Freshman English: Readings and Lab
Fall 2016 and Spring 2017
College of Science


Mondays 外教 101, class periods 3/4, 10:20am-12:10pm,
Wednesdays 新生大樓 403, class periods 1/2, 8:10-10:00am

Professor Karen Steffen Chung 史嘉琳
(the first Google hit for 'Karen Chung')

TA: Andrea Lay 賴宜謙

Total class meetings and important dates Fall 2016
Join: Class Facebook Group
Facebook: Karen on Ivy League Analytical English
Readings Fall 2016

師德文教 CET Hello! E.T. 大師開講 articles on English learning
First 12 CET articles in one single pdf file

Goals of Course
E-mail and miscellaneous requirements
List of somewhat shorter novels for book report assignment
News and podcasts
Grade calculation
Outside Work
Study aids and resources
Inputting KK/IPA symbols
English TTS (text to speech) (good for proofreading); Chinese TTS
Google in English

Fall 2016: 32 class meetings

September 2016: 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28
October: 3, 5, (10 is a holiday), 12, 17, 19, 24, 26, 31
November: 2, 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, 23, 28, 30
December: 5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28
January 2017: (2 is a holiday), 4

Important dates (Fall 2016):
Cancel-add: September 12-24

Application period for withdrawing from a course:
September 27-December 9
Finalization of class schedules:
October 3-7
Double Tenth National Day holiday (no class):
Monday, October 10
Online application for exemption from advanced English class:
October 17-21 (tentative)
Mid-semester online student course evaluations:
October 31-November 11
(no midterm will be given for this class): November 7-11
NTU Campus Fair:
Saturday, November 12
Anniversary of the Founding of Taiwan University (no class):
Tuesday, November 15
New Year's Day/Founding Day of the ROC:
Sunday, January 1, 2017
End-of-semester online student course evaluations:
December 23, 2016-January 5, 2017
Last day of class:
Friday, January 6, 2017
Final exams:
January 9-13, 2017
Freshman English final exam:
Wednesday, January 11, 2017 in 新403
Winter break:
January 16-February 19, 2017
Chinese New Year's Eve:
Monday, January 30, 2017


I. Books
Optional textbook:

1. 親愛的英文,我到底哪裡錯了? (fb)
作者: 史考特•科斯博 (Scott Cuthbert)
出版社:本事文化  2014

Optional picture dictionary for vocabulary-building:
2. English-Chinese Oxford Picture Dictionary, 2nd edition.
Adelson-Goldstein, Jayme & Norma Shapiro. New York:
Oxford University Press, 2009.
Available at 台大出版中心 (總圖旁)

This is a collection of the most high-frequency and useful words in English.
You may know many of them already, but almost certainly not all of them.
Setting up a program for yourself to learn a few pages of the vocabulary a day -
the pictures make it easier - means you are likely to have important words
ready when you need them in a pinch.

3. Here is a short, simple edition of the Oxford English Picture Dictionary.
Make sure you know all the words in it!

II. Other materials
1.  Dictionaries
     Check ALL words you're not COMPLETELY sure of here –

     a.  Merriam-Webster Online (GA [= General American])

     b.  The Free Dictionary (GA and BE [= Standard Southern British English])

     c.  Cambridge Advanced Dictionary (GA and BE)

Checking your grammar with Google
    Read this and follow the instructions to check your work
    BEFORE submitting any assignment:
    Using Google as a Usage Barometer, by Jerome C. Su.

3. Hello!ET (CET) 師德 articles on pronunciation, by Karen Chung

4. Excel spreadsheet with individual pronunciation points
    and issue number of related CET article:
    Use for pronunciation improvement plan.
    Available over Google Drive; use your gmail address to access the folder.
5. Simplified English novels
    Extra credit given for one-paragraph summary of each book you read
    Record of books read on Sheet Two of Pronunciation Plan file.
    Simplified novels are fine - the originals are usually too long and difficult.
    Try the library, or Bookman's, Crane's, Lailai, or Cave's, and exchange with classmates.
    FYI: Literary genres include: novel, short story, drama, poetry, essay.

6. For reference: About Poetry: English Prosody Plus Selected Literary Terms

7. Book sharing: Ms. Chung will occasionally share a book with the class that she is currently reading:
    you are encouraged to do so too!

III. Technology
1. Always use your NTU email account for class business unless otherwise instructed.
2. Join: the Class Facebook Group
3. Join: Karen on Ivy League Analytical English
on Facebook
4. Everybody must have a gmail account and be added to Google Drive, to post, read and edit class assignments.
5. Submit your Echo practice listening log, update your pronunciation plan and your reading list, add new vocabulary, and enter errors and corrections WEEKLY in your Excel file on Google Drive.
6. Submit your weekly class notes into a Word file on Google Drive.
7. Free recording software: Audacity
8. Optional: Online Flash Cards
9. Optional: Free audio books are available on Librivox

(will be added to week by week, and is subject to change at any time)

September 12
Introductions; class list - please fill in your English or Romanized name, gmail address, and what musical instrument you play, if any (for Christmas carol sing on December 21).

(2) Format for name on homework – in upper right hand corner, left justified:

    Iris Lin 林玉梅
    Freshman English  Week One
    September 18, 2013  

Times New Roman 12 pt for text,
Lucida Sans Unicode 10.5pt for IPA symbols,
       新細明體 12pt
for 中文

 Each student is required to send an e-mail message to the professor and TA Andrea with an English quote you like, together with its source. (Example: "We are cups, constantly and quietly being filled. The trick is, knowing how to tip ourselves over and let the beautiful stuff out." Ray Bradbury (1932- ), American author) It must be a verifiable quote, CORRECTLY FORMATTED, containing no errors. Here is a sample so you know what format to use.

     Read and refer to this article by former TA Melissa Hsiung on how to write an email, entitled:
     英文 Email 潛規則老師怎麼不早點教我?! 文/ 熊偌均

     The purpose of this is (1) to collect the e-mail addresses of everyone in the class, so we can all use them for class communications; and (2) to remind you right at the beginning of the semester of the importance of producing careful work that is not filled with sloppy mistakes. Make sure you sign your name to every e-mail you write! Put "fe quote" in the subject line. Pay attention to correct format; for example, leave a space before and after (parentheses) like this. Without a space it looks like(this)and this is not acceptable in English written format.

     Every student must also register with the New York TImes and subscribe to their daily news digest (these are free, as is access to up to ten news stories a month). You will be asked to choose the kinds of news you'd like to receive. The aim of this requirement is give you at least a passing familiarity with current international events, and for you to get used to using English-language news media sources. Include this sentence in your email: "I have subscribed to the New York Times news digest."

The New York Times (US):
The New York Times homepage:

       In addition, include your gmail address, so we can add you to Google Drive.

This assignment is due September 21.

(4)  Print this out and bring it to class: Chapter 12. 不可以 Bù Keyi Not allowed,
Dreaming in Chinese: Mandarin Lessons in Life, Love, and Language. by Deborah Fallows.
       New York: Walker & Co. 2011. 159pp.
       It is numbered from 1 to 28; some of you will be assigned a part
       to prepare to read and translate precisely next class.
       Make sure to upload your translation to Google Drive by 9/30!
       Listen carefully
to this
MP3 file and use it to learn correct pronunciations; mark stresses on your text.
       Enter the new vocabulary in your Excel file on Google Drive and learn it; there will be a quiz on it.

Read and summarize
CET article #1 (issue 69) and CET article #2 (issue 70)
      and include in next Monday's class notes.

) Andrea will introduce the Pomodoro Technique of time management,
      and improving focus and productivity on Wednesday Sept. 14.

(7) Learn and sing: My dame has a lame tame crane

You can keep track of the books you read on Goodreads;
       see also the 2016 Goodreads Reading Challenge

(9)  Warm-up song: Nat King Cole: Kemo Kimo

September 14
(1) Attendance, assigned seats; format of email quote assignment (No html!)

(2) Dictation.

(3) Review: My dame has a lame tame crane

(4) Mini-conversations:
     a. 1 and 2: Introductions (in-class)
     b. Learn and practice Mini-conversations 1 and 2; practice on 9/19; perform on 9/21

(5) Prepare to read aloud and translate page 1 on 9/19: 不可以 Bu keyi: Not allowed,
      from Dreaming in Chinese, by Deborah Fallows. MP3 file

Do a transcription of Yellow Horses, from the podcast Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase,
      due Wednesday, September 21.

(7)  Warm-up song: Nat King Cole: Kemo Kimo


September 19
(1) Attendance, assigned seats; format of email quote assignment.
      (For class-relatd correspondence, always start your subject line with: fe
      No html - use PLAIN TEXT! Indent each paragraph FIVE SPACES!
      The abbreviation for "Professor" is "Prof.", not "Pro. or "Pros."!
      Don't use Chinese punctuation,
      and leave a space outside of parentheses and quote marks, but not inside!)

(2) Presentation by 賴柔樺 and 黃伯倫 and discussion on
CET article #1 (issue 69) and CET article #2 (issue 70);
      hand in class notes and notes on the CET articles.

      Read and take notes on: CET 3 (issue 71): /i/ 和 /ɪ/ 的辨別 for next Monday;
      林宥成 and 章瑋麟 will report.

(3) Make sure you know ALL the vocabulary words on pages 2-5
      of the Oxford Picture Dictionary. Check the pronunciations
      you're not sure of in The Free Dictionary; take special note of stress.

(4)  Read aloud and translate:
不可以 Bu keyi: Not allowed,
       from Dreaming in Chinese, by Deborah Fallows. MP3 file
       1. Mark each *pause | + continu*ation rise | with a vertical *line (|).
       2. Underline | *stresses.
       3. Mark *tonic stresses.

(5)  Download, print out and bring to every class: the IPA symbols handout.

(6)  Breaktime music: John Lennon: Oh My Love   studio version

September 21
(1)   New seating chart for Wednesdays.

(2)  Two dictations, focusing on /ɛ/ and /æ/.

       This distinction is VERY important in English!
       You will make your listener SUFFER whenever you mix them up,
       so practice them till they become AUTOMATIC, and you no longer have to think about them!

(3)  Andrea will discuss your class notes and CET notes, and the grading system.
       Your notes will not receive a passing mark unless your FORMAT is correct!
       Make sure you pay attention to your name and other information in the upper right hand corner,
       and make sure you are using the correct fonts. Make them the DEFAULT 預設 fonts on your computer
       and they will come up AUTOMATICALLY!

(4)  We'll go over your transcriptions of Yellow Horses,
       from the podcast Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase.
       Remember to use the Times New Roman font, and to format your document nicely!
       Then save it as a pdf file and upload it to Google Drive.

(3)  Download, print out and bring to every class: the
IPA symbols handout.

Breaktime music: John Lennon: Oh My Love   studio version


September 26
(1) Regarding your notes:
     1. Class notes, not: Class note!
     2. Print on BOTH sides of the paper.
     3. Leave a SPACE outside of (parentheses) and "quote marks",
         and leave a SPACE AFTER periods and commas, but NOT BEFORE!
     4. <> are not used in English. Use italics to mark a book title.
     5. Use the correct font style and size!
     6. Watch for 左邊對齊 left justification.
     7. "Summary", not "summarization".
     8. If you "borrowed" (i.e. copied) somebody else's notes,
         write clearly at the top of the first page who you borrowed the notes from.

(2) Presentation by William Chang 章瑋麟 and discussion on
      CET 3 (issue 71): /i/ 和 /ɪ/ 的辨別.
     (Jacky Lin 林宥成 is absent due to illness today.)

 Hand in class notes and notes on the CET article.

      Read and take notes on: CET 4 (#72:)「重音」真的很重要! for next Monday;
      Walt Lin 林冠霖 and Jack Wang 王翔麒 will report.

(3) We'll go over part of the IPA symbols handout in class.

(4) Make sure you know ALL the vocabulary words on pages 6-9 (4 pages)
      of the Oxford Picture Dictionary. Check the pronunciations
      you're not sure of in The Free Dictionary; take special note of stress.

These will be included in the dictation given on Wednesday 9/28.

(5) Read aloud and translate:
不可以 Bu keyi: Not allowed,
      from Dreaming in Chinese, by Deborah Fallows. MP3 file
      1. Mark each *pause | + continu*ation rise | with a vertical *line (|).
      2. Underline | *stresses.
      3. Mark *tonic stresses.

(6) Breaktime music: Jann Arden: Insensitive     Lyrics

September 28
No class due to typhoon.


October 3

(1) Presentation by Walt Lin 林冠霖 and Jack Wang 王翔麒
discussion on CET 4 (#72:)「重音」真的很重要!
      Hand in class notes and notes on the CET article.

      Read and take notes on: CET 5 (#73:) 英語教學死角:複合名詞重音  for next Monday.

(2) Read aloud and translate: 不可以 Bu keyi: Not allowed,
      from Dreaming in Chinese, by Deborah Fallows. MP3 file
      1. Mark each *pause | + continu*ation rise | with a vertical *line (|).
          Mark *longer pauses (e.g. the end of a sentence or after a semi-colon ;) with a *double vertical line (||).
      2. Underline | *stresses.
      3. Mark *tonic stresses.

(3) Make sure you know ALL the vocabulary words on pages 2-5 and 6-9 (8 pages total)
      of the Oxford Picture Dictionary. We'll go over the new words in class.
      Check the pronunciations you're not sure of in The Free Dictionary; take special note of stress.

These will be included in the dictation given on Wednesday 10/5.

(4) Breaktime music: Billy Joel: She's Always a Woman to Me    Live (1978)

October 5
(1) Two dictations, one focusing on /ɛ/ and /æ/ again, and one on /i/ and /ɪ/.
      You will also be tested on the vocabulary words
      on pages 2-5 and 6-9 of the Oxford Picture Dictionary.

(2) Read, summarize for inclusion in your notes: 同學,給我一點Feedback,
      published in the April issue of English Island 英語島.

(3) Andrea's presentation on How We Learn, Part 1.

(4) We'll go over your transcriptions of Yellow Horses,
      from the podcast Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase.  
student transcriptions

(5) Breaktime music: Billy Joel: She's Always a Woman to Me    Live (1978)

October 10 is a holiday - no class.

October 12
(1) Presentation by Bryan Yeh 葉思泓 and Angrew Huang 黃俊銓
discussion on CET 5 (#73:) 英語教學死角:複合名詞重音
      Hand in class notes and notes on the CET article and on 同學,給我一點Feedback.

      Read and take notes on: CET 6 (#74:) 抑揚頓挫:英語的語調和斷句 for next Monday.

(2)  Practice exercises for phrase and compound noun stress. Print out, mark stress
      according to rules in CET 5 (issue #73); more help here.
      Bring completed exercises to class on 10/17 for correction.

(3) Make sure you know ALL the vocabulary words on pages 10-13 (4 pages total)
      of the Oxford Picture Dictionary. We'll go over the new words in class.
      Check the pronunciations you're not sure of in The Free Dictionary; take special note of stress.

These will be included in the dictation given on Wednesday 10/9.
       If you didn't do well on the previous vocabulary quiz, REVIEW DAILY until you know all the words;
       the vocabulary is CUMULATIVE, and you are expected to learn and RETAIN all the words
       for the final exam and for LIFE!

Choose a SIMPLIFIED or original English NOVEL to give a 5-minute oral book report on
      with a PARTNER in November-December. Check with Prof. Chung before buying!
      And make sure you choose a book you like! You can try Bookman's, Crane's, or Cave's bookstores.
      The book must have high literary value!
      Here are three lists of suggested books to choose from,
      though your choices are not limited to these: 1   2   3   Sample titles
      Do NOT choose any of the following: Harry Potter, The Little Prince, Lord of the Rings,
      The Chronicles Of Narnia, Charlotte's Web, or any other children's literature!
      Title and author of the book and the names and student numbers of both partners
      are due MONDAY OCTOBER 24 over EMAIL to both Prof. Chung and TA Andrea.
      Correct format: Austin, Jane. 2000. Sense and Sensibility  (Penguin Readers Level 3).
                                  Retold by Cherry Gilchrist. New York: Penguin. 46pp. Paper.

      To prepare for the oral book report:
      1. Write down all new vocabulary items with meanings and enter into your Excel file, and make an outline;
      2. Meet and discuss book with your partner(s); 3. Presentation will be five minutes long per group;
      4. Book title, author, key words on board; 5. 2-3 sentences on author; 6. Summary of plot;
      7. 2-3 parts that impressed you most; 8. Your evaluation of the book on a scale of 1-10,
          or "Thumbs up" vs. "Thumbs down."

      9. Each pair will have ONE 20-minute individual coaching session with TA Andrea before you present,
          to help correct your errors and give you suggestions on how to improve your performance.

(7) Breaktime music: Tori Amos: China (1992)    China (with lyrics)     lyrics

October 17
(1) Presentation by Oscar Hsu 許晉洋 and Will Nien 粘育瑋
discussion on CET 6 (#74:) 抑揚頓挫:英語的語調和斷句
      Hand in class notes and notes on the CET article.

      Read and take notes on: CET 7 (#75:) Stop at stops! —— 遇到塞音請停! for next Monday
      Samuel Hsieh 謝佳暄 and Anita Tu 育翎 will present.

(2) We'll go over the Practice exercises for phrase and compound noun stress,
      for which you were to mark stress according to rules in CET 5 (issue #73); more help here.

(3) OPTIONAL: New iOS/Android English pronunciation and stress app to try!
      ELSA (English Language Speech Assistant) Pronunciation Coach
      This is not required; however, you will receive EXTRA CREDIT if you try it out
      and report the results in next week's notes!

(4) Useful links:
      1.  How to have Alex read to you on an Apple device
      (如何在 iPhone 或 iPad 上使用 Alex 搭配 VoiceOver 和文字轉換語音)
      2. For Android devices: Google Play: Google Text-to-speech
      3. How Text-to-Speech works in Windows 7, Windows 8 and in Windows 10
          How to download two more voices

(5) We'll finish discussing the oral book report assignment:
      Choose a SIMPLIFIED or original English NOVEL give a 5-minute oral book report on
      with a PARTNER in November-December. Check with Prof. Chung before buying!
      And make sure you choose a book you like! You can try Bookman's, Crane's, or Cave's bookstores.
      The book must have high literary value!
      Here are three lists of suggested books to choose from,
      though your choices are not limited to these: 1   2   3   Sample titles
      Do NOT choose any of the following: Harry Potter, The Little Prince, Lord of the Rings,
      The Chronicles Of Narnia, Charlotte's Web, or any other children's literature!
      Title and author of the book and the names and student numbers of both partners
      are due MONDAY OCTOBER 24 over EMAIL to both Prof. Chung and TA Andrea.
      Correct format: Austin, Jane. 2000. Sense and Sensibility  (Penguin Readers Level 3).
                                  Retold by Cherry Gilchrist. New York: Penguin. 46pp. Paper.

      To prepare for the oral book report:
      1. Write down all new vocabulary items with meanings and enter into your Excel file, and make an outline;
      2. Meet and discuss book with your partner(s); 3. Presentation will be five minutes long per group;
      4. Book title, author, key words on board; 5. 2-3 sentences on author; 6. Summary of plot;
      7. 2-3 parts that impressed you most; 8. Your evaluation of the book on a scale of 1-10,
          or "Thumbs up" vs. "Thumbs down."

      9. Each pair will have ONE 20-minute individual coaching session with TA Andrea before you present,
          to help correct your errors and give you suggestions on how to improve your performance.

Read aloud and translate: 不可以 Bu keyi: Not allowed,
      from Dreaming in Chinese, by Deborah Fallows. MP3 file
      1. Mark each *pause | + continu*ation rise | with a vertical *line (|).
          Mark *longer pauses (e.g. the end of a sentence or after a semi-colon ;) with a *double vertical line (||).
      2. Underline | *stresses.
      3. Mark *tonic stresses.

(7) Discuss vocabulary learning and flashcards.

(8) Breaktime music: Joe Jackson: Breaking Us in Two    video with lyrics    lyrics

October 19
(1) Discussion of how to judge the reliability of a web page.

We'll finish going over your transcriptions of Part 3 of: Snap Judgment: Back of the Bus
      Make sure you have Part 4 finished, printed out, and uploaded by tonight so we can prepare
      the Word file early for Wednesday November 30!


(3) Read aloud and translate: 不可以 Bu keyi: Not allowed,
      from Dreaming in Chinese, by Deborah Fallows. MP3 file

(4) Here is the Christmas carol page.

(5) Breaktime Music: You Don't Know Me   by Ben Folds with Regina Spektor   video with lyrics    lyrics

November 30
(1) Vocabulary quiz.
      For next Wednesday, Dec. 7: Andrea's Week Twelve Flashcards for pages 26-29 and audio file here!

(2) We'll go over your transcriptions of Part 4 of:
      Snap Judgment: Back of the Bus (CET "30 Tricks" Workshop page).

(3) Revise oral book report outline and submit on Monday December 5; PREPARE with your partner;
      make appointment for a coaching session BEFORE DECEMBER 14 with Andrea when ready.

(4) If there's time: Read aloud and translate: 不可以 Bu keyi: Not allowed,
      from Dreaming in Chinese, by Deborah Fallows. MP3 file

(5) Here is the Christmas carol page.

(6) Breaktime Music:
You Don't Know Me   by Ben Folds with Regina Spektor   video with lyrics    lyrics

December 5
(1) Presentation by Debbie Shen 沈沁瑩 and Lisa Chang 張靜羽 and discussion on
     CET 14 (#82) 英語發音百樂篇(三): Pronunciation Potluck (3)
     (the pronunciation of “th”, “x” and “r”); and also:
     CET 15 (#83) 英語發音百樂篇(四): Pronunciation Potluck (4)
     (the pronunciation of “w”, “wh” and “h”; nasal plosion; schwa elision)
     For next Monday 12/12: Read and take notes on

     CET 16 (#84) and CET 17 (#85): Do not 和 don’t意思一樣嗎?英語的縮讀字((上、下)
      Alice Mao 毛雅頡 and Coco Li 李瑒 will present.

EXTRA CREDIT: Read and take notes on Phonetics I page 33. Contractions.

(2) Prepare thoroughly for your oral book report coaching session with Andrea
      and show up on time!

(3) Prepare for class discussion on Back of the Bus and cooperation vs. competition
       in social interactions for Wed. 12/07.

(4) Book sharing: Creating Conversations: Improvisation in Everyday Discourse by R. Keith Sawyer.

(5) Breaktime Music: Between by Vienna Teng  史逸欣   lyrics

December 7
(1) Vocabulary quiz.
      For next Wednesday, Dec. 14: Andrea's Week Thirteen Flashcards for pages 30-33 and audio file here!

(2) Class discussion on Back of the Bus and cooperation vs. competition
       in social interactions; the last four students will share their thoughts
       on this topic on Monday, December 12.

Breaktime Music: Between by Vienna Teng  史逸欣   lyrics

December 12
(1) Presentation on
CET 16 (#84) and CET 17 (#85) by Alice Mao 毛雅頡 and Coco Li 李瑒:
      Do not 和 don’t意思一樣嗎?英語的縮讀字((上、下)

      For next Monday December 19: Class notes and notes on
      CET 18 (#86) 次重音:次要的重音還是很重要!
      and CET 19 (#87) 脫口而出的英文文法 (link will be mailed to you);
      also read and take notes on
the June 2016 English Island article: 中文變好,英文也跟著好了.
       Emily Li 李昭欣 and Sharon Peng 彭怡瑄 will present.

(2) The last four students will share their thoughts on the Back of the Bus:
      and cooperation vs. competition in social interactions.

(3) We'll schedule the dates for the oral book reports today:
      first come, first served – sign up with Andrea!
      Available dates: Wednesday December 14 (x 3); Monday December 19 (x 5),
      Monday December 26 (x 5), Wednesday December 28 (x 3)

(4)  Print out and bring your copy of: Christmas Carols 2015   pdf on Wednesday 12/21.
       Don't forget to bring your instruments and your voice!

       Christmas sheet music available.

(5) Read aloud and translate: 不可以 Bu keyi: Not allowed,
       from Dreaming in Chinese, by Deborah Fallows. MP3 file

(6) Book sharing: Cox, Trevor. The Sound Book: The Science of the Sonic Wonders of the World.
      New York & London: W. W. Norton, 2014.

(7) Breaktime Music: Black Cadillac by Rosanne Cash   lyrics   
      Bonus song: Hurt   by Nine Inch Nails   sung by Johnny Cash   lyrics

December 14
(1) Vocabulary quiz.
      For next Monday, Dec. 26 (postponed due to Christmas carol singing):
      Andrea's Week Fourteen-Fifteen Flashcards for pages 34-37 and audio file here!
(2) The first three pairs will present their oral book reports:
Anita Tu 育翎 and Betty Tsai 蔡昕芫;
      2. Elaine Hsu 許伊萱 and Joanne Lin 林蕎安;
      3. Debbie Shen 沈沁瑩 and Lisa Chang 張靜羽.

(3)  Print out and bring your copy of: Christmas Carols 2015   pdf on Wednesday 12/21.
       Christmas sheet music available.

(4) Read aloud and translate: 不可以 Bu keyi: Not allowed,
       from Dreaming in Chinese, by Deborah Fallows. MP3 file

(5) Breaktime Music: Black Cadillac by Rosanne Cash   lyrics   
      Bonus song: Hurt   by Nine Inch Nails   sung by Johnny Cash   lyrics

December 19
(1) Presentation by Emily Li 李昭欣 and Sharon Peng 彭怡瑄 on

      CET 18 (#86) 次重音:次要的重音還是很重要!
      and CET 19 (#87) 脫口而出的英文文法;
      also on
the June 2016 English Island article: 中文變好,英文也跟著好了.
      Hand in your paper notes; make sure they are also uploaded to Google Drive.
      For next Monday December 26: Class notes and CET 20 (#88) and 21 (#89):
      重方法不重死背的英文文法(上、下); links will be mailed to you.
      Betty Tsai 蔡昕芫 and Lily Lin 林志怡 will present.

(2) The next five pairs will present their oral book reports:
Tim Chen 陳俊諺 and Birdie Chou 周海寧
     2. Coco Li 李瑒 and Sharon Peng 彭怡瑄
     3. William Chang 章瑋麟 and Jacky Lin 林宥成
     4. Aileen Hoyle 何艾玲 and Bryan Yeh 葉思泓
     5. Erica Lai 賴柔樺 and Ray Chen 陳叡 (postponed to Monday Dec. 26)
     LISTEN ATTENTIVELY, take notes, and give the presenters useful feedback!

(3) Read aloud and translate: 不可以 Bu keyi: Not allowed,
       from Dreaming in Chinese, by Deborah Fallows. MP3 file

(4)  Print out and bring your copy of: Christmas Carols 2015   pdf on Wednesday 12/21.

The vocabulary quiz will be postponed till Monday, December 26,
      due to the Christmas carol sing on Wednesday, December 21.

(6) Final evalution and Summary of Class Notes (submit as two separate pdf files)
      for Freshman English are due January 5:

      I. End-of-semester evaluation:
      Part 1: Evaluate the class, teacher, homework assignments,
what was most and least useful, things that could be improved, and how
— everything about the class this semester.
      Part 2: Evaluate yourself: Attendance and punctuality, homework submission,

how prepared for class you were, how much you learned from the class,
how much effort you put into this class.
      Part 3: How do you plan to continue improving your English?

      II. Organized summary of your class notes:
      Go through all your old notes, and organize them into a summary of main points.
You do not have to include every single detail from your notes; try rather to combine
notes that are about the same thing and to generalize.

      Format and submission instructions: Convert your files to pdf format
before emailing both files to Prof. Chung at:
TA Andrea Lay 賴宜謙 at
no later than January 2, 2017.

December 21
(1) Christmas carol sing
      Print out and bring your copy of: Christmas Carols 2015   pdf 
      And don't forget to bring your instruments and your voice!

 For vocabulary quiz next Monday, Dec. 26 (postponed from 12/21 due to Christmas carol singing):
      Andrea's Week Fourteen-Fifteen Flashcards for pages 34-37 and audio file here!


December 26
      (1) Presentation by Betty Tsai 蔡昕芫 and Lily Lin 林志怡 on
      CET 20 (#88) and 21 (#89): 重方法不重死背的英文文法(上、下);
      Hand in your paper notes; make sure they are also uploaded to Google Drive.
      Monday January 2 is a holiday; no class.
      For next Wednesday January 4:
      Class notes and CET 22 (#90) and 23 (#91): 單數、複數、可數、不可數?
Links will be mailed to you. Victor Kung 龔毅 and Sharon Li 李曉芸 will present.
      You will also need to read these two articles on your own before the final exam;
      there will be no class presentations on these two articles:
          1. CET 24 (#92): 動詞時態三頁通 (link will be mailed to you);
          2. 英語島 December 2016 issue: 到底是Yes還是No?
          Here's a local file in case you can't access the article at the above link:

Vocabulary quiz (postponed from Wed. Dec. 21).

These six pairs will present their oral book reports today:
     1. Erica Lai 賴柔樺 and Ray Chen 陳叡 (postponed from 12/19)
     2. Samuel Hsieh 謝佳暄 and Angrew Huang 黃俊銓
     3. Emily Li 李昭欣 and Alice Mao 毛雅頡
     4. Ethan Lin 林其毅 and Aaron Chen 陳冠綸
     5. Sherry Hsieh 謝佳芸 and Jessie Chen 陳韋竹
     6. Leo Chen 陳睿賢 and Oscar Hsu 許晉洋
     LISTEN ATTENTIVELY, take notes, and give the presenters useful feedback!

Read aloud and translate: 不可以 Bu keyi: Not allowed,
       from Dreaming in Chinese, by Deborah Fallows. MP3 file

(5) Final evalution and Summary of Class Notes (submit as two separate pdf files)
      for Freshman English are due January 2, 2017.

(6) Breaktime music: The Angel (1969) by Buffy Sainte-Marie

December 28
(1) The last three pairs will present their oral book reports today:
       1. Walt Lin 林冠霖 and Jack Wang 王翔麒
       2. Will Nien 粘育瑋 and Sharon Peng 彭怡瑄
       3. Lily Lin 林志怡 and Victor Kung 龔毅

(2) Read aloud and translate: 不可以 Bu keyi: Not allowed,
       from Dreaming in Chinese, by Deborah Fallows. MP3 file

(3) Breaktime music: The Angel (1969) by Buffy Sainte-Marie     lyrics

January 2, 2017
      Holiday – no class.
      Summary of your class notes and class evaluation due today.

January 4, 2017
(1) Vocabulary and compound noun stress quiz.

Now available again!
     The English-Chinese Oxford Picture Dictionary, 2nd edition.
     Adelson-Goldstein, Jayme & Norma Shapiro. New York:
     Oxford University Press, 2009.
     Available at 台大出版中心 (總圖旁)

Hand in class notes and notes on CET 22 (#90) and 23 (#91): 單數、複數、可數、不可數?
Victor Kung 龔毅 and Sharon Li 李曉芸 will present.
      You will also need to read these two articles on your own before the final exam:
          1. CET 24 (#92): 動詞時態三頁通 (link has been mailed to you);
          2. 英語島 December 2016 issue: 到底是Yes還是No?
          Here's a local file in case you can't access the article at the above link:

(3) Discuss the final exam.
      Today is the LAST DAY to hand in any overdue work!

(4) Finish reading aloud and translating: 不可以 Bu keyi: Not allowed,
     from Dreaming in Chinese, by Deborah Fallows. MP3 file
     If we are unable to finish the article today, we will have an extra class
     on Monday, January 9 (first day of finals week).

(5) Book sharing:
     Collins, Lauren. 2016. When in French: Love in a Second Language.
     London: 4th Estate/HarperCollins. 243pp.


January 9, 2017
Possible extra class to finish reading aloud and translating:
      不可以 Bu keyi: Not allowed,
     from Dreaming in Chinese, by Deborah Fallows. MP3 file

January 11, 2017

Final exam in 新 403.
      Happy Winter Break to everybody!

Goals of Course

This course will concentrate on four main areas:

     (1) Pronunciation training. Everybody must keep a pronunciation, grammar and class notes journal. A summary of your class notes is due every Monday.

     (2) Reading and translation practice. This semester we will mainly be reading essays and possibly short stories, though additional texts may be assigned. Normally, individual students will be assigned to translate a given passage of the reading beforehand. Each of the passages will be read, translated orally into good Chinese, discussed, and sometimes acted out in class. The reading will be followed by a class discussion, and almost always by a short quiz, usually on vocabulary and compound and phrase stress. Students are actively encouraged to relate what they read and learn to their own life, experiences, and feelings, and to listen attentively to what their classmates have to say. Also, for each simplified English novel or other English book you read on your own and submit a short summary of, you will receive extra credit. Everybody must keep a record of the books you read.

     (3) Listening and oral practice with online resources. There will normally be one online listening assignment a week requiring written answers to listening comprehension questions. We will correct the assignment of the previous week and a new assignment will be given every Wednesday. You may work with your classmates or friends on the listening part of the assignment, but you must do your own work answering the questions. 50% or more will be deducted on assignments that are not handed in on time. Click here for suggestions on how to approach the listening assignments.

     (4) Various oral presentations, including a book report first semester and possibly a dramatization second semester.
     This is not a composition course, and we unfortunately have too large a class and not enough time for lots of conversation practice. You must create opportunities for yourself to get practice in these areas. If you would like composition practice, however, you could consider keeping a blog. You may even be lucky enough to get feedback on what you write! Or find a language exchange partner on Remember in any case that you are responsible for your own education – the NTU faculty and staff can help you with only part of it!

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E-mail and miscellaneous requirements

E-mail: Every student must use your NTU e-mail account. Each student is responsible for ensuring that their e-mail inbox is able to receive and send mail at all times.

     In the first week of class, each student is required to send an e-mail message to the professor with an English quote you like, together with its source. (Example: "Never express yourself more clearly than you are able to think." Niels Bohr (1885-1962), Danish physicist) It must be a verifiable quote, CORRECTLY FORMATTED, containing no errors. Here is a sample so you know what format to use.

     The purpose of this is (1) to collect the e-mail addresses of everyone in the class, so we can all use them for class communications; and (2) to remind you right at the beginning of the semester of the importance of producing careful work that is not filled with sloppy mistakes. Make sure you sign your name to every e-mail you write! Put "fe quote" in the subject line. Pay attention to correct format; for example, leave a space before and after (parentheses) like this. Without a space it looks like(this)and this is not acceptable in English written format.

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     Pronunciation and grammar journal: You are required to keep a running record of specific sounds and other areas you need to work on in your pronunciation in a small notebook, based on feedback you receive in class. You are also required to keep a record of all grammar points and corrections made in class and in your written work. You are expected to have your journal open and ready throughout each class, without being reminded. You will be asked to write and hand in a summary of your pronunciation and grammar journal at the end of each semester. You can use this page to insert IPA/KK symbols into Word and other documents.

     Oral book report: Each student will be asked to choose a simplified or original novel to read with a partner and give a 5-minute oral book report on. Here are three lists of suggested books to choose from, though your choices are not limited to these; do NOT however choose any of the following: Harry Potter, The Little Prince, Lord of the Rings, The Chronicles Of Narnia, or any other children's literature:,6903,1061037,00.html

You may read your book in the original if you choose, but most works are quite long and difficult, with an overwhelming number of unfamiliar vocabulary words. The intention of this assignment is simply for you to become better acquainted with English literature, and for you to have an enjoyable reading experience. Hopefully, once you have gotten through, understood, and enjoyed an entire abridged and simplified work in English, you will want to explore more books, maybe also in simplified form, but eventually you may want to tackle a novel in the original. DO NOT COPY FROM ANY SOURCE WITHOUT CITING THE SOURCE. This is plagiarism and an extremely serious offense; in the US it is grounds for dismissal from the university.

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     News reading: Every student must register with the New York TImes and subscribe to their daily news digest (these are free, as is access to up to ten news stories a month). You will be asked to choose the kinds of news you'd like to receive. The aim of this requirement is give you at least a passing familiarity with current international events, and for you to get used to using English-language news media sources.

The New York Times (US):
The New York Times homepage:

UK Media:
The BBC World Service homepage:

The Guardian Unlimited (UK):,12904,-1,00.html
The Guardian Unlimited homepage:

Poetry from the MPR's Writer's Almanac (optional): If you'd like a poem and a "today in literature" summary delivered to your e-mail inbox every day, sign up here:
Writer's Almanac homepage: also has a Classic Poem Daily (optional):

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Podcasts: If you have an MP3 player, iPod, or smart phone, podcasts are a great way to listen to class listening files anytime, anywhere. You can also download an enormous variety of files you choose yourself. You can even produce your own podcast for others to listen to!

iTunes is one popular way to download podcasts. Select "United States" as your country for the largest selection. Check out the free university courses available on iTunes U!

     Here are some pages with podcasts to choose from, subscribe to or download, then copy to your MP3 player:

BBC podcast feeds:
NPR podcast directory:
Nature magazine podcast:
Podcast directories:

     Handouts will be posted on this Web site. You are responsible for printing them out yourself.

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     Grade calculation

     Grades will be calculated on the basis of:

     1. Attendance. Note that missing more than three classes or being late to class more than five times without good reason is sufficient grounds for receiving a failing grade for this course; being late disturbs everybody else in the class, so make a concerted effort to be in class on time.


     If you must miss class or be late let Ms. Chung and Melissa know by e-mail or otherwise beforehand; or as soon as possible afterwards if you really can't get in touch beforehand. Don't just fail to show up for class and not offer an explanation – even if it's "I overslept", please explain.

     2. Homework, including listening assignments and pronunciation/grammar summaries
     3. Quizzes (usually given after we finish reading and discussing each text)
     4. Oral presentations
     5. Class participation
     6. Attitude
     7. Progress made
     8. Final exam
     Extra credit will be given to students who do independent research on a class-related topic and share their findings with the class.

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Notes regarding grading policy:
     Taiwan University now uses a letter grade system like the one used in US universities. Please do NOT ask for a precise percentage breakdown of how your grade is calculated. You should be able to see from the above that each person's situation is different, and things like "attitude" and "progress made" are difficult to quantify. If, for example, you make great progress after the middle of the semester, your earlier grades will count less. If your grades fluctuate a lot and you do not have a very positive attitude toward learning, all of your grades will be counted just as you earn them; points will be taken off from your final grade if you have often been late or absent from class, or are missing assignments or handed them in late. It's really quite simple - do good work and you get good grades. Your final exam will test your ability in the key areas covered in class; it is not "arbitrary." Very often it is consistent with the work you have done throughout the semester, and therefore your final grade may be close to your final exam grade. Do not conclude that because of this, your final grade is simply decided by your final exam grade. If you have questions not covered in these notes, please e-mail Ms. Chung. But please do NOT come to complain about a grade or demand an explanation for it unless it is clear there has been in error in calculation, e.g. of an exam score. Rest assured that we teachers spend a LOT of time taking many different factors into consideration before finally deciding on each and every grade we give.

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Here is a list of recommended dictionaries and reference works. Please use an online English dictionary with audio files (e.g. the Merriam-Webster and The Free Dictionary are recommended) to check the pronunciation of any word you encounter that you aren't sure how to pronounce. You have no excuse for getting a pronunciation in a poem or written exercise wrong in class! Get used to relying on your ears rather than on your eyes when it comes to pronunciation!

      The following paper dictionary is highly recommended: Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English: The Living Dictionary. 5th Edition. 2009. Essex: Pearson Education. Available at Crane's in hardcover or paperback. It comes with a CD-ROM (requiring about 500MB of disk space) which offers definitions, audio files of pronunciation of the entry in British English (online version also available) and U.S. English, plus exercises and many other excellent features. It gives word pronunciations in IPA symbols, which are very close to the KK system you are familiar with.

      The above dictionary doesn't include very difficult or technical words; you can get these from the online dictionaries, or get another English-English desktop dictionary, available for purchase at local English book stores such as Bookman, Crane's, Lai Lai and Cave's.

     Here's a page on How to Choose a Dictionary.

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      US English-English dictionaries usually use a strange (for you) set of pronunciation symbols based on English spelling habits, which may be difficult to get used to at first. You will find a pronunciation key on each page of the dictionary to help you. Here's the pronunciation key to the American Heritage Dictionary, which is representative of this kind of pronunciation symbols. If in doubt, use an online dictionary with audio files and listen to the correct pronunciation!

      A pocket edition of one of these English-English dictionaries is handy for class use; most English-Chinese dictionaries published in Taiwan are full of errors, especially in the KK pronunciations of words. Electronic dictionaries are handy and very popular among students these days, but they are also not always as reliable, since they are mostly produced domestically; they will probably be missing some words and definitions, and the pronunciation in KK symbols may not be accurate. But some include a huge database of several good English-English dictionaries, and are very useful. Shop carefully.

     The best English thesaurus, in my opinion, is: The Synonym Finder. 1987. Emmaus: Rodale. 1361pp. Paper. Available at Bookman Books 書林.

      In my view, the very best Chinese-English dictionary is one compiled on the Chinese mainland: 漢英辭典. 修訂版. 1995. 北京:外語教學與研究出版社. 主編:危東亞. This now seems to be out of print, so the following is a good substitute: 新世紀漢英大辭典 A New Century Chinese-English Dictionary. 外語教學與研究出版社, 2003. Purchase at 秋水堂 台北市羅斯福路三段333巷14號
(02)2369-5999. You may have to put in a special order. It takes about six weeks for the book(s) to arrive.

      See homepage and the Language and Linguistics page for links to more online dictionaries, including Chinese ones.

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Outside Work

     All students are encouraged to advance their English skills on their own, outside class. Here are some ideas on how to do this; also please visit Extras on this site for some resources to get you started:

      Read English newspapers and magazines (many available free online – see Extras or do a search), novels (simplified ones are OK!), materials on the Internet, anything else of interest;

     Listen to the radio – programs like Studio Classroom or Ivy League (if you are on Facebook, you might want to consider joining the Karen on Ivy League Analytical English fan page), FM93.1 and ICRT (100.7), which broadcast BBC programming every weekday morning, 6am-7am for FM93.1, and 7:00-7:30am for ICRT: listen to the BBC's daily Learning English feature with text and audio; and other Internet broadcasts from around the world (see Extras); you can now download lots of audio programs on the Internet to your MP3 player – see section on podcasts above;

     Watch English language TV programs, e.g. sitcoms and the news, and movies: movies and other videos/DVDs can be borrowed and viewed in the AV library;

     Speak and write English with friends: you may want to set up a language exchange, meet English speakers through activities in Taipei's foreign communities, or just practice with classmates – don't be shy! Finding and writing to an e-mail pen pal is another good way to practice English – try joining a special interest discussion group (see Extras) and send a note to someone who says things you think are interesting. Keep a blog.

     Here's a Topical list of resources in the Language Learning workshop from SIL International – it contains lots of good ideas on language learning.

     Please write Prof. Chung if you have other good English-learning ideas to share!

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Study aids and resources

Reading and thinking:
Interrogating Texts: 6 Reading Habits to Develop in Your First Year at Harvard

2. How to Write More Clearly, Think More Clearly, and Learn Complex Material More Easily by Michael A. Covington

Format and Hanyu Pinyin:
3. English formatting workbook – good for practice:

4. Punctuation explained

5. Clean up cluttered Web pages with Readability

6. Hanyu Pinyin 漢語拼音Tutorial: Teach yourself Pinyin

7. Pinyin tone mark converter

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Computer skills:
8. David Pogue's Tech Tips for the Basic Computer User

Compound stress, word endings, grammar:
9. English compound noun stress rules

English plural and past tense pronunciation rules

11. Verb Tense Tutorial
Explanation of the simple past in English
More verb practice

Pronunciation, listening, the Echo Method, phonics, adverbs:
12. English Central

13. Facebook: Karen on Ivy League Analytical English

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14. Sesame Street: Demonstration of how the "Echo Method" works
Learn phonics with "Silent E"
Learn English adverb formation with the "LY" song

Language exchange and audio books:
15. Language exchange site: Livemocha

16. Free audio books: Librivox

17. More free audio books

Inputting KK symbols:
18. Online KK symbol editor page

19. Copy-and-paste IPA symbols

1. Merriam-Webster (American English)

2. Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (American and British English)

3. Macmillan Dictionary (American and British English)

4. Howjasay (British English pronunciation)

5. The Free Dictionary (American English pronunciation)

OneLook Free Dictionary (Good for patttern searches)

7. Lopate: Near Suicide

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