Postdoctoral Researcher
Name: Jung Chiang 蔣榮 |
PhD., National Taiwan University
M.S., National Cheng Kung University
B.S., Tamkang University |
E-mail:d06521003@ntu.edu.tw |
Research: Performance of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Foundations subjected to Fault Movement
Chiang, J, Yang, K-H, Chan, Y-S and Yuan C-L. (2021) “Finite Element Analysis and Design Method of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Foundation subjected to Normal Fault Movement”, Computers and Geotechnics, 139, 104412.[PDF]
Yang, K-H, Chiang, J, Lai, Z-W., Han, J., and Lin, M-L. (2020) “Performance of Geosynthetic- Reinforced Soil Foundations across a Normal Fault”, Geotextiles and Geomembranes. 48(3). 357-373.[PDF] |
Ph.D. Students
Name: Shih-Jie Tseng 曾世傑 |
M.S., Chung Cheng Institute of Technology National Defense University
B.S., Republic of China Military Academy |
E-mail:shrjie0412@gmail.com |
Research: Blast-Resistance Performance of Geotextitle-Reinforced Soil
Zheng, S-J., Yang, K-H, Tsai, Y-K, and Teng, Fuchen. (2022) “Investigation of the Blast-Resistance Performance of Geotextile-Reinforced Soil”, Geosynthetics International.
Name: Nguyen Thanh Son 阮青山 |
M.S., National University of Civil Engineering (NUCE), Viet Nam
B.S., National University of Civil Engineering (NUCE), Viet Nam |
E-mail:sonnt@nuce.edu.vn |
Research: Deformation Characteristics and Triggering Mechanism of Unstable Shallow Slopes upon Rainfall
Nguyen, T.S.,Yang K-H, Wu, Y-K, Teng, F-H, Chao, V.W, and Lee, W.L. (2022) “Post-Failure Process and Kinematic Behavior of Two Landslides: Case Study and Material Point Analyses”, Computers and Geotechnics. 148, 104797.[PDF]
Yang, K-H, Nguyen, T.S., Rahardjo H., and Lin, D-G. (2021) “Deformation Characteristics of Unstable Shallow Slopes Triggered by Rainfall Infiltration”, Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 80(1), 317-344.[PDF]
Nguyen, T.S., Yang, K-H, Ho, C-C, and Huang, F-C. (2021) “Post-Failure Characterization of Shallow Landslides using Material Point Method”, Geofluids, 2021, 8860517.[PDF]
Hung, W-Y,Yang, K-H, Nguyen, T.S., and Pham, T.N.P. (2020) “Performance of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Walls at Failure”, Journal of GeoEngineering. 15(1), 13-29.*2020 Best Paper Award.[PDF]
Yang, K-H, Nguyen, T.S., Lee, Y-H, and Leshchinsky, B, (2019) “Performance and Design of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Slopes against Rainfall: Considering Regional Hydrological Conditions”, Geosynthetics International, 26(5), 451-473.[PDF]
Yang, K-H, Nguyen T.S. and Thuo J.N., (2018) "Discussion of Influence Factors involving Rainfall-Induced Shallow Slope Failure: Numerical Study”, International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 18(4), 07018003.[PDF] |
Name: Joseph Ng'ang'a Thuo |
M.S., National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
B.S., University of Nairobi, Kenya
E-mail:josnet2@yahoo.com |
Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Analysis of Unsaturated Nature and Reinforced Soil Slopes
Yang, K-H, Thuo, J.N., Chen, J-W, and Liu, C-N, (2019) “Failure Investigation of a Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Slope subject to Rainfall”, Geosynthetics International, 26(1), 42-65.*2019 Second Best Paper Award.[PDF]
Yang, K-H, Thuo, J. N., Huynh, V.D.A., Nguyen, T.S. and Portelinha, F.H.M., (2018) “Numerical Evaluation of Reinforced Slopes with Various Backfill-Reinforcement-Drainage Systems subject to Rainfall Infiltration”, Computers and Geotechnics, 96, 25-39.[PDF]
Yang, K-H, Nguyen T.S. and Thuo J.N., (2018) "Discussion of Influence Factors involving Rainfall-Induced Shallow Slope Failure: Numerical Study”, International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 18(4), 07018003.[PDF]
Yang, K-H, Uzuoka R., Thuo J.N., Lin G-L, and Nakai T., (2017) “Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Analysis of Two Unstable Unsaturated Slopes Subject to Rainfall Infiltration”, Engineering Geology, 216, 13-30.[PDF]
Thuo, J.N., Yang, K-H, and Huang, C-C., (2015) “Infiltration into Unsaturated Reinforced Slopes with Nonwoven Geotextile Drains sandwiched in Sand Layers”, Geosynthetics International, 22(6), 457-474. [PDF]
Name: Adilehou Williams Mathieu |
M.S., Southwest Jiaotong University, China
B.S., University of Abomey Calavi, Benin |
E-mail:willmathfr83@gmail.com |
Research: Permeability and Critical Hydraulic Gradient of Fiber-Reinforced Soil
Yang, K-H, Wei, S-B., Adilehou, W. M. and Ho, H-C, (2019) “Fiber-Reinforced Internally Unstable Soil against Suffusion Failure”, Construction and Building Materials. 222, 458-473.[PDF]
Yang, K-H, Adilehou, W. M., Jian, S-T. and Wei, S-B., (2017) “Hydraulic Response of Fiber-Reinforced Sand Subject to Seepage”, Geosynthetics International, 24(5), 491-507.[PDF]
Name: Minh Duc Nguyen 阮明德 |
M.S., National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
B.S., National University of Civil Engineering, Vietnam |
E-mail: newada119@yahoo.com |
Shear Behavior of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Granular and Cohesive Soils
Nguyen, M-D., and Yang, K-H,(2022) “California Bearing Ratio Test on Reinforced Clay under As-compacted and Soaked Conditions”, Journal of GeoEngineering, 17(2), 73-87.
Nguyen, M.D.,Yang, K-H, and Yalew, W. M. (2020) “Compaction Behavior of Nonwoven Geotextile- Reinforced Clay”, Geosynthetics International. 27(1), 16-33.[PDF]
Yang, K-H, Nguyen, M.D., Yalew, W.M., Liu, C-N, and Gupta, R.,(2016) “Behavior of Geotextile-Reinforced Clay under Consolidated-Undrained Tests: Reinterpretation of Porewater Pressure Parameters”, Journal of GeoEngineering, 11(2), 45-57.[PDF]
Yang, K-H, Mengist W., and Nguyen, M.D. (2016) “Behavior of Geotextile-Reinforced Clay with a Coarse Material Sandwich Technique under Unconsolidated-Undrained Triaxial Compression”,International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE.16(3), 04015083.[PDF]
C-N, Yang, K-H, and Nguyen, M.D. (2014) “Behavior of Geogrid-Reinforced
Sand and Effect of Reinforcement Anchorage under Large-Scale Plane
Strain Compression”, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 42(4).[PDF]
M.D.,Yang, K-H, Lee, S-H, Wu, C-S, Tsai, M-H, (2013) “Behavior of
Nonwoven Geotextile-Reinforced Soil and Mobilization of Reinforcement
Strain under Triaxial Compression”, Geosynthetics International, 20(3), 207-225.[PDF] |
Name: Suliman Badawi Ahmed |
M.Eng., Institute Technology Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia
B.S., University of Nyala, Sudan |
E-mail: kobrest@yahoo.com |
Numerical Analyses and Design Considerations of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Two-Tier Walls
Mohamed, S.,Yang, K-H, and Hung, W-Y, (2014) “Finite Element Analyses
of Two-Tier Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Walls: Comparision Involving
Centrifuge Tests and Limit Equilibrium Results”, Computers and Geotechnics, 61, 67-84.[PDF]
Wu, J.T.H.,Yang, K-H, Mohamed, S., Pham, T., and Chen, R-H, (2014) “Suppressing Dilation of Soil-A Reinforcing Mechanism of Soil-Geosynthetic Composites”, Transportation Infrastructure Geotechnology, 1(1), 68-82.[PDF]
Mohamed, S.,Yang, K-H, and Hung, W-Y, (2013) “Limit Equilibrium Analyses of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Two-Tiered Soil Walls: Calibration from Centrifuge Tests”, Geotextiles and Geomembranes41, 1-16.[PDF] |
Master Students
Name: Yun-Hsia 夏昀 |
B.S., National Taiwan University
E-mail:r11521105@ntu.edu.tw |
Research: Numerical Study of Rainfall-Induced Unsaturated Soil Slope Failure by the Material
Point Method |
Name: Wen-Yan Wu 吳文嵃 |
B.S., National Taiwan University
E-mail:r11521108@ntu.edu.tw |
Research: Numerical Analysis of Geofoam Reinforced Soil subjected to Blast Load |
Name: Yuan-Chun Chung 鍾源俊 |
B.S., National Chung Hsing University
E-mail:r11521109@ntu.edu.tw |
Research: Effect of Various Reinforcing Measures on Geosynthetic-Reinforced Embankment and Foundation Systems for Mitigating Reverse Fault-induced Hazards |
Name: Xin-Bai Mao 毛馨白 |
B.S., National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology
E-mail:r11521115@g.ntu.edu.tw |
Research: Thermal Responses of An Energy Raft Foundation in Taipei |
Name: Bo-Chun Chen 陳柏鈞 |
Education: B.S., National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
E-mail:r10521111@ntu.edu.tw |
Research: Landslide Susceptibility Assessment based on PSInSAR and Multiple Geological Factors-Case Study in Taipei |
Name: Ya-Hsuan Fu 傅雅萱 |
B.S., National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University
E-mail:r10521123@ntu.edu.tw |
Research: Model test on GEC and Pile Stabilized Slope Subjected to Seepage |
Name: Sukrityranjan Samanta 蘇愷瑞 |
B.S., National Institute of Technology
E-mail:sukrity.ranjan@gmail.com |
Research: A Comparative Study of GEC and Pile Stabilized Slope Subjected to Water
Infiltration by Numerical and Experimental Approach |
Name: Huan-Yu Chang 張洹瑜 |
B.S., National Taiwan Ocean University
E-mail:r09521112@ntu.edu.tw |
Research: Simulation of Earth Berm in Excavation Based on Elastoplastic Foundation Beam Method Using TORSA |
Name: Yi-Pin Peng 彭逸蘋 |
B.S., National Taiwan University Science and Technology
E-mail:r09521102@ntu.edu.tw |
Research: Assessment of failure surface and kinematic behavior of Guanghua landslide by Material Point Method |
Name: Jia-Jing Lin 林佳靜 |
B.S., National Cheng Kung University
E-mail:r09521108@ntu.edu.tw |
Research: Model Tests on Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Walls as River Banks Protection |
Name: Nai-Hsuan Chang 張乃軒 |
B.S., National Taiwan University
E-mail:r08521109@ntu.edu.tw |
Research: Landslide Susceptibility Assessment and Slope Displacement Threshold based on PSInSAR – Case Study of Landslides along Pu-Tun-Pu-Nas River Area |
Name: Hsiao-Ying Yen 顏筱穎 |
B.S., National Cheng Kung University
E-mail:r08521115@ntu.edu.tw |
Research: Establishment of Slope Displacement Relationships between PSInSAR and Inclinometer Measurement – Case Study of Taipei Maokong Slope |
Name: Richard Litanes 李查德 |
B.S., Institut Teknologi Bandung
E-mail:r08521127@ntu.edu.tw |
Research: Determination of Soil Properties and Numerical Analyses of Deep Excavations in Jakarta Clay |
Name: Yu-Kuei Wu 吳昱葵 |
B.S., National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
E-mail:r07521111@ntu.edu.tw |
Research: Investigation of Slope Post-failure Mechanism using Material Point Method |
Name: Ting-Ling Tseng 曾婷苓 |
B.S., National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology
E-mail:kobe010494@gmail.com |
Research: Experimental Evaluation of Effectiveness of Sand Cushion on Improving the Performance of Geosynthetic- Reinforced Soil Walls upon Rainfall |
Name: Yu-Hsuan Chan 詹于萱 |
B.S., National Taiwan University
E-mail:shuan100895@gmail.com |
Research: Finite Element Analysis of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Foundations subjected to Fault Movement |
Name: Chein-Chun Wu 吳健鈞 |
B.S., National Taiwan University
E-mail:r06521110@ntu.edu.tw |
Research: Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis of Deep Excavation in Taichung Gravel Deposit |
Name: Chien-Cheng Lo 駱建澄 |
B.S., National Taiwan University
E-mail:r06521112@ntu.edu.tw |
Research: Numerical Evaluation of A Multi-tier Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Slope for Mudstone Slope Protection |
Name: Hsin-Chen Lu 呂昕臻 |
B.S., National Chiao Tung University
E-mail:r06521108@ntu.edu.tw |
Research: Evaluation of Improved Methods for Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Walls with Marginal Backfills subjected to Rainfall |
Name: Mark Daniel Tagimacruz Gonzaga |
B.S., University of San Carlos
E-mail:r06521128@ntu.edu.tw |
Research: Influence of Backfill Fines Content on the Performance of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Walls under Rainfall Infiltration
Name: I-Hsin Li 李奕新 |
B.S., National Taiwan Ocean University
E-mail:rm325896@gmail.com |
Research: Performance and Design of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Slopes subjected to Rainfall: Considering Regional Hydrological Conditions
Name: Chao-Wei Lai 賴兆偉 |
B.S., National Taiwan Ocean University
E-mail:ak007610005399@gmail.com |
Research: Model Tests on Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Foundations across a Normal Fault
Name: Ming-Syuan Bai 白名琁 |
B.S., I-Shou University
E-mail:bbb52272005@yahoo.com.tw |
Research: Model Tests on Fiber-Reinforced Sandy Embankments subjected to Seepage
Name: Tatag Yufitra Rus |
B.S., University of Brawijaya , Indonesia
E-mail:tatagyufitrarus@gmail.com |
Research: 3D Finite Element Analysis of Deep Excavation in Central Jakarta using Total and Effective Shear Strength Properties |
Name: Ruei-Syun Jhang 張瑞勳 |
B.S., National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
E-mail:M10305218@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
Research: Behavior of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures subject to Cyclic Lateral Loadings
Name: Ndey Awa Ndure |
B.S., National Taipei University of Technology
E-mail:ndeya183@gmail.com |
Research: Shear Behavior and Pore Water Pressure Generation of Fiber-Reinforced Silt under Consolidated-Undrained Compression.
Name: Jyun-Wei Chen 陳均維 |
B.S., National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
Research: Hydro-Mechanical Coupled Analysis of a Multi-tier Geosynthetics-Reinforced Soil Slope subject to Rainfall Infiltration |
Name: Shao-Bang Wei 魏韶邦 |
B.S., National Cheng Kung University
E-mail:freemopa@gmail.com |
Research: Fiber-Reinforced Gap-Graded Soil against Suffusion |
Name: Wahyuning Aila |
B.S., Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia |
E-mail:wahyuningaila@gmail.com |
Research: Establishment of Geotechnical Properties and 3D Numerical Models for Deep Excavation in Central Jakarta
Hsiung, B-C,Yang, K-H, Aila, W. and Hung, C., (2016) “Three-Dimensional Effect of a Deep Excavation on Wall Deflections in Loose to Medium Dense Sands”, Computers and Geotechnics, 80, 138-151.[PDF] |
Name: Huynh Vo Duyen Anh |
B.S., Da Nang University of Science and Technology, Vietnam
E-mail:huynhvoduyenanh88@gmail.com |
Research: Geotextile- and Geogrid-Reinforced Soil Slopes with Various Backfills and Sand Cushion Thickness subject to Rainfalls
Name: Jun-Wei Li 李俊葦 |
B.S., National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
E-mail:kjkszpj6099@gmail.com |
Research: Unconfined Compression Tests on Fiber-Reinforced Cemented Silt: Effect of Cement on Silt-Fiber Bonding Strength
Name: Ting-Yu Lin 林庭妤 |
B.S., Tamkang University
E-mail:M10305209@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
Research: Numerical Analyses of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Walls with Flexible Wrapped Facings |
Name: Shuo-Ting Chien 簡碩廷 |
B.S., National Taiwan University of Science and Technology |
E-mail:kalankyo@gmail.com |
Research: Experimental and Numerical Study of Hydraulic Responses of Fiber-Reinforced Sand subject to Seepage |
Name: Che-Jui Kuo 郭哲睿 |
B.S., Chung Cheng Institute of Technology National Defense University |
E-mail:reikuo1534@yahoo.com.tw |
Research: Failure Investigation of a Four-Tier Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Slope with Marginal Backfill
Name: Yu-Peng Lin 林渝朋 |
B.S., National Ilan University
E-mail:M10205216@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
Evaluation of Suitability of Limit Equilibrium Analysis for Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Wall Design |
Name: Chia-Hsi Tang 唐嘉禧 |
B.S., National Taiwan University
E-mail:M10205214@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
Finite Element Analyses of Acceleration-Amplified Response within Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures |
Name: Guan-Liang Lan 林冠良 |
B.S., National Chi Nan University
E-mail:M10205208@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
Research: Hydro-Mechanical Coupling Analysis of Rainfall induced Instability of
Unsaturated Slopes
Name: Tzu-Hsuan Lan 藍子軒 |
B.S., National Chi Nan University |
E-mail:M10105209@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
Acceleration Amplification within Geosynthetics-Reinforced Structures under Dynamic Loading
Name: Yi-Siou Chen 陳毅修 |
B.S., Chung Yuan Christian University
E-mail:ericchin21020@hotmail.com |
Finite Element Study on Lateral Bearing Capacity and Failure Mode of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Barriers
Yang, K-H, Wu, J.T.H., Chen, R-H, and Chen, Y-S,(2016) “Lateral Bearing Capacity and Failure Mode of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Barriers Subject to Lateral Loadings”,Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 44, 799-812.[PDF] |
Name: Joseph Ng'ang'a Thuo |
B.Sc., University of Nairobi, Kenya
E-mail:josnet2@yahoo.com |
Numerical Study of Infiltration into Unsaturated Soil Slopes with
Nonwoven Geotextile Drains Sandwiched in Sand Cushions: Featuring
Capillary Barrier Effect
Yang, K-H, Uzuoka R., Thuo J.N., Lin G-L, and Nakai T., (2017) “Coupled Hydro-Mechanical Analysis of Two Unstable Unsaturated Slopes Subject to Rainfall Infiltration”, Engineering Geology, 216, 13-30.[PDF]
Thuo, J.N., Yang, K-H, and Huang, C-C., (2015) “Infiltration into Unsaturated Reinforced Slopes with Nonwoven Geotextile Drains sandwiched in Sand Layers”, Geosynthetics Internationall, 22(6), 457-474. [PDF] |
Name: Jui-Jiun Lin 林瑞鈞 |
B.S., Tamkang University
E-mail:M10105213@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
Experimental Evaluation of Filtration and Drainage Efficiency of Double
Filter System Composed of Granular Soil and Nonwoven Geotextile
Layers [Poster]
Name: Wubete Mengist |
B.S., Arbaminch University, Ethiopia |
E-mail:wubmngst@gmail.com |
Behavior of Geotextile-Reinforced Clay and Improvement with Sandwich
Technique under Unconsolidated-Undrained Triaxial Test
Yang, K-H, Nguyen, M.D., Yalew, W.M., Liu, C-N, and Gupta, R.,(2016) “Behavior of Geotextile-Reinforced Clay under Consolidated-Undrained Tests: Reinterpretation of Porewater Pressure Parameters”, Journal of GeoEngineering, 11(2), 45-57.[PDF]
Yang, K-H, Mengist W., and Nguyen, M.D. (2016) “Behavior of Geotextile-Reinforced Clay with a Coarse Material Sandwich Technique under Unconsolidated-Undrained Triaxial Compression”,International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE.16(3), 04015083.[PDF] |
Name: Bondan Ciptoprakoso Soetanto 陳富榮 |
B.S., Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia |
E-mail:bondan.cp@gmail.com |
The Influence of Existing Foundations on Adjacent
Deep Excavation: A Parametric Study using Finite Element Method |
Name: Ayesha Avanti |
B.S., Institute Technology of Bandung, Indonesia |
E-mail:ay_avanti@yahoo.com |
Numerical Analyses of Jakarta MRT Deep Excavation
Name: Wei-Yang Chang 張維洋 |
B.S., Nation Taiwan University of Science and Technology |
E-mail:M10005208@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
Influence of Reinforcement Stiffness on the Behavior of
Reinforced Sand under Triaxial Compression Tests
Name: Chun-Yu Lin 林俊佑 |
B.S., Nation Taiwan University of Science and Technology |
E-mail:M10005207@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
Experimental Study on Drainage Efficiency and Improvement
Measures of Low Permeable Soil with Geosynthetic Drainage Layers [Poster]
林俊佑、楊國鑫, (2014),“低滲透非塑性粉土內不織布排水效果與改善措施之試驗研究”, 中國土木水利工程學刊,第26卷第2期,中華民國103年6月.[PDF]
Name: Chih-Hao Yang 楊智皓 |
B.S., Nation Taiwan University of Science and Technology |
E-mail:M10005202@mail.ntust.edu.tw |
Reliability-Based Analysis for Internal Stabilities of
Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures incorporating Model Uncertainties
Name: Rizkiyati Amalis Zhuraida 朱萊蓬 |
B.S., Institute Technology of Sepuluh Nopember, Indonesia |
E-mail:liazhuraida@yahoo.com |
Equilibrium Analysis of Multi-tiered Geosynthetic-Reinforced Structures |
Name: Erick Yusuf Kencana 李鉅萬 |
B.S., Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia |
E-mail: erick_yklie@yahoo.com |
Evaluation of Acceleration Amplified Response and Mobilized
Reinforcement Loads within Geosynthetics-Reinforced Structures under
Dynamic Loading
Yang, K-H,Hung, W-Y and Kencana, E.Y., (2013) “Acceleration Amplified
Responses of Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures with a Wide Range
of Input Ground Acceleration”, ASCE Geo-Congress 2013, San Diego, California, March 2013, Geotechnical Special Publication, GSP 231, 1178-1187.[PDF] |
Name: Chia-Yueh Yu 尤嘉龠 |
B.S., National Chung Hsing University |
E-mail: ayuyug0826@hotmail.com |
Reliability-Based Analysis for Internal Stabilities of
Geosynthetic-Reinforced Soil Structures: Considering Earth Pressure and
K-Stiffness Methods and Their Model Uncertainty |
Name: Dai-Ling Liu 劉玳伶 |
B.S., National Chi Nan University |
E-mail: melody0039@gmail.com |
Evaluation of Various Design Methods for Predicting Reinforcement Loads
within Flexible and Rigid Facing Geosynthetics-Reinforced Soil
Yang, K-H, Utomo, P, and Liu, T-L, (2013) “Evaluation of
Force-Equilibrium and Deformation-Based Design Approaches for
Predicting Reinforcement Tension within Geosynthetics-Reinforced Soil
Structures”, Journal of GeoEngineering, Taiwan Geotechnical Society, 8(2), 41-54.[PDF] |
Name:Jyun-Yen Wang 汪俊彥 |
B.S., Tamkang University |
E-mail: owfunk47@hotmail.com |
Experimental Study on Seepage Failure of Uniform and Gap-Graded Soils [Poster]
Yang, K-H, and Wang, J-Y, (2016) “Experiment and Statistical Assessment on Piping Failure of Soils with Different Gradations” Marine Georesources and Geotechnology.[PDF] |
Name: Panji Utomo 陳虎豪 |
B.S., Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia |
E-mail: masclessss@yahoo.com |
Evaluation of Various Design Methods for Predicting Reinforcement
Tension within Geosynthetics-Reinforced Soil Structures
Yang, K-H, Utomo, P, and Liu, T-L, (2013) “Evaluation of
Force-Equilibrium and Deformation-Based Design Approaches for
Predicting Reinforcement Tension within Geosynthetics-Reinforced Soil
Structures”, Journal of GeoEngineering, Taiwan Geotechnical Society, 8(2), 41-54.[PDF] |
Name: Ming-Hung Tsai 蔡明宏 |
B.S., National Taiwan University of Science and Technology |
E-mail: roywindforce@hotmail.com |
Behavior of Reinforced Soil and the Mobilization of Reinforcement Strains using Triaxial Compression Tests [Poster]
M.D.,Yang, K-H, Lee, S-H, Wu, C-S, Tsai, M-H, (2013) “Behavior of
Nonwoven Geotextile-Reinforced Soil and Mobilization of Reinforcement
Strain under Triaxial Compression”, Geosynthetics International, 20(3), 207-225.[PDF] |
Last Update: