謝清麟 姓名 Name 謝清麟 Ching-Lin Hsieh
生日 Birthday 1964/10/19
地址 Address 台北市100徐州路17號4樓 台大醫學院職治系
電話 Phone Office:(02)33228177
傳真 FAX (02)23511331
To My Sons's Photosmore To Mike's Photosmore
My son 東穎 was born on 5 Jan, 97'.
The photo was taken when he was 5 months old.
My wife 克柔 Carol.
The photo was taken at Cairns Australia in 1993.

簡介 Personal Details 經歷 Work Experiences 學歷 Diplomas 研究領域 Research Interests
目前研究 Current Studies 著作 Publications 授課 Courses Offered 常逛網站 Bookmarks
預約討論 Office hours 首頁 C-L Hsieh's Home 職治首頁 OT Home

Address臺灣大學 醫學院 職能治療學系
School of Occupational Therapy,
College of Medicine, National Taiwan University