Experimental Economics I: Behavioral Game Theory (實驗經濟學一:行為賽局論)

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NTU (Spring 2018)

Time: Friday, 1:20-4:20pm, at Social Sciences 405 (社科405)

Office Hour: 4:20-5pm after class or by Email appointment

Course Syllabus

     About Oral Presentation and Feedback:
               Chinese Recipe to
Prepare a 20-minute Presentation: 關於 presentation 的一些想法
               Guidelines to Give Feedback: Oral Presentation Evaluation Criteria and Checklist

               Tips and Videos:
                    Data Visualization: 1812 (originally by Minard); 10 most common presentation mistakes
                    Life After Death by PowerPoint (Chinese caption; 2010 update)
Principles of economics, translated  (Transcription)  



    1. Kagel and Roth (1995, 2016), Handbook of Experimental Economics, Vol.1, and Vol.2, Princeton University Press. (HEE1, 2)
    2. Palfrey (2016), "Experiments in Political Economy," in HEE2. (Survey: Experiments)
    3. Crawford, Costa-Gomes and Iriberri (2013), "Structural Models of Nonequilibrium Strategic Thinking," JEL, 51(1), 5-62. (Level-k)
    4. Riley (2012),
Essential Microeconomics, Cambridge
University Press. (EM)
Holt (2007), Markets, Games and Strategic Behavior, Pearson. [雙葉代理] (undergraduate textbook)
    6. Mas-Colell, Whinston and Green (1995), Microeconomic Theory, Oxford University Press.  (MWG)

Class Topics: (See videos from NTU OCW)

 1. [3/ 2 ] Risk and Time Preferences [OCW] [HW1]; Basic Principles of Experimental Design (OCW) [old slides](A1.2)

 2. [3/ 9 ] Social Preferences (OCW1; OCW2) [HW2] (Ch.2; new chapter; Reviews for Ultimatum, Dictator and Trust Games)

 3. [3/16] Mixed Strategy Equilibrium (OCW) [HW3] (Ch.3); LUPI (OCW) (Ostling-2011)

 4. [3/23] Dominant Solvable Games (OCW) [HW5] (Ch.5); Level-k Thinking (OCW) [HW6] (Crawford-2013)
p-Beauty Contest Game Classroom Experiment Result

 5. [3/30] Bargaining (OCW) [HW4] (Ch.4)

 o. [4/ 3 ] Spring Break - Watch OCW of Experimental Economics and Behavioral Game Theory (OCW1; OCW2) [HW0] (BGT, Ch.1, notes)

 6. [4/13] Political Economy 1: Legislative Bargaining (notes) [HW6] (MM, 10.3-10.4)

 7. [4/20] Political Economy 2: Information Aggregation (notes) [HW7] (MM, 6.3-6.4)

 o. [4/27] Midterm Quiz (on weekly problem sets) [Past Midterm]

 8. [5/ 4 ] Political Economy 3: Voter Participation (notes) (ABII, 7.9)

 9. [5/11] Political Economy 4: Dynamic Political Economy (notes) (BCE-AER14; DF-QJE11)

10.[5/18] Student Presentations 1-2 (Feedback)
               Paper Presentation: Wang, Spezio and Camerer (AER 2010) (詹苡晴、姚叡霓)
               Paper Presentation: Lai, Lin and Wang (GEB 2015) (楊廣元、簡暐如)

11.[5/25] Student Presentations 3-5 (Feedback)
               Paper Presentation:
Vespa and Wilson (QE 2016) (張可苑、黃薇瑾)
               Paper Presentation: Battaglini, Nunnari and Palfrey (APSR 2012) (Cor.) (郭東倫、Tapiwa、楊國泰)
               Paper Presentation: Agranov and Tergiman (JPubE 2014) (曾靖容、蔡言悌)

12.[6/ 1 ] Student Presentations 6-7 (Feedback)
               Paper Presentation: Minozzi and Woon (GEB 2016) (呂越、蔣采容、洪大為)
               Paper Presentation:
Guarnaschelli, McKelvey and Palfrey (APSR 2000) (顏瑜萱、陳庭偉)

13.[6/ 8 ] Student Presentations 8-10 (Feedback)
               Paper Presentation: Battaglini, Lai, Lin and Wang (wp 2017) (楊廣元、簡暐如)

               Paper Presentation: Battaglini, Morton and Palfrey (REStud 2010) (郭東倫、Tapiwa、楊國泰)
               Paper Presentation: Frechette, Kagel and Lehrer (APSR 2003) (呂越、蔣采容、洪大為)

14.[6/15] Student Presentations 11-12 (Feedback)
               Paper Presentation: Levine and Palfrey (APSR 2007) (陳君碩)
               Paper Presentation: Goeree and Yariv (ECMA 2011) (李家緯、呂銘耀)

 o.[6/22] Final Proposal Presentation (Proposal Due 6/29)

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Last modified on 2018-06-15