National Taiwan University

Environmental and Landscape Ecological Lab


Spatial conditioned Latin hypercube sampling (scLHS) is a novel approach based on the concept of conditioned Latin hypercube sampling (cLHS) [Minasny and McBratney, Computers & Geosciences (2006) 1378–1388]. The difference between cLHS and scLHS is that the latter introduces variograms of ancillary variables into the objective function of the optimization procedure that selects sampling locations.the use of the scLHS approach is recommended as a novel alternative sampling approach without the need for a reconnaissance survey to increase the efficiency of capturing the spatial structures of soil heavy metals and delineating contaminated sites. (Lin et al. 2014). The windows version or R version of scLHS will be available soon in this website. Please contact Prof. Yu-Pin Lin for further information.



Spatial downscaling conditioned Latin hypercube sampling (sdcLHS) is a novel approach based on the concept of conditioned Latin hypercube sampling (cLHS) [Minasny and McBratney, Computers & Geosciences (2006) 1378–1388] and Lin et al. (2014). Before optimal selection of samples using sdcLHS, area-to-point kriging was used to downscale mixed-resolution environmental variables to the same resolution using a variogram convolution approach. The sdcLHS method introduces variograms of environmental variables and cross-variograms into the objective function of the conditional Latin Hypercube Sampling (cLHS) optimization procedure for selecting samples. The windows version or R version of sdcLHS will be available soon in this website. Please contact Prof. Yu-Pin Lin for further information.


The Interface of scLHS


References for the tool:


Lin et al. (2014) An optimal spatial pre-sampling approach distribution of bird species bases on various scale data. (preparing)


Lin, Y-P.,*, W.-C. Lin, M.-Y. Li, Y.-Y. Chen, L.-C. Chiang, Y.-C. Wang, 2014, Identification of spatial distributions and uncertainties of multiple heavy metal concentrations by using spatial conditional Latin Hypercube sampling. 230-231, 9-21.  Geoderma.


Minasny, B. & McBratney, A.B. (2006) A conditioned Latin hypercube method for sampling in the presence of ancillary information. Computers & Geosciences, 32, 1378-1388.


This tool is mainly funded by Minister of Science and Technology  of Taiwan ( National Science Council of Taiwan) (NSC101-2923-I-002-001-MY2), and a contribution from the project SCALES: Securing the Conservation of biodiversity across Administrative Levels and spatial, temporal, and Ecological Scales, under the European Union’s Framework Program 7 (grant 226852; www.; Henle et al. 2010). Further version of NRT will be a contribution from the project EU-BON.


National Responsibility Tool (NRT):

National Responsibility tool (NRT) is a GIS tool that can be used to evaluate the national responsibilities concerning conservation and the conservation priorities with respect to focal species in a focal area on various scales, such as both administrative and biophysical scales. Utilizing the spatial analysis and geo-processing powers of a GIS, the NRT tool performs three types of calculation - “by area”, “by biome-area”, and “by biome” - that take into account disturbances of bio-climates, species, and focal areas across various scales. Additionally, the tool was tested using 258 bird species and various biophysical regions, including bio-climates and biomes in 38 Asian countries. The tool improves the geoprocessing and spatial analysis procedure for calculating a large geodataset of data concerning NR and CP while simultaneously analyzing National Responsibility (NR) and Conservation Priority (CP) for multiple focal species in many focal regions. The tool also provides users with a friend and visual environment in which to obtain efficiently NRs and CPs for focal species in various regions across various scales, and allows users to visualize, query, and analyze results concerning NR and CP. (Lin et al. 2014)

The Interface of NRT 1.0 (Lin et al. 2014)

Please contact Prof. Yu-Pin Lin at (Coordinator of SCALES-Taiwan), Prof. Klaus Henle, Dr. Dirk Schmeller, or Dr. Reinhard Klenke (main Coordinator and coordinators of SCALES project; for the current version of NRT 1.0.

This tool is mainly funded by Minister of Science and Technology  of Taiwan ( National Science Council of Taiwan) (NSC101-2923-I-002-001-MY2), and a contribution from the project SCALES: Securing the Conservation of biodiversity across Administrative Levels and spatial, temporal, and Ecological Scales, under the European Union’s Framework Program 7 (grant 226852; www.; Henle et al. 2010). Further version of NRT will be a contribution from the project EU-BON.

References for the tool:

Lin, Y.-P., Schmeller, S.D., Ding, T.-S., Wang, Y.-C., Lien, W.-Y., Henle K., Klenke, R. (2014) A tool to determine national responsibilities and priorities for species conservation (Preparing).

Schmeller, S.D., D. Evans, Y.-P. Lin, K. Henle, 2014, The national responsibility approach to setting conservation priorities - recommendations for its use. Journal of Nature Conservation. (In press)

Schmeller D. S. , B. Gruber, B. Bauch, K. Lanno, E. Budrys, V. Babij, R. Jukaitis, M. Sammul, Z. Varga. and K. Henle, 2008a, Determination of national conservation responsibilities for species conservation in regions with multiple political jurisdictions. Biodiversity and Conservation 17:3607 - 3622.

Schmeller D.S., B. Gruber, E. Budrys, E. Framsted, S. Lengyel, K. Henle, 2008b,  National responsibilities in European species conservation: a methodological review. Conservation Biology 22(3):593 - 601.



由於進行土壤重金屬污染潛勢預測之步驟較為繁瑣,為便於後人參考使用,故本計畫將整合上述之研究方法,嵌入QGIS2.4.0 (中運行。QGIS 2.4.0之最低硬體需求為1.6GHz之處理器以及1.0GB RAM,作業系統環境為Windows XP或更新之系統。在整合程式中的多變量地理統計模擬部分,使用R語言撰寫,根據高斯連續模擬與U-WEDGE法發展而成,可滿足使用者同時考慮多種重金屬的情況,來產生多組不同的土壤重金屬分布情境。在完成土壤重金屬分布情境模擬後,則可使用整合程式中的決策分析部分,同樣是使用R語言撰寫完成,主要是以information gap theory (IGDT)為基礎來發展。可根據地理統計多變量模擬結果篩選出土壤重金屬污染潛勢較高的區域,便於後續採樣規劃。


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