語言學門教師成果發表工作坊 暨臺灣語言學學會第20周年慶 第11屆第1次會員大會
     conference at 師大!

3.  Second compound noun stress quiz on Wednesday 10/16.
4.  Continue textbook reading: Wayland, ch. 1.
     Note: "trill" ≠ "thrill"!

5.  Interactive IPA Chart for practice and reference

6. Useful (but not necessarily 100% reliable) tool: Online converter of English text to IPA phonetic transcription

7.  Breaktime song:  Lana Del Rey       Looking For America       lyrics  

Second compound noun stress quiz.
     Remember to complete the Pinyin tutorial!

2.  Continue textbook reading: Wayland, ch. 1.
     Weird Phonemes - pronouncing the world's rarest sounds 
     Epiglottal plosive half speed  

3.  Breaktime song:  Lana Del Rey       Looking For America       lyrics  

Week seven: 10/21, 10/23  
  Discuss homework:
CET 7 (issue 75): Stop at stops! — 遇到塞音請停!  
     in No. 75, January/February 2013, p. 12-14; and  台灣教室裡找不到的「嘲諷課」(
     (topic: sarcasm) in English Island 1 & 2, January & February 2016.  

     Make sure you have i
ncluded your list of five examples of compound noun stress in English
     that you have collected via listening, and make sure your format is correct, and that you've uploaded
     your work to your Google Drive folder.

     For next Monday 10/28, read and take notes on: CET 8 (issue 76) "-s" 和 "-ed" 詞尾 怎麼唸?  
     in No. 76, March/April 2013, p. 12-14; and
連音塞音篇:STOP at STOPS! 遇到塞音請暫停! 
     in English Island 34, November 2018.  

2.  Third compound noun stress quiz on Wednesday 10/23; keep the subrules in mind!
3.  Continue textbook reading: Wayland, ch. 1.

4.  Weird Phonemes - pronouncing the world's rarest sounds 
     Epiglottal plosive half speed  

5.  Interactive IPA Chart for practice and reference

6.  Breaktime song:  Anna Kendrick     Cups (Pitch Perfect's When I'm Gone)       lyrics   
     video with lyrics       Cup song tutorial      tap dance   

Third compound noun stress quiz. K
eep the subrules in mind!
     Remember to complete the Pinyin tutorial!

2.  Continue textbook reading: Wayland, ch. 1.

3.  Breaktime song:  Anna Kendrick     Cups (Pitch Perfect's When I'm Gone)       lyrics   
     video with lyrics       Cup song tutorial      tap dance    

Week eight: 10/28, 10/30     
1.  Discuss homework: CET 8 (issue 76) "-s" 和 "-ed" 詞尾 怎麼唸?  
     in No. 76, March/April 2013, p. 12-14; and 連音塞音篇:STOP at STOPS! 遇到塞音請暫停! 
     in English Island 34, November 2018.  
     Make sure you hand in any late homework.

     For next Monday 11/04, read and take notes on:
CET 9 & 10 (issues 77 & 78)
     鼻音/m /、/n/ 與 /ŋ/ —— No problen? (上、下)  in CET No. 77, May/June 2013, p. 12-14
     and No. 78, July/August 2013, p. 12-14; and
     連音:英語「字裡行間」的玄機 - 母音篇 in
English Island 31, July 2018.

     In addition, read and take notes on Phonetics I, p. 15: More on Phonemes and Allophones

2.  First Pinyin quiz on Wednesday 10/30.
3.  Finish reading Wayland ch 1,
start reading ch. 2
     Do the written exercises at the end of the chapter on separate sheets of paper;
     we'll mark them on Wednesday 10/30.

4. Book sharing: Educated: A Memoir, by Tara Westover.  

    Interview with Ellen DeGeneres          Aspen Institute conversation   

5.  Breaktime songs for Halloween: 
     1. A novelty song that's a little creepy but mostly fun,
         and good rhythm practice:
         They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-haaa! (1966)      by Napoleon XIV (Jerry Samuels)  
     2. The Monster Mash     by Bobby Pickett     with lyrics  

  First Pinyin quiz and dictation on /-t/ vs. /-d/.

2.  Mark written exercises for Wayland, ch. 1.

3.  Breaktime songs for Halloween: 
     1. A novelty song that's a little creepy but mostly fun,
         and good rhythm practice:
         They're Coming to Take Me Away, Ha-haaa! (1966)      by Napoleon XIV (Jerry Samuels)  
     2. The Monster Mash     by Bobby Pickett     with lyrics  

Website for A Course in Phonetics  

Week nine: 11/04, 11/06        
  Chapter test on Wayland, chapter 1. We'll mark the compound noun stress quiz and dictation in class.

2.  Discuss homework: CET 9 & 10 (issues 77 & 78) 鼻音/m /、/n/ 與 /ŋ/ —— No problen? (上、下) 
     in CET No. 77, May/June 2013, p. 12-14 and No. 78, July/August 2013, p. 12-14; and
     連音:英語「字裡行間」的玄機 - 母音篇 in English Island 31, July 2018.

     For next Monday 11/11, read and take notes on: CET 11 (issue 79)
     台式英語罪魁禍首:/æ /、/ɛ/ 和 /eɪ/ in No. 79, September/October 2013, p. 12-14; and
     中文也有片語動詞嗎? in English Island 39, April 2019.

     Make sure you have handed in your notes on Phonetics I, p. 15: More on Phonemes and Allophones

     Hand in any late ch. 1 exercises or other homework.
3.  Continue reading Wayland ch. 2.

4. Book sharing: Last Boat Out of Shanghai    by Helen Zia 
謝漢蘭:離開上海的最後一艘船       Talk given in Hong Kong 

5.  Breaktime song: Phil Ochs      Draft Dodger's Rag (1965)     lyrics   

Continue reading Wayland, ch. 2.

2.  Breaktime song:
Phil Ochs      Draft Dodger's Rag (1965)     lyrics   

Website for A Course in Phonetics

Week ten: 11/11, 11/13      
  Discuss homework: CET 11 (issue 79) 台式英語罪魁禍首:/æ /、/ɛ/ 和 /eɪ/
     in No. 79, September/October 2013, p. 12-14; and
     中文也有片語動詞嗎? in English Island 39, April 2019.
     Make sure you have handed in your notes on Phonetics I, p. 15: More on Phonemes and Allophones     
     If you still haven't, please hand them in on Wednesday, 11/13.

     For next Monday 11/18, read and take notes on: CET 12 (issue 80)
     英語發音百樂篇(一): Pronunciation Potluck (1) in No. 80, November/December 2013,
     p. 12-14; and 連音鼻音篇:如何避免“N”G英文? in English Island 32, September 2018.

2.  We'll go over the chapter test on Wayland, chapter 1 in class;
     correct your test paper carefully and submit on Wednesday 11/13.
     Include your original test papers; make your corrections on a separate sheet;
     staple all three together.
     Make sure you fully clarify any aspect of the test where you still have questions.  

3.  Continue reading Wayland ch. 2.

4.   Ingressive speech: Norwegian: 1     Swedish 2     Danish: 3    Prince Edward Island: 4 (from 1:53) 

     Georgian tongue twister with uvular ejectives: 'The frog croaks in the water'   how to pronounce a uvular ejective 

5.  Breaktime song: Phil Ochs      When I'm Gone (1966)     lyrics  

  Hand in ch 1 test corrections.

2.  Learn how to pronounce ejectives.
     Some Chinese translations for "ejective": 外爆音、緊喉音、噴音;
     for "egressive": 外呼音、呼氣音、擠氣音、外擠音;
     for "ingressive": 內吸音;
     for "creaky voice": 吱嘎(嗓)音;
     for "breathy voice": 氣(聲)音;
     for "plosive": 爆音、爆破音.
     for "implosive": 內爆音
     for "click": 咂 zā 音、搭嘴音、吸氣音

3.  Finish reading Wayland, ch. 2.

4.  Breaktime song:
Phil Ochs      When I'm Gone (1966)     lyrics  

Website for A Course in Phonetics

Week eleven: 11/18, 11/20       

1.  Discuss homework:
CET 12 (issue 80) 英語發音百樂篇(一):
     Pronunciation Potluck (1) in No. 80, November/December 2013, p. 12-14; and
     連音鼻音篇:如何避免“N”G英文? in English Island 32, September 2018.

     If you still haven't, please hand them in on Wednesday, 11/20.

     For next Monday 11/25, read and take notes on: CET 13 (issue 81)
     英語發音百樂篇(二): Pronunciation Potluck (2) in No. 81, January/February 2014, p. 12-14, and
     連音"y"字篇:「醬子」講哪裡不對? in English Island 33, October 2018.

2.  Make sure you can distinguish "ear" from "year"; "east" from "yeast"

3.  We'll go over the exercises for Wayland, chapter 2 in class on Wednesday 11/20.

4.  Continue reading Wayland ch. 3.

5. Pinyin tone mark converter
6.  Breaktime song: Joan Baez      Diamonds and Rust (1975)     lyrics      Washington Square Park 

1.  We'll go over the exercises for Wayland, chapter 2 in class on Wednesday 11/20.
     Make sure you have handed in your notes on Phonetics I, p. 15: More on Phonemes and Allophones    

2.  Continue reading Wayland, ch. 3.

3.  Bite-size Taiwanese podcast 

4.  Include in Monday's notes: How do Dutch people feel about Afrikaans?

Breaktime song: Joan Baez      Diamonds and Rust (1975)     lyrics      Washington Square Park   

Week twelve: 11/25, 11/27       

1.  Discuss homework:
CET 13 (issue 81) 英語發音百樂篇(二): Pronunciation Potluck (2)
     in No. 81, January/February 2014, p. 12-14, and
     連音"y"字篇:「醬子」講哪裡不對? in English Island 33, October 2018.

     For next Monday 12/02, read and take notes on:
CET 14 (issue 82)
     英語發音百樂篇(三): Pronunciation Potluck (3) in No. 82, March/April 2014, p. 12-14, and
     到底是Yes還是No? in English Island 12, December 2016.

2.  Continue reading Wayland ch. 3.

3.  Breaktime song:
Joe Jackson    Be My Number Two      lyrics

1.  Continue reading Wayland, ch. 3.

2.  Breaktime song: Joe Jackson    Be My Number Two      lyrics

Website for A Course in Phonetics

Week thirteen: 12/02, 12/04       

1.  Discuss homework:
CET 14 (issue 82) 英語發音百樂篇(三): Pronunciation Potluck (3)
     in No. 82, March/April 2014, p. 12-14, and
     到底是Yes還是No? in English Island 12, December 2016.

     For next Monday 12/09, read and take notes on:
CET 15 (issue 83)
     英語發音百樂篇(四): Pronunciation Potluck (4) in No. 83, May/June 2014, p. 12-14, and
     「抓到了!母語人士動詞時態不一致!」(我也可以不用管動詞時態嗎?) in English Island 30, June 2018.

     In addition, please read and work through: 32. Schwa elision in English

2.  Print out and bring this handout to future classes: Jimmy's table for Transcribing Mandarin into IPA
     Spend some time studying it.

3.  Continue reading Wayland ch. 3.

     Peter Ladefoged's analysis of English as having a binary stress system;
     this Wikipedia entry also includes comparisons to other proposals.

4.  Breaktime song:
  The House Band     The Setting (1994)      lyrics with guitar chords  

1.  Continue reading Wayland, ch. 3.
     Do the written exercises for ch. 3.

2.  English rhythm: Beyond iambic and trochaic: About Poetry: English Prosody  Plus: Selected Literary Terms  

3. Book sharing: Volume Control: Hearing in a Deafening World by David Owen
    NPR Fresh Air interview with David Owen: Hearing in a Deafening World   

4.  Breaktime song:  
The House Band     The Setting (1994)      lyrics with guitar chords  

Website for A Course in Phonetics


Week fourteen: 12/09, 12/11      

1.  Discuss homework: CET 15 (issue 83) 語發音 百樂篇(四): Pronunciation Potluck (4)
     in No. 83, May/June 2014, p. 12-14, and
     「抓到 了!母語人士動詞時態不一致!」(我也可以 不用管動詞時態嗎?) in English Island 30, June 2018.

     Plus 32. Schwa elision in English

     For next Monday 12/16, read and take notes on: CET 16 (issue 84) and CET 17 (issue 85)
     Do not 和 don’t意思一樣嗎?英語的縮讀字(上、下) in No. 84, July/August 2014, p. 12-14 and
     No. 85, September/October 2014, p. 16-18, together with
     會唱這兩首歌,就學會假設語氣 in English Island 14, June 2017.

2.  Continue reading Wayland, ch. 3.
     Do the written exercises for ch. 3.

3.  Breaktime song:   Dave Frishberg      Blizzard of Lies      lyrics   

  Finish reading Wayland, ch. 3.

2.  Go over the written exercises for Wayland, ch. 3.

3.  Remember to bring handout to class next Monday: Jimmy's table for Transcribing Mandarin into IPA
     Spend some time studying it.

4.  Test on Wayland chapters 2 and 3, focusing on ch 3, on Wednesday December 18.

5.  Do
the Three Tutorials on Voicing and Plosives, p. 17.

6.  Breaktime song:   Dave Frishberg      Blizzard of Lies      lyrics   

Week fifteen: 12/16, 12/18           

1.  Discuss homework:
CET 16 (issue 84) and CET 17 (issue 85)
     Do not 和 don’t意思一樣嗎?英語的縮讀字(上、下) in No. 84, July/August 2014, p. 12-14 and
     No. 85, September/October 2014, p. 16-18, together with
     會唱這兩首歌,就學會假設語氣 in English Island 14, June 2017.

     Also: Discuss the Three Tutorials on Voicing and Plosives, p. 17.

     Make sure you have handed in your notes on 32. Schwa elision in English.

     For next Monday 12/23, read and take notes on: CET 18 (issue 86)
     次重音:次要的重音還是很重要! in No. 86, November/December 2014, p. 12-14, together with
     台灣味學習法:用注音練英文母音 in English Island 24, December 2017.

2.  Chapter test on Wayland, ch. 3; material from ch. 2 will also be included, on Wednesday December 18.

3.  Start reading Wayland, ch. 4.
4.  Breaktime song:   Harry Chapin   Cat's in the Cradle
1974  (live)     video with lyrics     lyrics   

Test on Wayland chapters 2 and 3, focusing on ch 3.

2.  Continue reading Wayland, ch. 4.

3.  Remember to bring handout to class: Jimmy's table for Transcribing Mandarin into IPA
     Spend some time studying it.

Breaktime song:  
  Harry Chapin   Cat's in the Cradle 1974  (live)     video with lyrics     lyrics   

Week sixteen: 12/23, 12/25           

1.  Discuss homework: CET 18 (#86)
次重音:次要的重音還是很重要! in No. 86, November/December 2014, p. 12-14,
     together with 台灣味學習法:用注音練英文母音 in English Island 24, December 2017.

     Remember to bring handout to Wednesday's 12/25 class: Jimmy's table for Transcribing Mandarin into IPA

2.  Book sharing: Breaking the Sound Barrier: Teaching Language Learners How to Listen by Gianfranco Conti

3.  Continue reading Wayland, ch. 4.
4.  Breaktime Christmas carols:  Lully, Lulla, Thou Little Tiny Child / Good People All, This Christmastime / words 
     Sweet Was the Song the Virgin Sang by Maddy Prior and the Carnival Band · Sneak's Noyse

12/25   Christmas Day
1.  Due January 6: Prepare:
     (I) a written evaluation of this semester's class and
     (II) an organized summary of your class notes, in two separate pdf files:

     I. End-of-semester evaluation:
        Part 1: evaluate the class, materials, teacher, syllabus, homework assignments,
        what was most and least useful, things that could be improved, and how
        — everything about the class this semester.
        Part 2: Evaluate yourself: Attendance and punctuality, homework submission,
        how much you learned from the class, how much effort you put into this class,
        Part 3: How do you plan to continue improving your English in general and
        your English listening and pronunciation skills in particular?
        Part 4: Relisten to the recording of yourself you made early in the semester, then write
        your reaction to what you hear, noting and changes or improvements.

     II. Organized summary of your class notes:
         Go through all your old notes, and organize them into a summary of main points.
         You do not have to include every single detail from your notes; try rather to combine
          notes that are about the same thing and to generalize.

         Format and submission instructions: Convert your files to pdf format
         before emailing both files to Prof. Chung at: feathermountain@gmail.com

         Make sure ALL your work has been uploaded to your Google Drive folder,
         and update your Learning Checklist.

2.   Correct your test on Wayland, chapters 2 and 3 on a separate sheet of paper;
      hand it in with the original test paper on Monday, Dec. 30.

The final exam will be held on Wednesday, January 8 at the usual time and place,
     i.e. 5:30pm in 普 103.

4.  Learn the IPA for all of the vowels and consonants of English!
     Transcribe all of the example words in the table in the English Island article:

  Transcribing Mandarin into IPA.

Jimmy's table for Transcribing Mandarin into IPA 
     Practice text for transcribing Mandarin in
IPA:  小狗「布丁」 用嘴做環保
     transcribe the first paragraph.

     Sample reference transcription (watch out for a few errors)

Continue reading Wayland, ch. 4.
7.  Breaktime Christmas carols:  Lully, Lulla, Thou Little Tiny Child / Good People All, This Christmastime / words 
     Sweet Was the Song the Virgin Sang by Maddy Prior and the Carnival Band · Sneak's Noyse

Week seventeen: 12/30 (Wednesday, January 1 is a holiday; no class)
1.  Make sure ALL your homework has been turned in and uploaded to your Google Drive folder;
     update your Learning Checklist; and submit your notes summary, class evaluation,
     and response to the Parrot recording

Check IPA transcriptions of the example words in the table in the English Island article:
     台 灣味學習法:用注音練英文母音.
     Make sure you are able to fill in a table with IPA symbols
all of the vowel and consonant sounds of English!

3.  Check your IPA transcription of first paragraph of the Mandarin text:
小狗「布丁」 用嘴做環保.
     Jimmy's table for Transcribing Mandarin into IPA
     Sample reference transcription (watch out for a few errors)

4.  Finish reading Wayland, ch. 4.

5.  Breaktime song: Happy New Year (1980)    ABBA      lyrics   

Exercises for Chapter One
Exercises for Chapter Two
Exercises for Chapter Three
Exercises for Chapter Four
Exercises for Chapter Five

Exercises for Chapter Six
Exercises for Chapter Seven
Exercises for Chapter Eight