


劉乃潔 助理教授

Nai-Chieh Liu DVM MPhil PhD

Art editor Img

劉乃潔畢業於國立臺灣大學獸醫學系,於台北維康動物醫院職業一年後前往英國劍橋大學(University of Cambridge)求學,並完成了獸醫碩士和博士學位(小動物呼吸道外科)。劉乃潔的博士研究重點為開發一種非侵入性的診斷方法(whole-body barometric plethysmography)來評估短吻犬阻塞性呼吸道症候群之嚴重度(BOAS index)。

在 Dr Jane Ladlow 的指導下,這項研究對於該領域有重大之影響,包括客觀篩檢、手術效果評估、風險因子評估以及遺傳學研究。劉乃潔而後在 Queen's Veterinary School Hospital 接受小動物外科住院醫師訓練,以及為期兩年之頭頸外科 Fellowship。臨床訓練期間她對頭頸外科及犬類阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症產生濃厚的興趣。




+886-(0)2-2739-6828 #4100



Tomlinson F, O'Neill E, Liu N-C, Sargan DR, Ladlow JF. BOAS in the Boston Terrier: A healthier screw-tailed breed? PLoS One. 2024 Dec 31;19(12):e0315411. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0315411. 

McDonald A, Agarwal A, Williams B, Liu N-C, Ladlaw JF. Neural network analysis of pharyngeal sounds can detect obstructive upper respiratory disease in brachycephalic dogs. PLoS One. 2024 Aug 22;19(8):e0305633. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0305633. 

Sharp CAT, Liu N-C, Guy A, Ladlow JF. The mobility of the brachycephalic canine nostril in relation to the degree of nostril stenosis. The Veterinary Journal. 2024. doi:10.1016/j.tvjl.2024.106285

Franklin PH, Riggs J, Liu N-C*. Comparison of the effectiveness of three different rhinoplasty techniques to correct stenotic nostrils using silicon models: A case study. Veterainry Surgery. 2024 Jan;53(1):104-112. 

Walters KL, Lehnus K, Liu N-C, Bigby S. Determining an optimum propofol infusion rate for induction of anaesthesia in healthy dogs: a randomised clinical trial. Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 2022;S1467-2987(21) 00332-9. 

Ladlow JF, Liu N-C. Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS) – clinical assessment and decision making. In: Packer R, O’Neill D, eds. Health and welfare of brachycephalic breeds: a guide for veterinary professionals. Taylor & Francis Group, Oxon, 2022; pp 155-176. 

Franklin PH, Liu N-C, Ladlow JF. Nebulization of epinephrine to reduce the severity of brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome in dogs. Veterinary Surgery. 2020;50(1):62-70.

Haeusler K, Braun D, Liu N-C, Penrose F, Sutcliffe MPF, Allen MJ. Evaluation of the repeatability of kinetic and temporospatial gait variables measured with a pressure-sensitive treadmill for dogs. Amarican Journal of Veterinary Research. 2020;81(12):922-929.

Oginska O, Hughes J, Liu N-C, Ladlow JF. An incompletely erupted canine tooth root compromising the nasal cavity in a pug presenting with severe brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS). Veterinary Record Case Reports. 2020;8(3):e000972. 

Liu N-C, Genain MA, Kalmar L, Sargan DR, Ladlow JF. Objective effectiveness of and indications for laser-assisted turbinectomy in brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome. Veterinary Surgery. 2019;48(1):79-87.

Riggs K, Liu N-C, Sutton DR, Sargan D, Ladlow JF. Validation of exercise testing and laryngeal auscultation for grading brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome in pugs, French bulldogs, and English bulldogs by using whole-body barometric plethysmography. Veterinary Surgery. 2019;48(4):488-496.

Hinchliffe TA, Liu N-C, Ladlow JF. Sleep-disordered breathing in the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: a case series. Veterinary Surgery. 2019;48(4):497-504.

Ladlow JF, Liu N-C, Kalmar L, Sargan DR. Brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome. Veterinary Record. 2018;182(13):375-378.

Liu N-C, Troconis EL, McMillan M, Genain M-A, Kalmar L, Price DJ, Sargan DR, Ladlow JF. Endotracheal tube placement during computed tomography of brachycephalic dogs alters upper airway dimensional measurements. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound. 2018;59(3):289-304.

Liu N-C, Troconis EL, Kalmar L, Price DJ, Wright HE, Adams VJ, Sargan DR, Ladlow JF. Conformational risk factors of brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS) in pugs, French bulldogs, and bulldogs. PLoS ONE 2017;12(8):e0181928.

Liu N-C, Oechtering GU, Adams VJ, Kalmar L, Sargan DR, Ladlow JF. Outcomes and prognostic factors of surgical treatments for brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome in 3 breeds. Veterinary Surgery. 2017;46(2):271-280.

Liu N-C, Adams VJ, Kalmar L, Ladlow JF, Sargan DR. Whole body barometric plethysmography characterizes upper airway obstructions in 3 brachycephalic breeds of dogs. Jounral of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 2016;30(3):853-865.

Liu N-C, Sargan DR, Adams VJ, Ladlow JF. Characterisation of brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome in French bulldogs using whole-body barometric plethysmography. PLoS ONE. 2015;10(6):e0130741.



Huang E, Ladlow JF, Liu N-C*. Association between obesity and upper airway fat volumes in pugs: Implications for brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome. 2024 ECVS Annual Scientific Meeting, Valencia, Spain. 

Johnson D, Liu N-C, Ladlow JF. Long-term outcome of multi-level surgery for brachycepahlic obstructive airway syndrome. 2024 BSAVA Congress, UK. 

Chan A, Liu N-C, Ladlow JF. Efficacy and complication rate of cuneiformectomy in dogs with Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome (BOAS). 2023 ECVS Annual Scientific Meeting, Poland. 

Chen C-H, Lin C-S, Huang W-H, Liu N-C*. Atypical manifestation of odontogenic cyst in association with sleep-related breathing disorder in a French bulldog. 2023 ACVS Surgery Summit, US. 

Lai J-Y, Liu N-C*. Anatomical characteristics of greater palatine foramen and hard palate structure in brachycephalic dogs. 2023 ACVS Surgery Summit, US. 

Sharp CAT, Liu N-C, Guy A, Ladlow JF. The mobility of the brachycephalic canine nostril in relation to the degree of nostril stenosis. BSAVA Annual Congress 2023 March, Manchester, UK.

Liu N-C*, Riggs J, Ladlow J, Owen L. The effect of head position during computed tomography on nasopharyngeal patency in brachycephalic dogs with and without obstructive sleep disoders. ECVS Annual Scientific Meeting; 2022 July, Porto, Portugal.

Franklin P, Riggs J, Liu N-C*. Comparison of the effectiveness of three rinoplasty techniques to correct stenotic nostrils using 3D printed remoulded models. ECVS Annual Scientific Meeting; 2022 July, Porto, Portugal. 

Yuen SL, Genain M-A, Ladlow JF, Liu N-C*. Effect of pterygoid bone medialisation on nasopharyngeal narrowing and surgical outcome in dogs with brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome. BSAVA Congress; 2022 March, Manchester, UK. 

Taylor M, Hughes J, Ager L, Genain M-A, Ladlow JF, Liu N-C*. A retrospective study investigatinng the association between cranial bronchial narrowing and thoracic conformation in brachycephalic dogs using computed tomography. BSAVA Congress; 2022 March, Manchester, UK. 

Locke J, Ladlow J, Liu N-C, McLennan K. Facial expression in French bulldogs: A preliminary study. 54th International Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE); 2021

Liu N-C, Genin MA, Ladlow JF. Breed-specific upper airway lesions of brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome: a comprehensive computed tomographic study from nares to cervial trachea. The 29th European College of Veterinary Surgeons (ECVS) Annual Scientific Meeting; 2020.

Coutinho A, Liu N-C, Lopez PP, Ladlow JF. Turbinate branching index: a novel way to quantify turbinate braching in brachycephalic dogs using comuted tomographic images. The 29th European College of Veterinary Surgeons (ECVS) Annual Scientific Meeting; 2020.

Coutinho A, Liu N-C,  Lopez PP, Ladlow JF. Intranasal mucosal contact points in brachycephalic dogs: evaluation between the rhinoscopy and different window settings on computed tomographic images. The 29th European College of Veterinary Surgeons (ECVS) Annual Scientific Meeting; 2020.

Hinchliffe TA, Liu N-C, Ladlow JF. Sleep disordered breathing in the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel: a case series. The 61st British Small Animal Veterinary Association (BSAVA) Annual Congress; 2018.

Liu N-C, McMillan M, Ladlow JF. Effectiveness and objective indications for laser-assisted turbinectomy in treating brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome. The 26th European College of Veterianry Surgeons (ECVS) Annual Scientific Meeting; 2017.

Riggs J, Liu N-C, Ladlow JF. A comparison of two different types of exercise test for the investigation and clinical grading of upper airway disease severity in brachycephalic dogs. The 26th European College of Veterinary Surgeons (ECVS) Annual Scientific Meeting; 2017.

Sutton DR, Liu N-C, Price DJ, Ladlow JF. Is Stridor Pre and Post Exercise a Reliable Predictor of Laryngeal Collapse in Brachycephalic Dogs? The 26th European College of Veterinary Surgeons (ECVS) Annual Scientific Meeting; 2017.

Valen SV, Liu N-C, Ladlow JF. How sensitive is owner perception of improvement post brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome surgery in comparison to objective assessment? The 26th European College of Veterinary Surgeons (ECVS) Annual Scientific Meeting; 2017.

Kalmar K, Liu N-C, Troconis E, Wright H, Mellersh C, Ladlow JF, Sargan DR. Breed spscific genetic background of brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome in the pug, French bulldog and English bulldog. The 9th International Conference on Canine and Feline Genetic and Genomics; 2017.

Liu N-C, Kalmar L, Troconis E, Adams VJ, Ladlow JF, Sargan DR. Computer directed objective assessment of Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome allows improved accuracy in diagnosis and analysis of the condition. The 26th UFAW Animal Welfare Conference 2016.

Liu N-C, Sargan DR, Adams VJ, Ladlow JF. Using whole-body barometric plethysmography to evaluate the effectiveness of upper airway surgery for brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome in French bulldogs. The 24th European College of Veterinary Surgeons (ECVS) Annual Scientific Meeting; 2015.

Liu N-C, Adams VJ, Sargan DR, Ladlow JF. A novel method for non-invasive respiratory function assessment in dogs with brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome. The 39th World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Congress; 2014.

Liu N-C, Adams VJ, Sargan DR, Ladlow JF.  Using whole-body barometric plethysmography to quantify brachycephalic airway function. The American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) symposium; 2014.