

中心簡介 Introduction

國立臺灣大學為整合能源相關議題之研究人才及資源,提升研究之層次及效能,特設校級功能性「能源研究中心」(以下簡稱本中心,英文名稱:Energy Research Center, NTU)。 本中心之任務如下:






National Taiwan University has set up a school-level functional "Energy Research Center" in order to integrate research talents and resources on energy-related issues and improve the level and efficiency of research. The tasks are as follows:

1. integrate research manpower and equipment, and carry out innovative research and development.

2. Improve research focusing on Taiwan's natural, cultural, and industrial environments.

3. Execute industry, government, and academic research programs to promote the development of my country's energy industry.

4. Promote international research and development cooperation and academic exchange activities related to energy issues.

5.Cultivate research talents and accelerate domestic sustainable energy research and development capabilities and education.