Development of a computerized adaptive testing system for assessing perceived difficulty in performing activities of daily living in persons with stroke
| 國科會 NSC
| 13'/08-16'/07
| 已結案 completed
Effect of a patient-centered occupational therapy on independence of daily living in stroke patients
| 國衛院 NHRI
| 13'/01-16'/12
| 已結案 completed
Cultural adaption and preliminary examination of psychometric properties of the Occupational Therapy Adult Perceptual Screening Test
| 國科會 NSC
| 13'/07-13'/12
| 已結案 completed
Prediction of motor recovery in patients with severe motor impairment after stroke
| 台大醫院 NTUH
| 13'/01-13'/12
| 已結案 completed
Psychometric properties of the hierarchical balance short forms in stroke patients
| 義大醫院 EDAH
| 11'/06-12'/06
| 已結案 completed
Development of a computerized adaptive testing system for measuring mobility in patients with stroke
| 國科會 NSC
| 10'/08-13'/07
| 已結案 completed
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