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指導學生資料 / Student Profile

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指導學生獲獎 / Student Awards

吳昕明 (2025), 113年度中華民國大地工程學會 大地工程博士論文獎
Ph.D. student, received “Geotechnical Engineering Ph.D. Dissertation Award”, Taiwan Geotechnical Society.

毛馨白 (2025), 113年度中華民國大地工程學會 大地工程碩士論文佳作
Master student, received “Geotechnical Engineering Master Thesis Honorable Mention”, Taiwan Geotechnical Society.

吳俊緯 (2024), 第20屆台灣大地工程研討會 學生論文競賽獎 [Photo]
Ph.D. student, received “Student Paper Contest Award”, The 20th Conference of Taiwan Geotechnical Engineering.

吳昕明 (2024), 112年度臺大工學院研究生院長獎
Ph.D. student, received “Dean’s Award for Graduate Student”, College of Engineering, National Taiwan University.

傅雅萱 (2024), 112年度中華民國大地工程學會 大地工程碩士論文佳作
Master student, received “Geotechnical Engineering Master Thesis Honorable Mention”, Taiwan Geotechnical Society.

吳俊緯 (2023), 臺大優秀青年獎
Ph.D. student, received “NTU Outsanding Youth Award", National Taiwan University.

吳俊緯 (2023), 2023岩盤工程與工程地質研討會 博士論文特優獎 [Photo]
Ph.D. student, received “Best Ph.D. Student Paper Award", Taiwan Rock Engineering and Engineering Geology Conference.

蔣榮 (2023), 111年度中華民國大地工程學會 大地工程博士論文獎 [Photo]
Ph.D. student, received “Geotechnical Engineering Ph.D. Dissertation Award”, Taiwan Geotechnical Society.

林佳靜 (2023), 111年度中華民國大地工程學會 大地工程碩士論文獎 [Photo]
Master student, received “Geotechnical Engineering Master Thesis Award”, Taiwan Geotechnical Society.

蔣榮 (2023), 111年度中華地工材料協會 地工合成材博士論文獎
Ph.D. student, received “Geosynthetics Ph.D. Dissertation Award”, Taiwan Geosynthetics Society.

林佳靜 (2023), 111年度中華地工材料協會 地工合成材碩士論文獎
Master student, received “Geosynthetics Master Thesis Award”, Taiwan Geosynthetics Society.

吳昕明 (2022), 111年度科技部補助博士生赴國外研究(千里馬)計畫
Ph.D. student, received “Ph.D. Student Research Abroad Grant", National Science and Technology Council.

林佳靜 (2022), 第19屆台灣大地工程研討會 學生論文競賽獎 [Photo]
Master student, received “Student Paper Contest Award”, The 19th Conference of Taiwan Geotechnical Engineering.

蔣榮 (2022), 111年度臺大工學院研究生院長獎
Ph.D. student, received “Dean’s Award for Graduate Student”, College of Engineering, National Taiwan University.

林佳靜 (2022), 111年度臺大工學院研究生院長獎
Master student, received “Dean’s Award for Graduate Student”, College of Engineering, National Taiwan University.

Sukrityranjan Samanta (2022), 臺大傑出國際研究生獎學金
Master student in NTU, received “NTU Outstanding International Graduate Student Scholarship”, National Taiwan University.

吳昕明 (2021), 110年度水土保持研討會學生論文獎第一名 [Photo]
Ph.D. student, received “Best Student Paper Award", Taiwan Soil and Water Conservation Conference.

吳昱葵 (2020), 109年度中華民國大地工程學會 大地工程碩士論文獎 [Photo]
Master student, received “Geotechnical Engineering Master Thesis Award”, Taiwan Geotechnical Society.

蔣榮 (2020), 109年度科技部補助博士生赴國外研究(千里馬)計畫
Ph.D. student, received “Ph.D. Student Research Abroad Grant", Ministry of Science and Technology.

呂昕臻 (2019), 108年度中華民國大地工程學會 大地工程碩士論文獎 [Photo]
Master student, received “Geotechnical Engineering Master Thesis Award”, Taiwan Geotechnical Society.

賴兆偉 (2018), 107年度中華民國大地工程學會 大地工程碩士論文獎
Master student, received “Geotechnical Engineering Master Thesis Award”, Taiwan Geotechnical Society.

Nguyen Thanh Son (2018), 獲選參加國際地工合成材研討會青年會議 [Photo]
Ph.D. student, was selected as one of the ten young outstanding members to present his research paper in the IGS Young Members Forum and awarded a certificate in the 11th International Conference on Geosynthetics in Seoul, Korea.

陳均維 (2017), 106年度中華民國大地工程學會 大地工程碩士論文佳作獎
Master student, received “Geotechnical Engineering Master Thesis Horonable Mention Award”, Taiwan Geotechnical Society.

呂育德與黃慶瑜 (2015), 103年度科技部大專生研究創新獎
Undergraduate students, received “Undergraduate Research and Innovation Award”, Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan.

呂育德與黃慶瑜 (2015), 國立台灣科技大學營建系 實務專題第三名
Undergraduate students, received “ˇ3rd Place Prize of the Undergraduate Research Award”, Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, Taiwan Tech.

Joseph Thuo (2014), 獲選參加國際地工合成材研討會青年會議
Master student, was selected as one of the ten young outstanding members to present his research paper in the IGS Young Members Session and invited to joint the festive dinner in the 10th International Conference on Geosynthetics in Berlin, Germany.

葉力瑜 與 Christian Haussner (2014), 國立台灣科技大學營建系 實務專題第二名
Undergraduate students, received “2nd Place Prize of the Undergraduate Research Award”, Department of Civil and Construction Engineering, Taiwan Tech.

劉玳 (2012), 國際地工合成材學生獎-台灣代表 [News] [Photo]
Master student, received “International Geosynthetics Society Student Award”, from the International Geosynthetics Society-Taiwan Chapter, and also receive travel grant to the 2012 Geosynthetics Asia Conference in Bangkok, Thailand.

Erick Y. Kencana (2012), 國際地工合成材學生獎-印尼代表 [News] [Photo]
Master student, received “International Geosynthetics Society Student Award”, from the International Geosynthetics Society-Indonesia Chapter, and also receive travel grant to the 2012 Geosynthetics Asia Conference in Bangkok, Thailand.

徐梓隆與陳世焯 (2011), 國立台灣科技大學 最佳專題(第一名)獎
Undergraduate students, received “1st Place Prize of the Best Undergraduate Student Research Award”, Department of Construction Engineering, Taiwan Tech.


  Last Update: 2025-01-04