**** 2021 ********

[413] Jan Klopp, Keng-Chi Liu, Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "Online-trained Upsampler for Deep Low Complexity Video Compression", in IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), pp. 7929-7938, October 2021.

[412] Jan P. Klopp, Keng-Chi Liu, Liang-Gee Chen, Shao-Yi Chien, "How to Exploit the Transferability of Learned Image Compression to Conventional Codecs", in IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Nashville, TN, USA, June 2021.

[411] Tan Huang, Sih-Sian Wu, Po-Hsian Yu, Liang-Gee Chen, "A Computational Efficient Architecture for Extremely Sparse Stereo Network", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Daegu, Korea, May 2021.

[410] Sih-Sian Wu*, Yu-Sheng Wu*, Tan Huang, Liang-Gee Chen (* indicates joint first author), "Online Training Refinement Network and Architecture Design for Stereo Matching", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Daegu, Korea, May 2021.

**** 2019 ********

[409] Keng-Chi Liu, Yi-Ting Shen, Jan P. Klopp, and Liang-Gee Chen, "What Synthesis Is Missing: Depth Adaptation Integrated with Weak Supervision for Indoor Scene Parsing", in International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Seoul, Korea, Oct 2019.

**** 2018 ********

[408] Jan Klopp, Yu-Chiang Frank Wang, Shao-Yi Chien, and Liang-Gee Chen, "Learning a Code-Space Predictor by Exploiting Intra-Image-Dependencies", in British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, Sep 2018.

[407] Sih-Sian Wu*, Hsin-Yu Hou*, Da-Fang Chang, and Liang-Gee Chen(* indicates joint first author), "Video Stereo Matching with Temporally Consistent Belief Propagation", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), San Diego, USA, July 2018.

[406] Chung-Yan Chih, Sih-Sian Wu, Jan Klopp, and Liang-Gee Chen, "Accurate and Bandwidth Efficient Architecture for CNN-based Full-HD Super-Resolution", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), Florence, Italy, May 2018.

[405] Keng-Chi Liu, Yi-Ting Shen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Simple Online and Realtime Tracking with Spherical Panoramic Camera", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, USA, Jan 2018.

[404] Chia-Ho Lin, Yuhsiang M. Tsai, Weichung Wang and Liang-Gee Chen, "GPU-Accelerated High-Resolution Image Stitching with Better Initial Guess", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, USA, Jan 2018.

**** 2017 ********

[403] Da-Feng Chang, Sih-Sian Wu, Hsin-Yu Hou and Liang-Gee Chen, "Accurate and Fast Segment-based Cost Aggregation Algorithm for Stereo Matching", in IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Bedfordshire, UK, Oct 2017.

[402] Yi-Ling Chen, Jan Klopp, Min Sun, Shao-Yi Chien, and Kwan-Liu Ma, "Learning to Compose with Professional Photographs on the Web", in Proceedings of the 25th ACM international conference on Multimedia (ACM) , California, USA, Oct 2017.

[401] Everett Fall, Wen-Hsuan Chu and Liang-Gee Chen, "Atlas Architecture: Constructing and Traversing Generalized Graph Manifolds in Feature Space", at Lifelong Learning: A Reinforcement Learning Approach Workshop, in International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) , Sydney, Australia, Aug 2017.

[400] Chun-Ting Yen, Wan-Yu Chen, and Liang-Gee Chen, "A 120 fps 1080p Resolution Block-Based Feature Extraction Architecture Implementation for Real-Time Action Recognition", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) , Baltimore, USA, May 2017.

**** 2016 ********

[399] Sih-Sian Wu, Chen-Han Tsai, and Liang-Gee Chen, "Efficient Hardware Architecture for Large Disparity Range Stereo Matching Based on Belief Propagation", in IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS) , Dallas, USA, Oct 2016.

[398] Jia-Lin Chen, Zhi-Yi Lin, Yi-Chen Wan, and Liang-Gee Chen, "Accelerated local feature extraction in a reuse scheme for efficient action recognition", in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) , Phoenix, USA, Sep 2016.

[397] Yi-Ting Shen, Guan-Lin Liu, Sih-Sian Wu and Liang-Gee Chen, "3-D perception enhancement in autostereoscopic TV by depth cue for 3-D model interaction", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics(ICCE) , Las Vegas, USA, Jan 2016.

**** 2015 ********

[396] Che-Wei Chang, and Liang-Gee Chen, "Incremental New Actions Learning System with Limited Cost and Storage", in IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) , Madrid, Spain, June 2015.

[395] Chia-Jung Hsu, Jia-Lin Chen, and Liang-Gee Chen, "An Efficient Hardware Implementation of HON4D Feature Extraction for Real-Time Action Recognition", in IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) , Madrid, Spain, June 2015.

[394] Sih-Sian Wu, Hong-Hui Chen, Chen-Han Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "Memory efficient architecture for belief propagation based disparity estimation", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) , Lisbon, May 2015.

[393] Hong-Hui Chen, Chao-Tsung Huang, Sih-Sian Wu, Chia-Liang Hung, Tsung-Chuan Ma,and Liang-Gee Chen, "A 1920×1080 30fps 611mW Five-View Depth-Estimation Processor for Light-Field Application", in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) , San Francisco, USA, Feb. 2015.

[392] Chun-Wei Yu, Che-Wei Chang, and Liang-Gee Chen, "A Real-Time 3D Interactive System with Stereo Camera in the Uncertain Background", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics(ICCE) , Las Vegas, USA, Jan 2015.

**** 2014 ********

[391] Jia-Lin Chen, Chun-Chen Kuo, and Liang-Gee Chen, "Region-Of-Unpredictable Determination for Accelerated Full-Frame Feature Generation In Video Sequences", in IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference (VCIP) , Valletta, Malta, Dec. 2014.

[390] I-Kuei Chen, Chung-Yu Chi, Szu-Lu Hsu, and Liang-Gee Chen, "An Integrated System for Object Tracking, Detection, and Online Learning with Real-time RGB-D Video", in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2014) , Florence, Italy, May 2014.

[389] Tsung-Chuan Ma, Tung-Chien Chen, and Liang-Gee Chen, "Design and Implementation of Low Power Spike Detection Processor for 128-Channel Spike Sorting Microsystem", in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2014) , Florence, Italy, May 2014.

[388] Jia-Lin Chen, Wan-Yu Chen, I-Kuei Chen, Chung-Yu Chi, and Liang-Gee Chen, "Interactive Clothing Retrieval System", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics(ICCE) , Las Vegas, USA, Jan 2014.

[387] Wan-Yu Chen, Jia-Lin Chen, and Liang-Gee Chen, "On-The-Fly Fashion Photograph Recommendation System with Robust Face Shape Features", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics(ICCE) , Las Vegas, USA, Jan 2014.

[386] I-Kuei Chen, Chung-Yu Chi, Szu-Lu Hsu, and Liang-Gee Chen, "A Real-Time System for Object Detection and Location Reminding with RGB-D Camera", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics(ICCE) , Las Vegas, USA, Jan 2014.

[385] I-Kuei Chen, Szu-Lu Hsu, Chung-Yu Chi, and Liang-Gee Chen, "Automatic Video Segmentation and Object Tracking with Real-Time RGB-D Data", in in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics(ICCE) , Las Vegas, USA, Jan 2014.

**** 2013 ********

[384] Yu-Jung Chen, Shan-Yi Chuang, Chung-Yao Hung, Chao-Hsien Hsu, Chia-Ming Chang, Shao-Yi Chien, and Liang-Gee Chen, "A 130.3mW 16-core Mobile GPU with Power-aware Approximation Techniques", in IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC) , Singapore, November 2013.

[383] Cheng-Yuan Ko, Chung-Te Li, Chen-Han Chung, and Liang-Gee Chen, "3D hand localization by low-cost webcams", in IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging (IS&T/SPIE EI) , San Francisco, USA, Jan 2013.

[382] Cheng-Yuan Ko and Liang-Gee Che, "Acquire User's Distance by Face Detection", in IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE) , Hsinchu, Taiwan, June 2013.

[381] Cheng-Yuan Ko, Chung-Te Li, Chen-Han Chung, and Liang-Gee Chen, "High Accuracy User’s Distance Estimation by Low Cost Cameras", in International Conference on 3D systems and Applications (3DSA) , Osaka, Japan, June 2013.

[380] Li-Fang Cheng, Tung-Chien Chen, and Liang-Gee Chen, "Low-Power Multi-Processor System Architecture Design for Universal Biomedical Signal Processing", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS) , Beijing, China, May 2013.

[379] Wan-Yu Chen, Yu-Chi Su, Jia-Lin Chen, and Liang-Gee Chen, "Intelligent Document Capturing and Blending System based on Robust Feature Matching with an Active Camera", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics(ICCE) , Las Vegas, USA, Jan 2013.

**** 2012 ********

[378] Yi-Min Tsai, Keng-Yen Huang, H. T. Kung, Dario Vlah, Youngjune L. Gwon, and Liang-Gee Chen, "A Chip Architecture for Compressive Sensing Based Detection of IC Trojans", in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS) , Québec City, Québec, Canada, October 2012.

[377] Chieh-Han Wu, Chung-Yu Chi, Yi-Min Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "Compressive Sensing Based Client-Cloud System for 3D Depth Reconstruction", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin (ICCE-Berlin) , Berlin, Germany, Sep 2012.

[376] Chien Wu, Chung-Te Li, Yen-Chieh Lai, Liang-Gee Chen, "A depth adaptation system based on perceptual horopter effect", in Consumer Electronics (ISCE), 2012 IEEE 16th International Symposium on, June 2012.

[375] Chien Wu, Chung-Te Li, Chen-Han Chung, Cheng-Yuan Ko, Liang-Gee Chen, "A Viewer Centric Depth Adjustment For Stereoscopic Images", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin (ICCE-Berlin), Berlin, Germany, Sep 2012.

[374] Hong-Hui Chen, Tung-Chien Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Assessing Normality of Heart Sound by Matching Pursuit Residue with Frequency-domain-based Templates", in Proceedings of IEEE Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2012), San Diego, California, USA, Aug-Sep. 2012.

[373] Nai-Fu Chang, Tung-Chien Chen, Cheng-Yi Chiang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Channel Selection for Epilepsy Seizure Prediction Method Based on Machine Learning", in Proceedings of IEEE Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2012), San Diego, California, USA, Aug-Sep. 2012.

[372] Li-Fang Cheng, Tung-Chien Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Architecture Design of the Multi-functional Wavelet-based ECG Microprocessor for Realtime Detection of Abnormal Cardiac Events", in Proceedings of IEEE Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2012), San Diego, California, USA, Aug-Sep. 2012.

[371] Tung-Chien Chen,Tsung-Chuan Ma, Yun-Yu Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Low Power and High Accuracy Spike Sorting Microprocessor with On-line Interpolation and Re-alignment in 90nm CMOS Process", in Proceedings of IEEE Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2012), San Diego, California, USA, Aug-Sep. 2012.

[370] I-Kuei Chen and Yi-Min Tsai and Jyh-Jing Hwang and Liang-Gee Chen, "A Real-time Multi-User Face Unlock System via Fast Sparse Coding", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin (ICCE-Berlin), Berlin, Germany, Sep 2012.

[369] Chia-Hsiang Lee and Liang-Gee Chen, "An Intelligent Depth-Based Obstacle Detection for Mobile Applications", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin (ICCE-Berlin), Berlin, Germany, Sep 2012.

[368] Hsuan-Hung Chen, Sung-Fang Tsai, Chung-Te Li, Pei-Kuei Tsung and Liang-Gee Chen, "Fast Adaptive Loop Filter Algorithm for High Efficiency Video Coding", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin (ICCE-Berlin), Berlin, Germany, Sep 2012.

[367] Chung-Te Li, Chien Wu, Cheng-Yuan Ko, Chen-Han Chung and Liang-Gee Chen, "Visual Discomfort Estimation for Stereoscopic 3D Contents", in International Conference on 3D systems and Applications (3DSA 2012), Hsinchu, Taiwan, June 2012.

[366] Chien Wu, Chung-Te Li, Cheng-Yuan Ko, Chen-Han Chung and Liang-Gee Chen, "2D to 3D Conversion for Outdoor Scenes", in International Conference on 3D systems and Applications (3DSA 2012), Hsinchu, Taiwan, June 2012.

[365] Cheng-Yuan Ko,Chung-Te Li,Chien Wu and Liang-Gee Chen, "An Efficient Method for Extracting the Depth Data from the User", in International Conference on 3D systems and Applications (3DSA 2012), Hsinchu, Taiwan, June 2012.

[364] Yi-Min Tsai, Tien-Ju Yang, Chih-Chung Tsai, Keng-Yen Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "A 69mW 140-meter/60fps and 60-meter/300fps Intelligent Vision SoC for Versatile Automotive Applications", in IEEE International Symposium on VLSI Circuits (SOVC), Honolulu, Hawaii, June 2012.

[363] Chia-Hsiang Lee, Yu-Chi Su and Liang-Gee Chen, "An Intelligent Depth-based Obstacle Detection System for Visually-impaired Aid Applications", in 13th International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia Interactive Services (WIAMIS), Dublin, Ireland, May 2012.

[362] Keng-Yen Huang, Yi-Min Tsai, Tien-Ju Yang and Liang-Gee Chen, "A High Speed Feature Matching Architecture for Real-time Video Stabilization", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2012), Seoul, Korea, May 2012.

[361] Chia-Hsiang Lee, Yu-Chi Su and Liang-Gee Chen, "Accurate Positioning System Based On Street View Recognition", in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2012), Kyoto, Japan, Mar. 2012.

[360] Chuan-Yung Tsai, Yu-Ju Lee, Chun-Ting Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "A 1.0TOPS/W 36-Core Neocortical Computing Processor with 2.3Tb/s Kautz NoC for Universal Visual Recognition", in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), San Francisco, CA, Feb. 2012.

**** 2011 ********

[359] Yi-Sheng Hsieh, Yu-Chi Su and Liang-Gee Chen, "Robust Moving Object Tracking and Trajectory Prediction for Visual Navigation in Dynamic Environments", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, U.S.A, Jan. 2012.

[358] Chung-Te Li, Yen-Chieh Lai, Chien Wu, Sung-Fang Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "3D Image Correction by Hilbert Huang Decomposition", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, U.S.A, Jan. 2012.

[357] Sung-Fang Tsai, Pei-Kuei Tsung, Kuan-Yu Chen, Chung-Te Li, Sung-Fang Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "iSense3D: A Real-Time Viewpoint-Aware3D Video Synthesis System", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, U.S.A, Jan. 2012.

[356] Nai-Fu Chang, Tung-Chien Chen, Cheng-Yi Chiang and Liang-Gee Chen, "On-line Empirical Mode Decomposition Biomedical Microprocessor for Hilbert Huang Transform", in IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS), San Diego, California, USA, Nov. 2011.

[355] Li-Fang Cheng, Tung-Chien Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "VLSI Design and Implementation of Density-based Spike Classification for Neuroprosthetic Applications", in Asia Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA), Xi'an, China, Oct. 2011.

[354] Yu-Chi Su, Chia-Jeng Tsai, Keng-Yen Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Intelligent 3D Online Virtual Conferencing System with Natural Human-Computer Interaction", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics-Berlin (ICCE-Berlin), Berlin, Germany, Sep. 2011.

[353] Yu-Hsin Chen, Hong-Hui Chen, Tung-Chien Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Robust Heart Rate Measurement with Phonocardiogram by On-line Template Extraction and Matching", in Proceedings of IEEE Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2011), Boston, U.S.A, Aug-Sep. 2011.

[352] Hong-Hui Chen, Yu-Hsin Chen, Tung-Chien Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Mobile Energy Expenditure Tracking System Based on Heart Rate and Motion Providing Extra Extensions for Personalized Care", in Proceedings of IEEE Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2011), Boston, U.S.A, Aug-Sep. 2011.

[351] Nai-Fu Chang, Cheng-Yi Chiang, Tung-Chien Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Cubic Spline Interpolation with Overlapped Window and Data Reuse for On-line Hilbert Huang Transform Biomedical Microprocessor", in Proceedings of IEEE Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2011), Boston, U.S.A, Aug-Sep. 2011.

[350] Cheng-Yi Chiang, Nai-Fu Chang, Tung-Chien Chen, Hong-Hui Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Seizure Prediction Based on Classification of EEG Synchronization Patterns with On-line Retraining and Post-Processing Scheme", in Proceedings of IEEE Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2011), Boston, U.S.A, Aug-Sep. 2011.

[349] Yu-Ju Lee, Chuan-Yung Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "A Cortex-like Model for Rapid Object Recognition Using Feature-Selective Hashing", in International Joint Conference on Neural Networks 2011 (IJCNN 2011), San Jose, August, 2011

[348] Yi-Min Tsai, Chih-Chung Tsai, Keng-Yen Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Algorithm and Architecture Design of a Knowledge-based Vehicle Tracking for Intelligent Cruise Control", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Barcelona, Spain, July 2011.

[347] Tien-Ju Yang, Yi-Min Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "Smart Display: A Mobile Self-adaptive Projector-camera System", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME),Barcelona, Spain, July 2011.

[346] Yun-Yu Chen, Yi-Min Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "Algorithm and Implementation of Multi-channel Spike Sorting using GPU in a Home-care Surveillance System", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), Barcelona, Spain, July 2011.

[345] Yen-Jei Lai, Chung-Te Li, Chien Wu, Chao-Chung Cheng and Liang-Gee Chen, "Trilateral-Filter-Based Depth Interpolation for Occlusion Handling in Stereo Vision", in International Conference on 3D systems and Applications (3DSA 2011),Seoul, Korea, June 2011.

[344] Chien Wu, Chung-Te Li, Yen-Jei Lai, Chao-Chung Cheng and Liang-Gee Chen, "Disparity Remapping by Nonlinear Perceptual Discrimination", in International Conference on 3D systems and Applications (3DSA 2011),Seoul, Korea, June 2011.

[343] Yu-Chi Su, Keng-Yen Huang, Tse-Wei Chen, Yi-Min Tsai, Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "A 52mW Full HD 80-Degree Viewpoint Recognition SoC with Visual Vocabulary Processor for Wearable Vision Applications", in IEEE International Symposium on VLSI Circuits (SOVC), Kyoto, Japan, Jun. 2011.

[342] Tung-Chien Chen, Yun-Yu Chen, Tsung-Chuan Ma and Liang-Gee Chen, "Design and Implementation of Cubic Spline Interpolation for Spike Sorting Microsystems", in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2011), Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011.

[341] Hong-Hui Chen, Tung-Chien Chen, Cheng-Yi Chiang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Power Estimation Scheme for Low Power Oriented Biomedical SoC Extended to Very Deep Submicron Technology", in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2011), Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011.

[340] Chung-Te Li, Yen-Jei Lai, Chien Wu, Chao-Chung Cheng and and Liang-Gee Chen, "A Quality Measurement Based on Object Formation for 3D Contents", in SID 2011 International Symposium, Seminar, and Exhibition (SID), Los Angeles, CA, USA, 2011.

[339] Li-Fang Cheng, Tung-Chien Chen, Nai-Fu Chang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Density-based Hardware-oriented Classification for Spike Sorting Microsystems", in IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), Cancun, Mexico, April 27 - May 1, 2011.

[338] Pei-Kuei Tsung, Ping-Chih Lin, Kuan-Yu Chen, Tzu-Der Chuang, Hsin-Jung Yang, Shao-Yi Chien, Li-Fu Ding, Wei-Yin Chen, Chih-Chi Cheng, Tung-Chien Chen, Liang-Gee Chen, "A 216fps 4096×2160p 3DTV Set-Top Box SoC for Free-Viewpoint 3DTV Applications", in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), San Francisco, U.S.A, Feb. 2011.

[337] Yi-Min Tsai, Chih-Chung Tsai, Keng-Yen Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "An Intelligent Vision-based Vehicle Detection and Tracking System for Automotive Applications", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, U.S.A, Jan. 2011.

[336] Sung-Fang Tsai, Chao-Chung Cheng, Chung-Te Li and Liang-Gee Chen, "A Real-Time 1080p 2D-to-3D Video Conversion System", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), Las Vegas, U.S.A, Jan. 2011.

**** 2010 ********

[335] Cheng-Yi Chiang, Hong-Hui Chen, Tung-Chien Chen, Chien-Sheng Liu, Yu-Jie Huang, Shey-Shi Lu, Chii-Wann Lin and Liang-Gee Chen "Analysis and design of on-sensor ECG processors for realtime detection of VF, VT, and PVC", in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS), San Francisco, California, U.S.A, Oct. 2010.

[334] Yi-Min Tsai, Keng-Yen Huang, Chih-Chung Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "An Exploration of on-road Vehicle Detection Using Hierarchical Scaling Schemes", in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Hong Kong, Sep. 2010.

[333] Keng-Yen Huang, Yi-Min Tsai, Chih-Chung Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "Video stabilization for vehicular applications using SURF-like descriptor and KD-tree", in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Hong Kong, Sep. 2010.

[332] Chih-Chi Cheng, Yi-Min Tsai, Liang-Gee Chen and Anantha P. Chandrakasan, "A 0.077 to 0.168 nJ/bit/iteration Scalable 3GPP LTE Turbo Decoder with an Adaptive Sub-Block Parallel Scheme and an Embedded DVFS Engine", in IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), San Jose, California, Sep. 2010.

[331] Yi-Min Tsai, Keng-Yen Huang, Chih-Chung Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "Learning-based Vehicle Detection Using Up-scaling Schemes and Predictive Frame Pipeline Structures", inIEEE International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2010), Istanbul, Turkey, August 2010.

[330] Kuan-Yu Chen, Pei-Kuei Tsung, Pin-Chih Lin, Hsin-Jung Yang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Hybrid Motion/Depth-oriednted Inpainting for Virtual View Synthesis in Multiview Applications", in IEEE 3DTV Conference (3DTV-CON), Tampere, Finland, June 2010.

[329] Keng-Yen Huang, Yi-Min Tsai, Chih-Chung Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "Feature-based Video Stabilization for Vehicular Applications", in IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE2010), Braunschweig, Germany, June 2010.

[328] Shao-Han Tang, Chuan-Yung Tsai, Yu-Han Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Intelligent Image Inpainting based on a Brain-Mimicking Recognition-Mining-Synthesis Network", in IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE), 2010, Braunschweig, Germany.

[327] Yu-Chi Su, Sung-Fang Tsai, You-Ming Tsao and Liang-Gee Chen, "A Novel Hybrid Pipeline Design Methodology on a Multi-Cores Streaming System for Multimedia Applications", in IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE), 2010, Braunschweig, Germany.

[326] Yu-Hsin Chen, Tung-Chien Chen, Tsung-Hsueh Lee and Liang-Gee Chen, "Sub-microwatt Correlation Integral Processor for Implantable Closed-loop Epileptic Neuromodulator", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2010), 2010, Paris, France.

[325] Yun-Yu Chen, Tung-Chien Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Accuracy and Power Tradeoff in Spike Sorting Microsystems with Cubic Spline Interpolation", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2010), 2010, Paris, France.

[324] Pin-Chih Lin and Pei-Kuei Tsung and Liang-Gee Chen, "Low-Cost Hardware Architecture Design for 3D Warping Engine in Multiview Video", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2010), 2010, Paris, France.

[323] Pei-Kuei Tsung and Hsin-Jung Yang and Pin-Chih Lin and Kuan-Yu Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Hybrid Color Compensation for Virtual View Synthesis in Multiview Video Applications", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2010), 2010, Paris, France.

[322] Tzu-Der Chuang and Pei-Kuei Tsung and Pin-Chih Lin and Lo-Mei Chang and Tsung-Chuan Ma and Yi-Hau Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Low Bandwidth Decoder Framework for H.264/AVC Scalable Extension", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2010, Paris, France.

[321] Chao-Chung Cheng and Chung-Te Li and Liang-Gee Chen, "An Ultra-Low-Cost 2-D/3-D Video-Conversion System", in SID 2010 International Symposium, Seminar, and Exhibition (SID), 2010, Seattle, WA, USA.

[320] Chung-Te Li and Pei-Kuei Tsung and Kuan-Yu Chen and Chao-Chung Cheng and Liang-Gee Chen, "Three-Dimensional Image Completion For Depth Image Based Rendering", in International Conference on 3D systems and Applications (3DSA 2010), 2010, Tokyo, Japan.

[319] Chung-Te Li, Chao-Chung Cheng, Yen-Jei Lai, and Liang-Gee Chen, "A Real-time Image Enhancement System Using Depth From Edge", in International Conference on 3D systems and Applications (3DSA 2010), Tokyo, Japan, May 2010.

[318] Pei-Kuei Tsung and Hsin-Jung Yang and Pin-Chih Lin and Kuan-Yu Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Low Bandwidth Hybrid Color Compensation for Multiview View Synthesis", in International Conference on 3D systems and Applications (3DSA 2010), 2010, Tokyo, Japan.

[317] Tung-Chien Chen, Tsung-Hsueh Lee, Yu-Hsin Chen, Tsung-Chuan Ma, Tzu-Der Chuang, Chien-Jung Chou, Chung-Hsing Yang, Tsung-Hsien Lin and Liang-Gee Chen, "1.4μW/channel 16-channel EEG/ECoG Processor for Smart Brain Sensor SoC", in IEEE International Symposium on VLSI Circuits (SOVC 2010), 2010, Hawaii, USA.

[316] Tse-Wei Chen, Yi-Ling Chen, Teng-Yuan Cheng, Chi-Sun Tang, Pei-Kuei Tsung, Tzu-Der Chuang, Liang-Gee Chen, Shao-Yi Chien, "A Multimedia Semantic Analysis SoC (SASoC) with Machine-Learning Engine", in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2010, San. Francisco, CA, USA.

[315] Tzu-Der Chuang and Pei-Kuei Tsung and Pin-Chih Lin and Lo-Mei Chang and Tsung-Chuan Ma and Yi-Hau Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "A 59.5mW Scalable/Multi-view Video Decoder Chip for Quad/3D Full HDTV and Video Streaming Applications", in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2010, San. Francisco, CA, USA.

**** 2009 ********

[314] Chen-Han Chung and Yu-Chieh Kao and Fu-Shan Jaw and Liang-Gee Chen, "Optimal Transform of Multichannel Evoked Neural Signals Using a Video Compression Algorithm", in The 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2009), 2009, Beijing, China.

[313] Li-Fu Ding and Wei-Yin Chen and Pei-Kuei Tsung and Tzu-Der Chuang and Pai-Heng Hsiao and Yu-Han Chen and Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "A 212MPixels/s 4096x2160p Multiview Video Encoder Chip for 3D/Quad HDTV Applications", in 46th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2009, California, USA.

[312] Pei-Kuei Tsung and Pin-Chih Lin and Li-Fu Ding and Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "SINGLE ITERATION VIEW INTERPOLATION FOR MULTIVIEW VIDEO APPLICATIONS ", in IEEE 3DTV Conference (3DTV-CON), 2009, Potsdam, Germany.

[311] Chen-Han Chung and Yu-Chieh Kao and Fu-Shan Jaw and Liang-Gee Chen, "Multichannel Evoked Neural Signal Compression Using Advanced Video Compression Algorithm", in IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering, 2009, Antalya, Turkey.

[310] Tzu-Der Chuang and Lo-Mei Chang and Tsai-Wei Chiu and Yi-Hau Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Bandwidth-Efficient cache-basedmotion compensation architecture with DRAM-friendly data access control ", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.

[309] Pei-Kuei Tsung and Wei-Yin Chen and Li-Fu Ding and Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "CACHE-BASED INTEGER MOTION/DISPARITY ESTIMATION FOR QUAD-HD H.264/AVC AND HD MULTIVIEW VIDEO CODING", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.

[308] Pei-Kuei Tsung and Wei-Yin Chen and Li-Fu Ding and Chuan-Yung Tsai and Tzu-Der Chuang and Liang-Gee Chen, "SINGLE-ITERATION FULL-SEARCH FRACTIONAL MOTION ESTIMATION FOR QUAD FULL HD H.264/AVC ENCODING", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME), 2009, New York, USA.

[307] L.-F. Ding and W.-Y. Chen and P.-K. Tsung and T.-D. Chuang and P.-H. Hsiao and Y.-H. Chen and S.-Y. Chien and L.-G. Chen, "A 212MPixels/s 4096x2160p Multiview Video Encoder Chip for 3D/Quad HDTV Applications", in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2009, San. Francisco, CA, USA.

[306] Tung-Chien Chen and Kuanfu Chen and Wentai Liu and Liang-Gee Chen, "On-Chip Principal Component Analysis with a Mean Pre-Estimation Method for Spike Sorting ", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2009, Taipei,Taiwan.

[305] Tung-Chien Chen and Wentai Liu and Liang-Gee Chen, "128-Channel Spike Sorting Processor with a Parallel-Folding Structure in 90nm Process ", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.

[304] Pin-Chih Lin and Tzu-Der Chuang and Liang-Gee Chen, "A Branch Selection Multi-Symbol High Throughput CABAC Decoder Architecture for H.264/AVC", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.

[303] Shao-Han Tang and Chuan-Yung Tsai and Yu-Han Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Intelligent Image Inpainting based on a Brain-Mimicking Recognition-Mining-Synthesis Network", in IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ISCE), 2009, Kyoto, Japan.

[302] Chao-Chung Cheng and Chung-Te Li and Po-Sen Huang and Tsung-Kai Lin and Yi-Min Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "A Block-based 2D-to-3D Conversion System with Bilateral Filter", in International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE) , 2009, Las Vegas, NV, USA, published by IEEE.

[301] Y.-H. Chen and T.-C. Chen and T.-C. Ma and T.-H. Lee and L.-G. Chen, "Sub-microwatt KNN Classifier for Implantable Closed-loop Epileptic Neuromodulation System", in International Symposium on Bioelectronics and Bioinformatics (ISBB), 2009, Melbourne, Australia.

[300] Y.-C. Su and S.-F. Tsai and T.-D. Chuang and Y.-M. Tsao and L.-G. Chen, "Mapping Scalable Video Coding Decoder on Multi-Core StreamProcessors", in Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), 2009, Chicago, IL, USA.

[299] Chao-Chung Cheng and Chung-Te Li and Yi-Min Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, " A Quality-Scalable Depth-Aware Video Processing System", in SID 2009 International Symposium, Seminar, and Exhibition (SID), 2009, San Antonio TX, USA, published by The society for information display .

**** 2008 ********

[298] Chih-Chi Cheng and Chia-Hua Lin and Chung-Te Li and Samuel C. Chang and Liang-Gee Chen, "iVisual: An Intelligent Visual Sensor SoC with 2790fps CMOS Image Sensor and 205GOPS/W Vision Processor ", in 45th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 2008, California, USA.

[297] Tung-Chien Chen and Wentai Liu and Liang-Gee Chen, "VLSI Architecture of Leading Eigenvector Generation for On-chip Principal Component Analysis Spike Sorting System", in IEEE Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2008, Vancouver, Canada.

[296] Tung-Chien Chen and Zhi Yang and Wentai Liu and Liang-Gee Chen, "NEUSORT2.0: A Multiple-channel Neural Signal Processor with Systolic Array Buffer and Channel-interleaving Processing Schedule", in IEEE Conference of Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2008, Vancouver, Canada.

[295] Huei-Hung Liao and Jing-Ying Chang and Liang-Gee Chen, "A Localized Approach to Abandoned Luggage Detection with Foreground-Mask Sampling", in IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal Based Surveillance, 2008, New Mexico, USA, pp. 132-139.

[294] Chia-Ho Pan and Sheng-Chieh Huang and Yu-Lin Chang and Chung-Jr Lian and Liang-Gee Chen, "Real-Time Free Viewpoint Rendering System for Face-to-face Video Conference", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2008, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 1-2.

[293] Yu-Lin Chang and Yi-Min Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "A Real-time Augmented View Synthesis System for Transparent Car Pillars", in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2008), 2008, San Diego USA.

[292] Chia-Ho Pan and Sheng-Chieh Huang and I-Hsien Lee and Chung-Jr Lian and Liang-Gee Chen, "Scalable video adaptation optimization using soft decision scheme", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2008, Hannover, Germany , pp. 469-472.

[291] Pei-Kuei Tsung and Chun-Yi Lin and Wei-Yin Chen and Li-Fu Ding and Liang-Gee Chen, "Multiview Video Hybrid Coding System with Texture-Depth Synthesis ", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2008, Hannover Germany.

[290] Chih-Chi Cheng and Chia-Hua Lin and Chung-Te Li and Samuel Chang and Chia-Jun Hsu and Liang-Gee Chen, "iVisual: An Intelligent Visual Sensor SoC with 2790fps CMOS Image Sensor and 205GOPS/W Vision Processor", in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2008, San. Francisco, CA, USA.

[289] Jing-Ying Chang and Tzu-Heng Wang and Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "Spatial-Temporal Consistent Labeling for Multi-Camera Multi-Object Surveillance System", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2008.

[288] Yi-Hau Chen and Tzu-Der Chuang and Yu-Han Chen and Chen-Han Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "Frame-Parallel Design Strategy for High Definition B-Frame H.264/AVC Encoder", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2008, Seattle, WA, USA, vol. , pp. 29-32.

[287] Chao-Chung Cheng and Chia-Kai Liang and Yen-Chieh Lai and Homer H. Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Analysis of Belief Propagation for Hardware Realization", in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS), 2008, Washington DC, USA, published by IEEE, pp. 153-157.

[286] Ching-Yen Chien and Sheng-Chieh Huang and Shih-Hsiang Lin and Yu-Chieh Huang and Yi-Cheng Chen and Lei-Chun Chou and Tzu-Der Chuang and Yu-Wei Chang and Chia-Ho Pan and Liang-Gee Chen, "A 100 MHZ 1920x1080 hd-photo 20 frames/sec JPEG XR encoder design", in International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2008, California, U.S.A., pp. 1384-1387.

[285] Yi-Hau Chen and Tzu-Der Chuang and Yu-Jen Chen and Chung-Te Li and Chia-Jung Hsu and Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "An H.264/AVC Scalable Extension and High Profile HDTV 1080p Encoder Chip", in Symposium on VLSI Circuits (SOVC), 2008.

[284] You-Ming Tsao and Chih-Hao Sun and Yu-Cheng Lin and Ka-Hang Lok and Chia-Jung Hsu and Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "A 26mW 6.4GFLOPS Multi-Core Stream Processor for Mobile Multimedia Applications", in Symposium on VLSI Circuits (SOVC), 2008, Hawaii, USA.

[283] Yu-Lin Chang and Wei-Yin Chen and Jing-Ying Chang and Yi-Min Tsai and Chia-Lin Lee and Liang-Gee Chen, "Priority depth fusion for the 2D to 3D conversion system", in Three-Dimensional Image Capture and Applications, 2008, San Jose, CA, USA, published by SPIE, vol. 6805, pp. 680513-8.

**** 2007 ********

[282] Li-Fu Ding and Pei-Kuei Tsung and Shao-Yi Chien and Wei-Yin Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Computation-Free Motion Estimation With Inter-View Mode Decision For Multiview Video Coding", in 3DTV-Conference, 2007.

[281] Chuan-Yuan Tsai and Chen-Han Chung and Yu-Han Chen and Tung-Chien Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Low Power Cache Algorithm and Architecture Design for Fast Motion Estimation in H.264/AVC Encoder System", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2007, vol. 2, pp. 97-100.

[280] Pei-Kuei Tsung and Li-Fu Ding and Wei-Yin Chen and Shao-Yi Chien and Tung-Chien Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "System Bandwidth Analysis of Multiview Video Coding with Precedence Constraint", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2007, pp. 1001-1004.

[279] Yi-Hau Chen and Tzu-Der Chuang and Yu-Jen Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Bandwidth-efficient Encoder Framework for H.264/AVC Scalable Extension", in IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), 2007.

[278] Yu-Jen Chen and Yi-Hau Chen and Tzu-Der Chuang and Chung-Te Li and Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "Architecture Design of Fine Grain SNR Scalable Encoder with CABAC for H.264/AVC Scalable Extension", in IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SiPS), 2007.

[277] Yu-Jen Chen and Chen-Han Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "Novel Configurable Architecture of ML-Decomposed Binary Arithmetic Encoder for Multimedia Applications", in International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation and Test (VLSI-DAT), 2007, pp. 1-4.

[276] Yi-Hau Chen and Tzu-Der Chuang and Chuan-Yung Tsai and Yu-Jen Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "A Cost-Efficient Residual Prediction VLSI Architecture for H.264/AVC Scalable Extension", in Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), 2007.

[275] Tzu-Der Chuang and Yi-Hau Chen and Chen-Han Tsai and Yu-Jen Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Algorithm and Architecture Design for Intra Prediction in H.264/AVC High Profile", in Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), 2007.

[274] Tung-Chien Chen and Yu-Han Chen and Chuan-Yung Tsai and Sung-Fang Tsai and Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "2.8 to 67.2mW Low-Power and Power-Aware H.264 Encoder for Mobile Applications", in Symposium on VLSI Circuits (SOVC), 2007, pp. 222-223.

[273] You-Ming Tsao and Chin-Hsiang Chang and Yu-Cheng Lin and Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "An 8.6mW 12.5Mvertices/s 800MOPS 8.91mm2 Stream Processor Core for Mobile Graphics and Video Applications", in Symposium on VLSI Circuits (SOVC), 2007, pp. 218-219.

[272] Wei-Yin Chen and Li-Fu Ding and Liang-Gee Chen, "Fast luminance and chrominance correction based on motion compensated linear regression for multi-view video coding", in Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2007, San Jose, CA, USA, published by SPIE, vol. 6508, pp. 650823-8.

[271] Yi-Hau Chen and Chia-Hua Lin and Ching-Yeh Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Fast prediction algorithm of adaptive GOP structure for SVC", in Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2007, San Jose, CA, USA, published by SPIE, vol. 6508, pp. 65080U-9.

[270] Yi-Min Tsai and Yu-Lin Chang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Symmetric trinocular dense disparity estimation for car surrounding camera array", in Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2007, San Jose, CA, USA, published by SPIE, vol. 6508, pp. 65081F-8.

**** 2006 ********

[269] Tung-Chien Chen and Chung Lian, Jr. and Liang-Gee Chen, "Hardware architecture design of an H.264/AVC video codec", in Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 2006.

[268] Yu-Wei Chang and Hung-Chi Fang and Chun-Chia Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Design and Implementation Of Word-Level Embedded Block Coding Architecture in JPEG 2000 Decoder", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2006, vol. 2.

[267] Tung-Chien Chen and Yu-Han Chen and Sung-Fang Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "Architecture Design of Low Power Integer Motion Estimation for H. 264/AVC", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2006, vol. 3.

[266] Chih-Chi Cheng and Chao-Tsung Huang and Jing-Ying Chang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Line Buffer Wordlength Analysis for Line-Based 2-D DWT", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2006, vol. 3.

[265] Jing-Ying Chang and Chao-Chung Cheng and Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "Relative Depth Layer Extraction for Monoscopic Video by Use of Multidimensional Filter", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2006, pp. 221-224.

[264] Wan-Yu Chen and Yu-Lin Chang and Hsu-Kuang Chiu and Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "Real-Time Depth Image based Rendering Hardware Accelerator for Advanced Three Dimensional Television System", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2006, pp. 2069-2072.

[263] Yi-Hau Chen and Ching-Yeh Chen and Chih-Chi Cheng and Liang-Gee Chen, "Scalable Rate-Distortion-Computation Hardware Accelerator for MCTF and ME", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2006, pp. 365-368.

[262] Yu-Han Chen and Tung-Chien Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Power-Scalable Algorithm and Reconfigurable Macro-Block Pipelining Architecture of H.264 Encoder for Mobile Application", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2006, pp. 281-284.

[261] Chuan-Yung Tsai and Tung-Chien Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Low Power Entropy Coding Hardware Design for H.264/AVC Baseline Profile Encoder", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2006, pp. 1941-1944.

[260] Yu-Wei Chang and Hung-Chi Fang and Chih-Chi Cheng and Chun-Chia Chen and Chung Lian, Jr. and Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "124 MSamples/s pixel-pipelined motion-JPEG 2000 codec without tile memory", in IEEE International Conference on Solid-State Circuits (ISSCC), 2006, pp. 1586-1595.

[259] Chia-Ping Lin and Po-Chih Tseng and Yao-Ting Chiu and Siou-Shen Lin and Chih-Chi Cheng and Hung-Chi Fang and Wei-Min Chao and Liang-Gee Chen, "A 5mW MPEG4 SP encoder with 2D bandwidth-sharing motion estimation for mobile applications", in IEEE International Conference on Solid-State Circuits (ISSCC), 2006, pp. 1626-1635.

[258] Chun-Chia Chen and Yu-Wei Chang and Hung-Chi Fang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Analysis of scalable architecture for the embedded block coding in JPEG 2000", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2006.

[257] Ching-Yeh Chen and Yi-Hau Chen and Chih-Chi Cheng and Liang-Gee Chen, "Frame-level data reuse for motion-compensated temporal filtering", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2006.

[256] Tung-Chien Chen and Yu-Han Chen and Chuan-Yung Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "Low power and power aware fractional motion estimation of H.264/AVC for mobile applications", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2006.

[255] Yu-Jen Chen and Chen-Han Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "Architecture design of area-efficient SRAM-based multi-symbol arithmetic encoder in H.264/AVC", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2006.

[254] Chih-Chi Cheng and Ching-Yeh Chen and Yi-Hau Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Analysis and VLSI architecture of update step in motion-compensated temporal filtering", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2006.

[253] Chi-Sun Tang and Chen-Han Tsai and Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "Algorithm and hardware architecture design for weighted prediction in H.264/MPEG-4 AVC", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2006.

[252] You-Ming Tsao and Chi-Ling Wu and Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "Adaptive tile depth filter for the depth buffer bandwidth minimization in the low power graphics systems", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2006.

[251] Yu-Wei Chang and Chih-Chi Chen and Chun-Chia Chen and Hung-Chi Fang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Design and Implementation of JPEG 2000 Codec with Bit-Plane Scalable Architecture", in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems Design and Implementation (SIPS), 2006, pp. 428-433.

[250] You-Ming Tsao and Shao-Yi Chien and Chin-Hsiang Chang and Chung Lian, Jr. and Liang-Gee Chen, "Low power programmable shader with efficient graphics and video acceleration capabilities for mobile multimedia applications", in International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2006, pp. 395-396.

[249] Yi-Min Tsai and Yu-Lin Chang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Block-based Vanishing Line and Vanishing Point Detection for 3D Scene Reconstruction", in International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS), 2006.

[248] Yu-Han Chen and Tung-Chien Chen and Chuan-Yung Tsai and Sung-Fang Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "Algorithm and Architecture Co-Design of Low-Power H.264 Baseline Profile Encoder for mobile applications", in Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), 2006.

**** 2005 ********

[247] Jing-Ying Chang and Chung Lian, Jr. and Hung-Chi Fang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Architecture and Analysis of Color Structure Descriptor for Real-Time Video Indexing and Retrieval", in Advances in Multimedia Information Processing (PCM), 2005, pp. 130-137.

[246] Yu-Wei Chang and Hung-Chi Fang and Chun-Chia Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Area Efficient Architecture for the Embedded Block Coding in JPEG 2000", in Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (ASSCC), 2005, pp. 517-520.

[245] Li-Fu Ding and Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "720 ? 480 30fps Efficient Prediction Core Chip for Stereo Video Hybrid Coding System", in Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (ASSCC), 2005, pp. 529-532.

[244] S. W. Huang and T. H. Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "Fast Filterbanks for the Low Power MPEG High Efficiency Advanced Audio Coding Decoder", in Audio Engineering Society (AES), 2005.

[243] Chung Lian, Jr. and Yu-Wen Huang and Hung-Chi Fang and Yung-Chi Chang and Liang-Gee Chen, "JPEG, MPEG-4, and H.264 Codec IP Development", in Design, Automation and Test in Europe, 2005, vol. 2, pp. 1118-1119 .

[242] Yu-Lin Chang and Ching-Yeh Chen and Shyh-Feng Lin and Liang-Gee Chen, "Four field variable block size motion compensated adaptive de-interlacing", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2005, vol. 2, pp. 913-916.

[241] Hung-Chi Fang and Yu-Wei Chang and Chih-Chi Cheng and Chun-Chia Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Memory efficient JPEG2000 architecture with stripe pipeline scheme", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2005, vol. 5, pp. 1-4 .

[240] Chao-Tsung Huang and Ching-Yeh Chen and Yi-Hau Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Memory analysis of VLSI architecture for 5/3 and 1/3 motion-compensated temporal filtering [video coding applications]", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2005, vol. 5, pp. 93-96 .

[239] Chi-Sheng Shih and Chia-Lin Yang and Mong-Kai Ku and Tei-Wei Kuo and Shao-Yi Chien and Yao-Wen Chang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Reconfigurable platform for content science research", in IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, 2005, pp. 481-486.

[238] Ching-Yeh Chen and Chao-Tsung Huang and Yi-Hua Chen and Chung Lian, Jr. and Liang-Gee Chen, "System analysis of VLSI architecture for motion-compensated temporal filtering", in IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2005, vol. 3, pp. 992-995.

[237] Wan-Yu Chen and Yu-Lin Chang and Shyh-Feng Lin and Li-Fu Ding and Liang-Gee Chen, "Efficient Depth Image Based Rendering with Edge Dependent Depth Filter and Interpolation", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2005, pp. 1314-1317.

[236] Chia-Ping Lin and Po-Chih Tseng and Liang-Gee Chen, "Nearly Lossless Content-Dependent Low-Power DCT Design for Mobile Video Applications", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2005, pp. 1238-1241.

[235] Yu-Wen Huang and Tung-Chien Chen and Chen-Han Tsai and Ching-Yeh Chen and To-Wei Chen and Chi-Shi Chen and Chun-Fu Shen and Shyh-Yih Ma and Tu-Chih Wang and Bing-Yu Hsieh and Hung-Chi Fang and Liang-Gee Chen, "A 1.3TOPS H.264/AVC single-chip encoder for HDTV applications", in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference. Digest of Technical Papers (ISSCC), 2005, vol. 1, pp. 128-588 .

[234] Tung-Chien Chen and Yu-Wen Huang and Chuan-Yung Tsai and Chao-Tsung Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Single reference frame multiple current macroblocks scheme for multi-frame motion estimation in H.264/AVC", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2005, vol. 2, pp. 1790-1793 .

[233] To-Wei Chen and Yu-Wen Huang and Tung-Chien Chen and Yu-Han Chen and Chuan-Yung Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "Architecture design of H.264/AVC decoder with hybrid task pipelining for high definition videos", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2005, vol. 3, pp. 2931-2934.

[232] Yi-Hau Chen and Ching-Yeh Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Architecture of global motion compensation for MPEG-4 advanced simple profile", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2005, vol. 2, pp. 1798-1801 .

[231] Chih-Chi Cheng and Chao-Tsung Huang and Po-Chih Tseng and Chia-Ho Pan and Liang-Gee Chen, "Multiple-lifting scheme: memory-efficient VLSI implementation for line-based 2-D DWT", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2005, vol. 5, pp. 5190-5193 .

[230] Li-Fu Ding and Shao-Yi Chien and Yu-Wen Huang and Yu-Lin Chang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Stereo video coding system with hybrid coding based on joint prediction scheme", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2005, vol. 6, pp. 6082-6085 .

[229] Shih-Way Huang and Liang-Gee Chen and Tsung-Han Tsai, "Memory and computationally efficient psychoacoustic model for MPEG AAC on 16-bit fixed-point processors", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2005, vol. 4, pp. 3155-3158 .

[228] Yu-Wen Huang and Chia-Lin Lee and Ching-Yeh Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "One-pass computation-aware motion estimation with adaptive search strategy", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2005, vol. 6, pp. 5469-5472 .

[227] Chia-Ho Pan and I. Hsien Lee and Sheng-Chieh Huang and Chih-Chi Cheng and Chung Lian, Jr. and Liang-Gee Chen, "Application Layer Error Correction Scheme for Video Header Protection on Wireless Network", in IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia, 2005.

[226] Chih-Chi Cheng and Po-Chih Tseng and Chao-Tsung Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Multi-mode embedded compression codec engine for power-aware video coding system", in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems Design and Implementation, 2005, pp. 532-537.

[225] Li-Fu Ding and Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "Algorithm and architecture of prediction core in stereo video hybrid coding system", in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems Design and Implementation, 2005, pp. 538-543.

[224] Tung-Chien Chen and Yu-Han Chen and Ke-Chung Wu and Liang-Gee Chen, "Hybrid-mode embedded compression for H.264/AVC video coding system", in International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS), 2005, pp. 257-260.

[223] Yu-Han Chen and Tung-Chien Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Hardware oriented content-adaptive fast algorithm for variable block-size integer motion estimation in H.264", in International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS), 2005, pp. 341-344.

[222] Tung-Chien Chen and Yu-Wen Huang and Chuan-Yong Tsai and Bing-Yu Hsieh and Liang-Gee Chen, "Dual-block-pipelined VLSI architecture of entropy coding for H.264/AVC baseline profile", in International Symposium on VLSI Design, Automation and Test (VLSI-DAT), 2005, pp. 271-274.

[221] Chun-Chia Chen and Yu-Wei Chang and Hung-Chi Fang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Analysis and architecture for memory efficient JBIG2 arithmetic encoder", in Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2005, vol. 2, pp. 1191-1194 .

[220] Chen-Han Tsai and Yu-Wen Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Algorithm and architecture optimization for full-mode encoding of H.264/AVC intra prediction", in Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 2005, vol. 1, pp. 47-50 .

[219] Chuan-Yung Tsai and Tung-Chien Chen and To-Wei Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Bandwidth optimized motion compensation hardware design for H.264/AVC HDTV decoder", in Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 2005, vol. 2, pp. 1199-1202 .

[218] T. D. Chuang and Y. H. Chen and C. H. Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "Analysis and Architecture Design for Multi-transform for H.264/AVC High Profile", in SOC Design Conference, 2005.

[217] C. H. Tsai and Y. J. Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Analysis and Architecture Design for Multi-Symbol Arithmetic Encoder in H.264/AVC", in SOC Design Conference, 2005.

**** 2004 ********

[216] Po-Chih Tseng and Liang-Gee Chen, "Hardware architecture design for visual processing: present and future", in IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Advanced System Integrated Circuits, 2004, pp. 6-9.

[215] Yu-Lin Chang and Ping-Hao Wu and Shyh-Feng Lin and Liang-Gee Chen, "Four field local motion compensated de-interlacing", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2004, vol. 5, pp. 253-256 .

[214] Tung-Chien Chen and Yu-Wen Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Fully utilized and reusable architecture for fractional motion estimation of H.264/AVC", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2004, vol. 5, pp. 9-12 .

[213] Chao-Tsung Huang and Po-Chih Tseng and Liang-Gee Chen, "Memory analysis and architecture for two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2004, vol. 5, pp. 13-16 .

[212] Yu-Wen Huang and Chen-Han Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen, "Parallel global elimination algorithm and architecture design for fast block matching motion estimation", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2004, vol. 5, pp. 153-156 .

[211] Hung-Chi Fang and Chao-Tsung Huang and Yu-Wei Chang and Tu-Chih Wang and Po-Chih Tseng and Chung Lian, Jr. and Liang-Gee Chen, "81MS/s JPEG2000 single-chip encoder with rate-distortion optimization", in IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference. Digest of Technical Papers (ISSCC), 2004, vol. 1, pp. 328-531.

[210] Jing-Ying Chang and Chung Lian, Jr. and Liang-Gee Chen, "Architecture and analysis of color structure and scalable color descriptor for real-time video indexing and retrieval", in IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2004, pp. 365-369.

[209] Yu-Wei Chang and Hung-Chi Fang and Liang-Gee Chen, "High performance two-symbol arithmetic encoder in JPEG 2000", in IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2004, pp. 101-104.

[208] Yung-Chi Chang and Chih-Wei Hsu and Liang-Gee Chen, "MPEG-4 FGS encoder design for an interactive content-aware MPEG-4 video streaming SOC", in IEEE International Workshop on System-on-Chip for Real-Time Applications, 2004, pp. 172-175.

[207] Yung-Chi Chang and Wei-Min Chao and Liang-Gee Chen, "Platform-based MPEG-4 video encoder SOC design", in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS), 2004, pp. 251-256.

[206] Siou-Shen Lin and Po-Chih Tseng and Chia-Ping Lin and Liang-Gee Chen, "Multi-mode content-aware motion estimation algorithm for power-aware video coding systems", in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS), 2004, pp. 239-244.

[205] Jing-Ying Chang and Hung-Chi Fang and Yen-Wei Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Architecture of MPEG-7 color structure description generator for realtime video applications", in International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2004, vol. 4, pp. 2813-2816 .

[204] Yu-Lin Chang and Shyh-Feng Lin and Liang-Gee Chen, "Extended intelligent edge-based line average with its implementation and test method", in International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2004, vol. 2, pp. 341-344 .

[203] Ching-Yeh Chen and Shao-Yi Chien and Wei-Min Chao and Yu-Wen Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Hardware architecture for global motion estimation for MPEG-4 Advanced Simple Profile", in International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2004, vol. 2, pp. 301-304.

[202] Tung-Chien Chen and Yu-Wen Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Analysis and design of macroblock pipelining for H.264/AVC VLSI architecture", in International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2004, vol. 2, pp. 273-276.

[201] Chao-Tsung Huang and Po-Chih Tseng and Liang-Gee Chen, "B-spline factorization-based architecture for inverse discrete wavelet transform", in International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2004, vol. 2, pp. 829-832.

[200] Yu-Wen Huang and Bing-Yu Hsieh and Tung-Chien Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Hardware architecture design for H.264/AVC intra frame coder", in International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2004, vol. 2, pp. 269-272.

[199] Siou-Shen Lin and Po-Chih Tseng and Liang-Gee Chen, "Low-power parallel tree architecture for full search block-matching motion estimation", in International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2004, vol. 2, pp. 313-316 .

[198] Po-Chih Tseng and Chao-Tsung Haung and Liang-Gee Chen, "Reconfigurable discrete cosine transform processor for object-based video signal processing", in International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2004, vol. 2, pp. 353-356 .

[197] Pei-Jun Lee and Hong-Hui Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "A new error concealment algorithm for H.264 video transmission", in International Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing, 2004, pp. 619-622.

[196] Yung-Chi Chang and Wei-Min Chao and Liang-Gee Chen, "LSI design for MPEG-4 coding system", in Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 2004, vol. 2, pp. 453-456 .

[195] Hung-Chi Fang and Yu-Wei Chang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Area efficient architecture for the embedded block coding in JPEG 2000", in Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS), 2004, vol. 2, pp. 457-460.

[194] Yu-Wei Chang and Hung-Chi Fang and Chung Lian, Jr. and Liang-Gee Chen, "Novel precompression rate-distortion optimization algorithm for JPEG 2000", in Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2004, San Jose, CA, USA, published by SPIE, vol. 5308, pp. 1353-1361.

**** 2003 ********

[193] Pei-Jun Lee and Mei-Juan Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Error concealment algorithm using interested direction for JPEG 2000 image transmission", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2003, pp. 182-183.

[192] Chao-Tsung Huang and Po-Chih Tseng and Liang-Gee Chen, "VLSI architecture for discrete wavelet transform based on B-spline factorization", in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS), 2003, pp. 346-350.

[191] Po-Chih Tseng and Liang-Gee Chen, "Perspectives of multimedia SoC", in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS), 2003, pp. 3.

[190] Po-Chih Tseng and Chao-Tsung Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Reconfigurable discrete wavelet transform architecture for advanced multimedia systems", in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS), 2003, pp. 137-141.

[189] Yu-Lin Chang and Ching-Yeh Chen and Shyh-Feng Lin and Liang-Gee Chen, "Motion compensated de-interlacing with adaptive global motion estimation and compensation", in International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2003, vol. 3, pp. 693-696.

[188] Wei-Min Chao and Yung-Chi Chang and Chih-Wei Hsu and Liang-Gee Chen, "Platform architecture design for MPEG-4 video coding", in International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2003, vol. 3, pp. 93-96 .

[187] Shao-Yi Chien and Shu-Han Yu and Li-Fu Ding and Yun-Nien Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Efficient stereo video coding system for immersive teleconference with two-stage hybrid disparity estimation algorithm", in International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2003, vol. 1, pp. 749-752 .

[186] Chao-Tsung Huang and Po-Chih Tseng and Liang-Gee Chen, "Hardware implementation of shape-adaptive discrete wavelet transform with the JPEG2000 defaulted (9,7) filter bank", in International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2003, vol. 2, pp. 571-574.

[185] Ching-Yeh Chen and Shao-Yi Chien and Yi-Hau Chen and Yu-Wen Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Unsupervised object-based sprite coding system for tennis sport", in International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2003, vol. 1, pp. 337-340.

[184] Hung-Chi Fang and Tu-Chih Wang and Yu-Wei Chang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Hardware oriented rate control algorithm and implementation for realtime video coding", in International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2003, vol. 3, pp. 421-424 .

[183] Hung-Chi Fang and Tu-Chih Wang and Yu-Wei Chang and Ya-Yun Shih and Liang-Gee Chen, "Novel word-level algorithm of embedded block coding in JPEG 2000", in International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2003, vol. 1, pp. 137-40 .

[182] Yu-Wen Huang and To-Wei Chen and Bing-Yu Hsieh and Tu-Chih Wang and Te-Hao Chang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Architecture design for deblocking filter in H.264/JVT/AVC", in International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2003, vol. 1, pp. 693-696 .

[181] Yu-Wen Huang and Bing-Yu Hsieh and Tu-Chih Wang and Shao-Yi Chien and Shyh-Yih Ma and Chun-Fu Shen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Analysis and reduction of reference frames for motion estimation in MPEG-4 AVC/JVT/H.264", in International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2003, vol. 2, pp. 809-812 .

[180] Tu-Chih Wang and Yu-Wen Huang and Hung-Chi Fang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Performance analysis of hardware oriented algorithm modification in H.264", in International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2003, vol. 3, pp. 601-604.

[179] Te-Hao Chang and Chung Lian, Jr. and Hong-Hui Chen and Jing-Ying Chang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Effective hardware-oriented technique for the rate control of JPEG2000 encoding", in International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2003, vol. 2, pp. 684-687.

[178] Wei-Min Chao and Tung-Chien Chen and Yung-Chi Chang and Chih-Wei Hsu and Liang-Gee Chen, "Computationally controllable integer, half, and quarter-pel motion estimator for MPEG-4 Advanced Simple Profile", in International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2003, vol. 2, pp. 788-791.

[177] Shao-Yi Chien and Ching-Yeh Chen and Wei-Min Chao and Yu-Wen Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Analysis and hardware architecture for global motion estimation in MPEG-4 Advanced Simple Profile", in International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2003, vol. 2, pp. 720-723.

[176] Hung-Chi Fang and Tu-Chih Wang and Chung Lian, Jr. and Te-Hao Chang and Liang-Gee Chen, "High speed memory efficient EBCOT architecture for JPEG2000", in International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2003, vol. 2, pp. 736-739 .

[175] Chih-Wei Hsu and Yung-Chi Chang and Wei-Min Chao and Liang-Gee Chen, "Hardware-oriented optimization and block-level architecture design for MPEG-4 FGS encoder", in International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2003, vol. 2, pp. 784-787.

[174] Yu-Wen Huang and Tu-Chih Wang and Bing-Yu Hsieh and Liang-Gee Chen, "Hardware architecture design for variable block size motion estimation in MPEG-4 AVC/JVT/ITU-T H.264", in International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2003, vol. 2, pp. 796-799 .

[173] Shyh-Feng Lin and Yu-Lin Chang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Motion adaptive de-interlacing by horizontal motion detection and enhanced ELA processing", in International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2003, vol. 2, pp. 696-699.

[172] Tsung-Han Tsai and Shih-Way Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Design of a low power psycho-acoustic model co-processor for MPEG-2/4 AAC LC stereo encoder", in International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2003, vol. 2, pp. 552-555.

[171] Tu-Chih Wang and Yu-Wen Huang and Hung-Chi Fang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Parallel 4/spl times/4 2D transform and inverse transform architecture for MPEG-4 AVC/H.264", in International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2003, vol. 2, pp. 800-803.

[170] Yung-Chi Chang and Chao-Chih Huang and Wei-Min Chao and Liang-Gee Chen, "An efficient embedded bitstream parsing processor for MPEG-4 video decoding system", in International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems, and Applications (VLSI-TSA), 2003, pp. 168-171.

[169] Shao-Yi Chien and Shu-Han Yu and Li-Fu Ding and Yun-Nien Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Fast disparity estimation algorithm for mesh-based stereo image/video compression with two-stage hybrid approach", in Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2003, Lugano, Switzerland, published by SPIE, vol. 5150, pp. 1521-1530.

[168] Bing-Yu Hsieh and Yu-Wen Huang and Tu-Chih Wang and Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "Fast motion estimation algorithm for H.264/MPEG-4 AVC by using multiple reference frame skipping criteria", in Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2003, Lugano, Switzerland, published by SPIE, vol. 5150, pp. 1551-1560.

**** 2002 ********

[167] Hung-Chi Fang and Tu-Chih Wang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Real-time deblocking filter for MPEG-4 systems", in Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), 2002, vol. 1, pp. 541-544.

[166] Chao-Tsung Huang and Po-Chih Tseng and Liang-Gee Chen, "Flipping structure: an efficient VLSI architecture for lifting-based discrete wavelet transform", in Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), 2002, vol. 1, pp. 383-388.

[165] Pei-Jun Lee and Liang-Gee Chen, "Error recovery for MPEG-4 shape and texture information", in Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), 2002, vol. 1, pp. 525-528.

[164] Po-Chih Tseng and Chao-Tsung Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Generic RAM-based architecture for two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform with line-based method", in Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), 2002, pp. 363-366.

[163] Shao-Yi Chien and Yu-Wen Huang and Bing-Yu Hsieh and Liang-Gee Chen, "Single chip video segmentation system with a programmable PE array", in IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on ASIC, 2002, pp. 233-236.

[162] Shao-Yi Chien and Yu-Wen Huang and Shyh-Yih Ma and Liang-Gee Chen, "Predictive watershed for image sequences segmentation", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2002, vol. 3, pp. 3196-3199.

[161] Yu-Wen Huang and Shao-Yi Chien and Bing-Yu Hsieh and Liang-Gee Chen, "An efficient and low power architecture design for motion estimation using global elimination algorithm", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2002, vol. 3, pp. 3120-3123 .

[160] Shao-Yi Chien and Ching-Yeh Chen and Yu-Wen Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Multiple sprites and frame skipping techniques for sprite generation with high subjective quality and fast speed", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2002, vol. 1, pp. 785-788.

[159] C. W. Hsu and W. M. Chao and Y. C. Chang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Texture coder design of MPEG-4 video by using interleaving schedule", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2002.

[158] Yu-Wen Huang and Bing-Yu Hsieh and Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "Simple and effective algorithm for automatic tracking of a single object using a pan-tilt-zoom camera", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2002, vol. 1, pp. 789-792.

[157] Pei-Jun Lee and Liang-Gee Chen, "Bit-plane error recovery via cross subband for image transmission in JPEG2000", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2002, vol. 1, pp. 149-152.

[156] Tu-Chih Wang and Hung-Chi Fang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Low delay, error robust wireless video transmission architecture for video communication", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2002, vol. 1, pp. 265-268.

[155] Wei-Min Chao and Chih-Wei Hsu and Yung-Chi Chang and Liang-Gee Chen, "A novel hybrid motion estimator supporting diamond search and fast full search", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2002, vol. 2, pp. 492-495.

[154] Hong-Hui Chen and Chung Lian, Jr. and Te-Hao Chang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Analysis of EBCOT decoding algorithm and its VLSI implementation for JPEG 2000", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2002, vol. 4, pp. 329-332.

[153] Shao-Yi Chien and Yu-Wen Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "A hardware accelerator for video segmentation using programmable morphology PE array", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2002, vol. 4, pp. 341-344 .

[152] Chao-Tsung Huang and Po-Chih Tseng and Liang-Gee Chen, "Efficient VLSI architectures of lifting-based discrete wavelet transform by systematic design method", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2002, vol. 5, pp. 565-568.

[151] Yeong-Kang Lai and Liang-Gee Chen and Jian-Yi Lai and Tai-Ming Parng, "VLSI architecture design and implementation for TWOFISH block cipher", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2002, vol. 2, pp. 356-359.

[150] Tu-Chih Wang and Hung-Chi Fang and Wei-Min Chao and Hong-Hui Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "An UVLC encoder architecture for H.26L", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2002, vol. 2, pp. 308-311 .

[149] Po-Cheng Wu and Chao-Tsung Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "An efficient architecture for two-dimensional inverse discrete wavelet transform", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. ISCAS), 2002, vol. 2, pp. 312-315.

[148] Shao-Yi Chien and Yu-Wen Huang and Bing-Yu Hsieh and Liang-Gee Chen, "Algorithm and architecture of video segmentation hardware system with a programmable PE array", in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS), 2002, pp. 21-26.

[147] Te-Hao Chang and Li-Lin Chen and Chung Lian, Jr. and Hong-Hui Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Computation reduction technique for lossy JPEG2000 encoding through EBCOT Tier-2 feedback processing", in International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2002, vol. 3, pp. 85-88.

[146] Shao-Yi Chien and Ching-Yeh Chen and Wei-Min Chao and Chih-Wei Hsu and Yu-Wen Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "A fast and high subjective quality sprite generation algorithm with frame skipping and multiple sprites techniques", in International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2002, vol. 1, pp. 193-196 .

[145] Yu-Wen Huang and Shao-Yi Chien and Bing-Yu Hsieh and Liang-Gee Chen, "Automatic threshold decision of background registration technique for video segmentation", in Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2002, San Jose, CA, USA, published by SPIE, vol. 4671, pp. 552-563.

[144] Po-Chih Tseng and Chao-Tseng Huang and Liang-Gee Chen, "VLSI implementation of shape-adaptive discrete wavelet transform", in Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2002, San Jose, CA, USA, published by SPIE, vol. 4671, pp. 655-666.

**** 2001 ********

[143] Shao-Yi Chien and Shyh-Yih Ma and Liang-Gee Chen, "Partial-result-reuse architecture and its design technique for morphological operations", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2001.

[142] S. Y. Chien and Y. W. Huang and S. Y. Ma and Liang-Gee Chen, "A real-time practical video segmentation algorithm for MPEG-4 camera systems", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2001.

[141] Tu-Chih Wang and Po-Chih Tseng and Liang-Gee Chen, "H.26L intra mode encoder architecture for digital camera application", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2001.

[140] Y. C. Chang and C. C. Huang and H. C. Chang and H. C. Fang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Error-propagation analysis and concealment strategy for MPEG-4 video bitstream with data partitioning", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2001.

[139] Liang-Gee Chen and Chung Lian, Jr. and Kuan-Fu Chen and Hong-Hui Chen, "Analysis and architecture design of JPEG2000", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2001.

[138] S. Y. Chien and Y. W. Huang and S. Y. Ma and Liang-Gee Chen, "Automatic video segmentation for MPEG-4 using predictive watershed", in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME), 2001.

[137] H. C. Chang and Z. L. Yang and C. J. Lian and Liang-Gee Chen, "Hardware-efficient architecture design of tree-depth scanning and multiple quantization scheme for MPEG-4 still texture coding", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2001.

[136] Kuan-Fu Chen and Chung Lian, Jr. and Hong-Hui Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Analysis and architecture design of EBCOT for JPEG-2000", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2001.

[135] Shao-Yi Chien and Yu-Wen Huang and Shyh-Yih Ma and Liang-Gee Chen, "A hybrid morphology processing units architecture for real-time video segmentation systems", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2001.

[134] M. Y. Hsu and H. C. Chang and Y. C. Wang and Liang-Gee Chen, "Scalable module-based architecture for MPEG-4 BMA motion estimation", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2001.

[133] C. J. Lian and K. F. Chen and H. H. Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Lifting based discrete wavelet transform architecture for JPEG2000", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2001.

[132] C. J. Lian and H. C. Chang and K. F. Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "A JPEG decoder IP core supporting user-defined Huffman table decoding", in IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Circuits, 2001.

[131] Pei-Jun Lee and Liang-Gee Chen and Wen-June Wang and Mei-Juan Chen, "Robust error concealment algorithm for MPEG-4 with the aid of fuzzy theory", in International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2001.

[130] Po-Chih Tseng and Chi-Kuang Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "CDSP: an application-specific digital signal processor for third generation wireless communication", in International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 2001.

[129] S. F. Lin and W. S. Ji and Liang-Gee Chen, "An efficient test bitstream design methodology for fast visual hardware simulation", in Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), 2001.

[128] Chung-Jr. Lian and Liang-Gee Chen and Hao-Chieh Chang and Yung-Chi Chang, "Design and implementation of JPEG encoder IP core", 2001, published by ACM, 370246 29-30.

**** 2000 ********

[127] Y. W. Huang and S. Y. Chien and S. Y. Ma and Liang-Gee Chen, "Analysis of global motion effects on video segmentation", in Asia Pacific Conference on Multimedia Technology and Applications (APCMTA), 2000.

[126] H. C. Chang and Y. C. Chang, "MPEG-4 video bitstream structure analysis and its parsing architecture design", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2000.

[125] H. C. Chang and Liang-Gee Chen and M. Y. Hsu, "Performance analysis and architecture evaluation of MPEG-4 video codec system", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2000.

[124] C. Y. Chen and T. C. Wang and Liang-Gee Chen, "A programmable VLSI architecture for 2D discrete wavelet transform", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2000.

[123] Shyh-Yih Ma and Shao-Yi Chien and Liang-Gee Chen, "An efficient moving object segmentation for MPEG-4 encoding systems", in IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS), 2000.

[122] Shao-Yi Chien and Shyh-Yih Ma and Liang-Gee Chen, "An efficient video segmentation algorithm for real-time MPEG-4 camera system", in Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2000, Perth, Australia, published by SPIE, vol. 4067, pp. 1087-1098.

[121] Yi-Chu Wang and Hao-Chieh Chang and Wei-Ming Chao and Liang-Gee Chen, "Efficient architecture of binary motion estimation for MPEG-4 shape coding", in Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 2000, San Jose, CA, USA, published by SPIE, vol. 4310, pp. 959-967.

**** 1999 ********

[120] Hao-Chieh Chang and Li-Lin Chen and Chung Lian, Jr. and Yung-Chi Chang and Liang-Gee Chen, "IP design of a reconfigurable baseline JPEG coding", in The First IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on ASICs (AP-ASIC), 1999, pp. 143-146.

[119] Shyh-Yih Ma and Liang-Gee Chen, "A single chip CMOS APS camera with direct frame difference output", in IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits., 1999, pp. 287-290.

[118] S. C. Huang, "A LOG-EXP still image compression chip design", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 1999.

[117] Hao-Chieh Chang and Liang-Gee Chen and Yung-Chi Chang and Sheng-Chieh Huang, "A VLSI architecture design of VLC encoder for high data rate video/image coding", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1999, vol. 4, pp. 398-401.

[116] Sheng-Chieh Huang and Liang-Gee Chen and Hao-Chieh Chang, "A novel image compression algorithm by using Log-Exp transform", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1999, vol. 4, pp. 17-20.

[115] Jun-Fu Shen and Liang-Gee Chen and Hao-Chieh Chang and Tu-Chih Wang, "Low power full-search block-matching motion estimation chip for H.263+", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1999, vol. 4, pp. 299-302.

[114] T. H. Tsai, "A novel inverse quantization and multichannel processing architecture for MPEG-2 audio applications", in IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS), 1999.

[113] R. M. Weng and Liang-Gee Chen and M. H. Lee, "Synthesis of cascadable Nth-order current-mode lowpass filters using CCII+s", in IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems (ISPACS), 1999.

[112] Chung-Wei Ku and Fu-Yen Kuo and Chi-Kuang Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Low power strategy about correlator array for CDMA baseband processor", in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS), 1999, pp. 513-522.

[111] Tsung-Han Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen and Ren Wu, Jr., "A cost-effective design for MPEG2 audio decoder with embedded RISC core", in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS), 1999, pp. 361-369.

[110] T. H. Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen and R. J. Wu, "A system level integration methodology for MPEG-2 audio decoder with embedded RISC core", in International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems, and Applications (VLSI-TSA), 1999.

[109] P. C. Wu, "High-performance architecture design for two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform", in International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems, and Applications (VLSI-TSA), 1999.

[108] Po-Cheng Wu and Liang-Gee Chen, "An efficient architecture for two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform", in International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems, and Applications (VLSI-TSA), 1999, pp. 112-115.

**** 1998 ********

[107] Liang-Gee Chen and Juing-Ying Jiu and Hao-Chieh Chang and Yung-Pin Lee and Chung-Wei Ku, "A low power 2D DCT chip design using direct 2D algorithm", in Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 1998, pp. 145-150.

[106] Tsung-Han Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen and Ren Wu, Jr., "A simple and low-cost MPEG audio degrouping algorithm", in Fourth International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings (ICSP), 1998, vol. 2, pp. 1154-1157.

[105] Y. K. Lai, "VLSI implementation of motion estimator with two-dimensional data-reuse", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 1998.

[104] Chang-Hong Chen and Liang-Gee Chen and Hao-Chieh Chang, "Using a region-based blurring method and bits reallocation to enhance quality on face region in very low bitrate video", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1998, vol. 4, pp. 134-137.

[103] Hsu-Teng Chen and Liang-Gee Chen and Sheng-Chieh Huang and Tsung-Han Tsai and Hao-Chieh Chang, "An adaptive network control scheme for region-based hybrid coding algorithm", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1998, vol. 4, pp. 174-177.

[102] Liang-Gee Chen and Juing-Ying Jiu and Hao-Chieh Chang and Yung-Pin Lee and Chung-Wei Ku, "Low power 2D DCT chip design for wireless multimedia terminals", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1998, vol. 4, pp. 41-44.

[101] Tsung-Han Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen and Hao-Chieh Chang and Sheng-Chieh Huang, "A modified MPEG-2 audio decoding scheme based on its low-cost fast algorithm and efficient data scheduling", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1998, vol. 5, pp. 530-533.

[100] Tsung-Han Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen and Sheng-Chieh Huang and Hao-Chieh Chang, "A low-cost architecture design with efficient data arrangement and memory configuration for MPEG-2 audio decoder", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1998, vol. 4, pp. 65-68.

[99] L. G. Chen and J. Y. Jiu and H. C. Chang, "Design and implementation of low-power DCT chip for portable multimedia terminals", in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS), 1998, pp. 85-93.

[98] Yeong-Kang Lai and Liang-Gee Chen, "Vlsi Implementation Of The Motion Estimator With Two-dimensional Data-reuse", in International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 1998, pp. 128-129.

[97] Yuan-Chen Liu and Tsung-Han Tsai and Po-Cheng Wu and Liang-Gee Chen, "Vlsi Implementation Of Visual Block Pattern Truncation Coding", in International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 1998, pp. 36-37.

[96] Hao-Chieh Chang and Liang-Gee Chen, "An efficient modeling architecture for real-time content-based arithmetic coding", in Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 1998, San Jose, CA, USA, published by SPIE, vol. 3653, pp. 708-715.

**** 1997 ********

[95] Yeong-Kang Lai and Liang-Gee Chen and Yung-Pin Lee, "A flexible data-interlacing architecture for full-search block-matching algorithm", in IEEE International Conference on Application-Specific Systems, Architectures and Processors, 1997, pp. 96-104.

[94] Ruei-Xi Chen and Liang-Gee Chen and Mei-Juan Chen and Tsung-Han Tsai, "An I-phone system design and implementation with a portable speech coding coprocessor", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 1997.

[93] Chun-Te Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "High-speed VLSI design of the LZ-based data compression", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1997.

[92] Mei-Juan Chen and Liang-Gee Chen and Ro-Min Weng and Yung-Pin Lee, "Efficient hierarchical motion estimation algorithm based on visual pattern block segmentation", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1997, vol. 2, pp. 1429-1432.

[91] Yeong-Kang Lai and Liang-Gee Chen and Jun-Fu Shen, "An efficient array architecture with data-rings for 3-step hierarchical search block matching algorithm", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1997, vol. 2, pp. 1361-1364.

[90] Yeong-Kang Lai and Liang-Gee Chen and Tsung-Han Tsai and Po-Cheng Wu, "A novel scalable architecture with memory interleaving organization for full search block-matching algorithm", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1997, vol. 2, pp. 1229-1232.

[89] Po-Cheng Wu and Liang-Gee Chen and Yuan-Chen Liu and Yeong-Kang Lai, "Hardware efficient design of filter banks for video coding", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1997, vol. 2, pp. 1213-1216.

[88] Ruei-Xi Chen and Mei-Juan Chen and Liang-Gee Chen and Tsung-Han Tsai, "The system implementation of I-phone hardware by using low bit rate speech coding", in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS), 1997, pp. 489-499.

[87] Tsung-Han Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen and Ruei-Xi Chen, "Implementation strategy of MPEG-2 audio decoder and efficient multichannel architecture", in IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems (SIPS), 1997, pp. 293-300.

[86] Yuan-Chen Liu and Liang-Gee Chen and Po-Cheng Wu and Yeong-Kang Lai and Tsung-Han Tsai and Yung-Pin Lee, "A True Color Video Signal Processing System And Its Real-time Chip Implementation", in International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 1997, pp. 238-239.

[85] Tsung-Han Tsai and Liang-Gee Chen and Yuan-Chen Liu and Yeong-Kang Lai and Po-Cheng Wu, "A Novel MPEG-2 Audio Decoder With Efficient Data Arrangement And Memory Configuration", in International Conference on Consumer Electronics. Digest of Technical Papers (ICCE), 1997, pp. 212-213.

[84] Mei-Juan Chen and Liang-Gee Chen and Ruei-Xi Chen, "Error resilience for block loss with overlapped motion compensation", in International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1997, vol. 2, pp. 105-108.

[83] Yeong-Kang Lai and Liang-Gee Chen and Tsung-Han Tsai and Po-Cheng Wu, "A flexible high-throughput VLSI architecture with 2-D data-reuse for full-search motion estimation", in International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1997, vol. 2, pp. 144-147.

[82] Liang-Gee Chen, "A real-time face recognition system", in International Symposium on Multimedia Information Processing (ISMIP), 1997.

[81] Y. K. Lai and G. S. Lin and C. W. Ku and Liang-Gee Chen, "A novel VLSI architecture of motion estimator for H.263 video coding", in International Symposium on Multimedia Information Processing (ISMIP), 1997.

[80] Shyuan Liao and Liang-Gee Chen, "A Low-power Low-voltage Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer", in International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems, and Applications (VLSI-TSA), 1997, pp. 265-269.

[79] Chung-Wei Ku and Gong-Sheng Lin and Liang-Gee Chen and Yung-Ping Lee, "Architecture design of motion estimation for ITU-T H.263", in Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 1997, San Jose, CA, USA, published by SPIE, vol. 3024, pp. 482-493.

**** 1996 ********

[78] You-Ming Chiu and Liang-Gee Chen and Yung-Ping Lee and Chung-Wei Ku, "Three-step search motion estimation chip for MPEG-2 applications", in Digital Compression Technologies and Systems for Video Communications, 1996, Berlin, Germany, published by SPIE, vol. 2952, pp. 608-616.

[77] Yee-Wen Chen and Liang-Gee Chen and Mei-Juan Chen, "A very low bit rate video coding system using adaptive region-classified vector quantization", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 1996, vol. 2, pp. 1205-1208.

[76] Chung-Wei Ku and You-Ming Chiu and Liang-Gee Chen and Yung-Pin Lee, "Building a pseudo object-oriented very low bit-rate video coding system from a modified optical flow motion estimation algorithm", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 1996, vol. 4, pp. 2064-2067.

[75] Y. C. Liu, "Visual pattern BTC", in IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 1996.

[74] P. C. Wu and Liang-Gee Chen and H. T. Chen, "A new method for reduction of blocking effects", in IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS) and IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, 1996.

[73] P. C. Wu and Liang-Gee Chen and Y. C. Liu and Y. K. Lai, "Investigation of filtering permutation schemes in three-dimensional subband filter banks", in IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (ICCS) and IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, 1996.

[72] Liang-Gee Chen and Yuan-Chen Liu, "An efficient visual pattern block truncation coding", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1996, vol. 2, pp. 770-773.

[71] Chung-Wei Ku and You-Ming Chiu and Liang-Gee Chen and Yung-Pin Lee, "The arbitrarily shaped transform of segmented motion field for a pseudo object-oriented very low bit-rate video coding system", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1996, vol. 2, pp. 790-793 .

[70] Y. K. Lai, "Programmable video processor design", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1996.

[69] Yeong-Kang Lai and Liang-Gee Chen and Ming-Cheng Chiang, "A novel video signal processor with reconfigurable pipelined architecture", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1996, vol. 4, pp. 73-76.

[68] B. E. Spielman and L. G. Chen, "A full-wave analysis for microwave, planar, distributed discontinuities", in IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, 1996, vol. 2, pp. 1055-1058.

[67] Chun-Te Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "A Novel Architecture for Lempel-Ziv-Based Data Compression", in International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 1996, pp. 210.

[66] Chun-Te Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "VLSI Implementation of a Selective Median Filter", in International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 1996, pp. 134.

[65] Hsu-Tung Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "A Multimedia Video Conference System: Using Region Base Hybrid Coding", in International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 1996, pp. 398.

[64] Chung-Wei Ku and Liang-Gee Chen and Chang-Hung Chen and Juing-Yin Chiu and Chau-Tan Huang, "INVESTIGATION OF A VISUAL TELEPHONE PROTOTYPING ON PERSONAL COMPUTERS", in International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 1996, pp. 386.

[63] Yeong-Kang Lai and Liang-Gee Chen, "A Novel Video Signal Processor with Programmable Data Arrangement and Efficient Memory Configuration", in International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 1996, pp. 182.

[62] Chun-Te Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "A self-adjusting weighted median filter for removing impulse noise in images", in International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1996, vol. 1, pp. 419-422 vol.1.

[61] Chung-Wei Ku and Liang-Gee Chen and You-Ming Chiu and Yung-Pin Lee, "A pseudo-object-oriented very low bit-rate video coding system with cache VQ for detail compensation", in International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1996, vol. 1, pp. 653-656.

[60] Po-Cheng Wu and Liang-Gee Chen and Yeong-Kang Lai and Tsung-Han Tsai, "Design strategy for three-dimensional subband filter banks", in International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1996, vol. 1, pp. 605-608.

[59] Yung-Pin Lee and Liang-Gee Chen and Mei-Juan Chen and Chung-Wei Ku, "A new design and implementation of 8×8 2-D DCT/IDCT".

**** 1995 ********

[58] Chun-Te Chen and Liang-Gee Chen and Jue-Hsuan Hsiao, "A hardware-oriented design for weighted median filters", in Asian and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC), 1995, pp. 441-445.

[57] Chun-Te Chen and Liang-Gee Chen and Jue-Hsuan Hsiao, "A hardware-oriented design for weighted median filters", 1995, published by ACM, 224950 71.

[56] Ming-Hwa Chao and Wen-Ta Lee and Mao-Chao Lin and Liang-Gee Chen, "IC design of an adaptive Viterbi decoder", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 1995.

[55] Y. P. Lee and Liang-Gee Chen and C. W. Ku, "Architecture design of MPEG-2 systems", in IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 1995.

[54] Liang-Gee Chen and Po-Cheng Wu and Tzi-Dar Chiueh, "Scalable implementation scheme for multirate FIR filters and its application in efficient design of subband filter banks", in IEEE Workshop on VLSI Signal Processing, 1995, pp. 342-351.

[53] Yung-Pin Lee and Liang-Gee Chen and Chung-Wei Ku, "Architecture design of MPEG-2 decoder system", in International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE), 1995, pp. 258-259.

[52] Liang-Gee Chen and C. W. Ku and D. L. Huang and Y. P. Lee, "Algorithm and VLSI design of a feature-based classified vector quantizer for image coding", in International Symposium on Communications, 1995.

[51] C. T. Chen and Liang-Gee Chen and J. H. Hsiao, "A block processing of the running order algorithm for order statistic filters", in International Symposium on Communications (ISCOM), 1995.

[50] W. T. Lee and T. H. Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "The VLSI design of a radix-2k transpose Viterbi decoder", in International Symposium on Communications (ISCOM), 1995.

[49] Wen-Ta Lee and Thou-Ho Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "A VLSI architecture for radix-2k Viterbi decoding with transpose algorithm", in International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems, and Applications (VLSI-TSA), 1995, pp. 219-223.

[48] Tsung-Han Tsai and Thou-Ho Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "Design and VLSI implementation of MPEG audio decoder", in International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems, and Applications (VLSI-TSA), 1995, pp. 206-210.

[47] Chung-Wei Ku and Liang-Gee Chen and You-Ming Chiu, "A very low bit rate video coding system based on optical flow and region segmentation algorithms", in Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP), 1995, Taipei, Taiwan, published by SPIE, vol. 2501, pp. 1318-1327.

**** 1994 ********

[46] Chun-Te Chen and Liang-Gee Chen and Tzi-Dar Chiueh and Jue-Hsuan Hsiao, "Design and VLSI implementation of real-time weighted median filters", in IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), 1994, pp. 91-96.

[45] Liang-Gee Chen and You-Ming Chiu and Tzi-Dar Chiueh and Her-Ming Jong, "Object-oriented video coding algorithm for very low bit-rate system", in IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), 1994, pp. 614-618.

[44] Wen-Ta Lee and Thou-Ho Chen and Liang-Gee Chen, "The radix-2k Viterbi decoding with transpose path metric processor", in IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), 1994, pp. 194-199.

[43] Jue-Hsuan Hsiao and Liang-Gee Chen and Tzi-Dar Chiueh and Chun-Te Chen, "High throughput CORDIC-based systolic array design for the discrete cosine transform", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1994, vol. 2, pp. 85-88.

[42] S. C. Huang and Liang-Gee Chen and T. H. Chen, "The chip design of 32-b logarithm number system", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1994.

[41] Sheng-Chieh Huang and Liang-Gee Chen and Thou-Ho Chen, "The chip design of a 32-b logarithmic number system", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1994, vol. 4, pp. 167-170 .

[40] Her-Ming Jong and Liang-Gee Chen and Tzi-Dar Chiueh, "Parallel architectures of 3-step search block-matching algorithm for video coding", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1994, vol. 3, pp. 209-212.

[39] Chung-Wei Ku and Liang-Gee Chen and Tzi-Dar Chiueh and Her-Ming Jong, "Tree-structure architecture and VLSI implementation for vector quantization algorithms", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1994, vol. 4, pp. 139-142.

[38] Liang-Gee Chen and K. N. Cheng and M. J. Chen and T. D. Chiueh, "Design of a hybrid tree/linear array architecture for motion estimation", in International Computer Symposium (ICS), 1994.

[37] Chun-Ta Chen and Liang-Gee Chen and Tzi-Dar Chiueh and Jue-Hsuan Hsiao, "An efficient pipelined VLSI implementation of rank order filter", in International Symposium on Speech, Image Processing and Neural Networks (ISSIPNN), 1994, pp. 630-633 .

[36] Her-Ming Jong and Liang-Gee Chen and Tzi-Dar Chiueh, "Modifications and performance improvements of 3-step search block-matching algorithm for video coding", in International Symposium on Speech, Image Processing and Neural Networks (ISSIPNN), 1994, pp. 256-259 .

**** 1993 ********

[35] P. Chen and J. M. Shyu and L. G. Chen, "Hardware verification using symbolic state transition graphs", in IEEE International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers and Processors (ICCD), 1993, pp. 54-57.

[34] J. H. Hsiao and L. G. Chen and T. D. Chiueh and C. T. Chen, "Novel systolic array design for the discrete Hartley transform with high throughput rate", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1993, pp. 1567-1570 .

[33] Lih-Gwo Jeng and Liang-Gee Chen, "Rate-Optimal DSP Synthesis by Pipeline and Minimum Unfolding", in International Conference on VLSI Design, 1993, pp. 148-153.

**** 1992 ********

[32] Thou-Ho Chen and Liang-Gee Chen and Yeu-Shen Jehng, "A partitioning approach to design fault-tolerant arithmetic arrays", in Eleventh Annual International Phoenix Conference on Computers and Communications, 1992, pp. 432-439.

[31] Liang-Gee Chen and Y. C. Liu and T. D. Chiueh, "Video data compression using an efficient BTC based system", in IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and Systems (APCCAS), 1992.

[30] Thou-Ho Chen and Liang-Gee Chen and Yi-Shing Chang, "Design of concurrent error-detectable VLSI-based array dividers", in IEEE International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers and Processors (ICCD), 1992, pp. 72-75.

[29] Y. S. Jehng, "Realization of array architecture for video compression algorithms", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1992.

[28] Y. S. Jehng and Liang-Gee Chen and T. D. Chiueh, "A motion estimator for low bit-rate video codec", in International Conference on Microwave and Communication (ICMC), 1992.

[27] W. T. Lee and Y. P. Lee and Liang-Gee Chen and M. C. Lin, "The implementation of viterbi decoder with adaptive algorithm", in International Conference on Microwave and Communication (ICMC), 1992.

**** 1991 ********

[26] Chin-Yuan Kuo and Liang-Gee Chen and Tai-Ming Parng, "An automatic synthesizer for CMOS operational amplifiers", in European Conference on Design Automation (EDAC), 1991, pp. 470-474.

[25] L. G. Chen and W. T. Chen and Y. S. Jehng and T. D. Chiueh, "A predictive parallel motion estimation algorithm for digital image processing", in IEEE International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers and Processors (ICCD), 1991, pp. 617-620.

[24] Liang-Gee Chen and Wai-Ting Chen and Yen-Shen Jehng and Chin-Ta Chuch, "An efficient parallel motion estimation algorithm for digital image processing", in IEEE International Sympoisum on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1991, pp. 670-673.

[23] Liang-Gee Chen and Lih-Gwo Jeng, "Optimal module set and clock cycle selection for DSP synthesis", in IEEE International Sympoisum on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1991, pp. 2200-2203.

[22] Lih-Gwo Jeng and Liang-Gee Chen, "A globally static rate optimal scheduling for recursive DSP algorithms", in International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 1991, pp. 1005-1008.

[21] Liang-Gee Chen and Thou-Ho Chen, "A concurrent error-detectable module design for FFT processing", in International Conference on Circuits and Systems, 1991, pp. 839-842.

[20] C. T. Chao, "Intelligent digital filter synthesis system", in International Symposium on Communications, 1991.

[19] T. H. Chen and Liang-Gee Chen and Y. S. Jehng, "The chip design for fault-tolerant FFT processor", in International Symposium on Communications, 1991.

[18] D. J. Lin, "On design of DSP chips using behavioral silicon compiler", in International Symposium on Communications, 1991.

[17] Chin-Yuan Kuo and Liang-Gee Chen and Tai-Ming Parng, "An automatic synthesizer for CMOS operational amplifiers", in Proceedings of the conference on European design automation, 1991, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, published by IEEE Computer Society Press.

**** 1990 ********

[16] Y. S. Jehng and Liang-Gee Chen and T. D. Chiueh, "Low latency tree architectures for motion estimation algorithms", in IASTED International Symposium on Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 1990.

[15] Liang-Gee Chen and Y. S. Jehng and T. D. Chiueh, "Array architecture design for video communication applications", in International Computer Symposium, 1990.

[14] C. Y. Kuo and Liang-Gee Chen and T. M. Parng, "A new approach to CMOS operational amplifier synthesis", in International Computer Symposium, 1990.

[13] Liang-Gee Chen and Y. S. Jehng and T. M. Parng, "Automatic schematic environment for CAD frameworks", in International Electronic Devices and Materials Symposium, 1990.

[12] Liang-Gee Chen, "An error detectable FFT processor", in ISMM Computer Applications on Design, 1990.

[11] Liang-Gee Chen and Liang-Gee Jeng and K. T. Chao and D. J. Lin and C. T. Chao, "CAD system for an application-specific DSP processor design", in Synthesis and Simulation Meeting and International Interchange, 1990.

[10] Y. S. Jehng and Liang-Gee Chen and T. D. Chiueh and W. Chen and H. M. Jong, "Pipeline interleaving design for FIR, IIR, and FFT", in Synthesis and Simulation Meeting and International Interchange (SASIMI), 1990.

**** 1989 ********

[9] J. Y. Han and L. G. Chen, "Upper bound of direct-remove suboptimum for perturbation-iteration method in bin packing problems", in The 32nd Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 1989, pp. 661-664.

[8] L. G. Chen and T. H. Chen, "Computation with simultaneously concurrent error detection using bi-directional operands", in IEEE International Conference on Computer Design: VLSI in Computers and Processors (ICCD), 1989, pp. 128-131.

[7] Liang-Gee Chen, "RECO: a novel circuit design for concurrent error detection", in International Conference on Solid State and Integrated Circuit Technology (ICSICT), 1989.

**** 1988 ********

[6] Liang-Gee Chen, "How expert system aids aerial photographic interpretation", in International Computer Symposium (ICS), 1988.

**** 1986 ********

[5] Liang-Gee Chen and J. F. Wang and J. Y. Lee and H. T. Lee, "A hierarchical filter for circuit layout", in IEEE of International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1986.

**** 1985 ********

[4] Liang-Gee Chen and J. Y. Lee and K. T. Chen and J. F. Wang, "A new comparison algorithm for verifying logic interconnection of VLSI", in IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 1985.

**** 1984 ********

[3] K. T. Chen and Liang-Gee Chen and J. Y. Lee and J. F. Wang, "Logic synthesis for CMOS and NMOS VLSI circuits", in International Devices and Materials Symposium, 1984.

[2 ] Liang-Gee Chen and J. Y. Lee and K. T. Chen and J. F. Wang, "An algorithm for verifying circuit connectivity of VLSI", in International Devices and Materials Symposium, 1984.

**** 1981 ********

[1 ] Y. K. Su and C. Y. Chang and T. S. Wu and M. K. Lee and M. P. Houng and Liang-Gee Chen, "Growth and properties of GaP/Si devices by MOCVD", in International Conference on CVD, 1981.