The Global Industry Platform of NTU System (T4GIP) brought together National Taiwan University, National Taiwan University of Science & Technology, and National Taiwan University Hospital to attend the 2021 Taiwan Healthcare Expo on the topic of medical caring in post-pandemic. The guests included Executive Vice President of NTU, Shan-Chwen Chang, Vice President of NTU, Pai-Chi Li, Dean of College of Medicine of NTU, Yen-Hsuan Ni, Vice Dean of R&D of NTUST, Ai-Ho Liao, Superintendent of NTU Hospital, Ming-Shiang Wu, and Secretary in Medical Affairs of NTU Hospital, Hsin-Hsi Chen, etc. participated the opening of NTU Exhibition; while president Ing-Wen Tsai had visited the exhibition for supporting the research power and results of NTU.

President Ing-Wen Tsai visited NTU Exhibition at the 2021 Taiwan Healthcare Expo.
During the opening of NTU Exhibition, the Superintendent of NTU Hospital, Ming-Shiang Wu, expressed his expectation for sparks from the stimulations between participating teams; while the Vice President of NTU, Pai-Chi Li, mentioned the closer relationship between university and hospital for collaboration from research to clinic; the Vice Dean of R&D of NTUST, Ai-Ho Liao, appreciated T4GIP for building the chance of sharing and communication across universities. The participation of NTU, NTUST, and NTU hospital had gathered support and energy from the Government, academia, and industry, which is believed to lead to better development of Taiwan medical industry.

National Taiwan University, National Taiwan University of Science & Technology, and National Taiwan University Hospital attended the 2021 Taiwan Healthcare Expo.
Under the influence of the pandemic, artificial intelligence and telemedicine catch the attention of the industry. The Center of Intelligent Healthcare of NTU Hospital shared the technology of chest X-ray and image detection system in assisting COVID-19 testing; the team of NTU Medical Genie build up an automatic coding system of ICD-10; NTU MeDA Lab (Medical Data Analytics Laboratory) collaborates with NTU Hospital in speeding up the pancreatic cancer testing. In the telemedicine research field, the team of associate professor Huey-Wen Lian of NTU Hospital adapted virtual reality system in posturography; the team of associate professor Chia Pin Yu of NTU offers forestry therapy with virtual reality technology, etc. Diverse research teams from NTU university and hospital brought the advanced medical technologies to the 2021 Taiwan Healthcare Expo, and shared and exchanged their studies personally during the event.
In summary, the research power and result from NTU, NTUST, and NTU Hospital had gained huge attention from attendees during the 2021 Healthcare Expo, which is believed to build up a positive conversation and circulation between academia and industry.