台灣大學職能治療學系 School of Occupational Therapy, National Taiwan University
| 教授 Professor
| 08/03' to date
澳洲昆士蘭大學職能治療學系 Division of Occupational therapy, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Queensland
| 訪問教授 Visiting Professor
| 07/09' to 01/10'
台灣大學職能治療學系 School of Occupational Therapy, National Taiwan University
| 系主任 Chairperson
| 08/01' to 07/07'
台灣大學附設醫院 職能治療科 Occupational Therapy, National Taiwan University Hospital
| 科主任 Division Chief
| 08/05' to 07/07'
台灣大學職能治療學系 School of Occupational Therapy, National Taiwan University
| 副教授 Associate Professor
| 08/98' to 07/03'
台灣大學職能治療學系 School of Occupational Therapy, National Taiwan University
| 講師 Lecturer
| 02/95' - 07/98'
台灣大學職能治療學系 School of Occupational Therapy, National Taiwan University
| 助教 Teaching Assistant
| 08/94' - 01/95'
國軍八零二醫院 Army 802 General Hospital
| 職能治療師 Occupational Therapist
| 10/88' - 05/90'
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