National Taiwan University

Environmental and Landscape Ecological Lab

Yu-Pin Lin

Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering, National Taiwan University

No. 1, Sec. 4, Roosevelt Road, Taipei, 10617 Taiwan

Office Phone: 886-2-33663467; Fax: 886-2-2368-6980



Ph.D. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA


M.S. in Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

B.S. in Agricultural Engineering (Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering), National Taiwan University, Taiwan 

Academic experiences :

Dean, College of Bioresources & Agriculture, National Taiwan University, 2023/7~

Distinguished professor, Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering, National Taiwan University, present

Associate Dean, College of Bioresources & Agriculture, National Taiwan University, 2019/8~2-23/7

Visiting Scholar, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, 2019/3-2019/6

Department Chair, Department of Bioenvironmental Systems Engineering, National Taiwan University, 2015/8~2018/7

Convener, Sustainable Development Division, Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, 2013/1~2015/12

Adjunct Research Scientist, Research Center of Ecological Engineering, National Taiwan University, present

Director of Taipei GPL Nodal office, Global Land Project, present

Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture, Chinese Culture University, 2003/2~2005/7

Associate Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture, Chinese Culture University, 1995/8~2003/1

Personal Academic Advisor, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, 1995/3~1995/7

Research Assistant, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA.

Academic Service:

Co-Associate Editor-in-Chief. 2021~present; Chief Managing Editor of Paddy and Water Environment Journal (SCI Journal) (published by Springer) 2009~2011; 2016~2018/6 (Managing editor in 2007~2018/6)

Editorial Board Member, Landscape Series: land system science (book), Springer, 2021/5~

Associate Editor of Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2021/11~

Associate Editor of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Journal (SCI Journal) (published by Springer) 2010~2022 (Editorial Board Member, 2004~)

Founding Editor-in-Chief of Environments (Emerging Sources Citation Index; ESCI - Web of Science), 2014~2023/3

Editor-in-Chief of Environmental Science and Engineering Section; Editorial Board Member of International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (SCI Journal) 2013~2022/4

Subject Editor of Nature Conservation (SCI Journal)2011~2022/4

Editor-in-Chief of Taiwan Water Conservancy, (EI Journal) 2013~2022/1

Editorial Board Member of Sustainability (SCI, SSCI Journal) 2016~2021/5

Guest Editor of International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (SCI Journal) 2011-2013

Guest Editor of Sustainability (SCI, SSCI Journal) 2014

Reviewer, Austrian Science Fund Wittgenstein Award, 2018

Reviewer, The US-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Project, 2018

2009 International Conference on Promising Practices for the Development of Sustainable Paddy Fields, October 7-9, 2009. Bogor, Indonesia (Steering Committee)

International Technical Advisory Committee, International Conference on Environmentally Sustainable Urban Ecosystems (ENSURE 2012), January, 2012, India.

Session Co-Chair, 2nd GLP Open Science Meeting, “Progress of land change sciences in Asia”, March, 19-21, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.

Organizing committee member, 2014 International Conference on Earth Observations and Social Impacts (ICEO&SI), July, 22-24, 2014, Miaoli, Taiwan.

Chairman of organizing committee, 2014 Asia GLP conference, September, 24-26, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan.

Session Chair, Theme 1: Water-Food Relationships and Agricultural Water Management, 20-21 October 2016, Daejeon, South Korea.

Invited speaker, The 4th International Forum on Landscape Sustainability Science, 7-8, June, 2016, Beijing, China.

Session Co-Chair, 3th GLP Open Science Meeting, “Modeling and delineating the impacts and drivers of land use change ”, 24-27, October, 2016, Beijing, China.

Session Chair, International conference on hydroscience and Engineering (ICHE), 6-11, November, 2017, Taina, Taiwan.

Invited Keynote Speaker, 2018 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES (ICSET 2018), Manila, Philippines, August 19 – 21, 2018.

Invited speaker, Joint Seminar of GLP Japan and Taipei Nodal Offices: Current issues of Land Science in Asia, Hokkaido University, 26th July 2018.

Chairman of organizing committee, 2018 Asia GLP conference, September, 3-5, 2018, Taipei, Taiwan.

Scientific Committee, PAWEES-INWEPF 2018, Paddy and Water Environmental Engineering and the International Network for Water and Ecosystem in Paddy Fields (INWEPF), 20-22, December, 2018, Nara-city, Nara, Japan.

International Scientific Programme Committee, CIB World Building Congress 2019, Hong Kong, 18-21, June, 2019.

Co-organizer, THAI 2019 conference, 23-25, Jan., 2019, Bangkok, Thailand.

Plenary speaker, The 5th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2019), Macau, July 16-19, 2019.

Scientific Committee, INWEPF-PAWEES 2019 international conference, Seoul, Korea, October, 2019.

Plenary speaker, The 3rd International Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering (ISABE), August 6-8, 2019, Makassar, Indonesia.


Fields of Interests:

Spatial Statistics and modeling in Environmental and Ecological Systems

Applications of GIS and Remote Sensing in Environmental and Ecological Systems

Freshwater Monitoring and Modeling

Optimal Environmental Monitoring Network Design

Landscape Ecology in Watershed Management and Planning


Groundwater Modeling

Land-use Planning and Modeling

Soil Heavy Metal Pollution Assessment

Multiscale analysis in Environmental and Ecological Systems

System Dynamic Modeling in Environmental systems

Ecosystem service of stream ecosystem restoration

System Dynamic Modeling

Optimization Techniques

Application of Blockchain in agricture


A. international Journal (SCI)

1.  TALANTA (The International Journal of Pure and Applied Analytical Chemistry) (SCI)

2.  Environmental Pollution (SCI)

3.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (SCI and EI)

4.  Journal of Environmental management (SCI)

5.  Journal of Hazardous Material (SCI)

6.  Journal of Chinese Engineering (SCI)

7.  Science of Total Environment (SCI)

8.  Environmental Forensics (SCI)

9.  Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (SCI)

10.  Geoderma (SCI)

11.  Global Ecology and Biogeography (SCI)

12.  Environmental Geology (SCI)

13.  Environmental Science & Technology (SCI)

14.  International Journal of Environment and Pollution (SCI)

15.  Landscape and Urban Planning (SCI, SSCI)

16.  Environmental Management (SCI)

17.  Journal of Environmental Informatics

18.  The Open Urban Studies Journal

19.  The Open Environmental Journal

20.  Journal of Environmental Systems

21.  Environmental Modeling and Software (SCI)

22.  Ecological Engineering (SCI)

23. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (SCI)

24. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies (SCI)

25. Environmental Earth Sciences (SCI)

26. Sensors (SCI)

27. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China (SCI)

28. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (SCI)

29. International Journal of the Physical Sciences (SCI)

30. Quaternary International (SCI)

31. Journal of Biogeography (SCI)

32. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (SCI)

33. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation (SCI)

34. Ecological Research (SCI)

35. Journal of Nature Conservation (SCI)

36. Ecosystem Services




B. Local Journal

1.  Journal of Chinese Environmental Engineering

2.  Urban and Planning

3.  Civil and Hydraulics

4.  Horticulture

5.  Journal of Outdoor Recreation studies

6.  Journal of Chinese Agricultural Engineering

7.  Journal of Tourism Studies

8.  Land Economics

9.  Taiwan Water Conservation

10. Journal of Geographical Science

11. Architecture Journal

C. National Science Council of Taiwan Research Project



2019 Water Conservancy Contribution Award, Water Resources agency, Ministry of Economic Affair.

2018 International Award, International Society of Paddy and Water Environment Engineering。

2018 Academic Award, Taiwan Agricultural Engineering Society.

2018 Contribution Award, Taiwan Joint Irrigation Association.

2018 Paper Award, Journal of Taiwan Taiwan Agricultural Engineering.

2018 Paper Award, Taiwan Water Conservancy.

2016 Outstanding Research Award, Ministry of Science and Technology.

2016 advisor of undergraduate student Research creation Award, Ministry of Science and Technology.

2013 advisor of undergraduate student Research creation Award, Ministry of Science and Technology.

2011 advisor of undergraduate student Research creation Award, Ministry of Science and Technology.

2010 advisor of undergraduate student Research creation Award, Ministry of Science and Technology.The Fifth International Conference  on Environmental Science and Technology,

USA (ICEST2010, July 12-16, 2010):Student paper Award (Advisor and coauthor) (The American Academy of Sciences).

National Taiwan University, Teaching Award, 2010.

National Science Council of Taiwan (R.O.C) Outstanding Young Scholar Research Project in 2008~2010.

2009 advisor of undergraduate student Research creation Award, Ministry of Science and Technology.

2008 advisor of undergraduate student Research creation Award, Ministry of Science and Technology.

National Science Council of Taiwan (R.O.C.) Research Award in 2000.


Sustainable Development Association of Republic of China (Member)

Chinese Agricultural Engineering Association (Member)

Chinese Environmental Engineering Association (Member)

Taiwan Green Space Association (Member)

Soil and Groundwater Protection Association of Taiwan (Member)

Landscape Association of Republic of China (Member)

Geography Association of Republic of China (Member)


A. Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles: (2000~)

  1. Lin, Y.-P., C.-C Hsu, S. Wuryandani, F.-A. Yang, 2024, A Decision-Making Framework Based on Rain-fed Crop Suitability, Water Scarcity, and Economic Benefits for Determination Multiple-Crop Rotation Strategy, 306,109200. Agricultural Water Management (SCI)

  2. Hsu, C.-C.*, Y.-P. Lin*, 2024, Incorporating Long-Term Numerical Weather Forecasts to Quantify Dynamic Vulnerability of Irrigation Supply System: A Case Study of Shihmen Reservoir in Taiwan. 306, 109178. Agricultural Water Management (SCI)

  3. Mukhtar, H.; Andrianto Ansari; Thanh Ngoc-Dan Cao; Rainer Ferdinand Wunderlich; Yu-Pin Lin*,  2023, hermodynamic sensitivity of ammonia oxidizers-driven N2O fluxes under oxic-suboxic realms, 334, 138872 Chemosphere. (SCI)

  4. Mukhtar, H., R. F. Wunderlich, A. Muzaffar, A. Ansari, O. V. Shipin, T. Ngoc-Dan Cao, Y.-P. Lin*, 2023, Soil Microbiome Feedbacks to Climate Change and Options for Mitigation,882, 163412. Science of The Total Environments. (SCI)

  5. Schmeller, D. S., T. Cheng, J. Shelton, C.-F. Lin, A. Chan- Alvarado, A. Bernardo-Cravo, L. Zoccarato, T.-S. Ding, A. Yu, Y.-P. Lin, A. Swei, M. C. Fisher, V. T. Vredenburg, A. Loyau*, 2022, Environment is associated with chytrid infection and skin microbiome richness on an amphibian rich island.12, 16456. Scientific Reports. (SCI)

  6. Schmeller*, D. S. , D. Urbach, K. Bates, J. Catalan, D. Cogălniceanu, M. C. Fisher, J. Friesen, L. Füreder, V. Gaube, M. Haver, D. Jacobsen, G. L. Roux, Y-P. Lin, A. Loyau, O. Machate, A. Mayer, I. Palomo, C. Plutzar, H. Sentenac, R. Sommaruga, R. Tiberti, W. J. Ripple, 2022, Scientists' Warning of Threats to Mountains, 853, 158611. Science of The Total Environments. (SCI)

  7. Wunderlich R.F, Mukhtar, H., Lin Y-P.*, 2022, Comprehensively evaluating the performance of species distribution across clades and resolutions: choosing the right tool for the job. 37, 2045–2063, Landscape Ecology. (SCI)

  8. Lin, Y.-P., A. Ansari, T. Ngoc-Dan Cao, Y.-J. Shiau, H.-S. Lur, A. Muzaffar , R. F. Wunderlich, H. Mukhtar*, 2022, Using inhibitors to trade greenhouse gas emission for ammonia losses in paddy soil: a zero-sum game. 28, 102547. Environmental Technology & Innovation. (SCI)

  9. Lin, Y.-P., A. Ansari, R. F. Wunderlich, H.-S. Lur, N.-D. T. Cao, H. Mukhtar*, 2022, Assessing the influence of environmental niche segregation in ammonia oxidizers on N2O fluxes from soil and sediments, 289, 133049, Chemosphere. (SCI)

  10. Lin, Y.-P., A. Ansari, L.-C. Cheng, C.-M. Lin, R. F. Wunderlich, N.-D. T. Cao, H. Mukhtar1*, 2021, Short-term response of dicyandiamide-, 3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate-, and allylthiourea-induced nitrification inhibition to soil abiotic and biotic factors.18(13), 7130 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (SCI, SSCI)

  11. Lin, Y.-P., J. Anthony, H. Mukhtar, C.-M. Lin, 2021, A spatial prioritization method for identifying potential eco-risk distributions of heavy metals in soil and birds. 220, 112383. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. (SCI)

  12. Karanasios, P., R. F. Wunderlich, H. Mukhtar, H.-W. Chiu, Y.-P. Lin*, 2021, Exploring hybrid consensus models to assess roadkill. 294, 112886. Journal of Environmental Management. (SCI) *: Corresponding author

  13. Lin, Y.-P., R. F. Wunderlich, C.-M. Lin, N. Uphoff, D. S. Schmeller, O. V. Shipin, H. Mukhtar*, 2021, Topsoil Microbial Community Structure Responds to Land Cover Type and Environmental Zone in the Western Pacific Region.764, 144349. Science of the Total Environment. (SCI) 

  14. Lin, Y. P., Lin, C. M., Mukhtar, H., Lo, H. F., Ko, M. C., & Wang, S. J., 2021, Temporal Variability in the Rhizosphere Bacterial and Fungal Community Structure in the Melon Crop Grown in a Closed Hydroponic System. Agronomy11(4), 719. (SCI)

  15. Mukhtar, H.; C.-M. Lin; R. F. Wunderlich; L.-C. Cheng; M.-C. Ko; Y.-P. Lin*, 2021, Climate and Land Cover Shape the Fungal Community Structure in Topsoil, 751, 141721. Science of the Total Environment. (SCI) *: Corresponding author

  16. Lin, Y.-P., D. S. Schmeller, T.-S. Ding, Y.-C. Wang, W.-Y. Lien, K. Henle, R. A. Klenke*, 2020, A GIS-based policy support tool to determine national responsibilities and priorities for biodiversity conservation, 15(12): e0243135. PLoS ONE. (SCI)

  17. Peng, L.-C., W.-Y. Lien, Y.-P. Lin*, 2020, How Experts’ Opinions and Knowledge Affect their Willingness to Pay for and Ranking of Hydrological Ecosystem Services.12, 10055. Sustainability (SCI, SSCI) *: Corresponding author

  18. Lin, Y.-P., H. Mukhtar, K.-T. Huang, J. R. Petway, C.-M. Lin, C.-F. Chuo, S.-W. Liao, 2020, Real-Time Identification of Irrigation Water Pollution Sources and Pathways with a Wireless Sensor Network and Blockchain Framework.20, 3634. Sensors. (SCI) 

  19. Mukhtar, H., C.-Y. Chan, Y.-P Lin*, C-M Lin, 2020, Assessing the association and predictability of heavy metals in avian organs, feathers, and bones using crowdsourced samples. 252, 126583, Chemosphere. (SCI) *: corresponding author

  20. Petway, J. R., Y.-P. Lin *, R. F. Wunderlich, 2020, A Place-based Approach to Agricultural Nonmaterial Intangible Cultural Ecosystem Service Values. 12(2), 699,  Sustainability. (SSCI, SCI)*:corresponding author

  21. Mukhtar, H., Y.-P. Lin *, C.-M. Lin, Y.-R. Lin  2019. Relative Abundance of Ammonia Oxidizing Archaea and Bacteria Influences Soil Nitrification Responses to Temperature. 7(11), 526, Microorganisms. (SCI) *:corresponding author

  22. Mukhtar, H., Y.-P. Lin *, 2019. Soil nitrification potential Influences the Performance of Nitrification Inhibitors DCD and DMPP in Cropped and Non-Cropped Soils. 9(10), 599, Agronomy. (SCI) *:corresponding author

  23. Mukhtar H., Y.-P. Lin*, C.-M. Lin, J. R. Petway, 2019, Assessing Thermodynamic Parameter Sensitivity for Simulating Temperature Response of Soil Nitrification.21, 1596–1608. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts. (SCI) *:corresponding author

  24. Petway, J. R., Y.-P. Lin *, R. Wunderlich, 2019, Analyzing opinions on sustainable agriculture: Toward increasing farmer knowledge of organic practices in Taiwan-Yuanli Township.11(14), 3843. Sustainability. (SSCI, SCI)*:corresponding author

  25. Lin, Y.-P., J. Anthony, W.-C. Lin, W.-Y. Lien, J. R. Petway, T.-E. Lin, 2019, Spatiotemporal identification of roadkill probability and systematic conservation planning. 34(4), 717-735. Landscape Ecology. (SCI)

  26. Wunderlich, R., Y.-P. Lin*, J. Anthony, J. R. Petway, 2019, Two alternative evaluation metrics to replace the true skill statistic in the assessment of species distribution models.35, 97-116. Nature Conservation. (SCI)*:corresponding author

  27. Peng, L.-C.; Y.-P. Lin*; G.-W. Chen; W.-Y. Lien, 2019, Climate Change Impact on Spatiotemporal Hotspots of Hydrologic Ecosystem Services: A Case Study of Chinan Catchment, Taiwan. water 1(4), 867. (SCI)*:corresponding author

  28. Lin, Y.-P., Chen, C.-J., Lien, W.-Y., Chang, W.-H.; Petway, J.R., Chiang, L.-C., 2019, Landscape Conservation Planning to Sustain Ecosystem Services under Climate Change. 11, 1393. Sustainability. (SCI, SSCI)

  29. Lee, H.-L., Y.-P. Lin*, J. R. Petway, 2018, Global Agricultural Trade Pattern in a Warming World: Regional Realities. 10(8), 2763. Sustainability. (SCI, SSCI)*:corresponding author

  30. Lin, Y.-P., J. R. Petway, W.-Y. Lien, J. Settele, 2018, Blockchain with Artificial Intelligence to Efficiently Manage Water Use under Climate Change. 5(3), 34. Environments. (ESCI)

  31. Lin, Y.-P., J. Settele, J. R. Petway, 2018, Ecoregional and Archetypical Considerations for National Responses to Food Security under Climate Change. 5(3), 32, Environments. (ESCI)

  32. Lin, Y.-P.,W.-C. Lin, J. Anthony,T.-S. DingJ.-B. Mihoub, K. Henle, D. S. Schmeller, 2018, Assessing uncertainty and performance of ensemble conservation planning strategies,169, 57-69, Landscape and Urban Planning. (SSCI, SCI)

  33. Lengyel, S., B. Kosztyi, D. S. Schmeller, P.-Y. Henry, M. Kotarac, Y.-P. Lin, K. Henle. 2018, Evaluating and benchmarking biodiversity monitoring: Metadata-based indicators for sampling design, sampling effort and data analysis, 85, 624-633, Ecological Indicator. (SCI).

  34. Lin, Y.-P., J. R. Petway, J. Settele, 2017, Make AI training fair to farming, (Correspondence), 552, 334, Nature. (SCI)

  35. Mukhtar, H., Y.-P. Lin*, J. Anthony, 2017, Ammonia oxidizing archaea and bacteria in Ammonia oxidizing archaea and bacteria in East Asian Paddy Soils – a mini review, 4(4), 84. Environments. (ESCI).*:corresponding author

  36. Lin, Y.-P., W.-C. Lin, W.-Y. Lien, J. Anthony, J. R. Petway, 2017. Identifying Reliable Opportunistic Data for Species Distribution Modeling: A Benchmark Data Optimization Approach.  4(4), 81, Environments. (ESCI).

  37. Mukhtar, H., Y.-P. Lin*, O. V. Shipin, J. R. Petway, 2017, Modeling Nitrogen dynamics in a Waste Stabilization Pond system using Flexible Modeling Environment with MCMC. 14(7), 765. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (SCI; SSCI)*:corresponding author

  38. Lin, Y.-P., J. R. Petway, J. Anthony, H. Mukhtar, S.-W. Liao, C.-F. Chou, Y.-F. Ho, 2017, Blockchain: The evolutionary next step for ICT e-Agriculture, 4(3), 50. Environments. (ESCI)

  39. Lin, Y.-P., W.-C. Lin, Y.-C. Wang, W.-Y. Lien, T. Huang, C.-C. Hsu, D. S. Schmeller, N. D. Crossman, 2017, Systematically designating conservation areas for protecting habitat quality and multiple ecosystem services. 90, 126-146, Environmental Modelling & Software. (SCI)

  40. Lin, Y.-P., Y.-W. Chen, L.-C. Chang, M.-S. Yeh, G.-H.  Huang, J.R.  Petway, 2017, Groundwater simulations and uncertainty analysis using MODFLOW and geostatistical approach with conditioning multi-aquifer spatial covariance. 9(3), 164, Water. (SCI)

  41. Lin, Y.-P., W.-C. Lin, H.-Y. Li, Y.-C. Wang, C.-C. Hsu, W.-Y. Lien, J. Anthony, J. R. Petway, 2017, Integrating social values and ecosystem services in systematic conservation planning- A case study in Datuan Watershed, 9(5), 718. Sustainability. (SSCI)

  42. Lin, Y.-P., T.-K. Chang, C. Fan, J. Anthony,  J. R. Petway, W.-Y. Lien, C.-P. Liang, Y.-F. Ho, 2017, Applications of Information and Communication Technology for Improvements of Water and Soil Monitoring and Assessments in Agricultural Areas-A case study in the Taoyuan irrigation district. 4(1), 6, Environments (ESCI)

  43. Lin, W.-C., Y.-P. Lin*, Y.-C. Wang, 2016, A decision-making approach for delineating sites which are potentially contaminated by heavy metals via joint simulation. 211, 98-110, Environmental Pollution (SCI)*:corresponding author

  44. Lin , Y.-P., D.-P. Deng, W.-C. Lin, R. Lemmens, N. D. Crossman, K. Henle, D. S. Schmeller, 2015, Uncertainty analysis of crowd-sourced and professionally collected field data used in species distribution models of Taiwanese Moths. 181, 102-110.  Biological Conservation. (SCI)

  45. Lin, W.-C., Y.-P. Lin*, J. Anthony, T.-S. Ding, 2015, Avian Conservation Areas as a Proxy for Contaminated Soil Remediation. 12, 8312-8331, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (SCI) *:corresponding author

  46. Lin, Y.-P., W.-C. Lin, W.-Y. Wu, 2015, Uncertainty in Various Habitat Suitability Models and Its Impact on Habitat Suitability Estimates for Fish.  7, 4088-4107. Water (SCI)

  47. Chiang, L.-C., Y.-P. Lin*, T. Huang, Y.-L. Liu, D. Schmeller, P.H. Verburg, Y.-L. Liu, T.-S. Ding, 2014, Simulation of Ecosystem Service Responses to Multiple Disturbances from an Earthquake and Several Typhoons. 112. 41-55. Landscape and Urban Planning (SCI, SSCI) *:corresponding author

  48. Lin, Y.-P., C.-W. Huang*, T.-S. Ding, Y.-C. Wang, W.-T. Hsiao, D. S., N. Crossman, S. Lengyel, D. Schmeller, 2014, Conservation planning to zone protected areas under optimal landscape management for bird conservation. 60, 121-133. Environmental Modelling & Software (SCI)

  49. Wu, C,-F., Y.-P. Lin*, L-C., Chiang, T. Huang, 2014, Assessing highway's impacts on landscape patterns and ecosystem services: A case study in Puli Township, Taiwan. 128, 60-71. Landscape and Urban Planning (SCI, SSCI) *:corresponding author

  50. Lin, Y-P.,*, W.-C. Lin, M.-Y. Li, Y.-Y. Chen, L.-C. Chiang, Y.-C. Wang, 2014, Identification of spatial distributions and uncertainties of multiple heavy metal concentrations by using spatial conditional Latin Hypercube sampling.230-231, 9-21.  Geoderma. (SCI)

  51. Huang, C.-W., Y.-P. Lin*, L.-C. Chiang, Y.-C. Wang, 2014, Using CV-GLUE Procedure in Analysis of Wetland Model Predictive Uncertainty. 140. 83- 92. Journal of Environmental Management. (SCI)

  52. Lin, W.-C., Y.-P. Lin*, Y.-C. Wang, T.-K. Chang, L.-C. Chiang, 2014, Assessing and mapping spatial associations among oral cancer mortality rate, concentrations of heavy metals in soil, and land use types based on multiple scale data.11, 2148-2168. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (SCI)*:corresponding author

  53. Enoki T, T. Nakashizuka, S.-I. Nakano, T. Miki, Y.-P. Lin, M. Nakaoka, E. Mizumachi, H. Shibata, 2014, Progress in the 21st century: A Roadmap for the Ecological Society of Japan. 29, 357-368.  Ecological Research. (SCI)

  54. Schmeller,  D.S., D. Evans, Y.-P. Lin, K. Henle, 2014, The national responsibility approach to setting conservation priorities - recommendations for its use. 22, 349–357. Journal for Nature Conservation. (SCI)

  55. Lin, W.-C., Y.-P. Lin, W.-Y. Lien, Y.-C. Wang, C.-T. Lin, C.-R. Chiou, J. Anthony, N. D. Crossman, 2014, Expansion of protected areas under climate change: an example of mountainous tree species in Taiwan, 5(11), 2882-2904, Forests. (SCI)

  56. Huang, C.-W., Y.-P. Lin*, T.-S. Ding, J. Anthony, 2014. Developing a Cell-Based Spatial Optimization Model for Land-use Patterns Planning. 6(12), 9139-9158. Sustainability. (SCI, SSCI).

  57. Lin, Y.-P.. 2014, Environments: A New Cutting-Edge International and Interdisciplinary Scholarly Open Access Journal. 1.1, 1-3. Environments. (Editorial)

  58. Crossman, N.D., Bryan, B.A., de Groot, R.S., Y.-P. Lin, Minang, P.A., 2013, Ecosystem services and land change impacts, 5, 509-514, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (SCI)

  59. Wang, Y.-C. , Y.-P. Lin*, C.-W. Huang, H.-J. Chu, W.-S. Ou, Chiang, L.-C., 2012, A system dynamic model and sensitivity analysis for simulating domestic pollution removal in a free water surface constructed wetland. 223, 1719-1742, Water Air and Soil Pollution. (SCI) *:corresponding author  DOI: 10.1007/s11270-011-10H.

  60. Chiang, L.-C. , I. Chaubey, N.-M. Hong, Y.-P. Lin *, T. Huang, 2012, Implementation of BMP Strategies for Adaptation to Climate Change and Land Use Change in a Pasture-Dominated Watershed,9(10), 3654-3684, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (SCI)

  61. Lin, Y.-P., N.-M. Hong *, L.-C. Chiang, Y.-L. Liu, H.-J. Chu, 2012, Adaptation of land-use demands to the impact of climate change on the hydrological processes of an urbanized watershed, 9(11), 4083-4102, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (SCI)

  62. Henle K, Bell S, Brotons L, Clobert J, Evans D, Görg C, Grodzińska-Jurcak M, Gruber B, Haila Y, Henry P-Y, Huth A, Julliard R, Keil P, Kleyer M, Kotze DJ, Kunin W, Lengyel S, Lin Y-P, Loyau A, Luck GW, Magnusson W, Margules C, Matsinos Y, May P, Pinto I, Possingham H, Potts S, Ring I, Pryke J, Samways M, Saunders D, Schmeller D, Similä J, Sommer S, Steffan-Dewenter I, Stoev P, Sykes M, Tóthmérész B, Tzanopoulos J, Yam R, Penev L,2012, Nature Conservation – a new dimension in Open Access publishing bridging science and application. 1, 1–10, Nature Conservation.

  63. Lin, Y.-P., 2012, Sustainability of Ecosystem Services in a Changing World, 2, e111, Journal of Ecosystem and Ecography. (Editorial)

  64. Lin, Y.-P., C.-R. Chang, H.-J. Chu, B.-Y. Chen, 2011, Identifying the spatial mixture distribution of bird diversity across urban and suburban areas in the metropolis: a case study in Taipei Basin of Taiwan, 102, 152-163, Landscape and Urban Planning (SCI, SSCI).

  65. Lin, Y.-P., B.-Y. Cheng, H.-J. Chu, T.-K. Chang, 2011, Assessing how heavy metal pollution and human activity are related by using logistic regressions and kriging methods. 163 (3-4), 275-282, Geoderma (SCI)

  66. Lin, Y.-P., Cheng-Long Wang, Hsiao-Hsuan Yu, Chung-Wei Huang, Yung-Chieh Wang, Yu-Wen Chen, W.-Y. Wu, 2011, Monitoring and estimating the flow conditions and fish presence probability under various flow conditions at reach scale using Genetic algorithms and Kriging methods. 222, 762-775, Ecological Modeling. (SCI)

  67. Lin, Y.-P., C.-F. Wu, H.-J. Chu, P.H. Verburg, 2011, Comparing the prediction abilities of logistic regression, auto-logistic regression and neural network models in empirical land-use change modeling. 25, 65-87, International Journal of Geographical Information science (SSCI, SCI)

  68. Wu, C.-F., Y.-P. Lin, S.-H. Lin, 2011, Hybrid approach for comparing impacts of bird diversity conservation scenarios on landscape patterns and bird habitat suitability in the Shangan subwatershed in Taiwan. 92(7), 1809-1920, Journal of Environmental Management (SCI)

  69. Lin, Y.-P.,  H.-J. Chu, Y.-L. Hwang, C.-H. Tan, S. Rouhani. 2011, Monitoring and Identification of Spatiotemporal Landscape Changes in Multiple Remote Sensing Images by Using a Stratified Conditional Latin Hypercube Sampling Approach and geostatistical simulation. 177, 1-4, 353-373, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (SCI)) *

  70. Lin, Y.-P., H.-J. Chu, Y. L. Hwang, B.-Y. Chen, and T.-K. Chang, 2011, Modeling Spatial Uncertainty of Heavy Metals Content in Soil by Conditional Latin Hypercube Sampling and Geostatistical Simulation.62, 299-311. Environmental Earth Sciences (SCI)

  71. Lin, Y.-P., C.-L. Wang, C.-R. Chang and H.-H. Yu, 2011, Estimation of nested spatial patterns and seasonal variation in the longitudinal distribution of Sicyopterus japonicus in the Datuan Stream, Taiwan by using geostatistical methods, 178, 1-18. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (SCI)) *:corresponding author

  72. Lin, Y.-P., H.-J. Chu, C.-F. Wu, T.-K. Chang, C.-Y. Chen, 2011, Hotspot analysis of spatial soil pollutant patterns using kernel density estimation and geostatistical techniques, 2011, 8(1), 75-88, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (SCI)

  73. Yu, H.-H., Y.-P. Lin*, C.-L. Wang, 2011, Monitoring and estimating scale-dependent hierarchical relationships between Sicyopterus japonicus density and stream habitat features in different seasons in northern Taiwan, 182, 171-186. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (SCI)) *:corresponding author

  74. Lin, Y.-P., B.-Y. Chen, G.-S. Shyu, and T.-K. Chang, 2010, Combing a Finite Mixture Distribution Model with Indicator Kriging to Delineate and Map the Spatial Patterns of Heavy Metal Pollution in Chunghua County, Central Taiwan. 158, 235–244. Environmental Pollution (SCI)

  75. Hong, N.-M. H.-J. Chu, Y.-P. Lin* and D.P. Deng, 2010, Effects of Land cover changes induced by large physical disturbances on hydrological responses in Central Taiwan. 166 (1-3), 503-520. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (SCI)) *:corresponding author

  76. Chu, C.-J., Y.-P. Lin*, C.-S. Jang and T.-K. Chang, 2010, Delineating the hazard zone in multiple soil pollutants by multivariate indicator kriging and conditioned Latin hypercube sampling, 158 (3-4), 242-251, Geoderma (SCI) *:corresponding author

  77. Chu, H.-J., L.-C. Chang, Y.-P. Lin, Y.-C. Wang, 2010, Application of System Dynamics on Shallow Multi-purpose Artificial Lakes: a study case of detention pond at Tainan, Taiwan, 15(3), 211-221, Environmental Modeling and Assessment. (SCI)

  78. Chu, H.-J., Y.-P. Lin*, C.-W. Huang, C.-Y. Hsu, and H.-Y. Chen, 2010, Modeling the Hydrologic Effect of Dynamic Land Use Change using a Distributed Hydrologic Model and a Spatial Land-use Allocation Model. 24 (18), 2538-2554, Hydrological Processes (SCI)  *:corresponding author

  79. Chang, L.-C., H.-J. Chu, Y.-P. Lin and Y.-W. Chen, 2010, Using a Hybrid Approach to Optimize Experimental Network Design for Aquifer Parameter Identification, 169, 133-142. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (SCI)

  80. Lin, Y.-P., C.-L. Wang, H.-H. Yu, Y.-C. Wang, 2010, Estimating and Classifying Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Flow Conditions for Fish Habitats by Using Geostatistical Approaches with Measured Flow and Fish Data. Volume 6016/2010, 224-237. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ICCSA 2010). (SCI in 2005)

  81. Chu, H.-J., Y.-P. Lin, and C.-F. Wu, 2010, Forecasting Space-Time Land Use Change in the Paochiao Watershed of Taiwan Using Demand Estimation and Empirical Simulation Approaches. Volume 6016/2010, 116-130. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ICCSA 2010). (SCI in 2005)

  82. Lin, Y.-P., H.-J. Chu, C.-F. Wu, 2010, Spatial pattern analysis of landslide using landscape metrics and logistic regression: a case study in central Taiwan, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussion 7, 3423-3451. (SCI)

  83. Chaing, C.-T., I.-B. Lian, C.-C. Su, K.-Y. Tsai, Y.-P. Lin, T.-K. Chang, 2010,  Spatiotemporal Trends in Oral Cancer Mortality and Potential Risks Associated with Heavy Metals Content in Taiwan Soil, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 7(11), 3916-3928. (SCI)

  84. Lin, Y.-P., H.-J. Chu, C.-L. Wang, H.-H. Yu and Y.-C. Wang, 2009, Remote sensing data with Latin hypercube sampling and geostatistical approach to delineate landscape changes induced by large chronological physical disturbances 9(1), 148-174, Sensors. (SCI)

  85. Lin, Y.-P., P.H. Verburg, C.-R. Chang, H.-Y. Chen and M.-H. Cheng, 2009, Developing and comparing optimal and empirical land-use models for the development of an urbanized watershed forest in Taiwan, 92, 242-254. Landscape and Urban Planning. (SCI, SSCI)

  86. Chu, H.-J., Lin, Y.-P.*, Y.-L. Huang and Y.-C. Wang, 2009, Detecting the Land-cover Changes Induced by Large-physical Disturbances using Landscape Metrics, Spatial Sampling, Simulation and Spatial Analysis, 9(9), 6670-6700, Sensors. (SCI) *:corresponding author

  87. Lin, Y.-P., M.-H. Yeh, D.-P. Deng and Y.-C. Wang, 2008, Geostatistical Approaches and Optimal Additional Sampling Schemes for Spatial Patterns and Future Samplings of Bird Diversity. 17, 175-188, Global Ecology and Biogeography. (SCI)

  88. Lin, Y.-P., P.J. Wu, N.M. Hong, 2008, The effects of changing the resolution of land-use modeling on simulations of land-use patterns and hydrology for a watershed land-use planning assessment in Wu-tu, Taiwan. 8, 54-66, Landscape and Urban Planning. (SCI, SSCI)

  89. Lin, Y.-P., Y.-B. Lin, Y.-T. Wang and N.-M. Hong, 2008, Monitoring and predicting land-use changes and hydrology of an urbanized Paochiao watershed in Taiwan using remote sensing data, urban growth models and a hydrological model. 8, 658-680, Sensors (SCI).

  90. Lin, Y.B., Y.-P. Lin* and D. Deng, 2008, Integrating remote sensing with directional two-dimension wavelet analysis and open GIS for quick detecting landslide patterns induced by large natural disturbances. 8, 1070-1089, Sensors (SCI). *:corresponding author

  91. Lin, Y.B, Y.-P. Lin* and W.T Fang, 2008, Mapping and assessing spatial multiscale variations of birds associated with urban environments in metropolitan Taipei, Taiwan. 145, 209-226, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (SCI)) *:corresponding author

  92. Lin, Y.P., 2008, Simulating spatial distributions, variability and uncertainty of soil arsenic by geostatistical simulations in Geographic information systems. 2, 26-33, Open Environmental Sciences.

  93. Lin, Y.-P., N.M. Hong, P. J. Wu, C.F. Wu and P.H. Verburg, 2007, Impacts of land use change scenarios on hydrology and land use pattern in the Wu-Tu watershed in Northern Taiwan. 80, 111-126. Landscape and Urban Planning (SCI, SSCI).

  94. Lin, Y.-P., N.M. Hong, P.J. Wu and C.J. Lin, 2007, Modeling and assessing land-use and hydrologic processes to future watershed land-use and climate change scenarios in watershed land-use planning. 53, 623-634. Environmental Geology. (SCI, EI)

  95. Lin, Y.B., Y.-P. Lin*, C.W. Liu and Y.C. Tan, 2006, Mapping of spatial multi-scale sources of arsenic variation in groundwater on ChiaNan floodplain of Taiwan, Science of The Total Environment, 370, 168-181. (SCI) *:corresponding author

  96. Yeh. M.H., Y.-P. Lin*, L.C. Chang, 2006, Designing an optimal multivariate geostatistical groundwater quality monitoring network using factorial kriging and genetic algorithms, Environmental Geology, 50(1), 101-121. (SCI, EI). *:corresponding author

  97. Lin, Y.-P., T.K. Chang C.F, Wu, D. G. Chian and S.H. Lin, 2006, Assessing impacts of typhoons and the ChiChi earthquake on Chenyuland watershed landscape patterns in Central Taiwan using landscape metrics, Environmental Management, 38(1), 108-125. (SCI).

  98. Lin, Y.-B., Y.-C. Tan, Y.-P. Lin*, C.-W. Liu , 2004, Geostatistical method to delineate anomalies of multi-scale spatial variation in Hydrogeological changes due to the ChiChi earthquake in the ChouShui River alluvial fan in Taiwan, Environmental Geology 47(1), 102-118. (SCI, EI). (*: Corresponding author)

  99. Tung, C.P., C.C. Tan, Y.-P. Lin*, 2003, Improving Groundwater-Flow Modeling using Optimal Zoning methods, Environmental Geology, 44(6), 627-638. (SCI, EI)

  100. Lin, Y.P., 2002, Multivariate geostatistical methods to identify and map spatial variations of soil heavy metals, Environmental Geology 42, 1-10. (SCI, EI) NSC 87-2621-P-002-012 and NSC 89-2621-B-002-004.

  101. Lin, Y.P., T.P. Teng and T.K. Chang, 2002, Multivariate Analysis of soil heavy metal pollution and Landscape patterns analysis in Changhua County in Taiwan, Landscape and Urban Planning, 62(1), 19-35. (SCI, SSCI)

  102. Lin, Y.P., T.K. Chang, C.W. Shi and C.H. Tsen, 2002, Factorial and indicator kriging method using geographic information system to delineate spatial variation and pollution sources of soil heavy metals, Environmental Geology, 42, 900-909. (SCI, EI)

  103. Lin, Y.P. and S. Rouhani, 2001, Multiple-Point Variance Analysis for Optimal Adjustment of A Monitoring Network, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 69(3), pp. 239-266. (SCI, EI)

  104. Lin Y.P., T.K. Chang and T.P. Teng, 2001, Characterization of soil lead by comparing of sequential Gaussian simulation, simulated annealing simulation and kriging methods, Environmental Geology, 41(1/2), 189-199.

  105. Lin, Y.P., Y.C. Tan and S. Rouhani, 2001, Identifying Spatial Characteristics of Transmissivity using Simulated Annealing and Kriging Methods, Environmental Geology, 41(1/2), 200-208. (SCI, EI)

  106. Lin, Y.P. and T.K. Chang, 2000, Geostatistical Simulation and Estimation of the Spatial Variability of Soil Zinc, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A - Toxic/Hazardous Substance & Environmental Engineering, A35(3), 327-347.(SCI, EI)  

  107. Lin, Y.P. and T. K. Chang, 2000, Simulated annealing and kriging method for identifying the spatial patterns and variability of Soil heavy metal, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A - Toxic/Hazardous Substance & Environmental Engineering, A35(7), 1089-1115.

  108. Lin, Y.P., C. C. Li, and Tan, Y. C., 2000, Geostatistical Approach for Identification of Transmissivity Structure at Dulliu area in Taiwan, Environmental Geology, 40 (1/2), 111-120. (SCI, EI)

(In Chinese)

  1. Wu, C.-F. and Lin, Y.-P., 2006, Spatiotemporal land-use change modeling for Hsi-Chi area, Urban and Planning, 33(3):231-259.

  2. Lin, Y.-P., Wu, C.-F. and Deng, D.-P., 2004, Landscape ecological dimension and metrics in land-use spatiotemporal pattern analysis, Urban and Planning, 31(3), 239-268.

  3. Lin, Y.-B., Tang, I.-C., Lin, Y.-P. and Liu, C.-W., 2004, Multi-scale analysis on groundwater induced by the Chi-Chi Earthquake, Taiwan Water Conservation, 25, 1-16.

  4. Lin, Y.-P., Tseng, C.-H. and Teng, T.-P., 2002, Landscape ecological indices in the study of spatiotemparal pattern changes of watershed Landscapes, Journal of Chinese Agricultural Engineering, 48(1), 64-82. (In Chinese)

  5. Lin, Y.-P., Teng, T.-P. and Wu, C.-F., 2001, Quantitative Methods of Landscape Ecology in the Spatial Pattern Study of Agriculture Landscape, 47(2), Journal of Chinese Agricultural Engineering, p74-91. (In Chinese)

  6. Chan, Y.-C., Lin, Y.-P. and Tan, Y.-C., 2001, Application of Conditional Simulation in the Study of Groundwater Quality Monitoring Network Design, Taiwan Water Conservancy, 49(1), p19-28.(In Chinese)

  7. Lin, Y.-P., Dai, C.-F. and Wu, C.-F, 2001, Wetland Landscape Assessment of Tanshui River Estuarine Area- A Case Study in Waziwei Natural Reserve Area, Taiwan Water Conservancy, 49(2), p63-78.

  8. Teng, T.-P. and Lin, Y.-P., 2001, Using Fractal Dimension in the Study of Buildup Pattern in the Central Part of Taiwan, Human and Land, 209, p55-61.

  9. Lin, Y.-P., Teng, T.-P. and Tsen, C.-H., 2001, Geographic Information and Geostatistics in the Spatial Data Analysis, Chinese Culture University Geographical report, 14, p117-139. (In Chinese)

  10. Lin, Y.-P., and Teng, T.-P., 2001, Analyzing Urban Green Space by Using Fractal Theory and Remotely Imagery- A Case Study of Shin-Yi Planning Area in Taipei, City and Planning, 28(2), p127-154. (In Chinese)

  11. Lin, Y.-P., Teng, T.-P. and Tan, Y.-C., 2001, Conditional Geostatistical Simulation in the Study of Simulating Spatial Transmissivity Distribution of Dulliu Area, Journal of Chinese Agricultural Engineering, 47(4), p77-89.(In Chinese)

  12. Chang, T.-K., Hsu, G.-S. and Lin, Y.-P., 2001, Geostatistics with Geographic Information System in Soil Pollution Protection, 47(4), Journal of Chinese Agricultural Engineering, p20-28.(In Chinese)

  13. Lin, Y.-P. and Lin, Y.-C., 2000, Environmental Perception Study of Irrigation Pond in LuChu Area, Environmental Education Quarterly, 42, p35-48.(In Chinese)

  14. Lin, Y.-P., Teng, T.-P. and Tzeng, R.-C., 2000, Using Patch Shape Index and Statistical Methods in the Landscape Change of Irrigation Pond, Chinese Culture University Geographical Report, 13, p95-126. (In Chinese)

  15. B. Book Chapter (2000~2007)

1.        Y.-P. Lin, 2004, Geostatsistical approach for optimally adjusting monitoring network, Environmental Monitoring, Edited by Bruce Wiersma, p407-426, CRC Press.

2.        Y.-P. Lin and K.-H. Lu, 2001, Chapter 9: Water Resources Planning and Disaster Prevention, Environment and Ecology, Edited by K.-H. Wu, Chinese Culture University. (In Chinese)

3.        C.-Y. Cheng, Y.-P. Lin and M. Kuo, 2000, Watershed Conservation, Chinese Culture University. (In Chinese)

C. Conference Proceedings (2002~2010)

1.       Lin, Y.-P., C.-L. Wang, H.-H. Yu, Y.-C. Wang, 2010, Estimating and Classifying Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Flow Conditions for Fish Habitats by Using Geostatistical Approaches with Measured Flow and Fish Data. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ICCSA 2010). (SCI in 2005)

2.       Chu, H.-J., Y.-P. Lin, and C.-F. Wu, 2010, Forecasting Space-Time Land Use Change in the Paochiao Watershed of Taiwan Using Demand Estimation and Empirical Simulation Approaches. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (ICCSA 2010). (SCI in 2005)

3.      Chen, Horng-Yng, Yu-Pin Lin, Hone-Jay Chu, 2010, Integrating a Land-use Model, a Hydrological Model and Patch Analyst into a Geographical Information System to Simulate Land-use Changes and Their Impacts, 2010US-IALE Twenty-fifth Anniversary Symposium, Athens, Georgia, April 5-9, 2010.

4.      Yu, Hsiao-Hsuan; Yu-Pin, Lin; Cheng-Long, Wang, 2010, Modeling scales of associations between Sicypoterus japonicus and the stream features by using hierarchical linear models, 2010US-IALE Twenty-fifth Anniversary Symposium, Athens, Georgia, April 5-9, 2010.

5.      Lin, Yu-Pin, Chia-Hsie Tan, Hone-Jay Chu, Yung-Chieh Wang, 2010, Finite Mixture Distribution Models with Landscape Metrics to Delineate Landslide Spatial Patterns, the 5th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology 2010 (ICEST2010, July 12-16, 2010).

6.      Wang, Yung-Chieh, Yu-Pin Lin, Chun-Wei Huang, Hone-Jay Chu, 2010, A Generalized Likelihood Sensitivity Analysis for Simulating the Water Quality of Constructed Wetlands, the 5th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology 2010 (ICEST2010, July 12-16, 2010) (Student paper Award)

7.      Lin, Yu-Pin, Hone-Jay Chu, Nien-Ming Hong, 2010, Forecasting Land Use Change, Climate Change and the Impacts to Water Resources in the Watershed Scale, the 5th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology 2010 (ICEST2010, July 12-16, 2010).

8.      Wang, Y.-C., Lin, Y.-P., Cho, T.-H. and Wang C.-L., 2008, Estimating scale-dependent hierarchical variations and longitudinal distribution of stream fish abundance--Datun stream, Taiwan, International Statistical Ecology Conference 2008, Scotland.

9.      Wu, P.-J., Lin, Y.-P. and Hong, N.-M., 2007, Influences of changing scale of modeling land use on simulating hydrological components in watershed land use planning assessments, IALE world congress 2007.

10.  Lin, Y.-P. and Cheng, M.-H., 2007, Simulated annealing with landscape metrics to optimally simulate landscapes in watershed landscape planning and management, IALE world congress 2007.

11.  Lin, Y.-P., Wu, P.-J., Hong, N.-M. and Wu, C.-F., 2006, Simulating and assessing future land-use scenarios using land-use and hydrological models with landscape metrics in the Wu-Tu watershed, Northern Taiwan, International Association for Landscape Ecology (IALE), UK region, IALE (UK) 2006 Annual Conference, Oxford Brookes University, UK.

12.  Lin, Y.-B., Lin, Y.-P., and Tan, Y.-C., 2006, Analysis of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index Scaling Variation before-and-after Xangsane Typhoon and Toraji Typhoon by using Continuity Two Dimension Small Wave, 15th Hydraulic Engineering Conference, Jung-Li City, National Central University. (in Chinese)

13.  Lin, Y.P., Wu, C.-F., Liu, S.-Y. and Lee, C.-Y., 2005, Assessing impacts of land use and climate changes on Der-Gee Reservoir watershed stream flow, The 20th annual symposium of the US Regional Chapter of the International Association of Landscape Ecology (US-IALE), USA, New York.

14.  Wu, C.-F., and Lin, Y.-P., 2005, Applying Landscape Ecological Metrics to Characterize Spatiotemporal Land Use Mosaic and Landslide in Hsichih City, Taiwan. The 20th annual symposium of the U.S. regional chapter of the international association for landscape ecology (US-IALE). U.S. New York.

15.  Chang, C.-P. , Deng, D.-P. and Lin, Y.-P., 2005, Evaluating the Forest Landscape Pattern Change by Natural Disturbance: A Case Study of Chen-Yu-Lan Watershed in Taiwan, Map Asia 2005, Indonesia. (poster paper award)

16.  Lin, Y.-P., 2005, Study of Land Use and Landscape Ecology Pattern Integrative Application on Watershed Ecology Planning and Management, 94 Annual Agricultural Engineering Conference, MiaoLi County. (in Chinese)

17.  Lin, Y.-P., Chiang, T.-C., Wu, C.-F., Lin, X.-H., Chen, C.-Y. and Teng, T.-P., 2004, Study of Disturbance Events Influences on Land Use Change by Landscape Ecology Quantitative methods, Journal of 14th Hydraulic Engineering Conference, pp. 159-167, HsinChu City, National Chiao Tung University. (in Chinese)

18.  Hsu, W.-H., Yeh, M.-S., Shan, H.-Y., Lin, Y.-P., and Chang, L.-C., 2004, Application of Multivariate Geology Statistics on Water Quality Well-net Design, 6th Groundwater Resource Quality Protection Conference. (in Chinese)

19.  Lin, Y.-P., Wu, C.-F., and Hsu, C.-C., 2004, Feasibility Analysis of Rapid Bioassessment Protocols Application—take the example of Da-Tun Stream, 93 Annual Agricultural Engineering Conference, Taoyuan County. (in Chinese)

20.  Lin, Y.-P., Wu, C.-F., and Chiang, T.-C., 2004, Assessment of Major Disturbances on Watershed Land Use by Landscape Ecology methods, 93 Annual Agricultural Engineering Conference, Taoyuan County. (in Chinese)

21.  Lin, Y.-P., Teng, T.-P. and Tseng, C.-H., 2003, Mapping and analyzing landscape pattern changes of irrigation ponds of Tauyan Mesa in Taiwan during 1904- 1996, 6th International Association for Landscape Ecology World Congress, Darwin.

22.  Lin, Y.-P., Teng, T.-P. and Chou, D.-C., 2003, Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Transition in Ponds by Landscape Ecology Indices and Quantitative method—take the example of Lujhu Township and Guanyin Township, 7th Taiwan Geography Academic Conference. (in Chinese)

23.  Lin, Y.-B., Lin, Y.-P., Liu, C.-Y., and Tan, Y.-C., 2003, Study of mechanics caused groundwater level changes with different scale in ChouShui River alluvial fan during Chichi earthquake, 2003 2nd Study of Taiwan-Japan Groundwater Anomaly before-and-after Earthquake International Conference. (in Chinese)

24.  Chang, T.-K. and Lin, Y.-P., 2002, Statistical Analysis of Soil Heavy Metal Pollution and Landscape Pattern in Changhua County in Taiwan, Proceeding of International Seminar on Soil and Environmental Quality, Bangko, Thailand.

25.  Lin, Y.-P., Chang, T.-K., and Shih, C.-W., 2002, Application of Indicator Kriging and Geographic Information System on the study of Groundwater Salinization and Land Subsidence in Loh Tsui Kweh Abyssal Fan, Water Conservancy Conference, N91-97. (in Chinese)

26.  Lin, Y.-P., Tseng, C.-H., and Shih, C.-W., 2002, Study of the Correlation between Dissolved Oxygen Concentration in Watershed Rivers and Landscape Ecology Indices, Water Conservancy Conference, F138-146. (in Chinese)

27.  Lin, Y.-P., Chang, T.-K., and Shih, C.-W., 2002, Integration of Indicator Kriging, Factorial Kriging and Geographic Information System on the study to Scope Soil Heavy Metal Spatial Variation and Pollution Resources, 1st Cross-Taiwan-Strait Soil and Groundwater Pollution Renovation Conference. (in Chinese)

28.  Chang, T.-K., Qiu, D.-X., Shyu,G.-S. and Lin, Y.-P., 2002, Analysis of Soil Heavy Metal Characteristics Distribution in Taiwan, 1st Cross-Taiwan-Strait Soil and Groundwater Pollution Renovation Conference. (in Chinese)

29.  Chang, T.-K., Cheng, B.-Y., Shyu,G.-S. and Lin, Y.-P., 2002, Application of Soil Pollution Potential Index System on the Screening of Site Controlling or Renovation ,1st Cross-Taiwan-Strait Soil and Groundwater Pollution Renovation Conference. (in Chinese)

30.  Lin, Y.-P., Tseng, C.-H., and Shih, C.-W., 2002, Studying of City Greenland Spatial Variation by the application of Landscape Ecology and Patch Analysis, 3rd Land Administration Academic Conference, CD ROM. (in Chinese)

31.  Lin, Y.-P., Tseng, C.-H. and Shih, C.-W., 2002, Studying of Watershed Ecological Protection by Landscape Ecology methods, 3rd Cross-Taiwan-Strait Water and soil Resources Ecological Environment Protection Academic Conference, pp. 133-143. (in Chinese)


D. Technical Report (2002~2008)

1.      Lin, Y.-P., Chen, C.-Y. and Li, H.-K., 2002, Establishment of Water Environment Quality Assessment Index, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan). (in Chinese)

2.      Lin, Y.-P., 2002, Analysis of the Spatiotemporal Transition in Ponds by Landscape Ecology Indices and Quantitative method (II)—take the example of Lujhu Township and Guanyin Township, NSC 90-2415-H034-003, National Science Council, Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan). (in Chinese)

3.      Lin, Y.-P., 2002, Application of Landscape Ecology Indices and Quantitative method on Assessment of City Greenland Quality (I), NSC 90-2621-Z-034-002, National Science Council, Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan). (in Chinese)

4.      Lin, Y.-P., Kuo, Monica, Chen, C.-Y., Li, H.-K., Chen, X.-X. and Wu, C.- H., 2002, Total Quantity Control of Mountainside Area Environmental Assessment—take the example of MiaoLi County, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan). (in Chinese)

5.      Lin, Y.-P., Kuo, Monica, Chen, C.-Y., Li, H.-K., Chen, X.-X. and Wu, C.- H., 2003, Total Quantity Control of Mountainside Area Environmental Assessment—take the example of Chyayi City, Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan). (in Chinese)

6.      Lin, Y.-P., Lin, X.-H., and Chen, C.-Y., 2003, Application of Remote Sensing Imagery and Landscape Ecology Quantitative method on Watershed Land Use Change Study, Soil and Water Conservation Bureau, Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan). (in Chinese)

7.      Lin, Y.-P. and Tan, Y.-C., 2003, Planning Assessment of Quantitative Basis of Natural Ecosystem Environment Resources in Water Basin—Set-up Planning of Ecosystem Environment Assessment Spatial Index System, Environmental Protection, Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan). (in Chinese)

8.      Lin, Y.-P., 2003, Study of the Strategy Environmental Assessment Theory and Pragmatic Development: Environmental Sustainability Assessment Procedure and Method—Set-up of the Strategy Environmental Assessment in Landscape Ecology Aspect, National Science Council, Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan). (in Chinese)

9.      Lin, Y.-P., 2004, Study of the Prediction of Watershed Land Use Chang and Influences on River Flow Rate, 92-2415-H-034-007-, National Science Council, Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan). (in Chinese)

10.  Lin, Y.-P., 2004, Set-up of the Environmental Sustainability Assessment, Management Procedure, and Method—Plan three: Study of Environment Capacity, Total Quantity Control, and Strategy Environmental Assessment—Landscape Ecology and Soil Aspects (III), NSC-92-2621-Z-034-004, National Science Council, Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan). (in Chinese)

11.  Lin, Y.-P., Chen, C.-Y., Tung, C.-P., Zhan S.-L. and Zeng, C.-H., 2004, Total Quantity Control of Mountainside Area Environmental Assessment—take the example of Chiayi County and City, Environmental Protection, Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan). (in Chinese)

12.  Lin, Y.P., 2005, Development of Geostatistical extension of Geographic Information System Super-GIS, National Science Council, Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan).

13.  Lin, Y.-P., Chen, C.-Y., Tung, C.-P., Zhan S.-L. and Zeng, C.-H., 2005, updating and developing database of Total Quantity Control and Environmental Assessment, Environmental Protection, Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan).

14.  Lin, Y.P., 2005, Study of the Relativity of Environment Capacity, Accumulative Impact Evaluation and Strategy Environmental Assessment with Total Quantity Controlplan two: Relativity of Environment Capacity, Accumulative Impact Evaluation and Strategy Environmental Assessment with Total Quantity Control in Soil and Landscape Ecology Aspects (I), National Science Council, Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan).

15.  Lin, Y.-P., 2006, Study of the Relativity of Environment Capacity, Accumulative Impact Evaluation and Strategy Environmental Assessment with Total Quantity Control—plan two: Relativity of Environment Capacity, Accumulative Impact Evaluation and Strategy Environmental Assessment with Total Quantity Control in Soil and Landscape Ecology Aspects (II), National Science Council, Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan). (in Chinese)

16.  Lin, Y.-P., 2006, Study of the Grid Automatic Model applied on Land Use Change in Metropolitan Area—plan two: Analysis of Interactive Influences between Land Use Change and Strategy—Spatial Statistical Pattern (I), National Science Council, Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan). (in Chinese)

17.  Lin, Y.-P., 2006, Site-choosing and Assessment of Agricultural Irrigation Ecological Engineering, Council of Agriculture, Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan). (in Chinese)

18.  Lin, Y.-P., 2007, Study of the Relativity of Environment Capacity, Accumulative Impact Evaluation and Strategy Environmental Assessment with Total Quantity Control—plan two: Relativity of Environment Capacity, Accumulative Impact Evaluation and Strategy Environmental Assessment with Total Quantity Control in Soil and Landscape Ecology Aspects (III), National Science Council, Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan). (in Chinese)

19.  Lin, Y.-P., 2007, Study of the Grid Automatic Model applied on Land Use Change in Metropolitan Area—plan two: Analysis of Interactive Influences between Land Use Change and Strategy—Spatial Statistical Pattern (II), National Science Council, Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan). (in Chinese)

20.  Lin, Y.-P., 2007, Site-choosing and Assessment of Agricultural Irrigation Ecological Engineering (II), Council of Agriculture, Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan). (in Chinese)

21.  Lin, Y.-P., 2008, Site-choosing and Assessment of Agricultural Irrigation Ecological Engineering (III), Council of Agriculture, Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan). (in Chinese)

22.  Lin, Y.-P., 2008, Study of the Grid Automatic Model applied on Land Use Change in Metropolitan Area—plan two: Analysis of Interactive Influences between Land Use Change and Strategy—Spatial Statistical Pattern (III), National Science Council, Administration Executive Yuan, R.O.C. (Taiwan). (in Chinese)