Micro Seminar (專題討論─個體經濟、產業組織與貿易一)


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NTU (Fall 2017)

Class Time: Thursday, 1:45-3:15pm, at Social Science Room 604 (社科604教室) in the Social Science Building

Organizer: Chen-Ying Huang

Seminar Schedule:

[ 9 /14] Organization Meeting (by 台灣大學黃貞穎)

[Sample Intro]


[ 9 /28] Hendrik Rommeswinkel (NTU 台灣大學吳亨德)

            Title: Conditionally additive utility representations

                     [Student Introduction: 劉藍一楊邦立葉家易]        

[10/ 5 ] Tzu-Ting Yang (Sinica 中研院楊子霆) at 社科302, 3:30-5:00pm [Joint with History Seminar]

            Title: 經濟成長、薪資停滯?初探台灣實質薪資與勞動生產力成長脫勾之成因

                     [Student Introduction: 陳柏翰瑀瑄陳梁政陳姿穎柯任]

[10/12] Liwen Hung (NTU 台灣大學洪立文)

            Title: Labor Migration with Remittance and Income Inequality

                     [Student Introduction: 許芳瑀曾韋智]

[10/26] Meng-Yu Liang (Sinica 中研院梁孟玉)

            Title: Costly Self-Control and Limited Willpower

                     [Student Introduction: 林昱安吳俊信徐湘羚蔡欣佑葉芝宇]

[11/23] Yu-Hsuan Su (NCCU-GIDS 政治大學蘇昱璇)

            Title: Children's Health Behavior and New Preventative Health Products in Rural China

                     [Student Introduction: 連思嘉陳柏翰簡玉卉瑀瑄蔡欣佑廖宜玲]

[11/30] Patrick DeJarnette  (NTU 台灣大學狄萊)

            Title: Risky Choice Over Goods

                     [Student Introduction: #1]

[12/ 7 ] Suewei Lin (Sinica-IMB 中研院分生所林書葦) at 2:00-3:15pm

            Title: Bending the Hungry Mind of the Fruit Fly

                     [Student Introduction: #1, #2, #3, #4]

[12/14] Chen-gia Tsai (NTU-Music 台灣大學音樂所蔡振家)

            Title: 音樂的酬賞效果 (in Mandarin with some English explanation)

                     [Student Introduction: #1, #2, #3, #4]

[12/21] Ching-Jen Sun (Deakin 孫鏡仁)

            Title: Condorcet-Winning Public Information in Oligopolistic Markets

                     [Student Introduction: #1, #2, #3, #4]

[12/28] Noah Myung (U of Virginia)

            Title: Experimental Investigation of Information Sharing Among Competitors

                     [Student Introduction: #1, #2, #3]

[ 1 /11] Chun-Ting Chen (NTU 台灣大學陳俊廷)

            Title: Coordination in Social Network

                     [Student Introduction: #1, #2, #3]

[ 1 /30] Bard Harstad (University of Oslo)

            Title: Pledge-and-Review Bargaining


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Last modified on 2018-06-29