

期刊編輯委員 (Editorial Board Member)

  1. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (SCI Journal) 副主編(Associate Editor) 2010~目前/ (編輯委員Editorial Board Member, 2004~目前)

  2. Paddy and Water Environment (SCI Journal) 共同副總編輯(Co-associate Editor in Chief) 2021~ ; 總執行編輯 (Chief Managing Editor) 2009~2011; 2016~2018/6/ 執行編輯 (Managing Editor 2007~2018/6)

  3. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (SCI 期刊) Environmental Science and Engineering 主編 (Editor-in-Chief) 2016~; 編輯委員 (Editorial board member) 2013~

  4. Environments (Emerging Sources Citation Index; ESCI - Web of Science Journal) 總編輯(首任) (Founding Editor-in-Chief) 2014~目前

  5. Nature Conservation (SCI Journal) 主題副編輯 (subject editor) 2011~ 目前

  6. Frontiers in Environmental Science (SCI Journal) 副主編 2021/11~ 目前

  7. Landscape Series: land system science (book), Springer,編輯委員  2021/5~

  8. Taiwan Water Conservancy 台灣水利 (EI Journal) 總編輯 (Editor-in-Chief) 2013~2022/10

  9. Sustainability (SCI, SSCI Journal) 編輯委員 (Editorial Board member) 2016~2021/5

  10. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (SCI Journal) 客座編輯委員 (Guest editor) 2010~2012

  11. Sustainability (SCI, SSCI Journal) 客座編輯委員 (Guest editor) 2014

  12. Director of Global Land Programee Taipei Nodal Office

  13. 農業工程學報編輯委員


International conference committee

  1. 2009 International Conference on Promising Practices for the Development of Sustainable Paddy Fields, October 7-9, 2009. Bogor, Indonesia (Steering Committee)

  2. International Technical Advisory Committee, International Conference on Environmentally Sustainable Urban Ecosystems (ENSURE 2012), January, 2012, India

  3. Reviewer, Austrian Science Fund Wittgenstein Award, 2018
  4. Reviewer, The US-Israel Binational Agricultural Research and Development Project, 2018
  5. 2009 International Conference on Promising Practices for the Development of Sustainable Paddy Fields, October 7-9, 2009. Bogor, Indonesia (Steering Committee)
  6. International Technical Advisory Committee, International Conference on Environmentally Sustainable Urban Ecosystems (ENSURE 2012), January, 2012, India.
  7. Session Co-Chair, 2nd GLP Open Science Meeting, “Progress of land change sciences in Asia”, March, 19-21, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany.

  8. Organizing committee member, 2014 International Conference on Earth Observations and Social Impacts (ICEO&SI), July, 22-24, 2014, Miaoli, Taiwan.

  9. Chairman of organizing committee, 2014 Asia GLP conference, September, 24-26, 2014, Taipei, Taiwan.

  10. Session Chair, Theme 1: Water-Food Relationships and Agricultural Water Management, 20-21 October 2016, Daejeon, South Korea.

  11. Invited speaker, The 4th International Forum on Landscape Sustainability Science, 7-8, June, 2016, Beijing, China.

  12. Session Co-Chair, 3th GLP Open Science Meeting, “Modeling and delineating the impacts and drivers of land use change ”, 24-27, October, 2016, Beijing, China.

  13. Session Chair, International conference on hydroscience and Engineering (ICHE), 6-11, November, 2017, Taina, Taiwan.

  14. Invited Keynote Speaker, 2018 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES (ICSET 2018), Manila, Philippines, August 19 – 21, 2018.

  15. Invited speaker, Joint Seminar of GLP Japan and Taipei Nodal Offices: Current issues of Land Science in Asia, Hokkaido University, 26th July 2018.

  16. Chairman of organizing committee, 2018 Asia GLP conference, September, 3-5, 2018, Taipei, Taiwan.

  17. Scientific Committee, PAWEES-INWEPF 2018, Paddy and Water Environmental Engineering and the International Network for Water and Ecosystem in Paddy Fields (INWEPF), 20-22, December, 2018, Nara-city, Nara, Japan.

  18. International Scientific Programme Committee, CIB World Building Congress 2019, Hong Kong, 18-21, June, 2019.

  19. Co-organizer, THAI 2019 conference, 23-25, Jan., 2019, Bangkok, Thailand.

  20. Plenary speaker, The 5th International Conference on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2019), Macau, July 16-19, 2019.

  21. Scientific Committee, INWEPF-PAWEES 2019 international conference, Seoul, Korea, October, 2019.

  22. Plenary speaker, The 3rd International Symposium on Agricultural and Biosystem Engineering (ISABE), August 6-8, 2019, Makassar, Indonesia.

 論文評審 (Referee)

  1. TALANTA (The International Journal of Pure and Applied Analytical Chemistry) (SCI期刊)

  2. Environmental Pollution (SCI期刊)

  3. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment (SCI and EI 期刊)

  4. Journal of Environmental management (SCI期刊)

  5. Journal of Chinese Environmental Engineering

  6. Journal of Hazardous Material (SCI期刊)

  7. Journal of Chinese Engineering (SCI 期刊)

  8. Science of Total Environment (SCI期刊)

  9. Environmental Forensics (SCI期刊)

  10. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (SCI期刊)

  11. Geoderma (SCI期刊)

  12. Global Ecology and Biogeography (SCI期刊)

  13. Environmental Geology (SCI期刊)

  14. Environmental Science & Technology (SCI期刊)

  15. International Journal of Environment and Pollution (SCI期刊)

  16. Landscape and Urban Planning (SCI, SSCI期刊)

  17. Environmental Management (SCI, SSCI期刊)

  18. Journal of Environmental Informatics (國際期刊)

  19. The Open Urban Studies Journal (國際期刊)

  20. Journal of Environmental Systems (國際期刊)

  21. Environmental Modelling and Software (SCI期刊)

  22. Ecological Engineering (SCI期刊)

  23. The American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (SCI期刊)

  24. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies (SCI期刊)

  25. Environmental Earth Sciences (SCI期刊)

  26. Sensors (SCI期刊)

  27. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation (SCI期刊)

  28. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China (SCI期刊)

  29. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (SCI期刊)

  30. International Journal of the Physical Sciences (SCI期刊)

  31. Journal of Biogeography (SCI期刊)

  32. 都市與計劃 (TSSCI期刊)

  33. 土木水利

  34. 造園學報

  35. 戶外遊憩研究 (TSSCI期刊)

  36. 農業工程學報

  37. 觀光研究學報

  38. 台灣土地研究 (TSSCI期刊)

  39. 台灣水利季刊

  40. 地理學報 (TSSCI期刊)

  41. 建築學報 (TSSCI期刊)